Hamm GHI standard ads [Page 33]

Rhacodactylus auriculatus Tabasco Line High Red
Für Hamm
Nachzuchten meiner Tabasco Line.
Bilder der Eltern und mehr Infos zu den Nachzuchten unter:

Eublepharis macularius afghanicus
1.1 Eublepharis macularius afghanicus. CB23
Ready for the next season.
Eublepharis turcmenicus MALE
I am looking for Eublepharis turcmenicus MALE.
Wait your news.
Pogona Henrylawsoni 0.2 für Hamm
Suche für Hamm am 8.03 noch 2 Weibchen Pogona Henrylawsoni, würde mich sehr freuen LG

Lampropeltis mexicana mexicana (Granit linie) for Hamm
For Hamm ( only offer)
CB 2024
L. mexicana mexicana
Nucha Stripe
Yellow Granit

Magmaking NEW hybrid Lampropletis - for Hamm
MAGMAKING - Prague, Pilsen, Hamm,
CB 2024 - 4 generations Hybrid L.mexicana mexicana & L.triangulum campbelli
Orange Patternlest, Orange Motlay, Orange Patternlest spine, Orange Aberant
Yellow Motlay, Yellow Aberant

Pantherophis guttatus - Corn snakes
Baby Panthrophis guttatus for Hamm, Prague
- Granite(Diffused+Anery) Teesera Ultramel 100% het. Motlay; Hypo
- Diffused Teesera Ultramel 100% het. Motlay; Anery; Hypo
- Diffused Teesera 100% het. Motlay; Anery; Hypo; Amel or Ultra
- Diffused Hypo Teesera 100% het. Motlay; Anery; Amel or Ultra
- Diffused Hypo 100% het. Motlay; Anery; Amel or Ultra
- and others
All baby to website https://www.mojihadi.cz/Pantherophis-guttatus.html

Stegodyphus dufouri für Hamm
Stegodyphus dufouri subadult unsexed
verfügbar zur Übergabe in Hamm am 08.03.25
Preis: 10€ je Tier
For Hamm, Verona, Houten, Prague
1.0.Nephrurus wheeleri cinctus 50€ CB2024
2.0. Nephrurus levis levis het patternless (pairing patternless X yellow) 200€
3.3. Lucasium damaeum 300€ pair CB2024
0.0.4. Phelsuma robertmertensi 60€ each CB2024
1.1. Phelsuma ornata CB2024 280€ pair
0.0.2. Phelsuma klemmeri 60€ each
1.0. Phelsuma klemmeri 100€ CB2024
1.0. Phelsuma klemmeri 100€ CB2023
0.0.2. Mniarogeckko chahoua Mainland 100€ each CB2024
1.0. Trachylepis dichroma 80€ CB2023
Leopard geckos
1.0. Diablo Blanco CB24 120€
1.0. Pure Electric Tangerine non het CB22 160€
0.1. Pure Electric Tangerine non het CB22 240€
0.1. Pure Electric Tangerine non het 2023 240€
Porcellio laevis classic (grey) 20x/4€
Porcellio laevis Orange 20x/5€
Porcellio laevis Dairy Cow 20x/5€
Armadillidium vulgare 20x/5€
Zootoca vivipara.
Zootoca vivipara 1,1 adult, bin am 8.3.2025 in Hamm

Python regius - Königspythons - Ball python - 2024
For Prague, Hamm
Cb 2024
2,1 Albino Pinstripe Black Pastel 100% het Clown
1,0 Albino Pinstripe 100% het Clown
1,0 Mojave Banana (female maker) 100% het Clown
1,0 Banana (female maker) Motley 100%het Clown
1,0 Banana (female maker) Lesser Motley 100%het Clown
1,0 Banana Mojave 100% dh Hypo, Genetic Stripe
3,0 Banana Pastel 66%het Piebald
1,0 Pinstripe Clown
2,0 Mojave Pastel 100% het Hypo
0,1 Bamboo Enchi Leopard poss het. Clown Piebald
0,1 Cinnamon Lesser Pastel 66%het Clown
1,0 Banana Pastel Genetic Stripe
0,2 Genetic Stripe
1,0 Enchi Leopard 100% het Clown poss het Piebald
0,1 Enchi Leopard poss het. Clown Piebald
0,1 Enchi poss het. Clown Piebald
2,0 Lesser Motley 100% het Clown
0,1 Mojave 100% het Clown
1,1 Mojave Fire/Vanilla 100% het Clown
1,0 Fire 100% het Clown
1,1 Vanilla 100% het Clown
1,0 Blade Pastel Special poss Clown
1,0 Mojave Pastel poss het Clown
1,0 Cinnamon Pinstripe 66%het. Clown
4,0 Piebald
1,0 Clown poss het Piebald
1,0 Pastel 100% het Hypo
1,1 Pastel 100%het Orange Ghost
2,2 Pastel poss Orange Ghost
2,0 Banana 66%het Piebald
0,1 Lesser Yellow Belly
0,2 Mojave Sugard
0,2 Mojave
1,2 Lesser 66%het Clown
0,1 Cinnamon 66%het Clown
1,0 Mojave poss het Clown
1,1 Special poss het Clown
0,1 Vanilla poss het Piebald
2,0 Yellow Belly poss het Piebald
1,2 100%het Desert Ghost
1,0 100%het Orange Ghost
0,1 100%het Clown
2,1 100%het Piebald
0,2 66%het Piebald

