Houten standard ads [Page 7]

Tortoises kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Stigmochelys pardalis babcocki CB25 0.0.9 +2
Sell Tortoises

Stigmochelys pardalis babcocki CB25 0.0.9

Zum verkauf 0.0.9 stigmochelys pardalis babcocki CB 25. (5-01-2025).
Pro tier €120, alle tieren zusammen €855
Abzuholen in Venlo oder in Houten, börse 16-02-2025

Ball Pythons kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Python Regius Desert Ghost Group +2
Sell Ball Pythons

Python Regius Desert Ghost Group

I have several Python Regius available to leave, both individually and in a group. The animals eat both frozen and live rats. Reason for sale is that they no longer fit within my future breeding plans.

Proven males:
1.0 Spotnose Desert Ghost
1.0 Red Stripe Het Desert Ghost
1.0 Spotnose Fire Het Clown Desert Ghost (Enhancer line)

Unproven males:
1.0 Orange Dream (Het Desert Ghost)
1.0 Pastel Enchi Fire Desert Ghost

Proven females:
0. 1 Pastel Mojave Het Desert Ghost
0.2 Pastel Het Desert Ghost
0.1 Pastel Fire Het Desert Ghost

Not proven females:
0.1 Desert Ghost
0.1 Ghi Pastave Het Desert Ghost

Pick up at the reptile fairs in Hamm (DE) and Houten (NL) is possible. These are old pictures, new pictures will follow as will the weights. Prices on request, realisatie bids are also welcome.

Lizards kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Gastropholis prasina
Sell Lizards

Gastropholis prasina

Available 4 pairs gastropholis prasina

ZE, Hamm, Houten

I search for houten (febuary)
Sling min 2 cm bl
Avicularia sp
Versicolor (sub too)
Pamphobeteus sp
P metallica
Other Poecilotheria

Lizards kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Searching for Varanus timorensis 1.0
Search Lizards

Searching for Varanus timorensis 1.0

Looking for 1.0 Varanus timorensis, proven breeder with documents.
Handover at Hamm/Houten/Prague is possible.

I'm searching for an adult proven breeder male Varanus timorensis. Only with documents.
Handover at Hamm/Houten/Prague is possible.

Tortoises kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Carbonarius, Sulcata, Pardalis - PRAQUE/HAMM/HOUTEN/ +2
Sell Tortoises

Carbonarius, Sulcata, Pardalis - PRAQUE/HAMM/HOUTEN/

I offer my own breeding of tortoises. Healthy vital babys, raised under a UVb lamp, fed with green food. Delivery possible in Prague, Hamm or Houten.

SULCATA 10x 500e, 25x 1000e

Hi I'm looking for 1 kg of dubia for pickup at Houten Fair 16/02

other lizards kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Spectacled caiman babys cb2024
Sell other lizards

Spectacled caiman babys cb2024

7x young spectacled caiman babys available.

5x cb2024, size: 20cm, eats insects and baby mice

2x cb2022, size: 45cm, eats baby mice

All in a very good condition.
Not agressive.

Price on request.
Pick up at terraria houten 16/02/2025 possible.

Caiman crocodillus
Spectacled caiman

Verkaufe hier Nachzuchten aus eigenem Bestand.
Elterntiere sind blutfremd und werden in 1.3 gehalten.

Nachzuchten aus 06/2024

Aktuell 5 Männchen und 5 Weibchen abzugeben.
2 Paare davon sind auf dem Weg nach Houten.

Preis 90€ VHB

Bei Interesse oder Fragen melde dich gerne! :)

Boas kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Boa Constrictor Occidentalis +2
Sell Boas

Boa Constrictor Occidentalis

Boa Constrictor Occidentalis 2023
Animals come with paper and microchip.
Only single males or pairs
Delivery in Hamm (March) or Houten (Febr) possible

Available for Houten :

1.0 Varanus macraei ready for breeding 1300€
0.0.2 Varanus glauerti CB23 450€

Send message for informations and picture

Tortoises kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Indotestudo elongata cb24 for houten +2
Sell Tortoises

Indotestudo elongata cb24 for houten

For houten young from March 2024. with transfer papers.

exchange is also possible for Terrapene, Cuora or kleinmanni

Price 120 euro

other lizards kaufen und verkaufen Photo: 1 male podarcis muralis nigriventris cb24 houten +2
Sell other lizards

1 male podarcis muralis nigriventris cb24 houten

For houten

1 male pordacis muralis nigriventris cb24
White papers.

Price 20 euro

Lizards kaufen und verkaufen Photo: New Caledonia geckos for Houten +2
Sell Lizards

New Caledonia geckos for Houten

0.0.1 R leachianus pi henkeli F3
1.0 M Chahouas pi ,
1.1 Young Eurydactylodes vieillardi
1.1 Young Eurydactylodes occidentalis
0.0.1 R auriculatus, red parents

Trade /tausch White collar Chahoua

Venomous snakes kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Agkistrodon Hamm, Houten
Sell Venomous snakes

Agkistrodon Hamm, Houten

I offer for meeting in Hamm, Houten:

0.1 Agkistrodon laticinctus 2020

80€ or trade with other venomous snakes

Have a nice day and best regards,

Poison dart frogs kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Wanted: Phyllobates bicolor swap rare terrarium plants +2
Trade Poison dart frogs

Wanted: Phyllobates bicolor swap rare terrarium plants

I’m looking for some Phyllobates bicolor jevinils (nachzucht). I want to swap for cuttings of rare terrariumplants. Please send me a message if you are interested so I can show you the plants. I will probably be in Houten (Feb.) and Terraristika Hamm (March).

Boas kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Boa imperator - Paradise T+ Sunglow Motley & Aztec +2
Sell Boas

Boa imperator - Paradise T+ Sunglow Motley & Aztec

CB 2022:
1,0 Paradise Sunglow Aztec
1,1 Paradise Sunglow Motley
0,1 Sharp Sunglow Motley
1,0 Paradise Sunglow
CB 2018:
3,0 Paradise Sunglow
I can take to Ziva exotika Prague and Hamm, Houten.
Please contact me with any questions - asvabik@centrum.sk

Insects kaufen und verkaufen Photo: PHASMIDS for Houten And Hamm or send
Sell Insects

PHASMIDS for Houten And Hamm or send

I have for sell or exchange 90!!! Species phasmids. Current list with PM.

I have Now 90species phasmids for sell. Eggs, nymphs , adult. Current list with PM.