Houten standard ads [Page 37]

I am looking for a transport from Houten or Hamm to Sweden, courrier or private, I cover everything, thanks!

Looking for Emys orbicularis orbicularis, babies and juveniles with CITES. I live in Romania so I'm looking for either shipment or delivery at Houten, Terraplazza.

Looking for fire salamanders. Unsexed babies, adults, juveniles. I live in Romania so I'm looking for either a delivery or a pick up for Houten, Terraplazza.

Colubrids kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Heterodon nasicus snow female cb 21 +2
Sell Colubrids

Heterodon nasicus snow female cb 21

Eigene nachzucht, 75 gram, ich komme nach Houten 17 april
Preise: 550€

Colubrids kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Heterodon nasicus SUPERARCTIC CONDA male 2020 +1
Sell Colubrids

Heterodon nasicus SUPERARCTIC CONDA male 2020

CB 2020
eating defrost
Price 990€

I’m looking for small feeder lizards. Possibly very small snakes too. Picking up in Houten shows.
Email me the price and available amount.

Hello I am looking for uromastyx thomasi all ages to pick up from houten 17 April.
Please let me know what you might have.

Zur Abgabe steht ein 1.0 Pastel Yellow Belly DH. Desert Ghost/Piebald von 2019

Eine Übergabe am 17.04. I Houten ist möglich.

Abholung in 75323 Bad Wildbad möglich

Unsere Tiere können nach einer Anzahlung von 50% Reserviert werden.

Ball Pythons kaufen und verkaufen Photo: ( Männchen ) 1.0 Butter het. Piebald
Sell Ball Pythons

( Männchen ) 1.0 Butter het. Piebald

Zur Abgabe steht ein 1.0 Butter het. Pied von 2016 aus eigener Zucht.

Übergabe am 17.04. In Houten möglich

Abholung in 75323 Bad Wildbad

Unsere Tiere können nach einer Anzahlung von 50% reserviert werden.

I search for a pair - 1.1 (or more) Oophaga pumilio "Blue Jeans"
Depending on price, will be also interested in pairs of
"Black Jeans",
"Tierra Oscura"
Ranitomeya fantastica "lowland"
Ranitomeya uakarii (not gold legged)
Adelphobates quinquevittatus

Spiders and Scorpions kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Rare spiders from POLAND to Netherlands HOUTEN - trip
Sell Spiders and Scorpions

Rare spiders from POLAND to Netherlands HOUTEN - trip


On Friday 25.02 I will travel form Poland to Houten Terraristic show (27.02) – I will be in Belgium, Netherlands and Germany.

Choose spiders from my list and probably I will be able to meet with you and deliver the spiders DIRECTLY TO YOU!

Also you can meet with me on Houten Terraria Show ;D

A lots of interesting and rare spiders from imports and my private breeding.

Pamphobeteus, Avicularia, Harpactira, Brachypelma, Tapinauchenius, Aphonopelma, Theraphosa, Phormictopus, Psalmopoeus, Pseudohapalopus, Ephebopus, Cyriopagopus

With BIG order discounts and free shipping.

List of available spiders below:

My facebook fanpage:

Best regards

Pythons kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Spotter python couple for sale
Sell Pythons

Spotter python couple for sale

Spotter python 1.1 couple from 09/21

Delivery in houten

Couple price 240,-

Turtles and Tortoises kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Kinosternon acutum for Houten +2
Sell Turtles and Tortoises

Kinosternon acutum for Houten

I offer
0,0,x Kinosternon acutum own cb/21
and 0,0,x Rhinoclemmys areolata own cb/21

Sell Ball Pythons

Houten 27.02.2022

For sale ,free delivery
1.0 Ghi ghost ph pied cb2021 250€
1.0 Superpastel ghi 100%het ghost ph pied 200€
1.0 Champagne Mojave Pastel 100%het ghost ph pied 200€
1.0 Ghi dbl het ghost pied cb2018 proven breeder 250€
1.0 Champagne Mojave Ghost cb 2018 100% het pied proven 300€
Trade for other Ghost or Piebald combinations possible .

Sell Spiders and Scorpions

Houten 27.02.2022

For sale ,free delivery
0.0.10 3-4 fh. P sazimai 5€ pcs (40€ all)
1.0 Pseudohapalopus sp blue RH12.2021 -30€
1.0 Chilobrachys fimbriatus juvie 10€
0.1 Trixopelma pruriens juvie 40€

I am looking for:

Phyllobates terribilis gold 1.1 or 2.2
Phyllobates terribilis Orange 1.1 or 2.2
Phyllobates terribilis black foot ,1.1 or 2.2
Ranitomoeya sumersi
Ranitomeya vanzolinis
Ranitomeya pampa hermosa

To pick Up at houten 27,feb22.
Thank you !

Boas kaufen und verkaufen Photo: 0.1 Hypo het Leopard 66% het Albino nr 8 +2
Sell Boas

0.1 Hypo het Leopard 66% het Albino nr 8

Boa Imperator FEMALE nr 8
Hypo het Leopard 66% het Albino CB-21 June 27
possible transport to Houten, Hamm and other Expo show.
price is 140€

more Boas


Search Spiders and Scorpions

Searching sub or adult female

Searching for Houten 27.02.22
0.1 P cambridgei sub or adult
0.1 Ch fimbriatus adult

Suchen Houten:

Tinctorius saul
Tinctprius Bakhuis
Tinctorius Lorenzo
Tinctorius Blue sipaliwini
Ranitomeya fantastica true nominat

Snakes kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Thamnophis sirtalis red flame male +1
Sell Snakes

Thamnophis sirtalis red flame male

1.0 thamnophis sirtalis red flame
Nc 2021
Available for houten