Poecilotheria metallica standard ads [Page 2]
Search for houten avic pampho stroma etc
I search for houten (febuary)
Sling min 2 cm bl
Avicularia sp
Versicolor (sub too)
Pamphobeteus sp
P metallica
Other Poecilotheria
Suche poecilotheria spiderlinge ab 1fh
Hi will wieder mit dem Hobby beginnen und suche poecilotheria spiderlinge ab der 1fh aber bin auch an anderen baumbewohnenden Arten interessiert einfach melden wer da was zu Abgaben hat. Mfg Toni
Verschiedene Vogelspinnen und Insekten
- 1,0 Kochiana brunnipes RH verm. 6/24 10€
- 2,0 Vitalius chromatus RH 8/24 &9/24 je 15€
- 2,0 Tliltocatl vagans RH 9/24 je 15€
- 1,0 Chilob. vietnam blue RH ca.10/24 20€
- 3,0 A. geniculata ca.5cm+ Kl 18€/Stück
- 1,0 Lasiodora parahybana ca.5cm Kl 20€
- 1,0 Nhandu tripepii ca.4,5-5cm Kl 20€
- A.geniculata ca.2cm+ Kl 20€/ca.3cm+ Kl30€
- Ceratogyrus darlingi ca.3,5cm Kl 35€
- Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens ca. 2cm+ Kl 40€/ ca. 3,5-4cm Kl 55€
- Cyriocosmus ritae adult 75€
- H. pulchripes adult 75€/ca. 4,5cm Kl 60€
- Davus pentaloris adult 50€
- Kochiana brunnipes ca. 2,5cm Kl 30€
- N. tripepii ca.2cm Kl 25€/ca.3,5-4cm Kl 45€
- Psalmopoeus irminia adult 45€
- Psalmopoeus victori NZ 2020 adult 110€
- Pterinochilus murinus RCF ca.3,5cm Kl 35€
- T.albopilosus Nic.ca.3,5cm+ Kl 30€/adult 50€
- Vitalius chromatus ca. 3cm Kl 23€
- Acanthoscurria geniculata ca.2cm+ Kl 10€
- Brachypelma klaasi ca.1cm+ Kl 20€
- Birupes simoroxigorum N3 35€
- Bumba horrida ca. 1,5cm+ Kl 18€
- Caribena versicolor ENZ'5/24 N4-5 8€,5x35€
- Chilobrachys fimbriatus ca.1,5-2 cm Kl 10€
- Chilobrachys sp. vietnam blue ca.2,5cm Kl 17€
- Chroma. cyaneopubescens ca.2cm+ Kl 20€
- Davus pentaloris ENZ N4 7€, 5x30€, 10x45€
- Grammostola pulchripes ca.2cm Kl 17€
- Heteroscodra maculata ca.1,5 cm Kl 10€
- Megaphobema robustum ca. 2,5cm+ Kl 25€
- Nhandu tripepii ca.2cm Kl 15€
- Orphnaecus sp. blue quezon N6-7 10€
- Orphnaecus philippinus ca.2cm+ Kl 20€
- Poecilotheria metallica ca.2,5-3cm Kl 33€
- Psalmopoeus victori N3-4 20€
- Pseudhapalopus sp blue N5-6 16€
- Pseudhapalopus sp Kolumbien N5-6 25€
- P. murinus RCF ca.1,5-2cm Kl 15€
- Tliltocatl albopilosus Nic. ca.2,5cm+ Kl 15€
- Vitalius chromatus ca.1cm Kl 9€
- Sowie Sungaya inexpectata, verschiede Schaben auf Anfrage, Anadenobolus monilicornis

Vogelspinnen, Grammostola, Lasiodorides, Poecilotheria
Biete zur Abholung Nähe Rendsburg oder Versand (bei geeigneten Temperaturen)
1.0 Poecilotheria rufilata subadult 25,-

Verschiedene Vogelspinnen zur Abgabe!
-Brachypelma hamorii 3-4cm kl 40€
-Chilobrachys natanicharum 2-3cm kl 20€
-Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens 2-3cm kl 35€
-Heteroscodra maculata Fh2-3/4€ (10 pcs/35€)
-Lasiodora parahybana sub-adult/25€
-Pamphobeteus sp. mascara sub♀️40€
-Poecilotheria striata♀️6-7cm kl 150€ Vb
-Psalmopoeus cambridgei Fh2-3/4€(10 pcs/35€)
-Theraphosa blondi 5-6cm kl 90€
Versand ist Europaweit möglich.

Für Selbstabholer in Kreischa bei Dresden
Oder für die Börse in Berlin am 2.2.25
Brachypelma auratum 1.FH. 18,00 €
Phormictopus cancerides 1.-2.FH.8,00 €
Poecilotheria striata 3.-4..FH. 10,00 €
Theraphosa blondi 3.FH. 50,00 €
Haploclastus devamatha 3.-4. FH. 40,00 €
Birupes simoroxigorum 3.FH. 30,00 €
Ephebopus uatuman 2.-3. FH. 25,00 €
Orphnaecus sp.blue Panay 1.FH. 6,00 €
Hysterocrates hercules 2.FH.7,00 €
Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens 2.FH. 10,00 €
Lasiodora striatipes 2. FH. 5,00 € /10 stk.40,00 €
Caribena versicolor 2.-3.FH.10,00 €
Xenesthis immanis 3.FH. 40,00 €
Poecilotheria metallica 3.-4.FH.35,00 €
Theraphosa stirmi 3.FH. 55,00 €
0.1Ybyrapora sooretama ca.3cm 90 €
Ybyrapora sooretama 2.-3. FH. 15,00 €
Pelinobius muticus 2.FH. 13,00 €
Nhandu carapoensis 3.-4.FH. 15,00 €
Lasiodorides polycuspulatus 2.-3.FH.15,00 €
Pterinochilus murinus dcf „Mikumi“ 3.-4.FH. 15,00 €
Grammostola anthracina 3.FH.50,00€
Acanthoscurria geniculata (Publikationsnachweis auf HP.)
seltene NZ.4.-5. FH 25,00 €
Acanthoscurria sp. ca.2cm 25,00 €
0.2 Poecilotheria striata ca.5 cm stk. 75,00 €
0.2 Nhandu coloratovillosum ca.3 cm stk. 45,00 €
1.0 Xenesthis megascopula ca.4,5 cm 150,00 €
Nhandu tripepii 3.FH. 10,00 €
Grammostola pulchra 3.-4. FH. 25,00 €
Megaphobema robustum 2.FH. 18,00 €
Aphonopelma chalcodes 2.-3.FH.25,00 €
Cyriocosmus elegans 3.-4.FH. 15,00 €
Catumiri parvum 3.-4.FH. 20,00 €
Brachypelma auratum ca.1cm 25,00 €
Tliltocatl (Brachypelma) kahlenbergi 3.FH.8,00 €
Nhandu coloratovillosum ca.1,5 cm 15,00 € 5 stk.65,00 €
Phormictopus cochleasvorax 5.-6. FH.50,00 €
u.v.m. auf www.haarigeachtbeiner.de
Suche ständig Nachzuchten von Vogelspinnen - Angebote bitte mit Preisvorstellung.
Liste für Hamm
Biete für Messe Hamm
1.1 Chilobrachys nataricharum ca. 2cm Kl zusammen 15€
4.3 Citharacanthus cyaneus ca. 3cm Kl
( 0.1 30€, 1.0 15€ )
0.1 Ornithoctonus aureotibialis adult 40€
0.12 Monocentropus balfouri adult ( zwei 6er Gruppen ) Pro Gruppe 180€
0.0.7 Haplopelma vonwirthi ca. 4. Fh Stück 10€zusammen 50€
0.0.5 Megaphobema robustum 2.Fh ENZ: 11/24 Stück 10€
1.0 Lyrognathus giannisposatoi sub 30€
1.0 Lyrognathus giannisposatoi Rh: 12/24 30€
2.0 Psednocnemis brachyramosa Rh: 10/24 beide noch fit Stück 20€
1.0 Poecilotheria striata ca. 4cm kl 10€

Spiders for sale - females / rares
Females :
1. Ceratogyrus brachycephalus HF adult - 60 €
2. Chilobrachys sp blue vietnam adult - 20 €
3. Harpactira dictator adult - 55 €, 2 x - 100 €
4. Haploclastus devamatha adult - 200 €
5. Idiothele mira adult - 40 €
6. Monocentropus balfouri adult - 50 €, 2 x - 85 €, 4 x - 145 €
7. Ornithoctoninae sp Veronica (not dwarf !) adult - 240 €
8. Phormingochilus arboricola 4 cm - 40 €, 2 x - 65 €
9. Phormingochilus sp rufus – adult - 45 €
10. Poecilotheria ornata adult - 45 €
11. Pterinochilus lugardi adult pair - 80 €
12. Pterinochilus murinus DCF Mikumi - sub/adult 4 cm - 50 €, 2 x - 90 €, 4 x - 170 €
13. Pterinochilus murinus DCF Mikumi adult XL - 60 €
14. Ornithoctoninae sp honsej hana – 0.1 adult - 550
15. Ornithoctoninae sp honsej Ludmila – 0.1 adult - 550 €
Unsexed :
Amazonius burgessi – 3 ins - 5 €
Brachypelma vagans – 4 cm - 20 €
Bumba cabocla – 1 cm – 0.0.5 - 5 € pc / 15 € 5 pcs
Cyriopagopus lividus – 1,5 cm – 0.0.3 - 12 € / ks - 3 pcs
Cyriopagopus sp valhalla – 2-3 cm - 0.0.3 - 100 € - 280 € - 3 pcs
Holothele longipes – 2 cm 0.0.2 - 10 € pc / 20 € 2 pcs
Ornithoctoninae sp honsej hana – 0.0.4 3 cm - 300 € pc - 1000 € - 4 pcs
Ornithoctoninae sp Kaeng Krachan – 2 cm – 0.0.4 - 25 € / pc 80 € pcs
Ornithoctoninae sp ranong blue – 3 ins – 50 €
Ornithoctoninae sp Veronica – 0.0.8 – 3 ins - 60 € /pc - 385 € - 8 pcs
Ornithoctoninae sp Vietnam silver – 3 cm – 0.0.3 – 80 €
Poecilotheria tigrinawesseli – 3 cm - 20 €
Pterinochilus murinus RCF – 4 cm 0.0.2 - 20 € pc / 35 € 2 pcs
If you wish to take more at once feel free to discuss prices.
I m from Slovakia but I can ship with styrobox and heatpack. If you willing to pay courrier and safe packing and take your own risk I can do my best for safety shipping . Email - denis.cico@gmail.com
Suche VS Männchen im Raum Darmstadt
Ich suche männliche Exemplare von
- Monocentropus balfouri
- Acanthoscurria geniculata
- Poecilotheria metallica
für die Verpaarung.
Kein Versand, nur Abholung und deswegen Raum Darmstadt.
~10 - 15 Euro.
LG David

