Poecilotheria metallica standard ads [Page 9]

Search Spiders and Scorpions

Searching for the following males

Hello, I'm looking for the following males that has reached/are close to reaching maturity:

Aphonopelma seemani
Avicularia minatrix
Brachypelma hamorii
Ceratogyrus darlingi
Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens
Cyriopagopus sp. hati hati
Cyriocosmus elegans
Gramostola pulchra
Grammostola pulchipes
Kochiana brunnipes
Monocentropus balfouri
Poecilotheria regalis
Poecilotheria ornata
Psalmopoeus irminia

Will be in Hamm on 10.12

Suche junge Poecilotheria Mädels.
Würde gern mein jetzigen Bestand wieder erweitern.
Wer was hat kann sich gern melden.

Spiders and Scorpions kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Biete diverse Vogelspinnen an ! +2
Sell Spiders and Scorpions

Biete diverse Vogelspinnen an !

Zum Verkauf stehen
1.0 poecilotheria Regalis Bock adult häutung im September 2022. 35€
2.0 Chilobrachis kaeng krachan böcke. Einer adult der andere sub oder adult je 30€
1.0 xenestis intermedia Bock fh 7/8 großes schönes Tier. 150€
0.1 P. Irminia ca 5 cm groß 80€
0.1 phiddipus regius ometepe adult unverpaart letzte häutung im August 2022 15€
Versand möglich


Habe aktuell diese Tiere

0.5 Acanthoscurria geniculata ca 4cm 35,-
0.1 Lasiodora parahybana 7cm + 50,-
0.2 Pamphobeteus sp machala 2,5 cm 25,-


0.0.80 Chilobrachys dyscoulus blue 2fh 5,-
0.0.70 Chilobrachys fimbriatus 4-5fh 8,-
0.0.10 Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens 3-4fh 10,-
0.0.10 Cyriopagopus hati hati 2fh 7,-
0.0.30 Poecilotheria regalis 7,50
0.0.10 Phormictopus cancerides 5fh 10,-
0.0.10 Pamphobeteus sp.machala 3fh 10,-
0.0.6 Hysterocrates gigas 3cm 10,-
Und 10er Gruppen auch von Hysterocrates gigas 3fh 25,-

1.0 Pamphobeteus sp mascara mit Rh 40,-


Spiders and Scorpions kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Böcke mit frischer Reifehäutung RH und unverpaart oder sub...
Sell Spiders and Scorpions

Böcke mit frischer Reifehäutung RH und unverpaart oder sub...

1.0 Poecilotheria hanumavilasumica RH September 2022 unverpaart 45 €
1.0 Poecilotheria regalis RH September unverpaart, groß 30 €
2.0 G. grossa RH 26. bis 30. Oktober 2022 35€
2.0 H. pulchripes RH 15. - 20. Oktober 2022 20€
1.0 T. stirmi "xxl" RH Mitte September 2022 65 €
7.0 C. cyaneopubescen nächste Häutung RH 39 €
2.0 C. spec. electric blue KL ca. 3,5 cm 40 € *
6.0 G. pulchra KL ca. 3,5-4 cm 45 € *

Versand ins deutsche Festland incl. Heatpack:
vers. Paket 9,50 €, DHL Express 15 €
Abholung in 29229 ebenfalls möglich.
Tel. 01523 - 4246 759

1.0 Acanthoscurria geniculata - 25€
1.0 Chilobrachys brevipes - 20€
1.0 Cyclosternum sp. Antioquia - 25€
1.0 Cyclosternum schmardae - 25€
2.0 Cyriopagopus lividus - 30€/1
1.0 Ephebopus uatuman - 25€
2.0 Grammostola grossa - 50€/1
1.0 Haplocosmia himalayana - 25€
2.0 Hysterocrates gigas - 15€/1
3.0 Monocentropus balfouri -15€/1
1.0 Nhandu carapoensis - 30€
1.0 Neoholothele incei "gold" - 15€
1.0 Ornithoctonus aureotibialis - 25€
1.0 Phlogiellus sp. Erewan - 15€
1.0 Poecilotheria miranda - 25€
1.0 Poecilotheria tigrinawesseli - 25€
1.0 Pterinochilus murinus Usambara - 20€
1.0 Selenocosminae sp. Nepal - 20€
1.0 Selenocosminae sp. Sarawk - 30€
1.0 Tliltocatl kahlenbergi - 40€
1.0 Tliltocatl vagans - 15€
Shipping priority all Europe + heatpack, styrobox - 20€

