Hamm GHI standard ads [Page 28]

Thrasops occidentalis, Bothriechis nigroviridis
Available for Hamm:
2.1 Thrasops occidentalis CB24
0.1 Bothriechis nigroviridis LTC
0.1 Philothamnus semivariegatus CB18

Heteronota binoei, Tarentola deserti Hamm
0,2,4 Tarentola deserti CB 2023 / 2024
0,3 Heteronota binoei CB 2024
Hamm march
Crotaphytus looking -----
Looking for hamm, prague, ostrava:
Crotaphytus dickersonae, reticulatus, insularis, melanomaculatus, elgaria, barisia
Pseudelaphe flavirufa pardalina, Thamnophis sirtalis infernalis / tetrataenia / concinnus,
Anolis Inderenae, heterodermus
cordylus, pseudocordylus, smaug
Ctenosaura - Cachryx alfredschmidti, Cachryx defensor

Anolis Marmoratus "Trois Rivières"
Verkaufe aktuell 1.1.4 Anolis Marmoratus ENZ.
Bilder zeigen die Eltertiere und Nachzuchten.
Nur Abholung, keine Übergabe in Hamm möglich

Dasypeltis gansi NZ / CB 2024 - special offer for Hamm
0,0,2 Dasypeltis gansi NZ 2024 abzugeben - Preis: 40 € je Tier
Bilder zeigen die Mutter und eines der Jungtiere
Tiere können nach Hamm am 08.03 mitgebracht werden
0,0,2 Dasypeltis gansi CB 2024 to offer - Price: 40 € each
Pictures show the mother and one of the juveniles
Animals can be brought to Hamm at the 08.03 !
Varanus tristis tristis, Trauerwaran
1,0 Trauerwaran Varanus tristis tristis NZ 2020 im Auftrag abzugeben.
Blackhead, makelloses dunkles Tier, Übergabe in Hamm möglich, Details und Bilder bei Anfrage.

Python bivittatus/Burmese Python green albino
Female albino green Burmese python, 2,1 meter, 4 kg
Great personality and very well handleable, looking for a good home with an experienced person
Price 150,- or make a good offer
Available for Houten or pick up in the Netherlands, no Hamm.

2,4 Draco volans for Hamm
2,4 Draco volans for Hamm
1,2 360.-€
1,2 reserved
Aerloscalabotes dorsalis 2,1 no single female 1,1 360€ 2,1 475.-€
1,2 Cyrtodactylus semiadii!! 1,2 220.-€
So this is the last chance for Hamm. Only with a deposit!
No time wasters

Antaresia maculosa for sale
5.3 Antaresia maculosa NZ 07/24
can be brought to Hamm in March 2025
Looking turtles for hamm March
Hello, I'm looking for Hamm:
· Geochelone carbonaria cherry head, high red animals
· Geoemyda spengleri 0.1 or 0.0.1
Please contact by email with price and pics. Regards

Halogen Reflektorlampen neu OVP 35Watt 12Volt GU 5.3
Halogen Reflektorlampen 35 Watt neu OVP
12Volt, GU 5.3, Durchmesser 51mm.
15 Stück zusammen 15,-€.
Übergabe in Hamm oder Versand.
Gerne Nachricht über WhatsApp.

Boa c. imperator, Colombia, pure Pascali
CB 2024, very colourful and stable boas, eating frozen thawed rats. Pure Colombians from Pascali Line, parents are directly from G. Pascali. handover Hamm or Houten possible. Reservations only after deposit. Wholesale possible

2.0 Pristurus carteri Masirah
2.0 Masirah Island ready to breed males. Pickup at my Table in Hamm. 120/ animal

1.0 Low Pied Hypo Bloodred Motley Kornnatter
1.0 Low Pied Hypo Blood Motley 66% p.h. Anery, p.h. Striped, Amel, Charcoal
Noch ein männlicher Holdback aus dem letzten Jahr. Übergabe in Bielefeld oder Terraristika Hamm im März.

Heterodon nasicus Super Anaconda
1.0 Arctic Super Anaconda het Toffeebelly NZ 2024
0.1 Anaconda Orange Toffeebelly NZ 2023
Can Bring to Hamm 08.03.2025

1.1 Teratoscincus keyserlingii cb 2023
1.1 Teratoscincus keyserlingii 2023 Pair for Hamm pickup at my Table.

Lasiodora parahybana sligs
There is a 1X100 sligs lasiodora parahybana for 170e. I going to terraristik Hamm and the shipping until 2/3 will be free! Everywhere will be the sligs + shipping.
+306988623514 Viber & WhatsUp