Poecilotheria striata 1.0 Männchen
Hallo ihr Lieben,
biete hier ein Männchen von P. striata zum Verkauf. Nur Abholung in Tübingen, bitte an entsprechende Verpackung denken. Abgabe natürlich mit Papieren.
Geburt: Mai 2022
Reifehäutung: September 2024
Hoffe, dass er noch jemandem zur Verpaarung dienen kann :).
Preis: 30€
searching for arachnids
Hi, i'm looking for :
1.0 Psalmopoeus langenbucheri
1.0 Stromatopelma calceatum
1.0 Cyriopagopus sp. '' Sumatran Tiger ''
1.0 Poecilotheria rufilata
1.0 Poecilotheria regalis
0.1 Poecilotheria hanumavilasumica
1.0 Tityus smithii
0.1 Tityus fasciolatus
ADULT fresh MALES of following species for HAMM :
Caribiena versicolor 2,0 - RH 10/24 - á 35€
Ornithoctoninae spec. „Vietnam Silver”- 2,0-RH 9-10/24 á 75€
Chilobrachys fimbriatus 5,0 - RH 10-11/24 á 20€
Pterinochilus murinus rcf 5,0 - RH 10-11/24 - á 20€
Pelinobius muticus 2,0 - RH 10/24 - á 45€
Psalmopoeus victori 1,0 -RH 11/24 - á 45€
Poecilotheria tigrinawesseli 2,0-RH 10/24 - á 30€
Poecilotheria smithi - 2,0-RH 11/24 - á 30€
Poecilotheria rufilata - 1,0 - RH 10/24 small size - á25€
Poecilotheria formosa - 4,0 - RH 9-10/24 - á30€
subadult - á 30€
Monocentropus balfouri - 6,0 - RH 10-12/24- á20€
Pterinopelma sazimai - 1,0- RH 9/24 - 20€
e-mail: m.habal@centrum.cz
1.0 Neoholothele fasciaaurinigra
Adult 1.0 Neoholothele fasciaaurinigra (12/24) 150,-
Adult 2.0 Poecilotheria striata (11/24) 10,-

Diverse Vogelspinnen zur Abgabe
Hier biete ich diverse Vogelspinnen zur Abgabe
Aus Hobbyzucht und Eigene Nachzuchten:
Lasicyano sazimai 2,5cm Kl 30€
Tilitocatl vagans 3 cm Kl 25€
Poecilotheria regalis 6cm Kl 80€
Caribena versicolor rh(09.24) 25€
Hetroscodra maculata sub 15€
Harpactira pulchripes rh (10.24) 25€
Heteroscodra maculata ENZ 3-4fh 5€
Brachypelma hamorii 1cm Kl 0.0.1 20€
Abholung in 91…
Auch Tausch möglich :)
Oder Versand bei geeigneten Temperaturen
(Styrobox und Heatpack natürlich) Für 10€

Verkauf meiner Vogelspinnen mit Terrarien
Suche nach einem Käufer für:
1× Acanthoscurria geniculata ca. 16-18 cm.
1× Brachypelma smithi ca. 14 cm.
1× Grammostola pulcha ca. 14-15 cm.
1× Grammostola pulcha ca. 3,5 cm.
1× Poecilotheria regalis ca. 16-18 cm.
2× Monocentropus balfouri ca. 8-9 cm.
2× Brachypelma vagans ca. 4-5 cm.
1× Sling ca. 2 cm Gattung??
Verkauf nur alle zusammen Inc. der Terrarien in denen sie sich befinden. (Glas, Kunststoff von 8×8×8 - 30×30×20 bzw 20×20×40 (regalis)
Hab mich immer gut gekümmert und muss sie nun leider wiederwillig abgeben wegen Nachwuchs (Homosapien)
250€ Festpreis
Wenn Interesse besteht kann auch noch für 50€ Zubehör dazu erworben werden.
(Heizrohre, Terrarien Glas & Kunststoff, Deko, Pinzetten, bisschen Substrat und Moos.)
Nur Abholer !
Fragen und Bilder über WhatsApp
Suche Poecilotheria Slings
Hello, bin auf der Suche nach folgenden Spinnen:
Poecilotheria ornata
Poecilotheria spec. lowland
Am liebsten wäre mir Selbstabholung in Kärnten, Steiermark....
Lg. Christoph

Poecilotheria metallica weiblich mit Terraium
Ich verkaufe meine Poecilotheria Metallica weiblich mit Terraium aus Privaten Gründen.
150€ dabei ist noch eine Heizlampe und 2 elektronische Thermostate.
Bei fragen könnt ihr mir gerne schreiben.
Bitte nur Abholung.
Looking for December Hamm
Looking for 1.0 Poecilotheria metallica
verschiedene Vogelspinnen abzugeben
Hallo, wegen Bestandsreduzierung gebe ich einige meiner Vogelspinnen ab. Gerne auch mit Terrarium.
0.1 Brachypelma boehmei adult 100€
0.1 Poecilotheria tigrinawesseli 100€
0.1 Tlitocatl albipolosus 50€
0.1 Lasiodora parahybana 50€
0.1 Pamphobeteus sp. machala 60€
1.0 Phormictopus sp. dominican purple RH: 09/24 50€
Aufgrund der aktuellen Temperaturen, ausschließlich Abholung in 65812.

Poecilotheria regalis 0.0.X
Hallo, meine Poecilotheria
regalis hatte Babys und diese suchen ein neues zuhause. Es sind noch alles Slings und sind in der 2ten Fresshaut.
Falls Interesse besteht oder ihr Fragen habt könnt ihr mir gerne schreiben.
Dies wären meine Preise:
für ein Sling 10
für 5 Slings 45
für 10 Slings 85
Poecilotheria metallica Premium ads [Page 2]

SpidersForge Hamm 14.12/Terraplaza 15.12 prorders - 15% discount
Last chance for preorders we have table on RG
0.0.40 Phormingochilus sp. Akcaya 1fh 30€
0.0.30 Phormingohilus sp.rufus 2fh 12€/3x30€/10x70€
0.0.20 Phormingohilus arboricola (ex.Borneo black) 2fh 7€/
0.0.10 Phormingochilus everetti 2fh 25€/3x 65€
0.0.20 Pseughapalopus sp. Blue 2fh 14€/5x 50€
0.0.30 Phormictopus auratus 2fh 8€/3x 20€
0.0.20 Phormictopus atrichomatus 1/2fh 15€
0.0.10 Phormictopus cancerides 1/2fh 13€
0.0.30 Selenocosmia crassipes 3FH 10€/5x 40€
0.0.20 Selenocosmia sp.Koridllera 2/3fh 15€
0.0.40 Stromatopelma calceatum 3FH 5€/5x 20€
0.0.50 Thrixopelma pruriens 2/3fh 8€/3x 20€
0.0.40 Thrixopelma cyaneolum blue 1/2FH 20€/5x 90€
0.0.40 Thrixopelma cyaneolum Red1/2FH 27€/3x 75€
0.0.100 Thrigmopoeus truculentus 2fh 12€/5x40€/30x 210€
0.0.70 Tapinauchenius plumipes(ex violaceus ) 2fh 4€/5x 15€/50x 110€
0.0.300 Tliltocatl albopilosus nicaragua 2fh 4€/
0.0.10 Typochaena seladonia 1/2fh 75€/3x 200€
0.0.10 Theraphosidae sp. mandarin 3fh 55€
0.0.20 Ybyrapora diveripes 3fh 19€
0.0.30 Xenesthis intermdia 1fh 50€
0.0.50 Theraphosa blondi 1fh 50€
Other :
0.0.30 Cupiennius salei 3FH 8€
0.0.40 Heteropoda boiei 3/4fh 18€
0.0.20 Heteropoda davidbowie 2/3fh 17€
0.0.100 Heteropoda tetrica 2fh 18€/10x120€/50x250€/100x 400€/ 200x 700€/300x900€
0.0.100 Holconia murrayensis 3fh 14€/10x 100€/50x 400€
0.0.50 Piloctenus haematostoma 2fh 12€/5x 50€
0.0.20 Phidippus regius bahamas 4/5fh female 30€/male 25€
0.0.20 Phidippus regius soroa female 4/5fh female 30€/male 25€
0.0.20 Phidippus regius rastafari 4/5fh female 30€/male 25€
0.0.50 Eresus walckenaeri orange ring Mountanatica 3fh 18€ /3x 45€/10x 100€
0.0.20 Eresus elhenawy 3/4fh 22€
0.0.10 Latrodectus menavodi female subadult 22€
0.0.10 Latrodectus cintus female subadult 25€
0.0.10 Latrodectus pallidus female semiadult 25€
0.0.40 Scolopendra subspinipes Red Legs 45€/10x 350€
0.0.100 Heterometrus silenus subadult 20€/Pairs 35€/20x300€
0.0.10 Uroplectes vittatus subadult/adult 40€/ 4/5FH 30€
Male :
Avicularia braunshauseni 2bcm 35€
Acantoscuria geniculata 2-2.5bcm 7€
Ceratogyrus sanderi 2bcm 25€
Ceratogyrus darlingi 2bcm 7€
Cymbiapophysa velox 2.5bcm 40€
Chromatopelma cyanopubescens 2.5bcm 17€
Chromatopelma cyanopubescens 3.5bcm 25€
Chilobrachys sp blue vietnam 2.5bcm 7€
Chilobrachys fimbriatus 2-2.5 bcm 8€
Holothele longipes 2-2.5bcm 14€
Heteroscodra maculata 2bcm 7€
Harpactira baviana 2.5bcm 20€
Harpactira pulchripes 2bcm 10€
Hysterocrates gigas 2bcm 8€
Nhandu tripepi 2bcm 10€
Linothele sericata 2.5bcm 12€
Lasiodora parahybana 3bcm 7€
Pterinopelma sazimai 4BL 15€
Pamphobeteus sp.magnenegra 3-4bcm 35€
Pamphobeteus sp. mascara 3-4bcm 30€
Pamphobeteus sp.Insignis ekwador 3-4bcm 40€
Pamphobeteus sp. costa 3-4bcm 45€
Pamphobeteus cascada 3-4bcm 30€
Pterinochilus murinus usambara 2.5-3 bcm 7€
Pterinochilus murinus DCF KIGOMA 2-2.5bcm 14€
Pelinobius muticus 3bcm 25€
Poecilotheria ornata 3.5-4bcm 22€
Poecilotheria tigrinawesseli 3BL 22€
Psalmopoeus reduncus 3bcm 10€
Psalmopoeus victori 3bcm 35€
Psalmopoeus pulcher 3bcm 12€
Psalmopoeus irminia 2.5bcm 8€
Theraphosa blondi 2-2.5bcm 35€
Adult male :
Cyriocosmus aueri 15.10 25€ x2
Ch.sp.blue vietnam 20.10 15€
H.namaquensis 20.10 35€ x2
H.dictator 20.11.35€
H.baviana 15.10 30€ x2
H.longipes 05.11 15€ x2
X.sp.Blue 10.10 300€
P.cancerides 20.11 75€
P.sp.machala 20.11 60€
P.auratus 10.10 35€