- bird spiders kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Poecilotheria, Nhandu, Bumba, Grammostola, Lasiodora +2
Sell - bird spiders

Poecilotheria, Nhandu, Bumba, Grammostola, Lasiodora

Leider muss ich mich von meiner Vogelspinnensamlung trennen.
Abzugeben sind noch folgende Tiere:
Poecilotheria - regalis - Körperlänge ca 8 cm - weiblich - 6 Jahre alt
Poecilotheria - metallica - Körperlänge ca 8 cm - weiblich - 7 Jahre alt
Nhandu - colorato - Körperlänge ca 8 cm - weiblich - 7 Jahre alt
Grammostola - rosea - Körperläge ca 7 cm - weiblich - 7 Jahre alt
Bumba - cabocla - weiblich - 6 Jahre alt
Lasiodora - pleoplectra - Körperlänge ca 8 cm - weiblich - 5 Jahre alt

Ich hätter gerne pro Tier 100,- € ( für die Bumba 50,- € )
Bei Interesse aller Tiere können wir gerne noch über den Preis verhandeln.
Versenden ist möglich, jedoch bei den Themperaturen auf eigenes Risiko.

- bird spiders kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Poecilotherias and more for bulk prices +1
Sell - bird spiders

Poecilotherias and more for bulk prices

More spiders=Cheaper
Cm= body lenght
0.0.30 Acanthoscurria geniculata 3,5cm 18€
0.0.30 Hysterocrates gigas 3cm 10€
0.0.25 Lasiodora parahybana 3,5-4cm 15€
0.0.30 Pterinochilus murinus rcf(100%rcf) 15€
0.0.40 Tliltocatl albopilosus nicaragua 4cm 15€
0.1 Chylobrachys dyscolus black adult 45€
0.1 Lampropelma violaceopes adult 80€
0.6 Monocentropus balfouri sub 40€
0.1 Neoholothele incei adult 25€
0.1 Poecilotheria metallica adult XL 95€
0.15 Poecilotheria vittata sub/adult 60€/ 10x 400€
0.2 Stromatopelma calceatum adult 50€
0.2 Tliltocatl kahlenbergi 4-4,5cm 40€

Shipping in eu
Text me on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/botond.csikos.75



0.1 Avicularia juruensis Morph 2 (ex. sp. Peru purple) sub 85€

0.1 Avicularia sp. kwitara river sub (3.5-4cm) 80€

0.1 Poecilotheria metallica adult 120€

0.1 Pamphobeteus sp. flammifera adult 120€

0.1 Pseudhapalopus sp. blue sub 85€

0.1 Psalmopoeus Victori sub-adult 125€

0.1 Pterinochilus murinus dcf (kigoma) adult 70€


1.1 Caribena versicolor beide adult
(Rh 9.22) 100€

1.1 Psalmopoeus reduncus beide adult 50€

0.0.1 Birupes simoroxigorum 2,5cm 75€
0.0.1 Ornithoctoninae sp. Nhen dep 2.5-3cm 40€
0.0.1 Pterinochilus murinus rcf 5cm 30€
0.0.1 Citharacanthus Cyaneus 3FH 20€
0.0.1 Chilobrachys sp. Penang 2FH 15€
0.0.2 Omothymus violaceopes 3FH 10€
0.0.1 Ceratogyrus brachycephalus 3FH 25€
0.0.1 Sericopelma sp. Santa catalina 2FH 20€
0.0.1 Harpactira pulchripes 3,5cm 30€
0.0.2 Avicularia juruensis Morph 2 / 3FH 10€
0.0.1 Avicularia rufa 3/4 FH 25€
0.0.1 Selenocosmiinae sp. Crassipes 3FH 8€
0.0.2 Phamphobeteus sp. Tigris 3 FH 15€
0.0.1 Phormingochilus evertti 3cm 40€
0.0.3 Phormingochilus sp. arboricola 4FH 12€

Zum Versand oder Abholung!!!

