Wanted standard ads [Page 3]

I am looking for Siliquofera grandis eggs that can be shipped to Romania. Please send any offer, everything.

Snakes kaufen und verkaufen Photo: WANTED: Blue phase Philodryas baroni
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WANTED: Blue phase Philodryas baroni

I am looking for blue phase Philodryas baroni, males and females, any age considered

Snakes kaufen und verkaufen Photo: snakes for next Ziva exotika in Prague (CZ)
Sell Snakes

snakes for next Ziva exotika in Prague (CZ)

Youngs 2023
Lampropeltis pyromelana knoblochi, from two diferent blood lines (with F1) - perfect eaters!!!
Vipera ammodytes ammodytes from Ada Bojana - yellow line
Trimeresurus (Viridovipera) gumprechti VIET: Sapa - from twoo diferent blood lines, last pair or group 1,2

Daboia palestinae - adult group 2,2

more info per e-mail or on website https://viperazvdf.wbs.cz/odchovy_-offer_-wanted.html

Snakes kaufen und verkaufen Photo: actual offer of youngs 2023:
Sell Snakes

actual offer of youngs 2023:

Lampropeltis pyromelana knoblochi (twoo bloodline F1 and F2)
Trimeresurus gumprechti SaPa (1,1 or 1,2)
Vipera ammodytes from Ada (yellow line)
more info per e-mail or on website: https://viperazvdf.wbs.cz/odchovy_-offer_-wanted.html

Looking for Adults Lophosaurus Dilophus Pairs preferred. Looking for Hypsilurus Binotatus, Hypsilurus Papuensis orany other odd ball Hyspilurus. No scammers please.

Searching for Oligodon bitorquatus, for collection Houten Snakeday.

I am looking for a 0.1 Cornsnake Palmetto or 100% het for Palmetto. From 2020 or 2021. The snake should be able to breed in 2024.

Please send me a DM if you have a snake for sale!

Pickup in Houten on Snakeday.

Wanted Abronia taeniata (any), lythrochila (male juvenile or adult).
Also graminea possible (any).
Am experienced keeper looking for new bloodlines of taeniata & lythros, and used to keep graminea.

Looking for:
Amereega trivitatta green stripe (1.0 but happy with 0.0.x)
Amereega pepperi (any)
Theloderma auratum (any)
Phyllomedusa hypochondrialis (any)

Message me what you have

Geckos kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Wanted 1.3 Phelsuma quadriocellata
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Wanted 1.3 Phelsuma quadriocellata

Wanted for upcoming Houten Fair!!!
1.3 Phelsuma quadriocellata
If you have any available, please contact me!

Looking for Gastrotheca peruana and Theloderma auratum.
UK ideal but also Hamm & Houten.
All ages including tadpoles welcome.
Please email with your offering.

As ad title says looking for females of above species to join my 3 adult males to hopefully create a breeding group money waiting for good healthy specimens - photos and history along with colour phase of animals offered appreciated. As I am based in UK (Scotland) lizards offered for sale closer to home would be more suitable but would consider courier but costs might be prohibitive
I will be attending IHS on the 17th September and would be an ideal place to meet

I’m looking for captive bred with papers

Epidalea calamita
Alytes muletensis

For collection at hamm in September

I am looking for a snake over 2 years old bloodred pied sided
males and females.

Trioceros jacksonii jacksonii CB wanted, for Hounten. I required the animals to have cites documentation to prove they are cb when entering my country.

Looking for all Oligodon species apart from purpurascens. Can collect from European shows.

Also looking for Calamaria sp., but don't expect to find any ????????

Snakes kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Corallus caninus and B.c.c Peru,surinam
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Corallus caninus and B.c.c Peru,surinam

Only Female
Corallus caninus
B.c.c Peru
B.c.c Surinam


I like to look for Diamondback Terrapin Ornate 100% the albino. I know that several pairs of people have in Europe. Let me know. Thank you. mail:

Zamenis situla
Orthriophis moellendorffi
antaresia spp
vipera amodytes
agkistrodon contortrix

ophisaurus apodus
varanus niloticus baby

avicularia metalica


Search other Arthropoda

Small species of Amblypygi wanted

I'm looking for a a phrynus sp. or a other small species of Amblypygi that is beginner friendly. If you sell something let me know. I think I will be at the reptilefair in Houten (The Netherlands) February 26th