Houten standard ads [Page 3]

Boas kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Boa imperator - Keltic VPI T+ Albino +2
Sell Boas

Boa imperator - Keltic VPI T+ Albino

CB 2023:
2,7 VPI T+ Sunglow
6,3 Keltic VPI T+ Albino
I can take to Ziva exotika Prague or Hamm, Houten.
Please contact me with any questions - asvabik@centrum.sk

1.0.Nephrurus wheeleri cinctus 50€ CB2024
2.0. Nephrurus levis levis het patternless (pairing patternless X yellow) 200€
3.3. Lucasium damaeum 300€ pair CB2024
0.0.4. Phelsuma robertmertensi 60€ each CB2024
1.1. Phelsuma ornata CB2024 280€ pair
0.0.2. Phelsuma klemmeri 60€ each
1.0. Phelsuma klemmeri 100€ CB2024
1.0. Phelsuma klemmeri 100€ CB2023
0.0.2. Mniarogeckko chahoua Mainland 100€ each CB2024
1.0. Trachylepis dichroma 80€ CB2023

Leopard geckos

1.0. Diablo Blanco CB24 120€
1.0. Pure Electric Tangerine non het CB22 160€
0.1. Pure Electric Tangerine non het CB22 240€
0.1. Pure Electric Tangerine non het 2023 240€


Porcellio laevis classic (grey) 20x/4€
Porcellio laevis Orange 20x/5€
Porcellio laevis Dairy Cow 20x/5€
Armadillidium vulgare 20x/5€

Boas kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Boa imperator - Aztec VPI Sunglow, Keltic VPI Sunglow, Jungle het VPI +2
Sell Boas

Boa imperator - Aztec VPI Sunglow, Keltic VPI Sunglow, Jungle het VPI

CB 2021
1,0 Aztec VPI T+ Sunglow
2,0 Aztec VPI T+ Albino
2,0 Hypo Aztec pos Keltic 100% het VPI T+ Albino
2,1 Hypo Aztec 100% het VPI T+ Albino
1,0 Keltic VPI T+ Sunglow
1,1 Hypo Keltic 100% het VPI T+ Albino
1,0 Keltic 100% het VPI T+ Albino
1,0 Hypo Jungle 100% het VPI T+ Albino
1,0 VPI T+ Sunglow
CB 2020:
1,0 Jungle 66% het VPI T+ Albino
I can take to Ziva exotika Prague, Hamm and Houten
Please contact me with any questions - asvabik@centrum.sk

Ball Pythons kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Kopys, ballpythons due to ending hobby +2
Sell Ball Pythons

Kopys, ballpythons due to ending hobby

A friend is quitting with his snakes.
He has 8 ballpythons available.
Possible handover in Nijmegen, Hamm, possibly Houten too.

Vanilla cinnamon spotnose, cb2020, 1939gr
Mojave pastel cb2022, 1411gr
Phantom orange dream het hypo, cb2023, 795gr
Ghi pastel fire butter, cb2023, 735gr
Pastel fire hypo, cb2023, 692gr
Enchi black pastel yellow belly het pied cb2023, 516gr

Orange dream pastel hypo, cb2023 796gr
Mojave r&r pos het hypo cb2022, 971gr

Supplies kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Snake hooks, pinners and transport bags +2
Sell Supplies

Snake hooks, pinners and transport bags

Hi, I offer carbon snake hooks in many sizes and at good prices ???? Pick up in Hamm, Houten or Prague. The price list is in the photo. More info – PM or e-mail (hsh@op.pl). My hooks are much better than my English, but I'm sure we'll get along ???? Have a nice day!

Geckos kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Gecko's pachydactylus, hemidactylus, eurydactylus Hamm Houten
Sell Geckos

Gecko's pachydactylus, hemidactylus, eurydactylus Hamm Houten

I am offering:
1.1.1 pachydactylus latirostris cb24 220e group
2.0 Hemidactylus imbricatus cb 24 40e
0.0.2 Eurydactylodes occidentalis cb24 125 each
0.0.1 Anolis pogus cb24 40

Trades possible for small geckos like sphearodactylus, pachydactylus and diplodactylus

Pythons kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Python molurus bivittatus - tigerpython/ Burmese : +2
Sell Pythons

Python molurus bivittatus - tigerpython/ Burmese :

0,1 Granit (2,6 m) 310 €,
1,0 PEARL Granit (2 m) 320€
Quantity discount. I send in all Europe, oversease. I can send in Houten, Hamm show.
Pricelist for businessmen on request
contact : info@mnreptil.cz, www.mnreptil.cz

For my collection I'm searching for:

0.1 Boaedon fuliginosus black, sub-adult or young adult.

I'm in Hamm in march and can come to houten february too for pick up.