Sell Spiders and Scorpions

Biete Vogelspinnen www.tarantulahub.nl

0.0.xx Tliltocatl albopilosus (Costa Rica) 3-4 cm €20,-
0.0.xx Tliltocatl albopilosus (Nicaragua) 3 FH €6,-
r.0.xx Tliltocatl kahlenbergi 2 FH €5,-
0.0.xx Theraphosa apophysis 2-3 FH €45,-
0.0.xx Thrigmopoeus truculentus 1 FH €12,-
0.0.xx Xenesthis immanis 1-2 FH €30,-

0.2 Acanthoscurria geniculata 3-3,5 cm €35,-
0.5 Brachypelma albiceps 2,5-3cm €35,-
0.5 Brachypelma hamorii 2,5-3cm €35,-
0.xx Bumba horrida 2,5-3 cm €30,-
0.xx Kochiana brunnipes adult €35,-
0.1 Lasiodora striatipes 3,5-4 cm €30,-
0.xx Neoholothele incei subadult €20,-
0.4 Poecilotheria formosa 3,5-4,5 cm €45,-
0.1 Poecilotheria vittata 4,5-5 cm €50,-
0.1 Psalmopoeus cambridgei 3-3,5 cm €20,-
0.3 Psalmopoeus irminia 3-3,5 cm €25,-
0.xx Pterinochilus murinus 3-3,5 cm body €30,-
0.1 Pterinopelma sazimai 1,5-2 cm €20,-
0.4 Theraphosa apophysis 2-3 FH €65,-
0.x Tliltocatl albopilosus (Costa Rica) 4 cm €35,-
0.4 Tliltocatl albopilosus (Nicaragua) 4 cm €35,-
0.8 Xenesthis immanis 2 FH €55,-

4.0 Acanthoscurria geniculata 2-2,5 cm €10,-
3.0 Acanthoscurria geniculata 3-3,5 cm €15,-
3.0 Brachypelma albiceps 2,5-3cm €20,-
3.0 Brachypelma hamorii 2,5-3cm €20,-
x.0 Bumba horrida 2,5-3,5cm €20,-
6.0 Ceratogyrus darlingi 2,5-3 cm €15,-
1.0 Chilobrachys sp. blue Vietnam 2,5 cm €10,-
2.0 Lasiodora striatipes 3,5-4 cm €15,-
xx.0 Neoholothele incei subadult €12,-
2.0 Neoholothele incei RH 09/2022 €12,-
1.0 Pamphobeteus sp. Machala 1,5 -2 cm €20,-
4.0 Poecilotheria formosa 3,5 cm €25,-
2.0 Poecilotheria rufilata 2,5-3,5 cm €20,-
1.0 Psalmopoeus cambridgei 3,5 cm €15,-
3.0 Psalmopoeus irminia 2,5 cm €10,-
4.0 Pterinochilus murinus rcf 2,5-3,5 cm €15,-
5.0 Theraphosa apophysis 2 FH €40,-
x.0Tliltocatl albopilosus (Costa Rica) 3,5-4 cm €15,-
2.0 Tliltocatl albopilosus (Nicaragua) 4 cm €15,-
1.0 Xenesthis immanis 2 FH €30,-

Spiders and Scorpions kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Biete Vogelspinnen www.tarantulahub.nl
Sell Spiders and Scorpions

