Mantis standard ads

Insects kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Hierodula sp Papua Blue / Papua Riesen Mantis / Mantiden +1
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Hierodula sp Papua Blue / Papua Riesen Mantis / Mantiden

Aktuell habe ich da:

WEIBLICH L4/L5- Verfügbar 2Stk.
1x L4/L5= 25,00€
ab 2 Tiere (L4/L5) pro Tier 23,00€

WEIBLICH L5/L6- Verfügbar 6Stk.
1x L5/L6= 30,00€
ab 2 Tiere (L5/L6) pro Tier 28,00€
ab 3 Tiere (L5/L6) pro Tier 26,00€

Versand momentan auf eigens Risiko.
Verssand zzgl. 11,00€. Per DHL inklusive Tracking, Heatpack und großzügig verpackt. Versand Tag ist bei mir immer dienstags.
zzgl. 20,00€ Versand per DHL EXPRESS, inklusive Tracking, Heatpack und großzügig verpackt.
(Bei den aktuellen Temperaturen wäre Express empfehlenswert)


I have available shipping from France :

Blepharopsis mendica
Chlidonoptera lestoni
Deroplatys desiccata
Hierodula majuscula
Hierodula Sp Papua
Hymenopus coronatus
Idolomantis diabolica
Phyllocrania paradoxa
Rhombodera kirbyii
Rhombodera latipronotum

Feel free to contact for any question.

Insects kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Praying mantis Idolomantis, Helvia, Hierodula, Stenophylla +1
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Praying mantis Idolomantis, Helvia, Hierodula, Stenophylla

Many cool species available
Shipping after New Year

Hierodula sp Papua
Contact via whatsapp + 48 517 815 961

Insects kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Ooths of differents mantis species
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Ooths of differents mantis species


I have those Ooths available
Pseudocreobotra wahlbergii
Deroplatys desiccata
Rhombodera latipronotum
Hymenopus coronatus
Phyllocrania paradoxa

All captive bred in mantis passion center. Shipping from France

PM for more details ☺️

Insects kaufen und verkaufen Photo: New species - Java - Grasshopper/Mantis/Spider/Roaches/Phasmids/Ants +2
Sell Insects

New species - Java - Grasshopper/Mantis/Spider/Roaches/Phasmids/Ants

-Available for Hamm only-
Hierodula sp. 'blue Papua Giant' L2/L3: 6€ (10x50€)
Hierodula cf. quinquepatellata 'Uluwatu' L2/L3: 5€ (10x40€)
Tenodera sp. 'Halimun' L1/L2: 7€ (10x50€)
Hymenopus coronatus 'Halimun' L1/L2: 8€ (5x30€)

Therea nuptialis nymps: 6€ (10x50€)
Archimandrita tesselata 'Chucantí': mix 10x25€
Deropeltis cf. wahlbergi 'Santa Lucia SA' L5/L6: 10x20€

Phasmotaenia lanyuhensis L2/L3: 7€ (5x25€)

Hyllus diardi adult: 35€

Capnogryllacris sp. Eggs: exchange
Pemba sp. (Ex. Championica sp.) L2: 6€ (5x30€)
Siliquofera grandis L5
Nesonotus reticulatus L5
Phyllomimus truncatus 1,1 L5: 20€
Homoeogryllus xanthographus mixed
Pseudoproscopia latirostris
Pseudoproscopia scabra
Nesoecia cf. nigrispina

Camponotus largiceps 'Halimun': Queen + eggs (25€)

Insects kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Stagmatoptera supplicaria ooth // Mantis
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Stagmatoptera supplicaria ooth // Mantis

Stagmatoptera supplicaria ooth available
Currently only ones in Europe
Supplicaria is the biggest Stagmatoptera species
Delivery within EU

Insects kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Acanthops Falcata ooths //Mantis +1
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Acanthops Falcata ooths //Mantis

Rare acanthops ooth for sale- only one in Europe - Acanthops falcata.
Shipping within EU

Michael Roy photo

Insects kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Mantis Jungtiere Nachzuchten +1
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Mantis Jungtiere Nachzuchten

Orchideenmantis Hymenopus coronatus
Große Tote-Blatt Mantis Deroplaty desiccata
Papua Schildmantis Rhombodera kirbyi
Blütenmantis Creobroter sp. Yunnan

Aktuelle Verfügbarkeit und Preise per PN oder im Shop ersichtlich

Versand oder Abholung im Burgenland, AT

ich suche eine Mantis idolomantis diabolica, vorzugsweise ein junges Weibchen.
Ich lebe in der Schweiz

Danke und Grüße

Insects kaufen und verkaufen Photo: 迭部甘螽Chinese Devil Katydid(grasshopper) +2
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迭部甘螽Chinese Devil Katydid(grasshopper)

This kind of grasshopper is very rare,even in china.The are fierce predators ,just like the mantis,but they are actually crazier.They like dry places.They hide themselves in the bushes and catch every single animal that they can kill. They eat grass too. I have some eggs of these creatures,which are about to hatch.You can see the eyes of the nymphs through the eggshell.

