Houten standard ads [Page 20]

Monitor lizards kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Varanus varius Lace monitor +1
Sell Monitor lizards

Varanus varius Lace monitor

I have a few normal varius babies born 2024 for sale.
They are now eating well and have micro chip.
Possible delivery to Hamm or Houten or pickup in Sweden.

For more questions:
Mail- Nordicboas@hotmail.com
FB- Christoffer NordicBoas Hörnfeldt
IG- Nordicboas

Pythons kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Retic reticulated pythons NK2024 various morphs +2
Sell Pythons

Retic reticulated pythons NK2024 various morphs

Retic reticulated pythons NK2024 various morphs:
Wild color €80
Platinum €100
GoldenChild €100
GoldenChild Platinum €120
Mainland, so these will be very big!
Hamm and Houten is possible

Hallo, ich bin auf der Suche nach einem Varanus-Salvator-Melanisten für die Houten-Reptilienbörse im September 2024. Ich buche ihn lieber im Voraus! Vielen Dank an alle. Ich hoffe, dass es wirklich mein Traumreptil ist, meine WatssApp 0665607601

Hallo, ich suche einen Fennek für das Houten-Stipendium im September 2024. Ich plane im Voraus den Aufenthalt im Gehege, um mehr über das Tier zu erfahren. Ich hatte bereits viele Säugetiere, Otter, Frettchen, Füchse. Ich würde mich freuen, diesen Kleinen zu Hause zu haben

Lizards kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Hamm Houten Crested Geckos, Auriculatus, Leachianus, Goniurosaurus
Sell Lizards

Hamm Houten Crested Geckos, Auriculatus, Leachianus, Goniurosaurus

Houten 31.03, Hamm 9.03

Find us on Facebook:
Do you want to see our geckos? Go to the gallery and select the albums section‼️

Boas kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Boa constrictor constrictor GUYANA RED, Sunglow +2
Sell Boas

Boa constrictor constrictor GUYANA RED, Sunglow

1,1 Boa constrictor constrictor GUYANA RED (130 cm) 340 EUR each.
0,1 Boa c. Sunglow pos. Super Sunglow 2023 / 130 EUR
0,1 Boa c. Sunglow PURPLE DARK (140 cm) 370 EUR
Delivery in Hamm, Houten, other shows. Delivery to your door possible. I ship overseas.
Quantity discount
www.mnreptil.cz , info@mnreptil.cz

Boas kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Boa imperator - VPI Sterling, IMG Motley, Anery het VPI, Ghost +2
Sell Boas

Boa imperator - VPI Sterling, IMG Motley, Anery het VPI, Ghost

CB 2019:
1,1 DH VPI T+ Sterling
1,1 Hypo DH VPI T+ Sterling
1,0 Anery 100% het VPI T+ Albino
CB 2018:
1,0 Hypo Motley IMG 100% het VPI T+ Albino
CB 2017:
1,0 Ghost 66% het VPI T+ Albino
I can take to Ziva exotika Prague or Hamm, Houten.
Please contact me with any questions - asvabik@centrum.sk

Hello I’m looking for cruziohyla craspedopus for hamm or houten please! Anyone with them let me know!

Boas kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Boa imperator - IMG Motley Albino, Motley IMG, IMG Parahet het Anery +2
Sell Boas

Boa imperator - IMG Motley Albino, Motley IMG, IMG Parahet het Anery

CB 2021
1,0 Paraglow IMG 100% het Anery
1,0 Hypo IMG Parahet 100% het Anery
0,1 IMG Parahet 100% het Anery
0,1 Hypo 100% het BW Caramel 66% het Anery
CB 2020
2,0 Motley IMG Sharp Albino
0,1 pos SuperHypo IMG het Sharp Albino
0,2 pos SuperHypo IMG Parahet 66% het Anery
I can take to Ziva exotika Prague, Hamm and Houten
Please contact me with any questions - asvabik@centrum.sk

Monitor lizards kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Varanus prasinus jayapura for Hamm +2
Sell Monitor lizards