Biete Vogelspinnen www.tarantulahub.nl

0.0.xx Lasiodora parahybana 4-5 FH €6,-
0.0.xx Lasiodora parahybana 2-2,5 cm €12,-
0.0.4 Lasiodora striatipes 3-3,5 cm €18,-
0.0.xx Lasiodorides striatus 1 FH €10,-
0.0.xx Linothele sericata 4 FH €12,-
0.0.xx Monocentropus balfouri 1-2 FH €14,- (communal) 5x €60,-
0.0.xx Neischnocolus sp. Panama 2 FH €16,-
0.0.xx Neoholothele incei 1-2 FH €4,-
0.0.xx Neoholothele incei 1,5-2 cm €12,-
0.0.xx Neoholothele incei gold 3 FH €7,-
0.0.xx Nhandu chromatus 3-4 FH €5,-
0.0.xx Nhandu tripepii 3 FH €8,-
0.0.xx Omothymus violaceopes 2-3 FH €15,-
0.0.4 Orphnaecus philippinus 1 FH €8,-
0.0.xx Orphnaecus sp. Blue Panay 4 FH €10,-
0.0.xx Orphnaecus sp. Blue Quezon 2-3 FH €6,-
0.0 .xx Pamphobeteus sp. Machala 2 FH €15,-
0.0.xx Phormictopus auratus 3 FH €15,-
0.0.xx Phormictopus cancerides 3-4 FH €14,-
0.0.xx Phormictopus sp. Blue Azul 3-4 FH €50,-
0.0.xx Phormictopus sp. Full Green 2-3 FH €35,-
0.0.4 Poecilotheria fasciata 1,5-2 cm €15,-
0.0.xx Poecilotheria formosa 3-3,5 cm €25,-
0.0.xx Poecilotheria metallica 2 FH €25,-
0.0.xx Poecilotheria ornata 1 FH €6,-
0.0.xx Poecilotheria ornata 3-4 FH €10,-
0.0.xx Poecilotheria regalis 2 cm €10,-
0.0.xx Poecilotheria regalis 3,5-4 cm €25,-
0.0.xx Poecilotheria striata 2 cm €15,-
0.0.xx Psalmopoeus cambridgei 2-3 FH €6,-
0.0.xx Psalmopoeus cambridgei 2,5-3 cm €15,-
0.0.xx Psalmopoeus irminia 2 FH €4,-
0.0.xx Psalmopoeus irminia 3-3,5 cm €15,-
0.0.xx Psalmopoeus pulcher 3 FH €10,-
0.0.xx Psalmopoeus reduncus 2,5-3 cm €20,-
0.0.xx Pseudhapalopus sp. blue 2-3 FH €15,-
0.0.xx Pterinochilus murinus RCF 3-4 FH €6,-
0.0.xx Pterinochilus murinus 3-3,5 cm body €15,-
0.0.xx Pterinopelma sazimai 3-4 FH €10,-
0.0.xx Pterinopelma sazimai 1,5-2 cm €15,-
0.0.1 Pterinopelma sazimai 3,5-4 cm €25,-
0.0.xx Selenocosmia crassipes 2-3 FH €8,-
0.0.xx Spinosatibiapalpus spinulopalpus 1 FH €10,-

- bird spiders kaufen und verkaufen Photo: 1.0 Poecilotheria bara RH 07/22
Sell - bird spiders

1.0 Poecilotheria bara RH 07/22

Biete einen 1.0 Poecilotheria bara RH 07/22 an. Unverpaart. - 50€.

Abholung in 38116 bevorzugt, Versand zzl. Kosten möglich.

Denise Hepfer

Spiders and Scorpions kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Slings, females, pairs, males available at Terraplaza
Sell Spiders and Scorpions

Slings, females, pairs, males available at Terraplaza

0.0.4 Citharognathus hosei 2cm BL
0.0.25 Chilobrachys sp. Electric blue 2-3fh
0.0.10 Harpactira baviana 4-5fh

6.6 Caribena versicolor 3cm BL
0.2 Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens 3-3,5cm BL
0.1 Idiothele nigrofulva adult
0.1 Pterinochilus murinus DCF Kigoma 3-3.5cm BL
0.2 Tliltocatl albopilosus Nicaragua 2,5-3cm BL
0.2 Xenesthis immanis 3cm BL

1.0 Harpactira pulchripes MM 09/22
1.0 Harpactira tigrina MM 09/22
2.0 Phormictopus sp dominican purple 4.5cm BL
6.0 Poecilotheria metallica 4cm BL (semi/sub)

