Hamm GHI standard ads [Page 33]

Geckos kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Rhacodactylus auriculatus Tabasco Line High Red +2
Sell Geckos

Rhacodactylus auriculatus Tabasco Line High Red

Für Hamm
Nachzuchten meiner Tabasco Line.

Bilder der Eltern und mehr Infos zu den Nachzuchten unter:

Geckos kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Eublepharis macularius afghanicus
Sell Geckos

Eublepharis macularius afghanicus

1.1 Eublepharis macularius afghanicus. CB23

Ready for the next season.

I am looking for Eublepharis turcmenicus MALE.
Wait your news.

Suche für Hamm am 8.03 noch 2 Weibchen Pogona Henrylawsoni, würde mich sehr freuen LG

Snakes kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Lampropeltis mexicana mexicana (Granit linie) for Hamm +2
Sell Snakes

Lampropeltis mexicana mexicana (Granit linie) for Hamm

For Hamm ( only offer)
CB 2024
L. mexicana mexicana
Nucha Stripe
Yellow Granit


Snakes kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Magmaking NEW hybrid Lampropletis - for Hamm +2
Sell Snakes

Magmaking NEW hybrid Lampropletis - for Hamm

MAGMAKING - Prague, Pilsen, Hamm,
CB 2024 - 4 generations Hybrid L.mexicana mexicana & L.triangulum campbelli
Orange Patternlest, Orange Motlay, Orange Patternlest spine, Orange Aberant
Yellow Motlay, Yellow Aberant


Snakes kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Pantherophis guttatus - Corn snakes +2
Sell Snakes

Pantherophis guttatus - Corn snakes

Baby Panthrophis guttatus for Hamm, Prague
- Granite(Diffused+Anery) Teesera Ultramel 100% het. Motlay; Hypo
- Diffused Teesera Ultramel 100% het. Motlay; Anery; Hypo
- Diffused Teesera 100% het. Motlay; Anery; Hypo; Amel or Ultra
- Diffused Hypo Teesera 100% het. Motlay; Anery; Amel or Ultra
- Diffused Hypo 100% het. Motlay; Anery; Amel or Ultra
- and others
All baby to website https://www.mojihadi.cz/Pantherophis-guttatus.html

other spiders kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Stegodyphus dufouri für Hamm +2
Sell other spiders

Stegodyphus dufouri für Hamm

Stegodyphus dufouri subadult unsexed
verfügbar zur Übergabe in Hamm am 08.03.25
Preis: 10€ je Tier

1.0.Nephrurus wheeleri cinctus 50€ CB2024
2.0. Nephrurus levis levis het patternless (pairing patternless X yellow) 200€
3.3. Lucasium damaeum 300€ pair CB2024
0.0.4. Phelsuma robertmertensi 60€ each CB2024
1.1. Phelsuma ornata CB2024 280€ pair
0.0.2. Phelsuma klemmeri 60€ each
1.0. Phelsuma klemmeri 100€ CB2024
1.0. Phelsuma klemmeri 100€ CB2023
0.0.2. Mniarogeckko chahoua Mainland 100€ each CB2024
1.0. Trachylepis dichroma 80€ CB2023

Leopard geckos

1.0. Diablo Blanco CB24 120€
1.0. Pure Electric Tangerine non het CB22 160€
0.1. Pure Electric Tangerine non het CB22 240€
0.1. Pure Electric Tangerine non het 2023 240€


Porcellio laevis classic (grey) 20x/4€
Porcellio laevis Orange 20x/5€
Porcellio laevis Dairy Cow 20x/5€
Armadillidium vulgare 20x/5€

Search Lizards

Zootoca vivipara.

Zootoca vivipara 1,1 adult, bin am 8.3.2025 in Hamm

Ball Pythons kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Python regius - Königspythons - Ball python - 2024 +2
Sell Ball Pythons

Python regius - Königspythons - Ball python - 2024

For Prague, Hamm
Cb 2024
2,1 Albino Pinstripe Black Pastel 100% het Clown
1,0 Albino Pinstripe 100% het Clown
1,0 Mojave Banana (female maker) 100% het Clown
1,0 Banana (female maker) Motley 100%het Clown
1,0 Banana (female maker) Lesser Motley 100%het Clown
1,0 Banana Mojave 100% dh Hypo, Genetic Stripe
3,0 Banana Pastel 66%het Piebald
1,0 Pinstripe Clown
2,0 Mojave Pastel 100% het Hypo
0,1 Bamboo Enchi Leopard poss het. Clown Piebald
0,1 Cinnamon Lesser Pastel 66%het Clown
1,0 Banana Pastel Genetic Stripe
0,2 Genetic Stripe
1,0 Enchi Leopard 100% het Clown poss het Piebald
0,1 Enchi Leopard poss het. Clown Piebald
0,1 Enchi poss het. Clown Piebald
2,0 Lesser Motley 100% het Clown
0,1 Mojave 100% het Clown
1,1 Mojave Fire/Vanilla 100% het Clown
1,0 Fire 100% het Clown
1,1 Vanilla 100% het Clown
1,0 Blade Pastel Special poss Clown
1,0 Mojave Pastel poss het Clown
1,0 Cinnamon Pinstripe 66%het. Clown
4,0 Piebald
1,0 Clown poss het Piebald
1,0 Pastel 100% het Hypo
1,1 Pastel 100%het Orange Ghost
2,2 Pastel poss Orange Ghost
2,0 Banana 66%het Piebald
0,1 Lesser Yellow Belly
0,2 Mojave Sugard
0,2 Mojave
1,2 Lesser 66%het Clown
0,1 Cinnamon 66%het Clown
1,0 Mojave poss het Clown
1,1 Special poss het Clown
0,1 Vanilla poss het Piebald
2,0 Yellow Belly poss het Piebald
1,2 100%het Desert Ghost
1,0 100%het Orange Ghost
0,1 100%het Clown
2,1 100%het Piebald
0,2 66%het Piebald


