Houten standard ads [Page 4]

Leopard Geckos Fire Tremper, Blood Tremper, Bold lines
0.2 Blood Tremper 100€/ea
1.0 Blood Tremper 150€
1.0 Blood Tremper 250€
1.0 Tremper ph Eclipse (Blood x Reverse Stripe cross) 150€
1.0 WY Fire Tremper 200€
1.0 WY Fire Tremper 225€
0.1 WY Fire Tremper 250€
1.0 Lavender stripe 150€
1.0 Firebold cross het cipher ph marble eye 200€ (Geckoboa bloodlines)
3.0 Cipher ph marble eye 450€/ea
1.0 Blood red stripe bell 120€ (Ron Tremper bloodlines)
1.0 Bold stripe bandit 200€
0.2 Bold stripe 200€/ea
0.1 Firebold x Bold Stripe Tremper 150€
1.0 Total eclipse pied 225€
1.0 Tangerine 150€
0.1 Ghost ph eclipse 85€
0.1 WY Rainbow stripe 85€
0.1 Striped vermillon het tremper ph eclipse 85€

Pristurus rupestris "Saiq Plateau"
Looking for 0.1 or 0.2 Pristurus rupestris from the "Saiq Plateau" Locality. ONLY this locality!
For Hamm or Houten or pickup in NRW (Germany) or the Netherlands.
Offers should include a picture and a price.

Heloderma -Python- Nephrurus
1.0 Mussurana Pied Adult
1.1 Angola Python Nz2023
1.2 O.Coxy nz 2024
0.1 Liasis Fuscus Nz 2024
1.2 Heloderma Adult
1.1Egernia cunninghami Adult
Nephrurus Asper nz 2024
Nephrurus Asper nz 2023
Nephrurus Asper 2.1 Adult
NLP 2.3Adult Albino/Het Albino
NLP 1.1 Adult Het Patternless/Patternless
NLP 1.1 Adult Het Albino"50%Patty/Albino
Preise und info auf anfrage übergabe Hamm..Houten

Burmese pythons female !!!
0.1 Hypo champagne het50% caramel het50% granite cb23 1100€
0.1 Hypo green het66% champagne het66% caramel 230€
Pick-up in Poland (Trójmiasto or Katowice) or delivery by hamm or houten

Python regius for sale!!!
FREE DELIVERY to Hamm, Houten or other shows!!!!!!!
- 1.0 Ultramel 66% het Genetic Stripe
- 0.1 GHI Mojave Pastel
- 0.1 Enchi Mojave
- 1.0 Piebald RECO
Proven Breeder:
- 1.0 Highway (Gravel Yellow Belly)
Do you have questions? PM me!
Egernia stokesii, H. Suspectum, H. Nasicus
For Hamm / Houten or pickup:
0.0.3 Egernia stokesii 2022
Heterodon nasicus
0.1 arctic conda 2022 - 150
0.1 arctic 2020 (proven) - 120
0.1 arctic superconda het snow 2024 - 300
0.2 arctic conda - 80
0.2 albino her snow - 75
1.0 superconda 2021 - 100
1.0 conda superarctic het albino 2023 - 300
1.0 superarctic conda 2022 - 250
Looking for:
0.2.x Sauromalus ater
Smaug depressus
Smaug mossambicus

Heloderma horridum “Colima” CB2025
Houten (20/4)
0.0.X Heloderma horridum (“Superblack” Colima lineage) CB2025. Both parents are US imports from Steve Angeli.
All animals are healthy, feeding and working perfectly in every way.
(The parents are NOT for sale)
Open for trades with:
• Morelia azurea / Morelia viridis localities
• Heloderma suspectum / Heloderma cinctum (Females or pairs)
Looking for Echinops telfairi Houten 16.02
Hey Guys, im looking for Echinops telfairi
Pref certain animals