Typhochlaena für Hamm Börse 08.03.2025
Biete für Hamm 08.03:
- 0.0.10 Typhochlaena costae 2Fh, Stk. 450€ (verschiedene Kokons)
- 1.1 Typhochlaena costae (1.0 ~1,2cm KL / 0.1 ~1,3cm KL) für 1100€
- 1.1 Typhochlaena costae (1.0 ~1,2cm KL / 0.1 ~1,5cm KL) für 1150€
- 1.1 Typhochlaena costae (1.0 ~1,4cm KL / 0.1 ~1,8cm KL) für 1250€
- 0.0.6 Typhochlaena curumim 3-4Fh, Stk. 160€ (verschiedene Kokons)
- 0.2 Typhochlaena curumim ~1,8cm KL, Stk. 350€
- 0.1 Typhochlaena curumim ~2cm KL, Stk. 350€
- 0.1 Typhochlaena seladonia ~1,2cm KL, Stk. 220€
- 0.1 Typhochlaena seladonia ~2cm KL, Stk. 260€

1.0 boa constrictor Guyana
1.0 boa constrictor Guyana cb23, Turrini line. Ziva or Hamm.

Boa imperator - Aztec VPI Sunglow, Keltic VPI Sunglow, Jungle het VPI
CB 2021
1,0 Aztec VPI T+ Sunglow
2,0 Aztec VPI T+ Albino
2,0 Hypo Aztec pos Keltic 100% het VPI T+ Albino
2,1 Hypo Aztec 100% het VPI T+ Albino
1,0 Keltic VPI T+ Sunglow
1,1 Hypo Keltic 100% het VPI T+ Albino
1,0 Keltic 100% het VPI T+ Albino
1,0 Hypo Jungle 100% het VPI T+ Albino
1,0 VPI T+ Sunglow
CB 2020:
1,0 Jungle 66% het VPI T+ Albino
I can take to Ziva exotika Prague, Hamm and Houten
Please contact me with any questions - asvabik@centrum.sk

Hemorrhois ravergieri CB2024
On offer CBB Hemorrhois ravergieri
Cb2024, feeding well on frozen/thawed mice
I will be in Hamm March 8

Ingerophrynus parvus CB 2024 - Hamm 8.03.2025
Hamm 8.03
0.0.50 Ingerophrynus parvus
(small asian toad) CB 2024
Size 2,5-3 cm (subadult)
Contact by email gadziarnia@gmail.com

Macrochelys temminckii CB23
For sale :
Macrochelys temminckii CB2023
Delivery to Hamm is possible.

0,2 Heloderma colima super ultra Black
0,1 Heloderma horridum colima super ultra Black good breeder 14-16 eggs in cluth.. from 2016. Price 1350 euro.
0,1 Heloderma horridum super Black breed first time 2023 10 eggs in the cluth. From 2018. Price 1050 euro.
They are from Steve angeli us Line, they havnet been breed last year so they are 100% ready for this season now???? can bring to hamm next weekend.
Offering Anolis NZ24 for Hamm
1.1 sabanus
1.1 leachii
1.1 marmoratus "Capesterre"
1.0 r. roquet "Saint Luce"
0.0.2 r. roquet "Le Diamant"
0.0.2 r. summus "Macouba"
0.0.2 r. majolgris
0.0.6 leachii

Pseudogekko smaragdinus 0.0.2 - HAMM 2025
Pickup in Hamm March 2025
0.0.2 Pseudogekko Smaragdinus CB2025
Hamm GHI Premium ads [Page 33]

