Houten standard ads [Page 32]

Ball Pythons kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Python regius albino pied, gargoyle het pied +1
Sell Ball Pythons

Python regius albino pied, gargoyle het pied

For Houten spécial price. Ball pythons / Python regius
0.1 HRA enchi 100% het piedbald 120€
0.1 100% double het albino piedbald 150€
0.1 pastel 100% het piedbald 66% het clown 150€
1.0 pied 100% het albino 180€
1.0 albino 100% het pied 130€

1.0 gargoyle 66% het piedbald (cinnamon HRA) 120€
0.1 gargoyle enchi 66% het piedbald (cinnamon HRA enchi) 130€
1.0 cinnamon 66% het pied 40€
0.1 cinnamon 66% het pied 40€
1.0 enchi 66% het pied 30€

Snakes kaufen und verkaufen Photo: For coming snakeday Houten +2
Sell Snakes

For coming snakeday Houten

Pituophis catenifer sayi (kingsville) 1.0
Zamenis situla 1.0
Elaphe schrenckii (yellow) 0.2 holdbacks from last year.

Tortoises kaufen und verkaufen Photo: CB 2022 Testudo Hermanni Hermanni Puglia (Apulia) +1
Sell Tortoises

CB 2022 Testudo Hermanni Hermanni Puglia (Apulia)

CB 2022 T.h.h. Puglia 0.0.10 for sale

Ship to Houten , Hamm, Ziva possible

Boas kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Sabogae Pearl Island Boas cb21 +1
Sell Boas

Sabogae Pearl Island Boas cb21

Die letzten 2 Sabogae Pearl Island Boas Klaus Bonny Linie ENZ 2021 verfügbar…

Übergabe in Houten oder Hamm möglich…

Venomous snakes kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Available for Houten Snakeday +1
Sell Venomous snakes

Available for Houten Snakeday

- Bothrops ammodytoides CB 2022
- Bothrops erythromelas CB 2020
- B. brazili CB 2020 only males
- B. pictus CB 2020

Search Poison dart frogs

Suche für Houten oder MHF

Suche terribilis mint La Brea
Dendrobates t. Oyapock
Von Jung bis Adult

Ball Pythons kaufen und verkaufen Photo: 1.0 Leopard desert ghost 66% het clown cb2022
Sell Ball Pythons

1.0 Leopard desert ghost 66% het clown cb2022

Eats f/t mice and comes with a certificate of origin. Pick up possible at the shows in Hamm or Houten (Nl).

Sell Ball Pythons

Fur Houten, Ball pythons

For snakeday Houten, Ball pythons,
0.1 pastave het ghost 2020
0.1 pewter het ghost 2021
0.2 mojave het ghost 2022
1.0 pastel banana het ghost 2021
1.0 pastel banana mystic het ghost 2021
1.0 banana het ghost 2021
2.0 pastave banana het ghost 2022
1.0 savannah het ghost 2022
Nice looking animals, healthy and great feeders.
Wholesale offer 600,- for all 10.
We have a table in Houten

Geckos kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Geckos for next hamm or houten +2
Sell Geckos

Geckos for next hamm or houten

- Bavayia robusta 2.0.9
- Bavayia exsuccida 4.1
- Bavayia cyclura 0.5
- Paroedura pictus diferent morphs, pairs and babys abailable.
- 2.0 crested gecko 2021
Leopard geckos adult females 2021:
- gem snow
- radar
- solar cross cooper tremper

Venomous snakes kaufen und verkaufen Photo: 1,1 Naja samarensis CB07/22 +1
Sell Venomous snakes

1,1 Naja samarensis CB07/22

Discount for Snake day - 400e for last pair. Parents are very yellow. Eating well. Handover is possible at Houten - Snake day.

Venomous snakes kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Vipera latastei gaditana, NZ22 +2
Sell Venomous snakes

Vipera latastei gaditana, NZ22

Vipera latastei gaditana, NZ 2022

available Snakeday houten

70,- per animal

Venomous snakes kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Atheris squamigera Trimeresurus insularis +2
Sell Venomous snakes

Atheris squamigera Trimeresurus insularis

For snakeday
Or along the route Switzerland-Frankfurt a M - Köln - Houten
1.0 squamigera black 400.-
0.0.1 squamigera light green Tiger Sibling 250.-
2.1 Trimeresurus insularis yellow 1000.-
Asking 30% deposit
All animals eat by themself with food in the right size.
Trades possible against cool squams or Atheris chlorechis

Ball Pythons kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Königspython / Ballpython +2
Sell Ball Pythons

Königspython / Ballpython

Ich gebe folgende Tiere ab.
Sie stammen alle aus Juli 2022.