Different Phelsuma / Day geckos
For Hamm/ Houten/ pickup:
1,1 Phelsuma Astriata Semicarinata breeding Pair with 1,0 Astriata Semicarinata cb24
1,1 Phelsuma Astriata Semicarinata cb23
0,1 Phelsuma Malamakibo cb24
Sauromalus hispidus or Ater
Im looking for Sauromalus Ater or Sauromalus Hispidus.
Houten or Hamm

0.0.5 Rhinoclemmys pulcherima manni
Aus eigener Nachzucht und zwei verschiedenen Zuchtgruppen.
Von März bis Mai geboren und allem erforderlichen aufgezogen suchen die Kleinem nun ein neues Zuhause.
Aktuell leben sie in einer Gruppe zusammen und können jetzt in ihr eigenes Terrarium mit Wasserteil ausziehen.
Übergabe in Houten jetzt am Sonntag odee in Hamm im März nach Anzahlung möglich.
Ansonsten Abholung in 57080 Siegen.
Varanus cumingi Mindanao Waran gesucht
Hallo ich suche einen Mindanao-Bindenwaran. Entweder ein bestimmtes Weibchen oder ein unbestimmtes Jungtier. Bitte fügt der Antwort die ungefähre Kopf-Rumpf-Länge, den Preis und ein bzgl. der Färbung aussagekräftiges Bild bei. Übergabe könnte in Houten oder Hamm sein oder ich hole das Tier ab. Hello, I'm looking for varanus cumingi. Handover could be at Houten or Hamm. Please attach the approximate Body-to-snouth-length, the price, the sex (if possible) and a Foto to the answer. Thank you.

Houten/Hamm Eurydactylodes and Lygodactylus
1.0 eurydactylodes agricolae €50
1.0 eurydactylodes occidentalis €100
1.3 eurydactylodes vieillardi: 1.2 RESERVIERT
0.1 = €175
1.0 eurydactylodes symmetricus €300
X.0 Lygodactylus williamsi €100 incl cites RESERVIERT

Looking for tylototriton, echinotriton species
Suche nach Hamm oder Houten Tylototriton und Echinotriton Arten
Looking for Hamm or houten tylototriton and echinotriton species

Pseudocerastes fieldi for Hamm show
Adult female (3 years) Pseudocerastes fieldi for the Houten or Hamm show

Vipera seoanei albino T+ for Hamm show
Adult male Vipera seoanei albino T+ 3 years old proven breeder for the Houten or Hamm show.

Vipera ammodytes meridionalis albinos T+ and 100% het T+
Magnificent Vipera ammodytes meridionalis albino T+ visual and 100% het albino T+ for the Houten or Hamm show.
There are males and females. All CB 2023. They are are very good eaters of thawed prey.
Top quality! Extremely colorful!
Search ahaetulla nasuta group
Search ahaetulla nasuta1.2 or 2.4 dépend price..
Adult as possible
Houten haam or belgium

0.1 Vipera nikolskii adult cb
3 years old CB, not breed with, have brumation.
Adult size and take defrost springer mice.
Handover Houten 16-2

Epicrates cenchria Caramel 1.0 (male)
For Hamm or Houten.
Epicrates cenchria Caramel from 2021
Snake is ready to breed and a very calm animal.
Also with papers from the breeder
Also trade against Corallus possible.
Handover possible in Houten and Hamm
Houten Premium ads [Page 4]