Hamm Show PREORDER ;) Typhochlaena Costae and others!
We THE Spider’s Empire will go to the Hamm show in GERMANY!. We will start ours travel on 08.03 and go through this route:
Oława → Zgorzelec → Dresden → Leipzig → Kassel -> Dortmund - > Hamm
and back the same route on 09.03
We have a possibility to meet with you on ours route and deliver the spider’s directly to yours place.
WHATSAPP: +48 783 262 453
EMAIL: michal.k.krolicki@gmail.com
All prices are per 1 animal
List of Slings:
Ami sp Panama 12e, 5x – 10e, 10x – 9e, 50x – 7e. 100x – 6e, 200x – 4e
Avicularia braunshauseni 24e, 5x – 20e, 10x – 17e, 50x – 12e, 100x – 10e
Avicularia merianae 24e, 5x – 20e, 10x – 17e, 50x – 12e,
Avicularia Peru Purple 12e, 5x – 10e, 10x – 9e, 50x – 7e. 100x – 5e, 200x – 3e
Avicularia Rufa (Peru) 24e, 5x – 20e, 10x – 17e, 50x – 12e
Bumba cabocla 4e, 5x – 3e, 10x – 2,5e, 50x – 2e
Caribena Laeta 12e, 5x – 10e, 10x – 9e, 50x – 6e, 100x – 4e, 200x – 3e
Chilobrachys Mekong 10e, 5x – 9e, 10x – 8e, 50x – 6e, 100x – 5e,
Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens 11e, 5x – 10e, 10x – 9e, 50x – 7e, 100x – 6e, 500x – 5e, 1500x – 4e
Cyriopagopus sp lividus 12e, 5x – 11e, 10x – 10e, 50x – 7e, 100x – 6e,
Grammostolla Pulchripes 10e, 5x – 9e, 10x – 8e, 50x – 6e, 100x – 4,5e,
Grammostolla rosea red 30e, 5x – 25e, 10x – 20e, 50x – 17e, 100x – 15e
Hommeomma peruvianum 36e, 5x – 32e, 10x – 28e, 50x – 20e, 100x – 16e,
Hysterocrates gigas 4e, 5x – 3e, 10x – 2,5e, 50x – 2e, 100x – 1,6e
Kochiana brunnipes 4e, 5x – 3e, 10x – 2,5e, 50x – 2e
Megaphobema Robustum 24e, 5x – 20e, 10x – 17e, 50x – 12e, 100x – 10e, 300x – 8e
Ornithoctoninae aureotibialis 12e, 5x – 11e, 10x – 10e, 50x – 7e, 100x – 6e,
Ornithoctoninae sp Hai Bia 24e, 5x – 20e, 10x – 17e, 50x – 12e
Orphanaceus Phillipinus 11e, 5x – 10e, 10x – 9e, 50x – 7e, 100x – 6e, 500x – 5e
Phormictopus Full Green 40e, 5x – 35e, 10x – 32e, 50x – 27e, 100x – 24e
Phorminctopus auratus 12e, 5x – 11e, 10x – 10e, 50x – 7e, 100x – 6e,
Phormingochilus Rufus 12e, 5x – 11e, 10x – 10e, 50x – 7e, 100x – 4e, 200x – 3e, 500x – 2e
Poecilotheria Ornata 4e, 5x – 3e, 10x – 2,5e, 50x – 2e
Poecilotheria Subfusca Highland 22e, 5x – 19e, 10x – 16e,
Poecilotheria Vittata 7e, 5x – 46, 10x – 4e, 50x – 3e
Pterinopelma Sazimai 4e, 5x – 3e, 10x – 2,5e, 50x – 2e
Tapinauchenius Sanctivincenti 12e, 5x – 10e, 10x – 9e, 50x – 7e, 100x – 5e
Theraphosa Blondi 50e, 5x – 42e, 10x – 37e, 50x – 32e, 100x – 25e
Typhochlaena costae 400e, 5x – 360e, 10x – 320e,
Typhochlaena Seladonia 50e, 5x – 42e, 10x – 37e, 50x – 32e,
Ybyrapora diversipes 24e, 5x – 20e, 10x – 17e, 50x – 11e, 100x – 9e
Ybyrapora Sooretama 30e, 5x – 25e, 10x – 20e, 50x – 17e, 100x – 15e
Aphonopelma Seemani Subadult/Adult 46e, 5x – 38e, 10x – 34e, 50x – 30e, 100x – 26e
Chilobrachys sp Blue Vietnam 4,5-5,5 BL 35e
Chilobrachys sp Kaeng Krachan 4-4,5BL 35e
Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens ADULT 56e, 5x – 50e, 10x – 46e, 50x – 42e, 100x – 36e
Heteroscodra Maculata 3-3,5BL 26e, 5x – 23e, 10x – 20e, 50x – 15e, 100x – 12e
Lasiodora parachybana 3,5-4,5BL 20e, 5x – 19e, 10x – 18e, 50x – 15e, 100x – 12e
Monocentropus Balfouri ADULT 52e, 5x – 47e, 10x – 43e, 50x – 38e, 100x – 34e
Pterinopelma Sazimai 1,5-2BL 20e, 5x – 19e, 10x – 18e, 50x – 15e, 100x – 12e, 200x - 9e
Xenesthis Intermedia 2BL 110e, 5x – 90e, 10x – 80e, 50x – 70e, 100x – 60e
Caribena Laeta 1,5BL 16e, 5x – 15e, 10x – 13e, 50x – 11e, 100x – 10e, 200x - 9e
Monocetropus Balfouri 3BL 16e, 5x – 14e, 10x – 12e, 50x – 9e,
Acanthoscurria geniculata 3BL 12e, 5x – 9e, 10x – 8e, 50x – 6e, 100x – 5e, 200x – 4,5e
Pterinopelma Sazimai 1,5-2BL 12e, 5x – 9e, 10x – 8e, 50x – 6e, 100x – 5e, 200x – 4,5e
Brachypelma Boehmei 1,5-2BL 14e, 5x – 12e, 10x – 11e, 50x – 9e, 100x – 8e, 200x – 7e
Chromatoplema Cyaneopubescens 2,5-3BL 24e, 5x – 22e, 10x – 20e, 50x – 17e, 100x – 15e