SpidersForge Hamm14.12/Terraplaza 15.12 prorders - 15% discount
Last chance for prorders. We have table on RG
Slings :
0.0.20 Abdomegaphobema mesomela 1/2FH 115€/3x 330€
0.0.20 Anquasha sp. blue 1/2FH 75€/3x 210€
0.0.700 Ami sp. panama 2fh 12€/3x 24€/10x 50€/100x300€
0.0.20 Neischnocolus ex. Ami iquitos 1fh 22€/5x90€
0.0.30 Amazonicus germani (ex.Pseudoclamoris gigas) 2/3fh 5€/3x 12€
0.0.10 Aphonopelma henzti 2/3.FH 20€
0.0.10 Aphonopelma chalcodes 2/3fh 22€
0.0.10 Avicularia juruensis (ex.peru purple) 2/3fh 15€
0.0.50.Avicularia purpurea 1.FH 22€/3x 60€
0.0.30 Brachypelma boehmei 2/3fh 8€
0.0.50 Brachypelma albiceps 2/3fh 9€/3x 25€
0.0.50 Brachypelma hamorii 2.FH 8€/3x 20€
0.0.200 Bumba horrida 1.FH 8€/3x 20€/10x 50€
0.0.50 Birupes simoroxigorum 2fh 40€/3x 90€/10x200€
0.0.10 Coremiocnemis hoggi 4fh 65€
0.0.20 Cyriopagopus sp. Hati hati 1fh 5€/3x12€
0.0.10 Cyriopagopus minax 2fh 20€
0.0.40 Cyriopagopus lividus 2fh 10€/3x 25€
0.0.10 Cyriopagopus sp. Sumatran Tiger 2/3fh 22€
0.0.70 Chilobrachys sp.blue vietnam 2.FH 5€/3x 12€
0.0.30 Chilobrachys huahini 3fh 5€/3x12€/
0.0.30 Chilobrachys fimbriatus 2fh 5€/3x 12€
0.0.50 Chilobrachys sp. Keang krachan 2fh 5€/3x 12€
0.0.30 Chilobrachys natanicharum 2fh 14€/3x 36€
0.0.1000 Chromatopelma cyanopubescens 1fh 10€/5x 40€
0.0.30 Caribena laeta 2/3fh 7€/3x18
0.0.10 Ceratogyrus darlingi 3fh 4€
0.0.15 Ceratogyrus sanderi 3fh 8€
0.0.20 Ceratogyrus brachycephalus WF 3fh 18€/ 3x50€
0.0.200 Cyriocosmus elegans 1/2fh 4€/5x 15€
0.0.20 Cyriocosmus leetzi 2fh 17€
0.0.100 Cyriocosmus perezmilesi 1.FH 10€/3x25€/50x 250€
0.0.30 Cyriocosmus aueri 1.FH 12€/3x 30€
0.0.10 Dolichothele diamantinensis 3fh 22
0.0.20 Dolichothele exillis 2fh 5€/5x 20€
0.0.40 Davus sp. Panama 2fh 50€/5x200€
0.0.100 Davus pentaloris 3fh 4€/10x 30€
0.0.10 Ephebopus cyanognathus 2fh 22€/3x 60€
0.0.10 Eucratoscelus pachypus 3fh 60€/3x 150€
0.0.10 Encyocratella olivacea 1.FH 22€ /3x 60€
0.0.50 Grammostola pulchripes 1fh 7€/3x 18€
0.0.50 Grammotola porteri 2fh 28€
0.0.50 Grammostola rosea Red 2fh 25€
0.0.20 Grammostola pulchra 2fh 28€
0.0.20 Haplocosmia himalayna 3fh 8€/3x 20€
0.0.20 Homeomma chilensis 2fh 70€/3x 180€
0.0.70 Hapalopus formosus 1/2fh 5€/5x 15€
0.070 Hapalopus guerilla 1fh 20€/3x 50€/10x 100€
0.0.20 Holothele longipes 2fh 5€
0.0.50 Heterothele gabonensis L1/2fh 4€/5x 15€/50x 80€
0.0.20 Harpactira pulchripes 1/2fh 12€/3x 30€
0.0.50 Harpactira namaquensis 2fh 18€/3x 45€
0.0.150 Heteroscodra maculata 1fh 2.5€/5x10€
0.0.10 Kochaiana brunnipes 4fh 6€
0.0.30 Lampropelma nigerrimum 2/3fh 14€ /3x 35€
0.0.200 Lasiodora parachybana 1fh 3€/5x 10€
0.0.20 Lasiodorides polycuspulatus 2fh 20€/3x 55€
0.0.50 Monocetropus balfouri 3fh 9€/3x24€
0.0.50 Nhandu tripepi 2fh 5€
0.0.100 Nhandu chromatus 1fh 2.5€/5x 10€
0.0.70 Nhandu carapoensis 1fh 6€/3x 12€
0.0.50 Neoholothele incei gold 1fh 4€/5x15€
0.0.100 Neoholothele incei 2fh 2.5€/3x 6€
0.0.10 Ornithoctoninae sp. Vietnam highland 2/3fh 45€
0.0.20 Ornithctoninae sp. Vietnam Silver 2fh 45€/3x 120€
0.0.10 Ornithctoninae auerotibialis 2fh 10€/3x 25€
0.0.5 Ornithoctoninae sp.Hon sej 2fh 160€
0.0.40 Omothymus schioedte 2.FH 10€ 3x 24€
0.0.20 Omothymus violaceopes 1.FH 12€/3x 33€
0.0.10 Ornithoctoninae sp. Ho chi minh 2fh 45€/3x 120€
0.0.20 Ornithoctoninae sp. Veronica Dwarf 1fh 37€/3x 100€
0.0.10 Orphnaecus sp. Quezon Blue Luzon 2/3fh 8€/3x 20€
0.0.30 Orphnaecus phillipinus 2fh 7€ /3x 18€
0.0.50 Pelinobius muticus 1fh 14€
0.0.20 Poecilotheria formosa 2fh 10€/
0.0.30 Poecilotheria regalis 1/2. FH 7€
0.0.30 Poecilotheria metallica 2fh 25€/3x 65€
0.0.10 Poecilotheria rufillata 2fh 15€
0.0.70 Pamphobeteus sp. machalla 2fh 18€/5x 75€
0.0.70 Pamhobeteus platyomma 2fh 18€/5x 75€
0.0.10 Pamphobeteus sp. Tigris 2fh 38€/3x 105€
0.0.10 Pamphobeteus sp. flemmifera 2fh 38€ /3x 105€
0.0.5 Pamphobeteus sp.Insignis ekwador 2/3 FH 40€
0.0.20 Pamphobeteus sp Santo Domingo Goliath 2/3 FH 65€/3x 180€
0.0.15 Pternochilus lugardi 2fh 6€/3x 15€
0.0.20 Pterinochilus chordatus 1fh 7€/3x 18€
0.0.10 Pterinochilus sp. Arusha 1/2fh 18€
0.0.10 Pterinochilus murinus dcf mikumi 2fh 14€
0.0.50 Pterinochilus murinus DCF Kigoma 1fh 12€/3x 30€
0.0.50 Pterinochilus murinus usambara 1fh 4€/3x 10€
0.0. 50 Psalmopoeus cambridgei 2fh 3€
0.0.50 Psalmopoeus irminia 2/3FH 5€
0.0.20 Psalmopoeus reduncus 3fh 3€/5x12€
0.0.50 Psalmopoeus pulcher 2fh 4€/5x15€
0.0.50 Psalmopoeus victori 1fh 22€/3x60€/10x 150€
0.0.30 Phormingochilus carpenteri 2fh 15€
0.0.10 Phormingochilus pennellhewlettorum 1fh 50€/3x 130€