Spiders and Scorpions kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Typhochlaena für Hamm Börse 08.03.2025 +1
Sell Spiders and Scorpions

Typhochlaena für Hamm Börse 08.03.2025

Biete für Hamm 08.03:

- 0.0.10 Typhochlaena costae 2Fh, Stk. 450€ (verschiedene Kokons)
- 1.1 Typhochlaena costae (1.0 ~1,2cm KL / 0.1 ~1,3cm KL) für 1100€
- 1.1 Typhochlaena costae (1.0 ~1,2cm KL / 0.1 ~1,5cm KL) für 1150€
- 1.1 Typhochlaena costae (1.0 ~1,4cm KL / 0.1 ~1,8cm KL) für 1250€
- 0.0.6 Typhochlaena curumim 3-4Fh, Stk. 160€ (verschiedene Kokons)
- 0.2 Typhochlaena curumim ~1,8cm KL, Stk. 350€
- 0.1 Typhochlaena curumim ~2cm KL, Stk. 350€
- 0.1 Typhochlaena seladonia ~1,2cm KL, Stk. 220€
- 0.1 Typhochlaena seladonia ~2cm KL, Stk. 260€

Boas kaufen und verkaufen Photo: 1.0 boa constrictor Guyana +2
Sell Boas

1.0 boa constrictor Guyana

1.0 boa constrictor Guyana cb23, Turrini line. Ziva or Hamm.

Boas kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Boa imperator - Aztec VPI Sunglow, Keltic VPI Sunglow, Jungle het VPI +2
Sell Boas

Boa imperator - Aztec VPI Sunglow, Keltic VPI Sunglow, Jungle het VPI

CB 2021
1,0 Aztec VPI T+ Sunglow
2,0 Aztec VPI T+ Albino
2,0 Hypo Aztec pos Keltic 100% het VPI T+ Albino
2,1 Hypo Aztec 100% het VPI T+ Albino
1,0 Keltic VPI T+ Sunglow
1,1 Hypo Keltic 100% het VPI T+ Albino
1,0 Keltic 100% het VPI T+ Albino
1,0 Hypo Jungle 100% het VPI T+ Albino
1,0 VPI T+ Sunglow
CB 2020:
1,0 Jungle 66% het VPI T+ Albino
I can take to Ziva exotika Prague, Hamm and Houten
Please contact me with any questions - asvabik@centrum.sk

Colubrids kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Hemorrhois ravergieri CB2024
Sell Colubrids

Hemorrhois ravergieri CB2024

On offer CBB Hemorrhois ravergieri
Cb2024, feeding well on frozen/thawed mice

I will be in Hamm March 8

frogs kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Ingerophrynus parvus CB 2024 - Hamm 8.03.2025 +1
Sell frogs

Ingerophrynus parvus CB 2024 - Hamm 8.03.2025

Hamm 8.03
0.0.50 Ingerophrynus parvus
(small asian toad) CB 2024
Size 2,5-3 cm (subadult)
Contact by email gadziarnia@gmail.com

Turtles and Tortoises kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Macrochelys temminckii CB23
Sell Turtles and Tortoises

Macrochelys temminckii CB23

For sale :

Macrochelys temminckii CB2023

Delivery to Hamm is possible.

Lizards kaufen und verkaufen Photo: 0,2 Heloderma colima super ultra Black +2
Sell Lizards

0,2 Heloderma colima super ultra Black

0,1 Heloderma horridum colima super ultra Black good breeder 14-16 eggs in cluth.. from 2016. Price 1350 euro.

0,1 Heloderma horridum super Black breed first time 2023 10 eggs in the cluth. From 2018. Price 1050 euro.

They are from Steve angeli us Line, they havnet been breed last year so they are 100% ready for this season now???? can bring to hamm next weekend.

1.1 sabanus
1.1 leachii

1.1 marmoratus "Capesterre"
1.0 r. roquet "Saint Luce"

0.0.2 r. roquet "Le Diamant"
0.0.2 r. summus "Macouba"
0.0.2 r. majolgris
0.0.6 leachii

Geckos kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Pseudogekko smaragdinus 0.0.2 - HAMM 2025
Sell Geckos

Pseudogekko smaragdinus 0.0.2 - HAMM 2025

Pickup in Hamm March 2025
0.0.2 Pseudogekko Smaragdinus CB2025