Shipping in EU, live arrival guarantee / available at Terraplaza 16.10.22

Sell Spiders and Scorpions

Ich verkaufe weibliche Vogelwürmer


Avicularia juruensis (10-15 Stück) 4,5-5DC – 65€
Brachypelma emilia 3,5-4DC – 45€
Brachypelma vagans (3Stück)3,5-4DC 40€
Brachypelma albiceps 5-5,5DC 45€
Brachypelma boehmei – 5-5,5DC 40€
Brachypelma hamorii 5-5,5DC 45€
Brachypelma albopilosum 3-3,5DC 15€
Brachypelma albopilosum nicaragua (2Stück)5-5,5DC 45€
Ceratogyrus darlingi (3Stück)– 4,5-5DC 30€
Ceratogyrus marshalii (2Stück)– 4,5-5DC 30€
Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens(20-30Stück) – 4-4,5DC 45€
Chilobrachys kaeng krachan(20-30Stück) 3-3,5DC 20€
Chilobrachys fimbriatus (15-20Stück)– 3-3,5DC 20€
Cyriopagopus sp.hati hati (15-20Stück)– 3-3,5DC 20€
Dolichotele exilis(5Stück) 3DC 40€
Heteroscodra maculata(10Stück) - 3-3,5DC 20€
Heteroscodra maculata (1Stück) - 6DC 45€
Harpactira pulchripes (5-10Stück)4,5-5DC 65€
Monocentropus balfouri (10-15Stück)4,5-5DC 40€
Nhandu Chromatus (20-30Stück)– 4DC 15€
Neoholothele incei gold(2Stück) – 2,5-3DC 15€
Pterinopelma sazimai (2Stück)5-5,5DC 45€
Pterinochilus murinus usambara(5-10Stück) 4,5-5DC 25€
Poecilotheria mettalica (2-3Stück)5DC 55€
Poecilotheria regalis (3Stück)7DC 45€
Psalmopoeus irminia(10Stück) 3DC 15€
Psalmopoeus irminia (3Stück)4,5-5DC 35€
Psalmopoeus pulcher (1Stück)5-5,5DC – 35€
Trixopelma ockerti - (1Stück)4DC 55€
Tapinauchenius sanctivincenti (3-5Stück)3DC 45€
Ybyrapora diversipes 4DC(1-2Stück) – 55€

männlich adult
Monocentropus balfouri (5Stück)10€
Pterinochilus murinus usambara(5Stück) 10€

Acantoscuria geniculata (50Stück)L4-5 6€
Ami sp.panama (5Stück)- L4-5 25€
Ceratogyrus darlingi(40Stück) L1 – 3€
Dolichotele exilis(20Stück) L4-5 8€
Heterothele gabonensis(20Stück) L5-6 15€
Pterinopelma sazimai(20Stück) L4 6€
Pseudhapalopus spinulopalpus (5Stück)L4-5 25€

Whats'upp +48791657655

ich biete für die Börse in Weinstadt am 01.10. folgende Tiere:
Weibchen / females

0.1 Avicularia metallica B. Guyana ca.3cm KL 40€
0.1 Avicularia minatrix 3cm KL 75€
0.1 Caribena laeta adult 40€
0.1 Chilobrachys sp. Vietnam 30€
0.1 Chilobrachys sp. Vietnam Blue 2,5cm KL 20€
0.1 Cyriopagopus sp. Hati Hati 2,5cm KL 20€
0.1 Hapalopus sp. Kolumbien groß adult 40€
0.1 Haplopelma sp. Bach Ma 3cm KL 40€
0.1 Hysterocrates gigas adult 30€
0.1 Iridopelma hirsutum NZ 09/20 25€
0.1 Lasiodora parahybana KL 6cm 30€
0.1 Lasiodora parahybana KL 3cm 12€
0.1 Omothymus schioedtei adult 50€
0.1 Pamphobeteus ultramarinus 4,5cm KL 200€
0.1 Pamphobeteus sp. Mascara N5 25€
0.1 Poecilotheria regalis adult 40€
0.1 Poecilotheria metallica 4cm KL 50€
0.1 Poecilotheria striata adult 50€
0.1 Psalmopoeus victori adult 140€
0.1 Thrixopelma pruriens adult 30€
0.1 Xenesthis sp. Blue N4 100€
0.1 Xenesthissp. White N4 100€