Terraristika Hamm 9.3.2024 !!!
Letzte Bestellungen für Hamm / Last orders for Hamm .
Bestellungen bis Fr. den 8.März bis 10.00 Uhr genommen / Orders possible till Fri March 8th till 10 a.m. Nur vobezahlte Tiere sind mitgebracht ! / Only prepaid orders are brought !
GANZE LISTE PER EMAIL / WHOLE LIST PER EMAIL. a.A.= auf Anfrage / o.r. = on request
0,0,2 Bufo (Incilius) alvarius 160 € St. / ea.
0,0,4 Ceratophrys cranwelli STRAWBERRY / ALBINO / PICACHU / MATCHA / ab / from 30 €
0,0,6 Dyscophus guinetti 70 € St. / ea.
0,0,8 Heterixalus betsileo 35 € St. / ea.
0,0,7 Hyperolius fusciventris 25 € St. / ea.
0,0,10 Hyperolius concolor
0,0,8 Hyla cinerea 30 € St. / ea.
0,0,4 Kaloula baleata / pulchra 25 € St. / ea.
0,0,3 Lepidobatrachus laevis 75 € St. / ea.
0,0,6 Litoria caeruela 45 € St. / ea.
0,0,5 Litoria infrafrenata 50 € St. / ea.
0,0,4 Litoria rubella 20 € St./ ea.
0,0,6 Mantella expectata 60 € St./ ea.
0,0,6 Mantella nigricans 50 € St./ ea.
0,0,4 Megophrys nasuta/montana ab./from 80 € St. / ea.
0,0,8 Phyllobates terribilis 30 € St. / ea.
0,0,5 Ranitomeya benedicta 65 € St. / ea.
0,0,4 Rhaebo guttatus 120 € St. / ea.
0,0,4 Rhinella marina 40 € St. / ea.
1,1 Acanthosaura capra 60 € St. / ea.
1,2 Gonocephalus chamaeleontinus 100 € St. / ea.
0,0,4 Hydrosaurus celebensis / microlophus / weberi a.A. / o.r.
1,1 Hypsilurus auritus a.A. / o.r.
2,2 Hypsilurus cf.godeffroyi JAYAPURA a.A. / o.r.
0,0,4 Pogona vitticeps hypo trans red 80 € St. / ea.
1,1 Anolis sagrei 50 € Paar / Pair
1,1 Anolis carolinensis 60 € Paar / Pair
1,1 Corytophanes cristatus a.A. / o.r.
0,0,4 Iguana iguana GREEN / RED / BLUE ab 50 € / from 50 €
1,1 Egernia ( Bellatorias ) frerei 160 € St. / ea.
1,1 Eugongylus mentovarius a.A./ o.r.
1,1 Lamprolepis ( Dasia ) smaragdina a.A./ o.r.
1,1 Dasia olivacea 50 € St. / ea.
1,1 Lepidothyris fernandi HIGH RED 60 € St. / ea.
1,1 Scincophus fasciatus 120 € St. / ea.
0,0,3 Tiliqua ( Cyclodomorphus ) gerrardii 130 € St./ea.
1,1 Tiliqua gigas CERAM /HALMAHERA 170 € St. / ea.
0,0,5 Tiliqua scincoides intermedia HIGH ORANGE NZ/CB 2023 a.A. / o.r.
2,2,4 Tribolonotus novaeguineae ab / from 130 € St. / ea.
2,2,5 Tribolonotus gracilis ab / from 130 € St. / ea.
1,1 Tropidophorus baconi 110 € / St. / ea.
1,1 Aeluroscalabotes felinus a.A / o.r.
3,5,10 Correlophus ciliatus ab / from 25 € / St.
1,1 Ebenavia inunguis 50 € St. / ea.
1,1 Gehyra marginata 100 € St. / ea.
0,0,4 Gekko gecko 60 € St. / ea.
1,1 Gekko vittatus 50 € St. / ea.
1,2 Lygodactylus conraui 50 € St. / ea.
1,1 Paroedura pictus 80 € Paar / Pair
0,0,2 ( 1,1 ?)Phelsuma standingi 60 € St. / ea.
1,0 Rhacodactylus auriculatus ORANGE MARBLED 125 €
2,2,5 Ptychozoon kuhli ab / from 30 € St. / ea.
0,0,4 Varanus exanthematicus a.A. / o.r.
0,0,4 Varanus niloticus a.A. / o.r.
0,0,1 Varanus panoptes horni a.A. / o.r.
0,0,3 Varanus salvator a.A. / o.r.
0,0,3 Acrochordus javanicus 120 € St. / ea.
1,2 Ahaetula prasina 65 € St. / ea.
1,1 Aplopeltura boa 1,1 a.A. / o.r.
1,2 Boaedon lineatus 45 € St. / ea.
1,1 Boaedon fuliginosus 60 € St. / ea.
1,1 Boiga dendrophila dendrophila a.A. / o.r.
1,2 Candoia aspera a.A. / o.r.
1,1 Coelognathus(Etaphe)flavolineatus a.A. / o.r.
1,1 Coelognathus(Elaphe)radiatus a.A. / o.r.
0,0,5 Corallus hortulanus c.b. 150 € St. / ea
0,0,4 Enhydris plumbea 60 € / St. / ea.
1,1,2 Gonyosoma janseni / janseni black a.A. / o.r.
1,1 Gonyosoma oxycephala a.A./ o.i.
0,0,2 Homalopsis buccata 75 € St. / ea
1,0 Leiopython albertisi a.A. / o.r.
1,1 Chrysopelea paradisi a.A. / o.r.
1,1 Liopeltis tricolor a.A. / o.r. !!! INSEKTENFRESSER / INSECTIVOROUS !!!
0,2,1 Morelia amethistina Sorong a.A./ o.r.
1,1 Morelia spilota harrisoni a.A. / o.r.
2,1 Morelia viridis BIAK, SORONG, MANOKWARI a.A. / o.r.
1,1 Ptyas korros a.A. / o.r.
1,1 Thamnophis proximus 70 € St. / ea.
2,2 Xenochrophis vittatus a.A. / o.r.
2,3 Xenopeltis unicolor
0,1 Thelyphonus sp.Malaysia 60 € St. / ea.
2,2 Phidippus regius ORANGE 60 € Paar / Pair
Ophistreptus guineensis, Pelmatojulus excisus, Gecarcinus quadratus, Heterometrus spinifer/petersi/cyaneus, Oryctes sp. Avicularia sp, Anthia sexmaculata ......
WhatsApp +(00) 420 737 911 461, Email : phelsuma@animalfarm.cz.