ExoWorld - Hamm, Houten, Prague, Ostrava
Rare ‼️
Lepidophyma tuxtlae 0,0,5 - 500€/pcs
Hypsilurus boydii 0,0,2 - 1400/pcs
Bavayia cyclura 0,0,18 - 60€pcs
Vieillardi 0,0,6 110/pcs
Vieillardi 2,2 300€/pair
Occidentalis 2,2 350€/pair
Occidentalis 0,0,8 115€/pcs
Agricoale 4,4 230€/pair
Agricoale 0,0,14 80€/pcs
0,0,3 Blaesodactylus boivini 160€pcs/or 350€ together
0,0,30 M. chahoua 65€/pcs 60€/5pcs 50€/10+pcs
Physignathus cocicinus 0,0,6 Small form - 100€/pcs
1,2 - 400€
1.0 Oreo 100%het Zulu 66%het Caramel (small underbite)
0.1 WO Zulu 100%het Oreo 66%het Caramel
0.1 WO Zulu 66%het Caramel 50%het Oreo
And single female
0,1 Patty 100%het Oreo Ghoust - 280€
0,1 Zulu Patty 50%het Oreo 66%het Ghost Caramel - 250€
Correlophus sarasinorum White collar 1,2 Adult CB2019 - 900€/group
Correlophus sarasinorum White collar ♀️CB2023 - 350€
0,1 ♀️ Rhacodactylus leachianus MT. Koghise 66%het MELANISTIC 350€
0,0,2 Rhacodactylus leachianus MT. Koghise 66%het MELANISTIC 250€
0,1 ♀️ Rhacodactylus leachianus MT. Koghis 250€
0,0,2 Rhacodactylus leachianus MT Koghis pos. Red 300€
Link to the album and to FB and any communication:
Other reptiles: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1064861418982883&type=3
Leachianus: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1064862098982815&type=3

captive bred Corallus caninus
For sale :
Corallus caninus captive bred for French Guiana
1.0 Corallus caninus specimen n°1 / CB 12/ 2018.
Price : 750 euros
1.0 Specimen n° 3 / Price CB 12/ 2020.
Price : 700 euros
All animals with microchip.
Perfect healthy snakes.
Available now but delivery in Hamm or Houten is possible. I asked a deposit.
Send me an email for more information (philippe.fleche@hotmail.fr).

Daboia palaestinae, cb 24
1,1 Daboia palaestinae, cb 24
Perfect animals with nice pattern. A handover in Hamm or Houten would be possible. Please contact me for further details.

Daboia palaestinae, cb 24
1,1 Daboia palaestinae, cb 24
Perfect animals with nice pattern. A handover in Hamm or Houten would be possible. Please contact me for further details.

3.3 Timon princeps CB24
5.5 Anolis transversalis
5.5 Anolis bombiceps
2.2 Anolis sagrei RED
3.3 Anolis allisonii CB24
4.4 Leiolepis guttata
2.2.8 Eremias arguta deserti
2.2 Phrynocephalus mystaceus
3.2 Sauromalus ater Breeding
All CBB 2023
1.4 Boiga cynodon Orange
0.1 Boiga cynodon Bright
1.0 Boiga cynodon Black
1.1 Boiga cynodon Leucistic
0.3 Boiga dendrophila divergens Polillo
0.3 Boiga dendrophilla multicincta
1.1 Boiga dendrophila annectens
ALL CBB 2024
2.2 Archelaphe bella leonardi
5.5 Boiga cyanea
0.1 Boiga cynodon Black
4.2 Boiga annectens
4.4 Boiga divergens Axanthic
3.2 Boiga divergens Polillo
5.7 Boiga divergens Luzon
2.4 Boiga geminicincta
7.1 Boiga multicincta
3.3 Boiga guangxiensis
3.2 Boiga nigriceps
1.1 Boiga siamensis
2.1 Boiga trigonata
1.1 Toxicodryas pulverulenta
20.20 Rhynchophis boulengeri
9.9 Elaphe davidi
6.6 Elaphe dione Red Bright
1.0 Elaphe dione Red Flame
9.13 Elaphe dione Super Red Bright
1.2 Elaphe dione Melanistic
5.5 Elaphe dione Albino T-
5.5 Elaphe dione Albino T+
11.11 Elaphe dione Beijing
1.1 Elaphe dione Yellow
4.4 Elaphe dione Bright Yellow
1.1 Elaphe dione Lime
4.4 Elaphe dione Bright Red Yellow
4.4 Elaphe dione Light
10.10 Elaphe dione situla
1.1 Elaphe dione Hypo Khabarovsk
9.9 Elaphe dione Crazing
1.1 Elaphe dione Crazing Red
2.5 Elaphe dione Tenebrosa Chocolate
3.3 Elaphe dione Tenebrosa Red
1.1 Elaphe dione Tenebrosa Dark Red
1.1 Elaphe dione Tenebrosa Olive
2.2 Elaphe dione Vipera
12.12 Elaphe dione Vipera Reddish
4.4 Elaphe dione Vipera Red
1.1 Elaphe dione Vipera Bright Red
3.3 Elaphe dione Vipera Thamnophis
2.2 Elaphe dione Striped Yellow
1.2 Elaphe dione Striped Bright Yellow
3.3 Elaphe dione Striped Red Yellow
2.2 Elaphe dione Striped Red Orange
7.7 Elaphe dione Black Mozdok
3.2 Oreocryptophis laticinctus
8.8 Philodryas baroni Blue x Green
6.5 Dinodon meridionale
5.3 Dinodon paucifasciatus
2.2 Dinodon rufozonatum Albino orange
6.2 Dinodon rufozonatum Albino Bloody
13.13 Dinodon rufozonatum Hypo Melanistic
5.6 Dinodon rufozonatum Toffe Tangerine
1.1 Dinodon rufozonatum Het Leucistic
4.2 Dinodon rufozonatum Striped
1.0 Dinodon rufozonatum Dark
2.1 Dinodon cf. rufozonatum
1.0 Oxyrhopus f. fitzingeri CB20
1.1 Boiga trigonata CB20
0.2 Masticophis flagellum WC22
Rentapia flavomaculata
Litoria splendida
Phyllomedusa tarsius
Phyllomedusa megacephala
Phyllomedusa sauvagii
2.1 Aparasphenodon brunoi Breeding trio
Heloderma cinctum / Uromastyx thomasi / Uromastyx princeps / Anolis potior / Tiliqua