I'm searching for Gonyosoma boulengeri.
Would prefer older, sexed animals but I'm also interested in cbb24 animals.

Please message me with pics and your price.

I'm in Hamm december and houten.

Snakes kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Simalia nauta
Sell Snakes

Simalia nauta

Hamm - Houten - Verona
CB18 1.0 Simalia nauta axanthic patternless

Ball Pythons kaufen und verkaufen Photo: 1.0 Fire Axanthic Desert Ghost 0.1 Ghi Pastel Harlequin Dg
Sell Ball Pythons

1.0 Fire Axanthic Desert Ghost 0.1 Ghi Pastel Harlequin Dg

Hamm or Houten
1.0 Fire Axanthic Tsk Desert Ghost 715g
0.1 Ghi Pastel Harlequin Dg 660g
0.1 Od Axanthic Tsk 50% het Dg 877g

Boas kaufen und verkaufen Photo: 1,1 Epicrates cenchria alvarezi
Sell Boas

1,1 Epicrates cenchria alvarezi

Argentine Rainbow Boa, Hans Winner line, CB 2017, twice the cubs, 1,1 for € 700, import Hamm, Houten, Prague - agreement, also check out my other ads, thank you ...

Snakes kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Epicrates cenchria alvarezi - Argentine Rainbow Boa +2
Sell Snakes

Epicrates cenchria alvarezi - Argentine Rainbow Boa

1,2 CB 2024 (see photo) for € 350, import Hamm, Houten, Prague - agreement, also check out my other ads, thank you ...

Lizards kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Available for hamm 12.2024 +2
Sell Lizards

Available for hamm 12.2024

Available reptiliade hamm houten
0.0.1 R.chahoua pine island whithe colar 2024
0.1.1 R.leachianus dark morph 2024
0.2.5 eurydactylodes veillardi pindai

Pythons kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Simalia nauta                                                   +1
Sell Pythons

Simalia nauta

1.0 Simalia nauta , Tanimbar python, CB 2012 by Balázs Roland Ferencz
Axanthic patternless
For next Hamm or Houten.

frogs kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Pipa parva
Sell frogs

Pipa parva

Pipa parva , dwarf Surinam toad, CB around 3 cm (adult size 4-5 cm)
Reservation for Hamm or Houten, many available, wholesale is possible.

Snakes kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Python brongersmai                  +2
Sell Snakes

Python brongersmai

X.X Python brongersmai IVORY blood pythons CB 2024, several pairs available.
For next Hamm/Houten.

Snakes kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Clown Morphs and DH ClownPied Morphs +2
Sell Snakes

Clown Morphs and DH ClownPied Morphs

0.1 LesserEnchiCream Clown
1.0 EnchiRodeoKingClown
1.1 VanillaCream double het ClownPied - only as pair

All snakes between 150 and 220 Gramm - all feed perfect on f/t mice.

Trade possible for interresting Lampropeltis (zonata, pyromelana [St. Rita, SentzHypo, Applegate], Elaphe carinata, Bogerthophis, Uroplatus spec., Aeluroscalabotes spec., Geckoella nebulosa, Cyrtodactylus peguensis

Handover Houten possible

Snakes kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Clown + Pied Breeders ready to go +1
Sell Snakes

Clown + Pied Breeders ready to go

0.1 Mojave Pied 2050Gr.
0.1 FireflyClown 1850 Gt

All ready to breed, not mated this season.

All snakes feed perfect on f/t rats.

Trade possible for interresting Lampropeltis (zonata, pyromelana [St. Rita, SentzHypo, Applegate], Elaphe carinata, Bogerthophis, Uroplatus spec., Aeluroscalabotes spec., Geckoella nebulosa, Cyrtodactylus peguensis

Handover Houten possible

Colubrids kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Diverse Nattern für Houten +2
Sell Colubrids

Diverse Nattern für Houten

1.3 Lampropeltis leonis (ex. mexicana thayeri) CB2024 Patternless/Leopard Line

0.1 Lampropeltis knoblochi CB2024 High Red-Line 70gr

All snakes feed perfect on f/t mice.
Trade possible for interresting Lampropeltis (zonata, pyromelana [St. Rita, SentzHypo, Applegate], Elaphe carinata, Bogerthophis, Uroplatus spec., Aeluroscalabotes spec., Geckoella nebulosa, Cyrtodactylus peguensis,

Übergabe in Houten möglich.