Männchen / males
1.0 Lasiodorides striatus 3,5cm KL 25€
1.0 Tliltocatl vagans 4cm KL 20€

unbestimmte / unsexed
0.0.X Caribena versicolor N2 7€
0.0.X Hysterocrates gigas N1 5€
0.0.X Thrixopelma pruriens N1 3€

Claus Gärtner

For Weinstadt
~0.0.30 Tliltocatl schroederi 2~3 fh 25€. All;600 €
~0.0.20 Psalmopoeus victori 3fh 30€
~0.0.50 Grammostola pulchripes 2~3fh 10€ All; 300€
~1.0 Grammostola pulchra 4~4,5cm 50€
~1.0 Poecilotheria miranda adult Rh;8.10 40€
~0.3.0 Melognathus sp oriental (ex mindanao) semi~sub 100€
~1.0 Pamphobeteus machalla sub 50€
~4.3 Tliltocatl kahlenbergi 3cm 50€\pair
~0.3 Nhandu chromatus 3cm body 30€
~0.2 Acanthoscurria geniculata 3cm 30€
~1.1.1 Lasiodora difficilis 4cm 80€ all
~0.1 Psalmopoeus pulcher 3cm 30€
~0.0.1 Phormictopus atrichomatus 3v 15€
~0.0.60 Cyriopagopus sp hati~hati 150€ all
~0.0.5 Pternochilus murinus DCF kigoma 3cm 10€
~0.0.10 Pternochilus murinus DCF kigoma 3fh 6€
~0.0.2 Thrixopelma pruriens 4fh 15€
~0.1 Psalmopoeus cambridgei 3cm 30€
~0.0.100 Brachypelma hámori 3fh 600€all
~0.0.8 Tliltocatl kahlenbergi 3fh 40€ all
~0.0.1 Poecilotheria ornata 3fh 18€
~0.0.3 Poecilotheria regalis 4fh 15€
~0.0.3 Poecilotheria rufilata 4fh 20€
~0.0.15 Chilobrachys sp.electric blue 3~4fh 20 €
~0.0.3 Pseudhapalopus sp yellow blue 4fh 30€
~1.0.4 Nhandu caraponensis 3cm 20€
~0.0.5 Poecilotheria metallica 2cm 30€
0.0.350 Acanthoscurria geniculata 2~3fh 500 €

Sell - bird spiders

Poecilotheria zu verkaufen

Gebe ab
0,1 Poecilotheria ornata subadult 40 Euro
0,1 Poecilotheria metallica subadult 50 Euro

Spiders and Scorpions kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Ich versende auch ins Ausland
Sell Spiders and Scorpions

Ich versende auch ins Ausland

0,1 samice -- female --
Brachypelma albopilosum AD 600,-kč/ 24e
Ephebopus rufescens AD 1000,-kč / 40e
Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens 6sv. 3cm BL 800,-kč/ 32e
Psalmopoeus reduncus AD 500,-kč / 20e
Lasiodora parahybana 5cm BL 450kč/ 18e
Chilobrachys sp. Kaeng Krachan 8sv. 400,-kč/ 16e
Chilobrachys sp. Tanintharyi (Barma) 7-8 sv. 800,-kč/ 32e
C.hati hati 8sv. 500,-kč*
Poecilotheria tigrinawesseli AD (big) 1500,-kč/ 60e
Poecilotheria vittata 7sv. 700,-kč/ 28e
Poecilotheria striata AD 800,-kč/ 32e
Phormictopus auratus 9sv.600,-kč/ 24e
Vitalius paranaensis AD 800,-kč/ 32e

1,0 samci -- male---
Pterinochilus chordatus AD 8/22 2ks 500,-kč/ 20e
P.fasciata AD 6/22 350,-kč/ 14e
C. hati hati AD 5,7,8/22 250,-kč/ 10e
Ch.sp. Kaeng krachan semi-sub 250,-kč/ 10e