Terraristika Hamm 9.3.2024 !!!
Letzte Bestellungen für Hamm / Last orders for Hamm .
Bestellungen bis Fr. den 8.März bis 10.00 Uhr genommen / Orders possible till Fri March 8th till 10 a.m. Nur vobezahlte Tiere sind mitgebracht ! / Only prepaid orders are brought !
GANZE LISTE PER EMAIL / WHOLE LIST PER EMAIL. a.A.= auf Anfrage / o.r. = on request
0,0,2 Bufo (Incilius) alvarius 160 € St. / ea.
0,0,4 Ceratophrys cranwelli STRAWBERRY / ALBINO / PICACHU / MATCHA / ab / from 30 €
0,0,6 Dyscophus guinetti 70 € St. / ea.
0,0,8 Heterixalus betsileo 35 € St. / ea.
0,0,7 Hyperolius fusciventris 25 € St. / ea.
0,0,10 Hyperolius concolor
0,0,8 Hyla cinerea 30 € St. / ea.
0,0,4 Kaloula baleata / pulchra 25 € St. / ea.
0,0,3 Lepidobatrachus laevis 75 € St. / ea.
0,0,6 Litoria caeruela 45 € St. / ea.
0,0,5 Litoria infrafrenata 50 € St. / ea.
0,0,4 Litoria rubella 20 € St./ ea.
0,0,6 Mantella expectata 60 € St./ ea.
0,0,6 Mantella nigricans 50 € St./ ea.
0,0,4 Megophrys nasuta/montana ab./from 80 € St. / ea.
0,0,8 Phyllobates terribilis 30 € St. / ea.
0,0,5 Ranitomeya benedicta 65 € St. / ea.
0,0,4 Rhaebo guttatus 120 € St. / ea.
0,0,4 Rhinella marina 40 € St. / ea.
1,1 Acanthosaura capra 60 € St. / ea.
1,2 Gonocephalus chamaeleontinus 100 € St. / ea.
0,0,4 Hydrosaurus celebensis / microlophus / weberi a.A. / o.r.
1,1 Hypsilurus auritus a.A. / o.r.
2,2 Hypsilurus cf.godeffroyi JAYAPURA a.A. / o.r.
0,0,4 Pogona vitticeps hypo trans red 80 € St. / ea.
1,1 Anolis sagrei 50 € Paar / Pair
1,1 Anolis carolinensis 60 € Paar / Pair
1,1 Corytophanes cristatus a.A. / o.r.
0,0,4 Iguana iguana GREEN / RED / BLUE ab 50 € / from 50 €
1,1 Egernia ( Bellatorias ) frerei 160 € St. / ea.
1,1 Eugongylus mentovarius a.A./ o.r.
1,1 Lamprolepis ( Dasia ) smaragdina a.A./ o.r.
1,1 Dasia olivacea 50 € St. / ea.
1,1 Lepidothyris fernandi HIGH RED 60 € St. / ea.
1,1 Scincophus fasciatus 120 € St. / ea.
0,0,3 Tiliqua ( Cyclodomorphus ) gerrardii 130 € St./ea.
1,1 Tiliqua gigas CERAM /HALMAHERA 170 € St. / ea.
0,0,5 Tiliqua scincoides intermedia HIGH ORANGE NZ/CB 2023 a.A. / o.r.
2,2,4 Tribolonotus novaeguineae ab / from 130 € St. / ea.
2,2,5 Tribolonotus gracilis ab / from 130 € St. / ea.
1,1 Tropidophorus baconi 110 € / St. / ea.
1,1 Aeluroscalabotes felinus a.A / o.r.
3,5,10 Correlophus ciliatus ab / from 25 € / St.
1,1 Ebenavia inunguis 50 € St. / ea.
1,1 Gehyra marginata 100 € St. / ea.
0,0,4 Gekko gecko 60 € St. / ea.
1,1 Gekko vittatus 50 € St. / ea.
1,2 Lygodactylus conraui 50 € St. / ea.
1,1 Paroedura pictus 80 € Paar / Pair
0,0,2 ( 1,1 ?)Phelsuma standingi 60 € St. / ea.
1,0 Rhacodactylus auriculatus ORANGE MARBLED 125 €
2,2,5 Ptychozoon kuhli ab / from 30 € St. / ea.
0,0,4 Varanus exanthematicus a.A. / o.r.
0,0,4 Varanus niloticus a.A. / o.r.
0,0,1 Varanus panoptes horni a.A. / o.r.
0,0,3 Varanus salvator a.A. / o.r.
0,0,3 Acrochordus javanicus 120 € St. / ea.
1,2 Ahaetula prasina 65 € St. / ea.
1,1 Aplopeltura boa 1,1 a.A. / o.r.
1,2 Boaedon lineatus 45 € St. / ea.
1,1 Boaedon fuliginosus 60 € St. / ea.
1,1 Boiga dendrophila dendrophila a.A. / o.r.
1,2 Candoia aspera a.A. / o.r.
1,1 Coelognathus(Etaphe)flavolineatus a.A. / o.r.
1,1 Coelognathus(Elaphe)radiatus a.A. / o.r.
0,0,5 Corallus hortulanus c.b. 150 € St. / ea
0,0,4 Enhydris plumbea 60 € / St. / ea.
1,1,2 Gonyosoma janseni / janseni black a.A. / o.r.
1,1 Gonyosoma oxycephala a.A./ o.i.
0,0,2 Homalopsis buccata 75 € St. / ea
1,0 Leiopython albertisi a.A. / o.r.
1,1 Chrysopelea paradisi a.A. / o.r.
1,1 Liopeltis tricolor a.A. / o.r. !!! INSEKTENFRESSER / INSECTIVOROUS !!!
0,2,1 Morelia amethistina Sorong a.A./ o.r.
1,1 Morelia spilota harrisoni a.A. / o.r.
2,1 Morelia viridis BIAK, SORONG, MANOKWARI a.A. / o.r.
1,1 Ptyas korros a.A. / o.r.
1,1 Thamnophis proximus 70 € St. / ea.
2,2 Xenochrophis vittatus a.A. / o.r.
2,3 Xenopeltis unicolor
0,1 Thelyphonus sp.Malaysia 60 € St. / ea.
2,2 Phidippus regius ORANGE 60 € Paar / Pair
Ophistreptus guineensis, Pelmatojulus excisus, Gecarcinus quadratus, Heterometrus spinifer/petersi/cyaneus, Oryctes sp. Avicularia sp, Anthia sexmaculata ......
WhatsApp +(00) 420 737 911 461, Email : phelsuma@animalfarm.cz.

