anolis standard ads [Page 5]

I´m looking for Anolis equestris 1.1 and Hyalinobatrachium valerioi 0.0.6.

Lizards kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Adult anolis species for Houten  06/10 +2
Sell Lizards

Adult anolis species for Houten 06/10

Anolis Grahami 2.0
Anolis lividus 1.2
Anolis Marmoratus Trois Rivieres 1.1

Looking for
Anolis gemmosus
Anolis alutaceus
Anolis rejectus
Anolis ophiolepis
(Pairs or single animals).
Pick up or animal transport is possible.

Anolis roquet summus 2,1 (NZ 23/24)
Anolis ophiolepis 1,0 (NZ 22)
Anolis christophei 1,0 (NZ 23)

other lizards kaufen und verkaufen Photo: HAMM 1.0 Male Anolis marmoratus marmoratus 'capesterre'
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HAMM 1.0 Male Anolis marmoratus marmoratus 'capesterre'

Ich biete zum Verkauf:

1.0 Anolis marmoratus marmoratus 'capesterre' adult Male

Übergabe in Hamm.

40,00 €

Biete Nachzuchten:
1.2 Podarcis siculus klemmeri
0.0.4 Anolis bartschi
1.1 Takydromus smaragdinus
2.1 Takydromus dorsalis
0.0.4 Phelsuma klemmeri
0.0.2 Platysaurus intermedius
reihe 1

Looking for Anole species:

Single animals, pairs...

Anolis angusticeps
Anolis barbouri
Anolis aliniger
Anolis loysiana
Anolis sericeus

Lizards kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Got a bunch of Anolis roquets roquet +2
Sell Lizards

Got a bunch of Anolis roquets roquet

I have a good amount of CB of Anolis roquet roquet this year.
For sale at the moment are 5.3 anolis roquet roquet. But there will be more in Dezember.
There fathers are WF roquet roquet "mapu"
And the mothers are captive breed roquet roquet from the "line" trois ilet.

Lizards kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Male Anolis sabanus for sell +2
Sell Lizards

Male Anolis sabanus for sell

I am selling some of my Anolis sabanus males.
Some of them have somehow a dewlap with spots in them. They are all brothers so it means that they all should have the genetic.
No idea how special that is but I haven't seen a sabanus with spots in his dewlap before.

other lizards kaufen und verkaufen Photo: SEARCHING for Anolis trinitatis 1.1 or 1.2
Sell other lizards

SEARCHING for Anolis trinitatis 1.1 or 1.2


Im on the market for 1.1 or 1.2 od Anolis trinitatis.

Hamm 14.
Gebe ab wegen Bestandsumstellung: 2,0 Cyrtodactylus peguensis, auch einzeln.
1,2 Anolis carolinensis, jung-mittelalt, schon Eierlegend.

other lizards kaufen und verkaufen Photo: I am interested in Anolis sp. TO BY!
Search other lizards

I am interested in Anolis sp. TO BY!

I am in search of:
Anolis Baracoae
Anolis Conspersus
Anolis Garmani
Anolis Grahami
Anolis Equestris Potior
Anolis Inderenae

Lizards kaufen und verkaufen Photo: To offer Anolis bahorucoensis +2
Sell Lizards

To offer Anolis bahorucoensis

I have to offer for the Hamm (14-09-2024)

1-1 Anolis bahorucoensis
1-0 Anolis bahorucoensis

Table, row 1, Sander van der Spek

other lizards kaufen und verkaufen Photo: SEARCHING FOR | Anolis marmoratus ssp. |
Search other lizards

SEARCHING FOR | Anolis marmoratus ssp. |

I serarching for A marmoratus ssp.

Prefare sexed animals 1.1 or 1.2.

Send me a message. Will be in Hamm Sept 7th.


0.0.5 Pumilio Punta Laurent
1.2.0 Pumilio Valle del Rey

0.2.2 Small RedHead (Tesoros)
1.0.0 Tado (Tesoros)
1.0.0 Yellow Saddlebag (Tesoros)
0.1.0 Bahia Solano (Tesoros)
1.0 Cream

0.0.2 Diablo

1.0 Grahami
1.0 Bahorucoensis

1.1 Vittatus
1.1 Machelae

AVAILABLE: Hamm September

Lizards kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Lizard to feed for saurophage snake
Search Lizards

Lizard to feed for saurophage snake

I am looking for hamm

A batch of lizards to feed saurophagous snakes.
It doesn't matter if there are bits of tail missing, legs missing...
Similar sized lizard to juvenile pogonas, anolis, hemidactylus, correlophus...
Thank you in advance

Looking for Hamm.

Sri Lankan and South East Asian Agamids
(Calotes, Ceratophora and Cophotis species).

Furcifer lateralis.

Anolis bombiceps.

Any help would be appreciated.

Looking for Calotes Calotes, ideally a young pair. Also interested in crown anolis such as Smallwoodi or Garmani

Lizards kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Anolis, Uranoscodon, Oreocryptophis, Gonyosoma,... +2
Sell Lizards

Anolis, Uranoscodon, Oreocryptophis, Gonyosoma,...

Offer for Hamm on 14.09.2024 or Živá exotika in Prague

Oreocryptophis porphyraceus coxi 10,11 CB 2024
Oreocryptophis porphyraceus laticinctus 3,2 CB 2024
Oreocryptophis porphyraceus pulchra 8,9 CB 2024
Euprepiophis mandarinus Vietnam 1,0 CB 2023
Gonyosoma prasinum 1,2 CB 2022
Gonyosoma frenatum 1,0 CB 2022
Anolis baracoae blue line 2,2 CB 7/2024
Anolis smalwoodii 3,0 CB 2/2024
Anolis equestris potior 9,4 CB 6,7,8/2024
Anolis equestris potior 2,0 CB 8/2023
Uranoscodon superciliosus 5,0 CB 2021
Nebulifera robusta 3,3 CB 2023
Cyrtodactylus (Geckoella) decanensis 6,0 CB 2023

More infos in private message
best regards
Josef Bene

Ich suche Nachzuchten von Anolis cybotes, Aristelliger expectatus und Aristelliger lar, auch Einzeltiere. Angebote gerne direkt mit Preis und Foto.

I am looking for Anolis cybotes, Aristelliger expectatus and Aristelliger lar, also single animals considered. Would be delighted to receive offers directly with price and photo.