LIST 2. Some spiders to Hamm and for shipping!
Psalmopoeus cambridgei 1-1,5 cm body 1pc - 6€ (0.0.2)
Psalmopoeus cambridgei 0,8-1 cm body 1pc - 5€ (0.0.51)
Psalmopoeus irminia 1-1,5 cm body 1pc - 7 € (0.0.20)
Pseudohapalopus sp. „blue” 0,3-0,5 cm body 1pc - 10 € (0.0.13)
Pseudohapalopus sp. „yellow-blue” 0,3-0,5 cm body 1pc - 20 € (0.0.15)
Pterinochilus murinus DCF 1,5-2 cm body 1pc - 10€ (0.0.3)
Pterinochilus murinus RCF clear 1,5-2 cm body 1pc - 5€ (0.0.120)
Pterinopelma sazimai 2-2,5 cm body 1pc - 9€ (0.0.23)
Theraphosinae sp. „Roatan island purple” 1 cm body 1pc - 15€ (0.0.1)
Therphosa apophysis 1,5-2 cm body 1pc - 45€ (0.0.13)
Thrixopelma cyaneolum 1 cm body 1pc - 34€ (0.0.5)
Thrixopelma puriens 0,8-1 cm body 1pc - 12 € (0.0.4)
Thrixopelma sp. „Cuzco” 0,5 cm body 1pc - 32€ (0.0.2)
Tliltocatl albopilosus „Nicaragua” 2-2,5 cm body 1pc - 9€ (0.0.180)
Tliltocatl kahlenbergi 1-1,5 cm body 1pc - /4€ (0.0.130)
Tliltocatl schroederi 1,5-2 cm body 1pc - /25€ (0.0.9)
Tliltocatl sp. „Golden back” 0,5-1 cm body 1pc - 20€ (0.0.27)
Tliltocatl vagans 2 cm body 1pc - 6€ (0.0.5)
Xenesthis intermedia 1,5-2 cm body 1pc - 50€ (0.0.11)
0.4.0 Acanthoscurria geniculata 4 cm body 1pc - 25€
0.1.0 Caribena laeta ADULT 1pc - 30 €
0.1.0 Chilobrachys natanicharum ADULT 1pc - 45 €
0.2.0 Chilobrachys natanicharum 4 cm body 1pc - 40 €
0.1.0 Nhandu chromatus 4-5 cm body 1pc - 30 €
0.1.0 Pamphobeteus sp. „Paisa” ADULT 1pc - 70 €
1.0.0 Amazonius germani RH 2024.11. 1pc - 20€
5.0.0 Caribena laeta RH 2024.11 1pc - 15€
2.0.0 Caribena versicolor RH 2024.11 1pc - 30€
1.0.0 Harpactira pulchripes RH 2024.08 1pc - 15€
1.0.0 Lasiodora parahybana KL 5-6 cm 1pc - 10 €
1.0.0 Nhandu carapoensis RH 2024. 1pc - 25 €
1.0.0 Nhandu carapoensis RH 2024.08. 1pc - 20 €
1.0.0 Megaphobema robustum RH 2024.08. - 40€
1.0.0. Phormictopus cancerides RH 2024.07- 35€
1.0.0. Phormictopus sp. „Dominican purple” - 40€
1.0.0. Phormictopus sp. „El Salvador” - 40€ (reserved)
1.0.0. Phormictopus sp. „Green-gold carapace” -.40€
2.0.0 Pamphobeteus sp. „Mascara” 5-6 cm body 1pc - 35 €
1.0.0 Poecilotheria miranda RH 2024.07. 1pc - 20 €
1.0.0 Tliltocatl vagans RH 2024.11 1pc - 15€
1.1.0 Bumba horrida 3-4 cm body – pair 50€
1.1.0 Chilobrachys natanicharum 3-4 cm body - pair 60€
1.1.0 Pamphobeteus sp. „Mascara” 5-6 cm body – pair 60€

LIST 1. Some spiders to Hamm and for shipping!
Some spiders for Hamm(transport) or for shipping (in polystyrenebox with heatpack)! For full pricelists plz send pm!
Acanthoscurria geniculata 1 cm body 1pc - 6€ (0.0.27)
Acanthoscurria maga 1-1,5 cm body 1pc - 20€ (0.0.6)
Amazonius germani 1,5 cm body 1pc - 8€ (0.0.18)
Aphonopelma hentzi 1 cm body 1pc - 25€ (0.0.5)
Aphonopelma seemani 1-1,5 cm 1pc - 12€ (0.0.5)
Aphonopelma sp. Diamondback FH1-2 1pc - 30€ (0.0.1)
Avicularia braunshauseni 0,8-1,2 cm body 1pc - 15€ (0.0.10)
Birupes simoroxigorum 1-1,2 cm body 1pc - 25€ (0.0.16)
Birupes simoroxigorum 1,5-2 cm body 1pc - 50€ (0.0.7)
Brachypelma albiceps 0,5 cm body 1pc - 9€ (0.0.22)
Brachypelma boehmei 1-1,5 cm body 1pc - 10€ (0.0.11)
Brachypelma boehmei 3-4 cm body 1pc - 25€ (0.0.77)
Brachypelma emilia 1-1,5 cm body 1pc - 11€ (0.0.45)
Brachypelma hamorii 1-1,5 cm body 1pc - 10€ (0.0.20)
Brachypelma hamorii FH1/2 1pc - 5€ (0.0.36)
Brachypelma klaasi 0,8-1 cm body 1pc - 20€ (0.0.31)
Bumba horrida 1-1,2 cm body 1pc - 8€ (0.0.6)
Bumba horrida 2-3 cm body 1pc - 20€ (0.0.5)
Caribena laeta 1 cm body 1pc - 7,5 € (0.0.38)
Caribena laeta 1,5-2 cm body 1pc - 10€ (0.0.1)
Caribena versicolor 1 cm body 1pc - 8€ (0.0.52)
Ceratogyrus darlingi 1-1,2 cm body 1pc - 9€ (0.0.6)
Ceratogyrus darlingi 1,5-2 cm body 1pc - 11€ (0.0.14)
Chilobrachys fimbriatus 1,5-2 cm body 1pc - 9€ (0.0.2)
Chilobrachys fimbriatus 0,5-1 cm body 1pc - 5€ (0.0.26)
Chilobrachys fimbriatus 2-2,5 cm body 1pc - 10€ (0.0.4)
Chilobrachys natanicharum 1,5-2 cm body 1pc - 11€ (0.0.20)
Chilobrachys natanicharum 3-4 cm body 1pc - 19€ (0.0.24)
Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens 2-2,5 cm body 1pc - 13€ (0.0.18)
Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens 3,5-4 cm body 1pc - 25€ (0.0.14)
Cyriocosmus elegans 0,5 cm body 1pc - 11€ (0.0.10)
Cyriopagopus albostriatus 0,5-1 cm body 1pc - 15€ (0.0.1)
Cyriopagopus lividus 1-1,5 cm body 1pc - 12€ (0.0.14)
Cyriopagopus sp. „Hati Hati” – 1 cm body 1pc - 5€ (0.0.42)
Davus pentaloris 0,8-1 cm body 1pc - 10€ (0.0.4)
Ephebopus cyanognathus 0,7-1 cm body 1pc - 25€ (0.0.4)
Euathlus sp. valpasiano 0,5-1 cm body 1pc - 36 € (0.0.5)
Euathlus sp. parda 1-1,5 cm body 1pc - 50€ (0.0.4)
Euathlus sp. Smaragd tiger 0,5-0,8 cm body 1pc - 70€ (0.0.5)
Euathlus sp. tiger 0,5 cm body 1pc - 70€ (0.0.5)
Euathlus trunculentus blue 0,5-1 cm body 1pc - 54€ (0.0.10)
Euathlus trunculentus hermosa 0,5-1 cm 1pc - 90€ (0.0.10)
Eupalaestrus campestartus 0,5-0,8 cm body 1pc - 20€ (0.0.16)
Eupalaestrus larae KL 0,5 cm body 1pc - 30€ (0.0.5)
Grammostola pulchripes – 1,5-2 cm body 1pc - (0.0.23)
Hapalopus formosus – 1-1,2 cm body 1pc - (0.0.4)
Haploclastus devamatha 0,7-1 cm body 1pc - 36 € (0.0.10)
Harpactira pulchripes 1,5-1,8 cm body 1pc - 13€ (0.0.8)
Heteroscodra maculata 1,5 cm 1pc - 5€ (0.0.52)
Heterothele gabonensis 0,5-1 cm 1pc - 17€ (0.0.5)
Homoeomma chilensis 0,8 cm body 1pc - 75€ (0.0.8)
Hysterocrates gigas 1,5-2 cm body 1pc - 6,5€ (0.0.5)
Idiothele mira 0,5-1 cm 1pc - 12€ (0.0.17)
Kochiana brunnipes 0,7-1 cm body 1pc - 7€ (0.0.28)
Lasiodora parahybana 2-3 cm body 1pc - 7€ (0.0.81)
Megaphobema robustum – 2-3 cm body 1pc - 30€ (0.0.2)
Monocentropus balfouri 1,5 cm body 1pc - 7€ (0.0.30)
Neoholothele incei 0,8-1,2 cm 1pc - 4€ (0.0.27)
Nhandu carapoensis 1-1,5 cm body 1pc - 7€ (0.0.4)
Nhandu chromatus 1-2 cm body 1pc - 3€ (0.0.42)
Nhandu coloratovillosus 0,8-1,2 cm body 1pc - 8€ (0.0.29)
Nhandu tripepi 1 cm body 1pc - 9€ (0.0.8)
Nhandu tripepi 2,5 cm body 1pc - 11€
Omothymus schioedtei 1-2 cm body 1pc - 10€ (0.0.11)
Ornithoctonus aureotibialis 1,5 cm body 1pc - 17€ (0.0.2)
Orphnaecus philippinus 1 cm body 1pc - 8€ (0.0.38)
Pamphobeteus sp. „Fortis” – 1,5 cm 1pc - 20€ (0.0.2)
Pamphobeteus sp. „Machalla” 1,5-2 cm 1pc - 12€ (0.0.7)
Phormictopus auratus 0,5-1 cm 1pc - 10€ (0.0.49)
Phormictopus cancerides 1 cm 1pc - 11 € (0.0.34)
Phormictopus sp. „Dominican purple” 2-3 cm body 1pc - 30€ (0.0.18)
Phormictopus sp. full green 1 cm body 1pc - 40€ (0.0.15)
Phormingochilus sp. „rufus” 1 cm body 1pc - 8€ (0.0.2)
Poecilotheria formosa 1-1,2 cm body 1pc - 17€ (0.0.14)
Poecilotheria ornata 1,5 cm body 1pc - 11€ (0.0.9)
Poecilotheria ornata 0,8-1 cm body 1pc - 9€ (0.0.89)
Poecilotheria regalis 2,5-3 cm body 1pc - 15€ (0.0.3)
Poecilotheria subfusca "Lowland" 1-1,2 cm body 1pc - 20€ (0.0.5)
Poecilotheria tigrinawesseli 1,2 cm body 1pc - 14€ (0.0.7)