Varanus prasinus jayapura for Hamm

For Houten 11/02 or Hamm 09/03:

0.0.1 varanus prasinus jayapura cb 01/2023 ( I think male) (picture 4 and 5)

1.0 varanus prasinus high blue and green. (Farming, import 08/2016, sale as jayapura locality). Good breeder. I sold him because my female is dead recently). (picture 1,2,3)

Snakes kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Hypo Caramel Labyrinth - Burmese Python +2
Sell Snakes

Hypo Caramel Labyrinth - Burmese Python

Available for Hamm - Houten
Female Hypo Caramel/Blond Labyrinth, CB 7/2023, size +100cm, Top condition, healthy And feeding perfect, price 1400€,
The ONLY One available in Europe.

Pythons kaufen und verkaufen Photo: 1.0 50% dwarf hypo burmese python (2018)
Sell Pythons

1.0 50% dwarf hypo burmese python (2018)

Tame, ca. 1.3m.Father is a pure progschai dwarf.
Can bring to Hamm and Houten.
Just looking for a good home.

Snakes kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Epicrates cenchria - silver +2
Sell Snakes

Epicrates cenchria - silver

Double morph - T+, anery, NZ 23 (800 eur). Hamm, Houten, Verona, Prag.

Snakes kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Pantherophis Guttatus - Elaphe GUTTATA / Cornsnakes, Lampropeltis  : +2
Sell Snakes

Pantherophis Guttatus - Elaphe GUTTATA / Cornsnakes, Lampropeltis :

Offer for businessmans : big quantity of Pantherophis - Elaphe
G.GUTTATA Kornnattern/ Cornsnakes :
Albino, nominat, Butter, Ultramel, Caramel, Anery, Golddust, Snow, Sunkissed, Blizzard, Charcoal, Fire, Okeetee, ..... in types - klasic, Motley, Stripe,Tessera,...
Kingsnakes, Milksnakes – Lampropeltis Thaieri, Leonis, Campbelli, Hondurensis, Nelsoni, Stuarti, Ruthveni, Obsoletta Lindheimeri Leucistic, ….
Delivery in Hamm, Houten, other shows. Delivery to your door possible. I ship overseas.
Quantity discount
www.mnreptil.cz , info@mnreptil.cz

0.0.20 Correlophus ciliatus for sale
Different morphs

all the gecko's €350

Pictures will follow this weekend or ask them on request.
Can deliver on Hamm and Houten

other lizards kaufen und verkaufen Photo: 2.0 Heloderma suspectum suspectum +2
Sell other lizards

2.0 Heloderma suspectum suspectum

2.0 Heloderma suspectum suspectum for sale.
Cb2019 - They eat good (mice, rats chicken sometimes eggs)

€850 each
€1500 for both

Trades possible
(venomous snakes or varanus species)

Can deliver on Hamm or Houten

Snakes kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Epicrates cenchria - anery het. silver
Sell Snakes

Epicrates cenchria - anery het. silver

1,0 Adult (NZ 20). E. cenchria anery het T+ (het. silver). 300 eur. Hamm, Houten, Prag, Verona.

Snakes kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Epicrates cenchria - caramel +2
Sell Snakes

Epicrates cenchria - caramel

NZ 23, caramel (500 euro), caramel poss. het. pied. (800 euro), lavender (pink caramel) 600 eur. Hamm, Houten, Prag, Verona.

Monitor lizards kaufen und verkaufen Photo: For Hamm or Houten search varanus spp.
Search Monitor lizards

For Hamm or Houten search varanus spp.

For Hamm or Houten :

I search all varanus species(exept achanthurus, glauerti) offer all what you have.

Geckos kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Rhacodactylus auriculatus red for hamm, houten and Verona +2
Sell Geckos

Rhacodactylus auriculatus red for hamm, houten and Verona

Rhacodactylus auriculatus red available for Hamm, Houten and Verona's Show
G1, adult female, 500€
G2, adult male, 400€
G3, adult male 200€
GF1 female full neon red base, 500€
GF2 female full red base, 300€
GF3 female full neon red base, 300€
Write me for more informations