Brookesia stumpffi
Brookesia superciliaris
Brookesia therezieni
Brookesia thieli 125€/ea
Furcifer oustaletti / F. verrucosus 150€/ea or 200€/pair
FURCIFER angeli 2,1?
FURCIFER pardalis
2,2 Nosy FALLY
2,0 Nosy Be
Madagascar import, ONLY ADVANCED KEEPERS!

Phelsuma quadriocellata, etc HAMM
Phelsuma grandis adult Paar
Phelsuma madagascariensis
Phelsuma kochi
Phelsuma quadriocellata
Phelsuma laticauda
Phelsuma dorsivittata
1,1 Blaesodactylus sakala
Eublepharis angaramainyu ILAM NZ2024 85€

Hamm Show offer and Shipping within Europe
Row 20 Hamm Terraristika this weekend
All preorders via website 15% off use code Hamm15 and select pickup option at the show (plus freebie) !
Brachypelma albiceps, auratum, boehmei, hamorii, emilia,
Poecilotheria regalis, metallica, rufilata, smithi, miranda
Cyriopagopus sp. "Valhalla"
Typhochlaena seladonia
Phormingochilus sp. Sabah Blue, arboricola, Rufus
Grammostola rosea, rosea red, pulchra
Homeomma chilensis
Theraphosa apophysis, blondi
Xenesthis bright, intermedia, megascopula
Many rare Ornthoctoninae !
European shipping 24-48H live arrival guaranteed

Last chance for Hamm March 2024 New Caledonian Geckos
Correlophus ciliatus babies+- 5g XXXX
Correlophus ciliatus LW XX,XX,XXX
Correlophus ciliatus hi end morps +-20g XX,XX
Correlophus ciliatus+-20g XXX,XXX
Correlophus ciliatus Axanthic 0,0,5
Eurodactylodes agricolae 0,3,7
Rhacodactylus leachianus Pine Island 0,4 cb 2023
Rhacodactylus auriculatus 0,2,10
Mniarogekko chahoua 1,0,2
Last chance for Hamm 9.3. 2024 New Caledonian Geckos
PREMIUM Correlophus ciliatus babies XXXX +-5g
Correlophus ciliatus LW X,X,XX
Correlophus ciliatus XXX,XXX +- 20g
Correlophus ciliatus Axanthic 0,0,5
Correlophus ciliatus hi- end morphs XX,XX +- 20g
Rhacodactylus leachianus Pine island 0,4 cb 2023
Mniarogekko chahoua Mainland 1,0,2
Eurodactylodes agricolae 0,3,7
Rhacodactylus auriculatus 0,2,10 common color
Spinnen Nachzuchten abzugeben:
PREMIUM Moin moin,
der Endspurt für Hamm naht !
Meine Tische sind in Reihe 31, große Halle
Achtung !!! Als Frühlingsspecial gibt es auf jede Vorbestellung von 100 EUR und mehr 15% Rabatt
Theraphosa blondi, ca. 3-4 cm KL Weibchen 85,-/Männchen 45,-/ Paar zusammen 120,-
10 St. ca. 4. Haut zusammen 350,-
Weibchen adult 200,-
T. stirmi, ca. 4 cm KL, Weibchen 65,-/Männchen 35,-/Paar zusammen 90,-
10 St. ca. 4. Haut zusammen 250,-
Theraphosa apophysis, ca. 4 cm KL, Weibchen 80,-/Männchen 45,-/Paar zusammen 100,-
10 St. ca. 3.-4. Haut zusammen 350,-
Weibchen frisch adult ca. 10-12 cm KL St. 190,-
Typhochlaena seladonia, 1. bis 2. Haut St. 60,-/5 St. zusammen 250,-
Psalmopoeus irminia, NZ 2. Haut 5 St. 20,-/10 St. 35,-
Chilobrachys natanicharum (electric Blue), NZ ca. 5. Haut um 2 cm KL 5 St. zusammen 70,-/10 St. zusammen 130,-
Heterothele gabonensis, kann in Gruppen gehalten werden, NZ ca. 2./3. Haut 5 St. zusammen 18,-/10 St. zusammen 30,-
Grammostola pulchra, NZ ca. 2. Haut 5 St. zusammen 90,-/10 St. zusammen 150,-
Megaphobema robustum, NZ ca. 2. Haut, schon ausgefärbt um 2 cm, 5 St. zusammen 75,-/10 St. zusammen 130,-
Große Tarantel Lycosa tarentula, Variante Israel/Tel Aviv, NZ ca. 3. Haut, gut fressend und wachsend, 5 St. zusammen 20,-/10 St. zusammen 30,-
Riesen Radnetzspinne Nephila (Trichonephila) inaurata, bis 15 cm Spannweite, NZ ca. 2. bis 3. Haut, fressen problemlos Drosophila hydei und melanogaster, 5 St. zusammen 20,-/10 St. zusammen 30,-/20 St. zusammen 50,-/50 St. zusammen 100,-
Angebote gelten nur bei verbindlicher Vorbestellung für Hamm.
Bei sehr begrenzter Tischfläche können ansonsten nur relativ wenige Tiere aufgestellt werden.
Achtung !!! Als Frühlingsspecial gibt es auf jede Vorbestellung von 100 EUR und mehr 15% Rabatt
Komplette Liste auf www.vinmann.de
Suche immer noch alle Arten Dipluriden, Riesenradnetzspinnen Nephila spec., Jagdspinnen etc.
Liebe Grüße
Thomas Vinmann

