Wanted standard ads [Page 5]

Looking for an adult pair of Basiliscus basiliscus. Please contact me and send pictures of ACTUAL animals.
Thank you!

Turtles kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Leucistic /Platinum Carettochelys insculpta
Search Turtles

Leucistic /Platinum Carettochelys insculpta

Wanted Leucistic/Platinum Carettochelys insculpta

Willing to travel to collect or have delivered
Any size considered . Quality must be good

Search Feeder animals

Crickets wanted, frozen ok

Wanted: Crickets, 10-30 kg
I need them shipped to Denmark. Live or frozen


I'm going to Budapest and I wanted to see if there are any lizards breeders or keepers there that I can come visit and buy lizards from them. I'm mainly on the lookout for frilled lizards...
If someone here can help me out, please send me an email...



I'm traveling to Budapest and I wanted to see if there are any snake breeders or keepers that I can come visit and buy snakes from them.
If you know someone\you live there and you can help me out I will really appreciate that!


Search Spiders and Scorpions

Search Männchen, males wanted

Males sub or adult

1.0 A.sp amazonia
2.0 S.birupes
1.0 P.pennellhewlettorum
2.0 P.victorii
1.0 C.sp hatihati
2.0 P.everetti
1.0 P.sp kolumbien
2.0 X.immanis
1.0 T.stirmi

Spiders and Scorpions kaufen und verkaufen Photo: WANTED: Jumping spiders & more UK
Search Spiders and Scorpions

WANTED: Jumping spiders & more UK


I am looking for jumping spiders, jewel Tarantular and all other insects at trade price for my store! Please email me cameron@bugboxuk.co.uk or WhatsApp +4407908179251 thanks!

ISO grown on/ adult female Brachylophus fasciatus to pair with my male. Enclosure and money waiting,
Thank you in advance

WhatsApp- ‪+44 7387 074062‬
Email- finnmarly@hotmail.co.uk


i am looking for albino carpet python /albino jaguar/albino morphs
and can pick up at houten ( snakeday )
please reply if you have any for sale please



Search Monitor lizards

Varanus similis Wanted

Looking for 1.1 or larger groups of varanus similis.

Search other spiders

True spiders wanted to Norway

Searching for True Spiders.
Lycosa, Hogna, Hoggicosa, Rabida, Sicarius, Cerbalus, Latrodectus.
Juveniles and bigger
Paying with PayPal
Must be able to ship to Norway

Looking for Macrothele gigas adults
Will consider juveniles
Must be able to ship to ????????

Looking for various European snake species, specifically;

Please get in touch if you have anything available, or know of anyone else that may.

Search Scorpions

H swammerdami wanted.

Hi does anyone have any swammerdami available and are able to ship to the uk thanks

Hi has anyone got the following
Heteroctenus junceus
Nebo grandis
Opistophthalmus pallipes
H. Troglodytes
Uroplectes fischeri

Im looking for a trusted seller of live beetles - adults and grubs

Im looking for a supplier of tarantulas, true spider and scorpions as well as other invertebrate species

I'm looking for a baby to juvenile Python Reticulatus. Shipment to Finland necessary. A normal wild type is preferred.

Contact info: kontsa340@hotmail.com

Lizards kaufen und verkaufen Photo: 1.0 Brachylophus fasciatus +2
Sell Lizards

1.0 Brachylophus fasciatus

Up for sale.

1.0 Brachylophus fasciatus.

One outstanding male. Nice blue colors. I wanted to breed this one myself due to some unusual colors of stillborn in the same clutch.
Butt need the money for an other project. So this one is up for offers...

In the pics you can see the mother and father of this male.

Search Venomous snakes

wanted the following venomous

Looking for ophiophagus hannah any size

also other venomous species are of interest.
Ideally within the UK