Rare scorpions,tarantulas,true spiders and more for Hamm.20% discount!
20% discount for firm preorders for Hamm-show at 14.12.24!
Just a very limited stock will be available at our booth in Hamm - please preorder if you are interested in certain species.
Our table is in row 4, mainhall.
20% Rabatt auf feste Vorbestellungen für die Terraristika Hamm am 14.12.24!
Wir werden nur ein sehr limitiertes Angebot an unserem Stand haben. Wenn ihr bestimmte Arten sucht, bestellt bitte vor.
Unser Stand ist in Reihe 4, in der Haupthalle.
Full Stocklist with prices:
Aegaeobuthus cyprius
Aegaeobuthus gallianoi
Androctonus aeneas (Tozeur)
Androctonus aeneas (Djerba)
Androctonus australis 'Hector' (Morocco)
Androctonus australis 'Hector' (Tunisia)
Androctonus australis 'Hector Dark'
Androctonus baluchicus 'Bright'
Androctonus crassicauda (Oman)
Androctonus gonneti
Androctonus finitimus
Butheolus harrisoni
Centruroides stockwelli
Chaerilus cimrmani
Chaerilus kautti
Chaerilus sejnai
Heteroctenus princeps
Hottentotta flavidulus
Hottentotta sousai
Hottentotta tamulus
Hottentotta zagrosensis
Leiurus heberti 'Yellow'
Leiurus jordanensis
Nebo franckei
Nebo omanensis
Nebo whitei
Orthochirus glabrifrons
Parabuthus mossambicensis
Parabuthus schlechteri
Parabuthus transvaalicus
Parabuthus villosus 'Black'
Parabuthus villosus 'Natural Hybrid Black'
Parabuthus villosus 'Typical'
Pseudolychas ochraceus
Scorpiops citadelle
Scorpiops dunlopi
Scorpiops phatoensis
Smeringurus mesaensis
Smeringurus vachoni
Teruelius grandidieri
Teuthraustes sp. British Guyana
Tityus cf. demangei
Tityus cf. strandi
Tityus crassimanus
Tityus simonsi
Tityus smithii
Tityus stigmurus
Uroplectes planimanus
Uroplectes vittatus
Acanthoscurria geniculata
Amazonius germani
Aphonopelma armada
Aphonopelma moderatum
Avicularia avicularia MT2 (Tucurui, Brasil)
Avicularia cf. juruensis (ex bicegoi) 'Ecuador'
Avicularia juruensis MT2
Avicularia merianae
Avicularia purpurea
Avicularia sp. Pucallpa
Birupes simoroxigorum
Brachionopus sp. Limpopo
Brachypelma albiceps
Brachypelma boehmei
Brachypelma emilia
Bumba cf. tapajos
Caribena laeta
Caribena versicolor
Ceratogyrus brachycephalus WF
Ceratogyrus darlingi
Ceratogyrus marshalli
Ceratogyrus sanderi
Chaetopelma lymberakisi
Chaetopelma karlamani
Chaetopelma olivaceum
Chilobrachys fimbriatus
Chilobrachys natanicharum
Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens
Cyclosternum sp. Aureum
Cymbiapophysa velox
Cyriocosmus aueri
Cyriocosmus leetzi 'Venezuela'
Grammostola pulchripes
Grammostola rosea 'RCF'
Hapalopus formosus
Hapalopus sp. Colombia Small
Haplocosmia sp. Black Femur
Harpactira baviana
Harpactira cafreriana
Harpactira dictator
Harpactira namaquensis
Harpactira pulchripes
Harpactira sp. Golden Black
Harpactirella overdijki
Hysterocrates cf. laticeps
Lasiocyano sazimai
Lasiodorides polycuspulatus
Lyrognathus giannisposatoi
Megaphobema robustum
Monocentropus balfouri
Neoholothele incei 'Gold'
Ornithoctoninae sp. Veronica Dwarf
Ornithoctonus aureotibialis
Orphnaecus sp. 'Blue Rizal'
Pamphobeteus sp. Machala
Pamphobeteus sp. Manganegra
Phormictopus auratus
Phormictopus cautus
Phormingochilus sp. Akcaya
Phormingochilus sp. Rufus
Poecilotheria formosa
Poecilotheria metallica
Psalmopoeus pulcher
Pseudhapalopus sp. Colombia
Pterinochilus lapalala
Pterinochilus lugardi
Pterinochilus murinus 'Botswana/Zimbabwe'
Pterinochilus murinus 'TCF'
Sericopelma rubronitens
Stromatopelma calceatum
Tapinauchenius rasti
Tapinauchenius sp. 'Tena'
Tapinauchenius sp. 'Yasuni'
Thrixopelma sp. 'Purple-Blue'
Tliltocatl albopilosus
Tliltocatl kahlenbergi
Tliltocatl vagans
Tliltocatl verdezi
Vitalius chromatus
Ybyrapora diversipes
Other spiders:
Hogna maderiana
Latrodectus geometricus 'Oman'
Loxosceles mahan
Loxosceles simillima
Sahastata nigra
Scytodes univittata
Sicarius gracilis
Other Arachnids:
Euphrynichus bacillifer

SpidersForge Hamm prorders - 15% discount
We are starting to collect proorders on hamm. We have a table on RG.
below the full list. If you need something in a larger quantity, write to us, we will price your order at wholesale prices :)
Male :
Avicularia braunshauseni 2bcm 35€
Acantoscuria geniculata 2-2.5bcm 7€
Ceratogyrus sanderi 2bcm 25€
Ceratogyrus darlingi 2bcm 7€
Cymbiapophysa velox 2.5bcm 40€
Chromatopelma cyanopubescens 2.5bcm 17€
Chromatopelma cyanopubescens 3.5bcm 25€
Chilobrachys sp blue vietnam 2.5bcm 7€
Chilobrachys fimbriatus 2-2.5 bcm 8€
Holothele longipes 2-2.5bcm 14€
Heteroscodra maculata 2bcm 7€
Harpactira baviana 2.5bcm 20€
Harpactira pulchripes 2bcm 10€
Hysterocrates gigas 2bcm 8€
Nhandu tripepi 2bcm 10€
Linothele sericata 2.5bcm 12€
Lasiodora parahybana 3bcm 7€
Pterinopelma sazimai 4BL 15€
Pamphobeteus sp.magnenegra 3-4bcm 35€
Pamphobeteus sp. mascara 3-4bcm 30€
Pamphobeteus sp.Insignis ekwador 3-4bcm 40€
Pamphobeteus sp. costa 3-4bcm 45€
Pamphobeteus cascada 3-4bcm 30€
Pterinochilus murinus usambara 2.5-3 bcm 7€
Pterinochilus murinus DCF KIGOMA 2-2.5bcm 14€
Pelinobius muticus 3bcm 25€
Poecilotheria ornata 3.5-4bcm 22€
Poecilotheria tigrinawesseli 3BL 22€
Psalmopoeus reduncus 3bcm 10€
Psalmopoeus victori 3bcm 35€
Psalmopoeus pulcher 3bcm 12€
Psalmopoeus irminia 2.5bcm 8€
Theraphosa blondi 2-2.5bcm 35€
Adult male :
Cyriocosmus perezmilesi 09/10 30€ x2
Cyriocosmus aueri 15.10 35€ x2
Ch.natanicharum 10.10. 30€
Ch.sp.blue vietnam 20.10 15€
E.cyanognathus 20.10 35€
H.namaquensis 20.10 35€ x2
H.baviana 15.10 30€ x2
H.pulchripes 20.10 20€ x3
H.longipes 05.11 15€ x2
P.sazimai 25.10 15€
X.sp.Blue 10.10 250€

SpidersForge Hamm prorders - 15% discount
We are starting to collect proorders on hamm. We have a table on RG.
below the full list. If you need something in a larger quantity, write to us, we will price your order at wholesale prices :)
slings 2/2
0.0.30 Phormingohilus sp.rufus 2fh 12€/3x30€/10x70€
0.0.20 Phormingohilus arboricola (ex.Borneo black) 2fh 7€/
0.0.10 Phormingochilus everetti 2fh 25€/3x 65€
0.0.20 Pseughapalopus sp. Blue 2fh 14€/5x 50€
0.0.30 Phormictopus auratus 2fh 8€/3x 20€
0.0.20 Phormictopus atrichomatus 1/2fh 15€
0.0.10 Phormictopus cancerides 1/2fh 13€
0.0.30 Selenocosmia crassipes 3FH 10€/5x 40€
0.0.10 Selenocosmia kovariki 3fh 17€/3x45€
0.0.20 Selenocosmia sp.Koridllera 2/3fh 15€
0.0.70 Stromatopelma calceatum 3FH 5€/5x 20€
0.0.50 Thrixopelma pruriens 2/3fh 8€/3x 20€
0.0.100 Thrigmopoeus truculentus 2fh 12€/5x40€
0.0.100 Tapinauchenius plumipes(ex violaceus ) 2fh 4€/5x 15€
0.0.300 Tliltocatl albopilosus nicaragua 2fh 4€/
0.0.10 Typochaena seladonia 1/2fh 75€/3x 200€
0.0.10 Theraphosidae sp. mandarin 3fh 55€
0.0.20 Ybyrapora diveripes 3fh 19€
0.0.30 Xenesthis intermdia 1fh 70€/3x180€/10x500€
0.0.50 Theraphosa blondi 1fh 50€/3x 130€/10x 350€
Other :
0.0.30 Cupiennius salei 3FH 8€
0.0.40 Heteropoda boiei 3/4fh 18€
0.0.20 Heteropoda davidbowie 2/3fh 17€
0.0.100 Heteropoda tetrica 2fh 18€/
0.0.100 Holconia murrayensis 3fh 14€
0.0.20 Phidippus regius bahamas 4/5fh female 30€/male 25€
0.0.20 Phidippus regius soroa female 4/5fh female 30€/male 25€
0.0.20 Phidippus regius rastafari 4/5fh female 30€/male 25€
0.0.50 Eresus walckenaeri orange ring Mountanatica 3fh 18€ /3x 45€
0.0.20 Eresus elhenawy 3/4fh 22€
Acantoscuria geniculata 2-2.5bcm 20€
Avicularia braunshauseni 2bcm 85€
Brachypelma hamorii 2bcm 25€
Cyriocosmus elegans 1.5bcm 30€
Ceratogyrus sanderi 2.5bcm 50€
Ceratogyrus darlingi 2bcm 22€
Cymbiapophysa velox 2.5bcm 110€
Chromatopelma cyanopubescens 2bcm 28€
Chromatopelma cyanopubescens 5-5.5bcm 70€
Chilobrachys sp blue vietnam 2-2.5bcm 17€
Chilobrachys fimbriatus 2bcm 22€
Cyriopagopus sp.Hati Hati 3bcm 35€
Davus pentaloris 2.5bcm 22€
Grammostola pulchripes 5bcm 90€
Grammostola acteaon 2bcm 95€
Haploclastus devematha 4BL 160€
Heteroscodra maculata 2bcm 17€
Haplocosmia himalayana 2.5bcm 45€
Hysterocrates gigas 2bcm 13€
Hysterocrates gigas 4-4.5BL 35€
Linothele sericata 2.5bcm 30€
Megaphobema robustum 2bcm 45€
Nhandu coloratovilosus 2.5bcm 27€
Nhandu tripepi 2-2.5bcm 22€
Pterinochilus murinus usambara 2.5bcm 20€
Phormictopus cancerides 5bcm 90€
Phormictopus atrichomatus 2.5bcm 70€
Phormingohilus sp. Rufus 3.5-4bcm 60€
Pamphobeteus sp. mascara 2BL 60€
Pamphobeteus sp.machala 2bcm 60€
Pamphobeteus sp.machala 4-5BL 90€
Poecilotheria metallica 5BL 110€
Poecilotheria tigrinawesseli 5-5.5 bcm 60€
Poecilotheria formosa 6bcm 60€
Poecilotheria rufilata 3bcm 50€
Pterinopelma sazimai 2bcm 22€
Psalmopoeus reduncus 3bcm 25€
Psalmopoeus cambridgei 3bcm 25€
Psalmopoeus pulcher 2bcm 22€
Pseudhapalopus spinulopalpus 2bcm 65€
Selenocosminae sp.Kordillera 2bcm 70€
Sericopelma sp.Santa Catalina 2bcm 55€
Tliltocatl vagans 2bcm 12€
Tliltocatl albopilosus nicaragua 4bcm 40€
Thrixopelma ockerti 3bcm 60€
Tapinauchenius plumipes 3bcm 40€
Theraphosa apophysis 2bcm 85€
Xenesthis sp.Blue 2bcm 180€
Xenesthis immanis 2bcm 120€

