Vipera standard ads [Page 5]

Search Venomous snakes
Venomous to UK crotalus and vipera
I'm searching for crotalus and vipera species to be delivered to the UK.
Thanks Jessy
Search Venomous snakes
Venomous to UK crotalus and vipera
I am looking for crotalus sp and vipera sp to be sent to the UK.
Thanks Jessy
Sell Venomous snakes
Venomus snakes for sale
0.1 Hemachatus haemachatus Kokstad LTC
0.1 Hemachatus haemachatus New castle LTC
0.1 Trimeresurus purpomaculatus CB 2020
2.2 Vipera ammodytes ammodytes Ada Bojana CB 2018
1.2 Aspidelaps lubricus lubricus CB 2016, CB 2017
1.0 Cerastes cerastes CB 2017
0.1 Cerastes cerastes CB 2019
2.1 Crotalus pyrrhus WHITE CB 2019
1.1 Trimeresurus trigonocephalus CB 2020
Trade only for Corallus caninus
Possible deliver to Amsterdam in June
Vipera Premium ads [Page 5]
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