Hamm houten oder Versand payment in Crypto possible
0.0.12 Aphonopelma chalcodes fh2/3€15
0.0.20 Augacephalus breyeri €55
0.0.5 Ceratogyrus marshalli fh3 €8
0.0.8 Citharognathus tongmianensis (vendula) 1-2cm €25
0.0.xx Cyriocosmus leetzi fh2 €10
0.0.xx Cyriocosmus perezmilesi fh2€10
0.0.xx Cyriocosmus elegans 2 fh €8
0.0.xx Hapalopus.columbia gross 2fh €11
0.0.xx Hapalopus.columbia gross 3 cm €21
0.0.19 Haplopelma schmidti kebang 4cm bl €25
0.2 homoeomma sp blue peru 2 3cm bl 35each
0.0.xx Monocentropus balfouri 2/3 fh €13
0.0.xx Pterinopelma sazimai fh 5/6 €13 0.0.xx Psalmopheus irminia 2 fh €4
0.0.9 Ornithoctoninae veronica 2cm €25
0.0.xx Xenesthis .spec bleu fh3 95€
1.0 pamphobeteus insignus(equador). €50
1.0 coloratovillous 4-5cm bl 20
1.0 crinirufum 3cm bl 25
1.0 Pseudhapalopus columbia sub adult 3
Payment in Crypto possible

Pseudaspis cana (Cape Town) black
I will offer this year's breeding of Pseudaspis cana handover in Houten possible.

Turtles for Prague, Brno, Houten, Milano, Hamm
Shipping possible to every main expo in Europe
Looking for Morenia petersii and Terrapene ornata
0,0,1 Mauremys mutica
0,0,3 Siebebrockiella crassicollis
0,0,5 Kinosternon acutum
0,0,3 Pseudemys gorzugi
0,0,9 Amyda cartilaginea
0,0,15 Apalone ferox
Older animals, most of them proven breeder:
1,3 Mauremys mutica mutica
2,3 Staurotypus triporcatus 12-22cm
1,1 Pelomedusa XXL
1,3 Pelusius carinatus
3,7 Pelusius nanus
1,1 Cuora amboinensis Cuoro
2,4 Cuora amboinensis Kamaroma
1,4 Kinosternon cruentatum wild, imported from Nicaragua in 2016
150+ Ceratophrys cranwelli mix color
24 Ceratophrys fantasy Green 4-6cm
5 Pyxicephalus adspersus 5-7cm
1 Ceratophrys cornuta brown/orange 7-9cm
15 Trachycephalus resinifictrix 2-3cm
6 Chacophrys pierottii 3-4cm Very Rare!