SpidersForge Hamm prorders - 15% discount
We are starting to collect proorders on hamm. We have a table on RG.
below the full list. If you need something in a larger quantity, write to us, we will price your order at wholesale prices :)
Slings 1/2
0.0.700 Ami sp. panama 2fh 12€/3x 24€
0.0.20 Neischnocolus ex. Ami iquitos 1fh 22€/5x90€
0.0.30 Amazonicus germani (ex.Pseudoclamoris gigas) 2/3fh 5€/3x 12€
0.0.10 Aphonopelma henzti 2/3.FH 20€
0.0.10 Aphonopelma chalcodes 2/3fh 22€
0.0.10 Avicularia juruensis (ex.peru purple) 2/3fh 15€
0.0.50.Avicularia purpurea 1.FH 22€/3x 60€
0.0.30 Brachypelma boehmei 2/3fh 8€
0.0.50 Brachypelma albiceps 2/3fh 9€/3x 25€
0.0.50 Brachypelma hamorii 2.FH 8€/3x 20€
0.0.200 Bumba horrida 1.FH 8€/3x 20€
0.0.50 Birupes simoroxigorum 2fh 40€/3x 90€/10x200€
0.0.10 Coremiocnemis hoggi 4fh 65€
0.0.20 Cyriopagopus sp. Hati hati 1fh 5€/3x12€
0.0.10 Cyriopagopus minax 2fh 20€
0.0.40 Cyriopagopus lividus 2fh 10€/3x 25€
0.0.10 Cyriopagopus sp. Sumatran Tiger 2/3fh 22€
0.0.70 Chilobrachys sp.blue vietnam 2.FH 5€/3x 12€
0.0.30 Chilobrachys huahini 3fh 5€/3x12€/
0.0.30 Chilobrachys fimbriatus 2fh 5€/3x 12€
0.0.50 Chilobrachys sp. Keang krachan 2fh 5€/3x 12€
0.0.1000 Chromatopelma cyanopubescens 1fh 10€/5x 40€
0.0.30 Caribena laeta 2/3fh 7€/3x18
0.0.10 Ceratogyrus darlingi 3fh 4€
0.0.15 Ceratogyrus sanderi 3fh 8€
0.0.20 Ceratogyrus brachycephalus WF 3fh 18€/ 3x50€
0.0.200 Cyriocosmus elegans 1/2fh 4€/5x 15€
0.0.20 Cyriocosmus leetzi 1/2fh 12€/3x 30€
0.0.100 Cyriocosmus perezmilesi 1.FH 10€/3x25€
0.0.30 Cyriocosmus aueri 1.FH 12€/3x 30€
0.0.10 Dolichothele diamantinensis 3fh 22
0.0.20 Dolichothele exillis 2fh 5€/5x 20€
0.0.40 Davus sp. Panama 2fh 50€/5x200€
0.0.100 Davus pentaloris 3fh 4€/10x 30€
0.0.10 Ephebopus cyanognathus 2fh 22€/3x 60€
0.0.10 Eucratoscelus pachypus 3fh 60€/3x 150€
0.0.10 Encyocratella olivacea 1.FH 22€ /3x 60€
0.0.50 Grammostola pulchripes 1fh 7€/3x 18€
0.0.50 Grammotola porteri 2fh 28€
0.0.50 Grammostola rosea Red 2fh 25€
0.0.20 Grammostola pulchra 2fh 28€
0.0.20 Haplocosmia himalayna 3fh 8€/3x 20€
0.0.20 Homeomma chilensis 2fh 70€/3x 180€
0.0.70 Hapalopus formosus 1/2fh 5€/5x 15€
0.070 Hapalopus guerilla 1fh 20€/3x 50€/10x 100€
0.0.20 Holothele longipes 2fh 5€
0.0.50 Heterothele gabonensis L1/2fh 4€/5x 15€
0.0.20 Harpactira pulchripes 1/2fh 12€/3x 30€
0.0.50 Harpactira namaquensis 2fh 18€/3x 45€
0.0.10 Hysterocrates gigas 1fh 2.5€/5x10€
0.0.150 Heteroscodra maculata 1fh 2.5€/5x10€
0.0.10 Kochaiana brunnipes 4fh 6€
0.0.30 Lampropelma nigerrimum 2/3fh 14€ /3x 35€
0.0.5 Linothele fallax 2/3fh 10€
0.0.200 Lasiodora parachybana 1fh 3€/5x 10€
0.0.20 Lasiodorides polycuspulatus 2fh 20€/3x 55€
0.0.50 Monocetropus balfouri 3fh 9€/3x24€
0.0.50 Nhandu tripepi 2fh 5€
0.0.100 Nhandu chromatus 1fh 2.5€/5x 10€
0.0.70 Nhandu carapoensis 1fh 6€/3x 12€
0.0.50 Neoholothele incei gold 1fh 4€/5x15€
0.0.100 Neoholothele incei 2fh 2.5€/3x 6€
0.0.10 Ornithoctoninae sp. Vietnam highland 2/3fh 45€
0.0.20 Ornithctoninae sp. Vietnam Silver 2fh 45€/3x 120€
0.0.10 Ornithctoninae auerotibialis 2fh 10€/3x 25€
0.0.5 Ornithoctoninae sp.Hon sej 2fh 160€
0.0.40 Omothymus schioedte 2.FH 10€ 3x 24€
0.0.20 Omothymus violaceopes 2.FH 11€/3x 30€
0.0.10 Ornithoctoninae sp. Ho chi minh 2fh 45€/3x 120€
0.0.20 Ornithoctoninae sp. Veronica Dwarf 1fh 37€/3x 100€
0.0.10 Orphnaecus sp. Quezon Blue Luzon 2/3fh 8€/3x 20€
0.0.30 Orphnaecus phillipinus 2fh 7€ /3x 18€
0.0.50 Pelinobius muticus 1fh 14€
0.0.20 Poecilotheria formosa 2fh 10€/
0.0.30 Poecilotheria regalis 1/2. FH 7€/3x 18€
0.0.30 Poecilotheria metallica 2fh 25€/3x 65€
0.0.10 Poecilotheria rufillata 2fh 15€
0.0.70 Pamphobeteus sp. machalla 2fh 18€/5x 75€
0.0.70 Pamhobeteus platyomma 2fh 18€/5x 75€
0.0.10 Pamphobeteus sp. Tigris 2fh 38€/3x 105€
0.0.10 Pamphobeteus sp. flemmifera 2fh 38€ /3x 105€
0.0.5 Pamphobeteus sp.Insignis ekwador 2/3 FH 40€
0.0.20 Pamphobeteus sp Santo Domingo Goliath 2/3 FH 65€/3x 180€
0.0.30 Pternochilus lugardi 2fh 6€/3x 15€
0.0.20 Pterinochilus chordatus 1fh 7€/3x 18€
0.0.10 Pterinochilus sp. Arusha 1/2fh 18€
0.0.10 Pterinochilus murinus dcf mikumi 2fh 14€
0.0.50 Pterinochilus murinus DCF Kigoma 1fh 12€/3x 30€
0.0.50 Pterinochilus murinus usambara 1fh 4€/3x 10€
0.0. 50 Psalmopoeus cambridgei 2fh 3€
0.0.50 Psalmopoeus irminia 2/3FH 5€
0.0.20 Psalmopoeus reduncus 3fh 3€/5x12€
0.0.50 Psalmopoeus pulcher 2fh 4€/5x15€
0.0.10 Psalmopoeus victori 1fh 30€/
0.0.30 Phormingochilus carpenteri 2fh 15€
0.0.10 Phormingochilus pennellhewlettorum 1fh 50€/3x 130€
0.0.40 Phormingochilus sp. Akcaya 1fh 30€