1.0 Lesser GHI 2022
2.1 Bel 2022
0.1 Ghi 2022
2.0 Pied 2022

1.0 Lesser GHI Prooven Breeder.
1.0 Pied aus 2021 mit Smiley.
0.1 Mojave aus 2013 Zuchtreif.

Meine Nachzuchten haben alle 5x gefressen.
Gehen gut an‘s Futter dran.

Eine Übergabe in Houten auf der Snakeday ist möglich.

Monitor lizards kaufen und verkaufen Photo: 1.0 Varanus gilleni CB 2017 +2
Sell Monitor lizards

1.0 Varanus gilleni CB 2017

Varanus gilleni male adult CB 2017

Possible delivery in the next edition of Verona, Houten or Hamm

Possibility change for varanus gilleni, tristis orientalis or kingorum

Snakes kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Colubrids For Houten November +2
Sell Snakes

Colubrids For Houten November

Delivery to Houten November

Pituophis c. sayi
2.2 Normal het Albino, Hypo
2.2 Albino het Hypo
2.2 Normal het Axanthic Hypo poss het Albino
2.0 Ghost poss het Albino
1.1 Axanthic het Hypo poss het Albino
1.0 Albino het Axanthic, Hypo

Pituophis m. mugitus
2.1 CB22 Patternless

Pituophis c. annectens
1.1 Normal poss het Albino T+, T-, Anery Patternless

Orthriophis t. teaniurus
CB22 3.1 Normal het Albino T-, poss het albino t+ and calico

Coelognathus radiatus
0.2 Albino T+
0.1 Albino T-

Coelognathus flavolineatus
2.2 CB22

Venomous snakes kaufen und verkaufen Photo: HOUTEN:Wegen Bestandsverkleinerung abzugeben: +2
Sell Venomous snakes

HOUTEN:Wegen Bestandsverkleinerung abzugeben:


1.1 Naja Haje Legion is CB2019
1.1 Naja Kaouthia Albino/Blizzard
0.2 Bitis Arietans Namibia
1.1Bitis Gabonica CB2020 Uganda

WHATSAPP: 017623834934

Venomous snakes kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Pre-order 2022 Venomous Snakes ready for Snake Day +2
Sell Venomous snakes

Pre-order 2022 Venomous Snakes ready for Snake Day

The following are for sale,

will accept trades for other venomous species of snake

These will be at Snake Day 2022 in Houten.

CB 2022:
10.10 Ophiophagus hannah (3 months old, fed every 3 days rodents) malaysian locality
1.1 Bitis arietans
5.5 Crotalus atrox - Het Albino
0.0.6 Crotalus atrox - Alibino
0.0.1 Crotalus atrox - paradox -sold-
1.2 Crotalus culminatus Het Hypo
0.0.2 Crotalus adamanteus - Het Albino
0.0.1 Crotalus adamanteus - Albino
5.5 Naja nubiae
0.0.1 Naja pallida
0.2 trimeresurus purpureomaculatus

CB 2021:
0.1 Bitis arietans

For Houten SnakeDay or Verona

2.5 Lampropeltis nigrita adult breeding group, the youngest females are from 2019
1.1 Lampropeltis brooksi multi het adult breeding pair
1.1 Lampropeltis brooksi White Side het Hypo (2019) breeding pair for next season
1.1 Lampropeltis californiana adult breeding pair
1.0 Elaphe carinata adult breeder

Venomous snakes kaufen und verkaufen Photo: 1,1 Naja samarensis CB07/22 +1
Sell Venomous snakes

1,1 Naja samarensis CB07/22

Im have last pair Naja samarensis for sale(500€) Possible handover at Houten - Snakeday.
Possible trade for trimeresurus sp.

other lizards kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Paleosuchus palpebrosus CB 2022
Sell other lizards

Paleosuchus palpebrosus CB 2022

Dwarf caimans my own CB 2022
Hamm, Houten, Praha...
600€ each