Spiders and Scorpions kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Phidippus regius Aventura Florida +1
Sell Spiders and Scorpions

Phidippus regius Aventura Florida

Selling F0 of a new stock from parents we brought back in January 2024 from the city of Aventura in Florida.
Very beautiful stock (orange, copper)
Females, males, pairs L4-L6 available

Larger quantities possible and bulk price as well

Insects kaufen und verkaufen Photo: DRAGONS, ORCHIDS MANTIS, +2
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making place in my bug room before moving. That’s why have some mantis available in Bulk

???? 35x Stenophylla lobivertex L2
5x = 25€/1
10x = 20€/1
35x = 17€/1
4x pregnant females = 350€
???? Ooth = 190€
35x Nymphs + 1x Ooth = 700€ for all

???? Prohierodula picta:
5x = 9€/1
10x = 8€/1
50x = 7€/1
???? Ooth = 90€

MALAYASIAN orchid mantis/
???? hymenopus coronatus:
Sub/fresh adult females:
Bulk 20x = 45€/1
Mated ☑️ female = 95€
????4 Ooths = 590€ / 4x Ooths

Also have 7x rare assassin bugs from Vietnam , about presubadult = 240€/all

Shipping from ???????? Poland to ???????? Germany - by UPS Express saver -> next day delivery = 39€

Venomous snakes kaufen und verkaufen Photo: A.squamigera,e.mandarina+moelendorfii                             . +1
Sell Venomous snakes

A.squamigera,e.mandarina+moelendorfii .

Adult,high red female,0,1 e.moelendorfii+mandarina,for Hamm,and it is possible to obtain CB reptiles(bungarus,gonyosoma ,boiga,erpeton,rare tropidolaemus,elaphe,gonocephalus,goliatus,toxodera mantis..),write, I'll send the stock now only squamigera .please only whats app +421905469145

Venomous snakes kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Atheris squamigera.                          .
Sell Venomous snakes

Atheris squamigera. .

Adult,high red female,400€,for Hamm,and it is possible to obtain CB reptiles(bungarus,gonyosoma ,boiga,erpeton,rare tropidolaemus,elaphe,gonocephalus,goliatus,toxodera mantis..),write, I'll send the stock now only squamigera .please only whats app +421905469145

Insects kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Hierodula membranacea Indische Riesengottesanbeterin Mantiden Mantis +2
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Hierodula membranacea Indische Riesengottesanbeterin Mantiden Mantis


Wir bieten Nachzuchten von Hierodula membranacea / Indische Riesengottesanbeterin an.

Die Tiere sind aktuell L2/3 und L5/6 und sehr munter und agil. Sie fressen Fliegen.

Preise: L2/3: 3€ pro Stück
20€ für 10 Stück
L5/6 5€ pro Stück
40€ für 10 Stück

Versand, Abholung, Übergabe auf Börsen oder persönliche Lieferung vor Ort möglich.

Venomous snakes kaufen und verkaufen Photo: A.squamigera                             . +2
Sell Venomous snakes

A.squamigera .

A.squamigera,few adult,subadult males ,some color,prices 230-300...-..for Hamm.Houten,and it is possible to obtain CB reptiles(bungarus,gonyosoma,boiga,erpeton,rare tropidolaemus,elaphe,gonocephalus,goliatus,toxodera mantis..),write, I'll send the stock now only squamigera abd !!!.others my old imports pictures,please only whats app +421905469145

Venomous snakes kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Bitis nasicornis,A.squamigera +2
Sell Venomous snakes

Bitis nasicornis,A.squamigera

A.squamigera,few adult,subadult males females,some color,prices 230-390...1,0 b.nasicornis,40 cm+-..for Hamm.and it is possible to obtain CB reptiles(bungarus,gonyosoma,boiga,erpeton,rare tropidolaemus,elaphe,gonocephalus,goliatus,toxodera mantis..),write, I'll send the stock now only squamigera abd bitis!!!.others my old imports pictures,please only whats app +421905469145


L2 - L3 Tenodera Sinensis Available in France ONLY

50€ per mantis

I am looking for the following mantis

- Heterochaeta
- Brunneria boréalis
- Schyzocephala bicornis


Insects kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Majangella moultoni pairs +1
Sell Insects

Majangella moultoni pairs


I have two pairs of Majangella moultoni ready to be shipped available. Also some more species :

Best regards