Proven Breeders Ball Pythons
Verona - Houten - Hamm
Proven Breeders
- 1.0 2021 Albino Black Pastel Mahogany
- 0.1 2019 Candino

Magmaking NEW hybrid Lampropletis - for Hamm
MAGMAKING - Prague (E01), Pilsen, Budapest, Houten, Verona, Hamm
CB 2022 & 2024 - 4 generations Hybrid L.mexicana mexicana & L.triangulum campbelli
Orange Patternlest, Orange Motlay, Orange Patternlest spine, Orange Aberant
Yellow Motlay, Yellow Aberant

Python regius - Königspythons - Ball python - 2024
For Prague, Houten, Budapest, Hamm , Verona
Cb 2024
2,1 Albino Pinstripe Black Pastel 100% het Clown
1,0 Albino Black Pastel 100% het Clown
1,0 Albino Pinstripe 100% het Clown
1,1 Mojave Banana (female maker) 100% het Clown
1,2 Banana (female maker) 100% het Clown
1,0 Banana (female maker) Lesser 100%het Clown
0,2 Mojave 100% het Clown
0,2 Butter Pastel Hypo
1,0 Mojave Hypo
0,1 Mojave 100% het Hypo
1,0 Leuzistic Blue Eyes (Super Lesser) 100% het Clown
0,1 Leuzistic Blue Eyes ( Super Mojave) Hypo poss Pastel
1,0 Leuzistic Blue Eyes ( Super Mojave) 100% het. Hypo poss Pastel
2,1 Lesser 100% het Clown
1,0 Clown
0,1 100% het Clown
0,1 Piebald 50%het Clown
1,1 Bamboo Leopard 100%het Piebald 50%het Clown
1,0 100%het Piebald 50%het Clown
1,1 Cinnamon Lesser Pastel 66%het Clown
0,1 Lesser Pastel 66%het Clown
0,1 Lesser 66%het Clown
0,1 Cinnamon 66%het Clown
2,0 Banana Mojave 100% dh Hypo, Genetic Stripe
2,0 Banana (male maker) Pastel Genetic Stripe
0,3 Genetic Stripe
1,2 100% het Desert Ghost
0,1 Lesser Yellow Belly
1,0 Champagne Lesser poss Yellow Belly
0,1 Lesser Yellow Belly
1,0 Lesser
0,1 Super Pastel 100%het Orange Ghost
1,2 Pastel 100%het Orange Ghost
0,1 100% dh Hypo, Genetic Stripe
2,2 100%het Orange Ghost

Boa constrictor Fire IMG Motley
Super Nice female CB2024. She has the potential to become solid black .Price 750€ . Free delivery to houten and hamm

Shipping possible to Verona, Prague, Ostrava, Houten and Hamm Expos
Looking for Ceratophrys stolzmanni Females!!!
For Sale
6 Chacophrys pierottii - Very Rare
0,0,xxxx Ceratophrys cranwelli: Many variants including Metallic Blue, White... different sizes from babies to adults
0,0,xxx Ceratophrys Fantasy: green, red
0,0,xxx Pyxicephalus adspersus 2-3cm, 6-8cm
50+ Lepidobatrachus laevis
3,0 Ceratophrys cornuta
0,0,xx T.resinifictrix
Looking for:
-Ceratophrys: aurita, calcarata
-Ceratophrys stolzmanni females
-Mantella aurantiaca, baronii
-Scaphiophryne sp.
-Lepidobatrachus sp. except laevis
+Many species of aquatic turtles for sale, check my other adds
Shipping to Verona, Hamm, Ziva Exotica, Houten and other bigger expos