0,0x neurčení --
Phormingochilus sp. rufus 3-4 sv. 250,-kč/ks -- 10e
Davus pentaloris ex.fasciatus 5-6 sv. 200,-kč/ks -- 8e
Pterinopelma sazimai 3-4 sv. 120,-kč/ks -- 5e
Heterothele sp. Zanzibar 4sv. 200kč/ks -- 8e

Spiders and Scorpions kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Monstrum - males  ask about more amount
Sell Spiders and Scorpions

Monstrum - males ask about more amount

Amazonius germani- 2 BL – 10e
Brachypelma auratum- 3 BL -50e
Brachypelma albiceps- 2,5 BL – 15e
Brachypelma albopilosum Nikaragua- 3 BL - 10e
Brachypelma hamori-2,5-3 BL – 15e, 1,5-2 BL -10e
Ceratogyrus darlingi- 2,5 BL - 10e
Chilobrachys blue Wietnam – 3 BL - 10e
Chilobrachys electric blue – 2,5-3 BL - 20e
Chromatopelma cyanepubescens- 2,5-3 BL - 20e
Davus pentaloris – 3,5 BL – 10e
Ephebopus cyanognathus- 2,5 BL - 60e
Ephebopus murinus 2,5-3 BL - 60e
Grammostola pulchripes- 1,5-2 BL – 15e
Grammostola rosea red – 1,5-2 BL – 30e
Hapalopus formosus – 1,5 BL - 10e
Hysterocrates gigas –3 BL – 10e
Omothymus violaceopes- 2,5 BL - 15e
Phormingochilus rufus- 2,5-3 BL - 10e
Poecilotheria Formosa – 2,5-3 BL - 20e
Poecilotheria ornata – 3 BL - 20e
Psalmopoeus irminia – 2-3 BL – 10e
Psalmopoeus pulcher-2-3 BL - 15e
Pterinochils murinus- 2,5 BL – 10e

Spiders and Scorpions kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Monstrum - females  ask about more amount
Sell Spiders and Scorpions

Monstrum - females ask about more amount

Acanthoscurria geniculata- 3-3,5 BL -30e
Amazonius germani- 2BL – 25e
Brachypelma auratum- 3 BL -90e
Brachypelma albopilosum Nikaragua- 3BL -25e
Brachypelma boehmei 3,5 BL - 45e
Brachypelma emilia -1,5-2 BL - 35e
Brachypelma hamori-2,5 BL – 40e, 1,5-2 BL - 35e
Brachypelma klaasi- 2,5-3 BL - 60e
Caribena versicolor-3bl – 60e , 4 BL -65e
Chromatopelma cyanepubescens- 2,5-3 BL - 40e
Ceratogyrus darlingi- 2,5-3 BL - 25e
Chaetopelma olivaceum- adult – 50e
Chilobrachys blue Wietnam – 3 BL - 25e
Chilobrachys electric blue –adult- 125e, 2,5-3 BL - 95e
Ephebopus cyanognathus- 2,5 BL - 125e
Ephebopus murinus 2,5-3 BL - 125e
Grammostola pulchripes- 3 BL - 45e, 1,5-2 BL – 40e
Grammostola rosea red – 1,5-2 BL – 65e
Hapalopus formosus – 1,5 BL - 25e
Haplopelma lividum – 2-2,5 BL - 40e
Hysterocrates gigas – 3 BL - 25e
Omothymus violaceopes- 2,5 BL - 45e
Phormingochilus rufus- 2,5-3 BL - 40e
Poecilotheria Formosa – 2,5-3 BL - 40e
Poecilotheria metallica- 5,5 BL – 125e
Poecilotheria ornata- 3 BL - 40e
Psalmopoeus cambridge- 2,5 BL – 20e
Psalopoeus irminia- adult-40e, 2,5-3 BL - 25e
Psalmopoeus pulcher- 3 BL - 35e , 2 BL -30e
Pterinochils murinus- 2,5 BL – 20e
Pterinopelma sazimai- 2,5-3 BL - 25e
Xenesthis immanis- 4,5-5 BL -120e
Ybyrapora diversipe- 2,5 BL – 80e