- Aeluroscalabotes felinus WC 199,-
- Cyrtodactylus pulchellus WC 99,-
- Scincopus fasciatus WC 99,-
- Siren lacertina WC LARGE 249,-
- Pseudobranchus striatus WC 129,-
- Nyctixalus pictus WC 129,-
- Megophrys m. nasuta WC XL 199,-
- Megophrys aceras WC 99,-
- Leptobrachium hendricksoni WC 79,-
- Dyscophus antongilli CB med-large 199,-
- Rana luctuosa WC 69,-
- Asbolus laevis WC 49,-
- Asbolus verrucosus WC 39,-
- Scolopendra dehaani "Cherry red" WC 149,-
- Platymma tweediei WC 99,-
- Hemiplecta floweri WC 79,-
For more details, animals or any questions, please send us an email:

Eurodactylodes agricolae for Hamm 9.3. 2024 row 25
Eurodactylodes agricolae
0,0,7 100€ pc
0,3,0 young female 170€
2,0,0 adult male 80€

Bulks for Hamm or shipping.
We have following bulks available for resale.
Send message for prices.
25-100 Chaerilus crimrmani - Instar 2-3
25 Chaerilus kautti - Instar 2-3
25 Didymocentrus trinitarius - Instar 2-3
25 Hottentotta sp. India - Instar 2
True spiders:
25-50 Scytodes sp. Orange - circa FH2-3
50-200 - Acanthoscurria geniculata - FH1
50 Aphonopelma hentzi - FH1-2
50-100 Aphonopelma moderatum - FH1-2
25 Brachypelma boehmei - FH2-3
50 Ceratogyrus darlingi - FH2-3
50-100 Davus pentaloris - FH5-6
50 Harpactira baviana - FH4-5
50-200 Lasiocyano (Pterinopelma) sazimai - FH5
50-100 Lasiodorides polycuspulatus - FH2
25 Nhandu coloratovillosus - FH2
25 Pamphobeteus sp. Machala - FH1
50-100 Phormictopus cautus - FH4-5
25 Phormingochilus sp. Rufus - FH2
25 Psalmopoeus reduncus - FH1
50-100 Pseudhapalopus sp. Blue - FH3
25 Pterinochilus chordatus - FH3
50-100 Pterinochilus murinus 'Botswana/Zimbabwe' - FH2-3
50-100 Pterinochilus murinus 'TCF' - FH2-3
25-50 Tapinauchenius sp. Tena - FH3-4
50-150 Tlitocatl vagans (Pure!) - FH1
50-100 Vitalius (Nhandu) chromatus - FH4-5
5.0 Pamphobeteus sp. Manganegra - 2,5-3cm BL
5.5 Tliltocatl albopilosus - 2cm - couples

Rare scorpions, tarantulas and true spiders for Hamm. 20% discount!
20% discount for firm preorders for Hamm-show at 09.03.24!
Just a very limited stock will be available at our booth in Hamm - please preorder if you are interested in certain species.
Shipping currently not possible, but we take reservations for spring now.
Our table is in row 5 in the mainhall.
20% Rabatt auf feste Vorbestellungen für die Terraristika Hamm am 09.03.24!
Wir werden nur ein sehr limitiertes Angebot an unserem Stand haben. Wenn ihr bestimmte Arten sucht, bestellt bitte vor.
Versand aktuell nicht möglich, aber wir nehmen ab jetzt Reservierungen für das Frühjahr an.
Unser Stand ist in Reihe 5 in der Haupthalle.
Full Stocklist with prices:
Androctonus aeneas (Djerba)
Androctonus australis 'Garzoni'
Androctonus bourdoni
Androctonus cholistanus
Androctonus crassicauda (Oman)
Androctonus finitimus
Androctonus gonneti
Androctonus sp. nov. M3 Clade
Buthacus leptochelys
Buthus kunti
Centruroides guanensis 'North'
Centruroides stockwelli
Centruroides vittatus
Chaerilus cimrmani
Chaerilus kautti
Chaerilus sejnai
Chaerilus variegatus
Didymocentrus trinitarius
Hemiscorpius lepturus
Hottentotta flavidulus
Hottentotta gentili 'Ziz'
Hottentotta jayakari
Hottentotta polystictus
Hottentotta rugiscutis
Hottentotta salei
Hottentotta salei 'Bright'
Hottentotta sousai
Hottentotta sp. India
Hottentotta tamulus
Hottentotta zagrosensis
Leiurus jordanensis
Lychas mucronatus
Nebo whitei
Orthochirus fuscipes
Orthochirus glabrifrons
Orthochirus pallidus
Parabuthus schlechteri
Parabuthus transvaalicus
Parabuthus villosus 'Natural Hybrid'
Parabuthus villosus 'Oranje'
Parabuthus villosus 'Typical'
Scorpiops dunlopi
Scorpiops phatoensis
Tityus cf. strandi
Tityus serrulatus
Tityus smithii
Uroplectes chubbi
Acanthoscurria geniculata
Aphonopelma armada
Aphonopelma chalcodes
Aphonopelma crinirufum
Aphonopelma hentzi
Aphonopelma marxi
Aphonopelma moderatum
Avicularia avicularia MT1
Avicularia sp. Colombia
Avicularia sp. Pucallpa
Brachionopus sp. Marakele
Brachypelma albiceps
Brachypelma boehmei
Brachypelma emilia
Bumba cf. tapajos
Ceratogyrus darlingi
Ceratogyrus sanderi
Chaetopelma karlamani
Chaetopelma olivaceum (Egypt)
Chilobrachys guangxiensis
Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens
Cymbiapophysa velox
Cyriopagopus albostriatus 'Ratchaburi'
Davus pentaloris
Davus sp. Oaxaca
Dolichothele diamantinensis
Grammostola pulchra
Guyruita cerrado
Haplocosmia sp. Black Femur
Harpactira baviana
Harpactira namaquensis
Lasiocyano sazimai
Lasiodorides polycuspulatus
Megaphobema robustum
Nhandu coloratovillosus
Pamphobeteus sp. Machala
Pamphobeteus sp. Manganegra
Phormictopus auratus
Phormictopus cautus
Phormictopus sp. Dominican Purple
Phormingochilus sp. Akcaya
Phormingochilus sp. Rufus
Psalmopoeus cambridgei
Psalmopoeus irminia
Psalmopoeus reduncus
Pseudhapalopus sp. Blue
Pseudhapalopus sp. Colombia
Pterinochilus chordatus
Pterinochilus lugardi
Pterinochilus murinus 'Botswana/Zimbabwe'
Pterinochilus murinus 'Mikumi'
Pterinochilus murinus 'TCF'
Sericopelma sp. Boquete
Tapinauchenius rasti
Tapinauchenius sp. 'Tena'
Tapinauchenius sp. 'Yasuni'
Theraphosa blondi
Theraphosidae sp. Rio Shanao
Thrixopelma sp. 'Purple-Blue'
Tliltocatl albopilosus
Tliltocatl kahlenbergi
Tliltocatl vagans
Vitalius chromatus
Xenesthis immanis
Other spiders:
Fufius lanicius
Latrodectus mactans 'Cuba'
Loxosceles mahan
Loxosceles simillima
Scytodes sp. Orange