Rare scorpions, spiders and more! Seltene Skorpione, Spinnen und mehr!
Last chance for EU shipping this year. Shipping season ends soon!
Rare scorpions, tarantulas, whipspiders and true spiders available.
Letzte Chance vor dem Winter. Die Versandsaison endet bald!
Seltene Skorpione, Vogelspinnen, Geißelspinnen und Echte Spinnen verfügbar.
Aegaeobuthus cyprius
Aegaeobuthus gallianoi
Androctonus australis 'Hector' (Tunisia)
Androctonus australis 'Hector Dark'
Androctonus cf. crassicauda (Ash Sharqiyah)
Androctonus crassicauda (Oman)
Androctonus crassicauda (UAE)
Butheolus harrisoni
Buthus kunti
Centruroides stockwelli
Chaerilus cimrmani
Chaerilus kautti
Chaerilus sejnai
Hottentotta flavidulus
Hottentotta franzwerneri
Hottentotta sousai
Hottentotta tamulus
Hottentotta zagrosensis
Nebo franckei
Nebo omanensis
Nebo whitei
Orthochirus glabrifrons
Parabuthus mossambicensis
Parabuthus schlechteri
Parabuthus transvaalicus
Parabuthus villosus 'Natural Hybrid Black'
Parabuthus villosus 'Natural Hybrid Red'
Parabuthus villosus 'Typical'
Paravaejovis spinigerus
Scorpiops citadelle
Scorpiops dunlopi
Scorpiops phatoensis
Smeringurus mesaensis
Teruelius grandidieri
Teuthraustes sp. British Guyana
Tityus cf. demangei
Tityus cf. strandi
Tityus simonsi
Tityus stigmurus
Uroplectes chubbi
Acanthoscurria geniculata
Amazonius germani
Aphonopelma armada
Aphonopelma moderatum
Augacephalus breyeri
Avicularia avicularia MT2 (Tucurui, Brasil)
Avicularia cf. juruensis (ex bicegoi) 'Ecuador'
Avicularia merianae
Avicularia purpurea
Avicularia sp. Ecuador
Avicularia sp. Pucallpa
Birupes simoroxigorum
Brachionopus sp. Limpopo
Brachypelma albiceps
Brachypelma boehmei
Brachypelma emilia
Bumba cf. tapajos
Caribena laeta
Caribena versicolor
Catumiri parvum
Ceratogyrus brachycephalus WF
Ceratogyrus darlingi
Ceratogyrus marshalli
Ceratogyrus sanderi
Chaetopelma lymberakisi
Chaetopelma olivaceum
Chilobrachys fimbriatus
Chilobrachys guangxiensis
Chilobrachys natanicharum
Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens
Cyclosternum sp. Aureum
Cymbiapophysa velox
Cyriocosmus aueri
Cyriocosmus leetzi 'Venezuela'
Cyriocosmus perezmilesi
Grammostola pulchripes
Grammostola rosea 'RCF'
Hapalopus formosus
Hapalopus sp. Colombia Small
Haplocosmia sp. Black Femur
Harpactira baviana
Harpactira cafreriana
Harpactira dictator
Harpactira namaquensis
Harpactira pulchripes
Harpactira sp. Golden Black
Harpactirella overdijki
Hysterocrates cf. laticeps
Lasiocyano sazimai
Lasiodorides polycuspulatus
Lyrognathus giannisposatoi
Megaphobema robustum
Nhandu coloratovillosus
Neoholothele incei 'Gold'
Ornithoctoninae sp. Veronica Dwarf
Ornithoctonus aureotibialis
Orphnaecus sp. 'Blue Rizal'
Pamphobeteus sp. Machala
Pamphobeteus sp. Manganegra
Phormictopus auratus
Phormictopus cautus
Phormingochilus sp. Akcaya
Phormingochilus sp. Rufus
Poecilotheria formosa
Poecilotheria metallica
Psalmopoeus pulcher
Pseudhapalopus sp. Colombia
Pterinochilus lapalala
Pterinochilus murinus 'Botswana/Zimbabwe'
Pterinochilus murinus 'RCF'
Pterinochilus murinus 'TCF'
Sericopelma rubronitens
Stromatopelma calceatum
Tapinauchenius rasti
Tapinauchenius sp. 'Tena'
Tapinauchenius sp. 'Yasuni'
Thrixopelma sp. 'Purple-Blue'
Tliltocatl albopilosus
Tliltocatl kahlenbergi
Tliltocatl vagans
Tliltocatl verdezi
Vitalius chromatus
Ybyrapora diversipes
Other spiders:
Cupiennius salei
Latrodectus geometricus 'Oman'
Loxosceles mahan
Sahastata nigra
Scytodes longipes
Scytodes sp. Orange
Sicarius gracilis
Other Arachnids:
Euphrynichus bacillifer
Scolopendra cingulata 'Nies'

Onlineshop - Versand mit Garantie auf lebende Ankunft -
professionelle Vogelspinnenzucht seit 2004
Wir versenden ganzjährig innerhalb Deutschlands mit Garantie auf Lebende Ankunft !!
Onlineshop www.exotenzucht-haag.de
YouTube: www.youtube.com/@exotenzucht-haag
aktuelle Arten:
Acanthoscurria geniculata
Birupes simoroxigorum
Brachypelma albiceps
Caribena versicolor
Chilobrachys natanicharum
Chilobrachys spec. South - Thailand blue
Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens
Citharognathus tongmianensis
Coremiocnemis hoggi
Cyriopagopus "Purple zebra" cf. albostriatus
Cyriopagopus albostriatus (Nakhon Ratchasima)
Cyriopagopus cf. Schmidti "Ke Bang"
Cyriopagopus hainanus
Cyriopagopus spec. "big black"
Heteroscodra maculata
Monocentropus balfouri
Nhandu chromatus
Ornithoctoninae spec. Vietnam silver
Ornithoctoninae spec. "Phan cay red"
Ornithoctoninae spec. HCM
Ornithoctonus aureotibialis
Ornithoctonus spec. Ranong blue
Pamphobeteus cf. antinous
Pelinobius muticus
Poecilotheria formosa
Poecilotheria metallica
Poecilotheria miranda
Poecilotheria ornata
Poecilotheria regalis
Poecilotheria striata
Poecilotheria tigrinawesseli
Psalmopoeus irminia
Pterinopelma sazimai
Taksinus bambus
Theraphosa apophysis
Theraphosa blondi
Theraphosa stirmi
Xenesthis intermedius

wholesale for Weinstadt 12.10.2024
50x Ami sp. Panama 1FH
10x Aphonopelma mooreae 2FH
200x Aphonopelma chalcodes 2FH
25x Avicularia minatrix 2FH
100x Avicularia juruensis (peru Purple) 2FH
200x Caribena versicolor 1FH
50x Ceratogyrus brachycephalus WF 1FH
100x Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens 2FH
100x Cyriocosmus elegans 2FH
50x Eupalaestrus campestraturs 3FH
100x Grammostola pulchripes 2FH
150x Hapalopus formosus (Columbia gross) 2FH
50x Haplocosmia himalayana 2FH
200x Megaphobema robustum 3FH
100x Monocentropus balfouri 2-3FH
100x Neoholothele incei 2FH
300x Nhandu carapoensis 2FH
25x Phormictopus sp. blue azul 2FH
100x Phormictopus sp. Dominican Purple 2FH
100x Poecilotheria fasciata 2FH
100x Poeculotheria metallica 1FH
150x Poecilotheria rufilata 1FH
50x Poecilotheria smithi 1FH
100x Poecilotheria tigrinawesseli 1FH
100x Psalmopoeus ecclesiasticus 3FH
100x Psalmopoeus irminia 2FH
100x Psalmopoeus reduncus 1FH
50x Psalmopoeus victorii 3FH
50x Pseudhapalopus sp. blue 2FH
100x Pterinochilus lugardi 2FH
50x Pterinochilus murinus DCF Mikumi 2FH
50x Pterinochilus murinus DCF Kigoma 2FH
100x Pterinochilus murinus „usambara” 2FH
100x Selenocosmia sp. Kordillera 2FH
100x Stromatopelma calceatum 1FH
100x Theraphosa apophysis 2-3FH
50x Theraphosa stirmi 1FH
10x Typochlanea seladonia 2FH
5x Typhochlaena sp. Raposa 5FH
50x Xenesthis intermedia 1FH
50x Ybyrapora diversipes 1FH
50x Brachypelma albiceps 5cm Legspan
50x Brachypelma albiceps 7cm legspan
50x Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens 2-2,5cm BL
100x Theraphosa apophysis 6cm legspan
150x Brachypelma boehmei 5cm legspan
90x Brachypelma boehmei 7cm legspan
100x Megaphobema robustum 6cm legspan
200x Tliltocatl albopilosus 5-6cm legspan
200x Tliltocatl vagans 5-6cm legspan
20x Phormingochilus sp. rufus 2-2,5cm BL
full list, more info - alexdspiders@gmail.com
![Spiders and Scorpions kaufen und verkaufen Photo: WEINSTADT 12.10 -PREORDER LIST- [TARANTULAS+ERESUS!] Spiders and Scorpions kaufen und verkaufen Photo: WEINSTADT 12.10 -PREORDER LIST- [TARANTULAS+ERESUS!]](/tb/u/854/38/a1042344/tB/zAny3hGLd_jr.png)
We THE Spider’s EMPIRE, have prepared a special PREORDER list!
We will be in Weisntadt DE (12.10)!
We Can also deliver the animals on the road: Olawa>Dresden>Nurberg>Weinstadt and back the same road.
You want to place a big order? Remember to PM me and negotiate special price for WHOLESALE!
0.0.100 Eresus walckenaeri Fh1/2 1x – 14e, 10x – 13e, 100x – 12e
0.0.100 Eresus ruficapilus Fh1/2 1x – 15e, 10x – 13e, 100x – 12e
0.0.100 Eresus moravicus Fh1/2 1x – 16e, 10x – 13e, 100x – 12e
0.0.100 Eresus sidi ifni Fh1/2 1x – 16e, 10x – 13e, 100x – 12e
0.0.100 Phormictopus sp Dominican purple FH1/2 1x – 26e, 10x – 21e, 100x – 15e
0.0.120 Poecilotheria Metallica Fh2/3 1x – 20e, 10x – 18e, 100x – 15e
0.0.60 Caribena Versicolor Fh1/2 1x – 7e, 10x – 6e, 100x – 4e
0.0.100 Cyriocosmus aueri Fh1/2 1x – 11e, 10x – 8e, 100x – 5e
0.0.200 Pterinopelma sazimai Fh2 1x – 4e, 10x – 3e, 100x – 1,5e
0.0.230 Chilobrachys sp Blue Vietnam 1x – 4e, 10x – 3e, 100x – 2e
0.0.1600 Nhandu Carapoensis Fh1 1x – 4e, 10x – 3e, 100x – 2e, 500x – 1,4e
0.0.100 Pterinochilus Murinus usambara 2,5-3BL 1x – 13e, 10x – 11e, 100x – 8e
0.0.200 Pterinopelma Sazimai 2BL 1x – 9e, 10x – 8e, 100x – 6e
0.0.80 Poecilotheria Rufilata 4-4,5BL 1x – 29e, 10x – 26e, 100x – 22e
0.0.30 Poecilotheria Metallica 2,5-3BL 1x – 36e, 10x – 31e, 100x – 28e
0.0.500 Caribena Versicolor 2BL 1x – 18e, 10x – 15e, 100x – 13e
0.0.300 Caribena Versicolor 1,5BL 1x – 16e, 10x – 14e, 100x – 12e
0.0.220 Amazonius Germani 2BL 1x – 13e, 10x – 11e, 100x – 8e
0.0.240 Chilobrachys sp Electric Blue 2BL 1x – 15e, 10x – 12e, 100x – 9e
0.0.85 Psalmopoeus Cambridgei 2BL 1x – 13e, 10x – 11e, 100x – 8e
0.0.180 Caribena Laeta 2,5-3BL 1x – 13e, 10x – 11e, 100x – 9e
0.0.200 Chromatopelma Cyaneopubescens 2BL 1x – 19e, 10x – 15e, 100x – 12e
0.0.90 Cyriopagopus Bach Ma 1,5-2BL 1x – 25e, 10x – 19e, 100x – 16e
0.0.40 Ornithoctonincae sp Hia Bia 2BL 1x – 19e, 10x – 15e, 100x – 12e
0.0.100 Pamphobeteus Mascara 2BL 1x – 26e, 10x – 22e, 100x – 16e
0.0.50 Acanthoscurria Geniculata 1,5-2BL 1x – 7e, 10x – 5e, 100x – 4e
0.0.15 Heteroscodra Maculata 2BL 1x – 13e, 10x – 11e, 100x – 8e
0.250 Brachypelma Boehmei 2,5BL 1x – 40e, 10x – 32e, 100x – 24e
0.200 Pterinopelma Sazimai 2,5BL 1x – 20e, 10x – 16e, 100x – 12e