Reine Diamantpython NZ2024
Sell pure Morelia spilota spilota from high yellow parents. The diamonds eat and are heahlty. The pictures are from the parents. I will be at the snakeday in Houten an October 6th
![Spiders and Scorpions kaufen und verkaufen Photo: HOUTEN - LAST MINUTE PREORDERS! [SPECIAL PRICES] Spiders and Scorpions kaufen und verkaufen Photo: HOUTEN - LAST MINUTE PREORDERS! [SPECIAL PRICES]](/tb/u/854/38/a1040671/tB/xw0WkHFbyCrK.jpg)
We THE Spider’s EMPIRE, have prepared a special PREORDER – LAST MINUTE! list!
We will be in Houten NL (22.09) with TABLE EK 5!
We Can also deliver the animals on the road: Olawa>Dresden>Koln>Houten and back the same road.
You want to place a big order? Remember to PM me and negotiate special price for WHOLESALE!
0.0.100 Phormictopus sp Dominican purple FH1/2 1x – 26e, 10x – 21e, 100x – 15e
0.0.120 Poecilotheria Metallica Fh2/3 1x – 20e, 10x – 18e, 100x – 15e
0.0.60 Caribena Versicolor Fh1/2 1x – 7e, 10x – 6e, 100x – 4e
0.0.100 Cyriocosmus aueri Fh1/2 1x – 11e, 10x – 8e, 100x – 5e
0.0.200 Pterinopelma sazimai Fh2 1x – 4e, 10x – 3e, 100x – 1,5e
0.0.230 Chilobrachys sp Blue Vietnam 1x – 4e, 10x – 3e, 100x – 2e
0.0.1600 Nhandu Carapoensis Fh1 1x – 4e, 10x – 3e, 100x – 2e
0.0.100 Pterinochilus Murinus usambara 2,5-3BL 1x – 13e, 10x – 11e, 100x – 8e
0.0.200 Pterinopelma Sazimai 2BL 1x – 9e, 10x – 8e, 100x – 6e
0.0.80 Poecilotheria Rufilata 4-4,5BL 1x – 28e, 10x – 24e, 100x – 18e
0.0.30 Poecilotheria Metallica 2,5-3BL 1x – 36e, 10x – 31e, 100x – 28e
0.0.500 Caribena Versicolor 2BL 1x – 18e, 10x – 15e, 100x – 13e
0.0.300 Caribena Versicolor 1,5BL 1x – 16e, 10x – 14e, 100x – 12e
0.0.220 Amazonius Germani 2BL 1x – 13e, 10x – 11e, 100x – 8e
0.0.240 Chilobrachys sp Electric Blue 2BL 1x – 15e, 10x – 12e, 100x – 9e
0.0.85 Psalmopoeus Cambridgei 2BL 1x – 13e, 10x – 11e, 100x – 8e
0.0.180 Caribena Laeta 2,5-3BL 1x – 13e, 10x – 11e, 100x – 9e
0.0.200 Chromatopelma Cyaneopubescens 2BL 1x – 19e, 10x – 15e, 100x – 12e
0.0.90 Cyriopagopus Bach Ma 1,5-2BL 1x – 25e, 10x – 19e, 100x – 16e
0.0.40 Ornithoctonincae sp Hia Bia 2BL 1x – 19e, 10x – 15e, 100x – 12e
0.0.100 Pamphobeteus Mascara 2BL 1x – 26e, 10x – 22e, 100x – 16e
0.0.50Acanthoscurria Geniculata 1,5-2BL 1x – 7e, 10x – 5e, 100x – 4e
0.0.15 Heteroscodra Maculata 2BL 1x – 13e, 10x – 11e, 100x – 8e
0.250 Brachypelma Boehmei 2,5BL 1x – 40e, 10x – 32e, 100x – 24e
0.200 Pterinopelma Sazimai 2,5BL 1x – 20e, 10x – 16e, 100x – 12e
herps buy, sell and exchange.
Find animals and accessories or sell them free of charge or with a paid classified.Contact breeders and dealers from Germany and abroad.