Hamm 9.3.2024 Row TU (Exo-World)
1.0 WO Zulu het. Caramel CB2020
1.0 WO Patty het. Oreos CB2017
Homopholis wahlbergii 1,0 250€ CB2020
Homopholis wahlbergii 1,1 1000€ LTC2018
13x female 66% het Axanthic 6g+ 70-100€ (all 900€)
30x female mix morph 30-100€ 8g+ (all 1200€)
5x female 25g+ 50-70/pcs
10x male mix morph 10-20€ 6g+ (150€ all)
5x LW male 6-10g 40-60€
4x LW Adult 60-150€
Rhacodactylus auriculatus X,X,X
Male 60€+ (5/300 and 10/550)
Female 90€+ (10/800_ 20/1500_ 30/2200)
Cub 70€+ (10/650 and 20/1200)
Male 50€+ (5/220 and 10/400)
Female 75€+ (10/700_ 20/1300_ 30/2000)
Cub 60€+ (10/550 and 20/1000)
Male 30€+ (5/120 and 10/250)
Female 55€+ (10/500_ 20/900_ 30/1400)
Cub 35€+ (10/300)
Animals without a tail or with a small regeneration mix of colors 10/300€

Hamm Expo 09.03.2024 Tarantula and Centipede Offer
Hamm Expo 09.03.2024 (cm = approx. KL)
0.0.10 Cyrtopholis agilis (rare) all 90 EUR
0.0.15 Acanthoscurria geniculata
1,5-2cm, 15 Eur/pc, all 150 EUR
0.1 A. geniculata 4cm 40 EUR
0.1 A. geniculata XXL 10cm 125 EUR
0.0.10 Brachypelma hamoori
2-3cm, 35 EUR/pc, all 300 EUR
0.0.15 Nhandu chromatus
1,5cm, 12 Eur/pc, all 150 EUR
0.0.10 Caribena versicolor 2-2,5cm
all 300 EUR/pc
0.1 Caribena versicolor subadult 50 Eur
1.0 Caribena versicolor subadult 35 Eur
1.1 Caribena versicolor subad pair 75 Eur
0.0.1 Caribena versicolor medium 30 Eur
0.1 Monocentropus balfouri adult 50 Eur
0.0.10 Phormictopus atrichomatus
3-4cm 50 EUR/pc, all 450 EUR
0.0.5 Phormictopus sp. „green“
3-4cm 75 EUR, all 350 EUR
0.0.5 Phormictopus sp. „Bayahibe“
3-4cm 65 EUR, all 300 EUR
0.0.20 Avicularia juruensis
2./3.FH all 190 Eur
0.0.10 Avicularia purpurea 2-2,5cm
0.0.40 Tliltocatl verdezi 1,5-2cm
all 400 EUR
0.1 Tliltocatl verdezi 3cm 30 EUR
0.1 Tliltocatl verdezi 8cm XXL 95 EUR
0.0.10 Theraphosa blondi +2cm
65 EUR/pc, all 600 EUR
0.1 Harpactira pulchripes adult 65 EUR
(0.2 for 120 EUR)
Pseudoglomeris magnifica 3.3.30 = 59 EUR (0.0.30 medium size, not small)
Blaberus craniifer 1 kg approx. 350 adults
= 75 Eur, 2 kg Bucket = 125 Eur
0.1 Heteroctenus princeps (rare) 100 Eur
RED GIANT Scolopendra alternans Hispaniola medium 10-15cm for 250 EUR, 15-20cm, adult 20-25cm, XL 25-30cm, XXL 30-35cm on request.
1.1 adult available, pair 1.100 EUR
Scolopendra alternans Hispaniola „tricolor“ (red/yellow/black)
250 Eur/subadult
herps buy, sell and exchange.
Find animals and accessories or sell them free of charge or with a paid classified.Contact breeders and dealers from Germany and abroad.