Vorbestellung / preorder Weinstadt 12.10
Cyriopagopus "purple zebra"cf. albostriatus
0.1 ca. 3 cm Körper : 110,-
0.1 subadult ca. 3,5 cm Körper: 120,-
05 x NZ 2024, 2. FH: 200,-
Taksinus bambus
0.1 ca. 2-2,5 cm Körper: 75,-
0.1 ca. 3 cm Körper: 90,-
0.1 subadult: 110,-
NZ 2024, 2. FH: 30,- / Stk.
Theraphosa Paket
0.1 Theraphose apophysis ca. 3-4 cm Körper
0.1 Theraphosa blondi ca. 3-4 cm Körper
0.1 Theraphosa strimi ca. 3-4 cm Körper
===>> 240,-
1.1 Theraphosa blondi, je ca. 3 cm Körper: 120,-
1.1 Theraphosa blondi, je ca. 4,5 cm Körper: 145,-
1.1 Theraphosa stirmi, je ca. 3 cm Körper: 90,-
1.1 Ornithoctonus spec. Ranong blue, je ca. 3 cm Körper: 110,-
05 x Avicularia avicularia, 1. FH: 30,-
05 x Birupes simoroxigorum, 2. FH: 110,-
05 x Citharognathus tongmianensis, ca. 1 cm Körper: 90,-
05 x Chilobrachys sec. South Thailand blue, 2. FH: 125,-
05 x Chilobrachys spec. Kaeng Krachan, 2. FH: 20,-
05 x Cyriopagopus spec. "Big black", ca. 1 cm Körper: 45,-
10 x Cyriopagopus spec. "Big black", ca. 1 cm Körper: 80,-
05 x Monocentropus balfouri, ca. 2cm Körper: 75,-
05 x Ornithoctonus spec. uthai thani, 2. FH: 80,-
10 x Ornithoctonus spec. uthai thani, 2. FH: 75,-
05 x Ornithoctonus spec. Ranong blue, 2. FH: 50,-
05 x Ornithoctoninae spec. Vietnam silver, 1cm body: 150,-
10 x Ornithoctoninae spec. Vietnam silver: 280,-
05 x Ornithoctoninae spec. HCM, ca. 1-1,5 cm Körper: 200,-
05 x Pamphobeteus cf. antinous, 1. FH: 125,-
05 x Poecilotheria regalis, 1 cm Körper: 40,-
05 x Poecilotheria tigrinawesseli, 1,5 cm Körper: 50,-
05 x Poecilotheria ornata, 1 cm Körper: 40,-
05 x Theraphosa stirmi, 1. FH: 150,-
10 x Theraphosa stirmi, 1. FH: 280,-
Gesamtliste / full stocklist www.exotenzucht-haag.de
![Spiders and Scorpions kaufen und verkaufen Photo: HOUTEN - LAST MINUTE PREORDERS! [SPECIAL PRICES] Spiders and Scorpions kaufen und verkaufen Photo: HOUTEN - LAST MINUTE PREORDERS! [SPECIAL PRICES]](/tb/u/854/38/a1040671/tB/xw0WkHFbyCrK.jpg)
We THE Spider’s EMPIRE, have prepared a special PREORDER – LAST MINUTE! list!
We will be in Houten NL (22.09) with TABLE EK 5!
We Can also deliver the animals on the road: Olawa>Dresden>Koln>Houten and back the same road.
You want to place a big order? Remember to PM me and negotiate special price for WHOLESALE!
0.0.100 Phormictopus sp Dominican purple FH1/2 1x – 26e, 10x – 21e, 100x – 15e
0.0.120 Poecilotheria Metallica Fh2/3 1x – 20e, 10x – 18e, 100x – 15e
0.0.60 Caribena Versicolor Fh1/2 1x – 7e, 10x – 6e, 100x – 4e
0.0.100 Cyriocosmus aueri Fh1/2 1x – 11e, 10x – 8e, 100x – 5e
0.0.200 Pterinopelma sazimai Fh2 1x – 4e, 10x – 3e, 100x – 1,5e
0.0.230 Chilobrachys sp Blue Vietnam 1x – 4e, 10x – 3e, 100x – 2e
0.0.1600 Nhandu Carapoensis Fh1 1x – 4e, 10x – 3e, 100x – 2e
0.0.100 Pterinochilus Murinus usambara 2,5-3BL 1x – 13e, 10x – 11e, 100x – 8e
0.0.200 Pterinopelma Sazimai 2BL 1x – 9e, 10x – 8e, 100x – 6e
0.0.80 Poecilotheria Rufilata 4-4,5BL 1x – 28e, 10x – 24e, 100x – 18e
0.0.30 Poecilotheria Metallica 2,5-3BL 1x – 36e, 10x – 31e, 100x – 28e
0.0.500 Caribena Versicolor 2BL 1x – 18e, 10x – 15e, 100x – 13e
0.0.300 Caribena Versicolor 1,5BL 1x – 16e, 10x – 14e, 100x – 12e
0.0.220 Amazonius Germani 2BL 1x – 13e, 10x – 11e, 100x – 8e
0.0.240 Chilobrachys sp Electric Blue 2BL 1x – 15e, 10x – 12e, 100x – 9e
0.0.85 Psalmopoeus Cambridgei 2BL 1x – 13e, 10x – 11e, 100x – 8e
0.0.180 Caribena Laeta 2,5-3BL 1x – 13e, 10x – 11e, 100x – 9e
0.0.200 Chromatopelma Cyaneopubescens 2BL 1x – 19e, 10x – 15e, 100x – 12e
0.0.90 Cyriopagopus Bach Ma 1,5-2BL 1x – 25e, 10x – 19e, 100x – 16e
0.0.40 Ornithoctonincae sp Hia Bia 2BL 1x – 19e, 10x – 15e, 100x – 12e
0.0.100 Pamphobeteus Mascara 2BL 1x – 26e, 10x – 22e, 100x – 16e
0.0.50Acanthoscurria Geniculata 1,5-2BL 1x – 7e, 10x – 5e, 100x – 4e
0.0.15 Heteroscodra Maculata 2BL 1x – 13e, 10x – 11e, 100x – 8e
0.250 Brachypelma Boehmei 2,5BL 1x – 40e, 10x – 32e, 100x – 24e
0.200 Pterinopelma Sazimai 2,5BL 1x – 20e, 10x – 16e, 100x – 12e

SpidersForge Verona 06.10 /Weinstadt 12.10 prorders - 15% discount
Male :
Aphonopelma sp. diamondback 2.5bcm 60€
Avicularia braunshauseni 2bcm 35€
Acantoscuria geniculata 2-2.5bcm 7€
Brachypelma hamorii 5bcm 70€
Cyriopagopus sp. Hati hati 3-3.5bcm 12€
Cyriopagopus sp.Sumatran Tiger 3bcm 35€
Ceratogyrus sanderi 2bcm 25€
Ceratogyrus darlingi 2bcm 7€
Cymbiapophysa velox 2.5bcm 40€
Chromatopelma cyanopubescens 2.5bcm 17€
Chromatopelma cyanopubescens 3.5bcm 25€
Chilobrachys sp blue vietnam 2.5bcm 7€
Chilobrachys fimbriatus 2-2.5 bcm 8€
Cyriocosmus giganteus 2.5bcm 35€
Grammostola pulchripes adult 35€
Holothele longipes 2-2.5bcm 14€
Heteroscodra maculata 2bcm 7€
Harpactira baviana 2.5bcm 20€
Harpactira pulchripes 2bcm 10€
Harpactira namquensis adult 40€
Hysterocrates gigas 2bcm 8€
Nhandu tripepi 2bcm 10€
Linothele sericata 2.5bcm 12€
Lasiodora parahybana 3bcm 7€
Pamphobeteus sp.magnenegra 3-4bcm 35€
Pamphobeteus sp. mascara 3-4bcm 30€
Pamphobeteus sp.Insignis ekwador 3-4bcm 40€
Pamphobeteus sp. costa 3-4bcm 45€
Pamphobeteus cascada 3-4bcm 30€
Pterinochilus murinus usambara 2.5-3 bcm 7€
Pterinochilus murinus DCF KIGOMA 2-2.5bcm 14€
Pelinobius muticus 3bcm 25€
Poecilotheria ornata 3.5-4bcm 22€
Psalmopoeus reduncus 3bcm 10€
Psalmopoeus victori 3bcm 35€
Psalmopoeus pulcher 3bcm 12€
Psalmopoeus irminia 2.5bcm 8€
Stromatopelma calceatum 3bcm 18€
Theraphosa blondi 2-2.5bcm 35€
A.rufa Brazil 25.08 ?
C.sellatus 10.07 25€
C.elegans 15.08 15€
C.cudinamarca 15.08 ?
C.cyaneus 10.08 75€
Ch.sp.Blue vietnam 05.09 15€
D.diamantineis 05.07 30€
E.olivacea 10.08 35€
H.maculata x2 05.08 15€ each
H.sp.Silaka 10.08 30€
H.sp.Golden Black 10.07 50€
H.baviana 20.08 30€
P.auratus 05.08 35€
P.murinus Usambara x3 20.08 15€
P.sp.Blue 10.08 45€
L.sericata x3 20.08 20€
L.parachybana 20.08 15€
T.ockerti 10.09 40€
L.menavodi 05.09 10€
L.geometricus 05.09 10€
More you faind on Table :D
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