1.0 Axanthic 100% het granite CB23
1.0 Axanthic 100% het granite CB23
Pure Morelia spilota harrisoni
I have multiple females that can go with him.
***1.0 Phormictopus sp. Dominican purple***
SUCHE für Hamm:
1.0 Phormictopus sp. Dominican purple ADULT
Bitte mit realistischer Preisvorstellung melden :)

Carbonarius, Sulcata, Pardalis - PRAQUE/HAMM/HOUTEN/
I offer my own breeding of tortoises. Healthy vital babys, raised under a UVb lamp, fed with green food. Delivery possible in Prague, Hamm or Houten.
SULCATA 10x 500e, 25x 1000e
Hamm GHI Premium ads [Page 28]

Kurdistanian Ocellated Lizard (Timon kurdistanicus)
Hello, we are looking for Timon kurdistanicus for Hamm (14.09.2024). Preferably young sexed individuals. Also we need Timon tangitanus and Timon pater. Please, contact me in case you have them available.

the Jayakar lizard (Omanosaura jayakari)
Hello, we are looking for Omanosaura jayakari for Hamm (14.09.2024)

Uromastyx, Uroplatus, Eurydactylodes, Eublepharis, Egernia
Hello, we can offer you for Hamm (September 14) following species:
0.0.3 Red-banded spiny-tailed lizard/ Uromastyx dispar flavifasciata (cb BION 2024) - €350 each
0.0.5 Common leaf-tailed gecko/ Uroplatus fimbriatus (cb BION 2022-2023) - €700 each
0.0.10 Henkel's leaf tailed gecko/ Uroplatus henkeli (cb BION 2024) - €500 each
6.2 Giant spear-point leaf-tailed gecko/ Uroplatus fiera (cb BION 2024) - €750 each, €1300 a pair
4.0 South-Eastern Lowland Leaf-tailed Gecko/ Uroplatus sameiti (cb BION 2021-2022) - €450 each
6.3 Mossy leaf-tailed gecko/ Uroplatus sikorae (cb BION 2024) - €400 each
2.0 Lined leaf-tailed gecko/ Uroplatus lineatus (cb BION 2023) - €400 each
0.0.200 Crested gecko/ Correlophus ciliatus (cb BION 2023) - €10 each (Bright morphs, tailless)
3.0.2 The robust forest bavayia/ Bavayia robusta (cb 2021-2023) - €100 each
2.0 Bauer’s chameleon gecko/ Eurydactylodes agricolae (cb BION 2023) - €150 each
50.50 West Indian leopard gecko/ Eublepharis fuscus (cb BION 2022-2023) - €150 each, Group 1.2 for 300 € (additional animals – 100 € each)
20.20 East Indian leopard gecko/ Eublepharis hardwickii (cb 2024) - €125 each, Group 1.2 for 300 € (additional animals – 100 € each)
50.50 Iranian leopard gecko/ Eublepharis angramainyu (Ilam province) (cb BION 2023-2024) - €125 each, Group 1.2 for 300 € (additional animals – 100 € each)
1.1 Stokes's skink/ Egernia stokesii (cb BION 2023) - € 1500 for a pair
0.0.4 Stokes's skink/ Egernia stokesii (cb BION 2024) - € 500 each
2.0 Eastern blue-tongued skink (HET-MELANIST) / Tiliqua scincoides scincoides (cb 2020) - € 1000 each
2.2 Parsons chameleon/ Calumma Parsonii cb 2023 - € 3000 for a pair
Peruvian bush anole (Polychrus peruvianus)
PREMIUMHello, we are looking for Polychrus peruvianus for Hamm (14.09.2024)

Armadillo girdled lizard (Ouroborus cataphractus)
Hello, we are looking for Ouroborus cataphractus for Hamm (14.09.2024)

- Egernia hosmeri CB23 -
E. hosmeri CB23 No guarantee, but it looks very promising for 1.1
Hamm/Shipping Worldwide
Infos: alex.fisco@gmx.de or (+49) 0174/2168048

Magmaking NEW hybrid Lampropletis
MAGMAKING - Hamm, Prague, Pilsen
CB 2022 & 2023 & 2024 - 4 generations Hybrid L.mexicana mexicana & L.triangulum campbelli
Orange Patternlest, Orange Motlay, Orange Patternlest spine, Orange Aberant
Yellow Motlay, Yellow Aberant

Uroplatus henkeli, sameiti, sikorae, fimbriatus, fiera
Hello, we can offer you for Hamm (September 14) following species:
0.0.5 Common leaf-tailed gecko/ Uroplatus fimbriatus (cb BION 2022-2023) - €700 each
0.0.10 Henkel's leaf tailed gecko/ Uroplatus henkeli (cb BION 2024) - €500 each
6.2 Giant spear-point leaf-tailed gecko/ Uroplatus fiera (cb BION 2024) - €750 each, €1300 a pair
2.0 South-Eastern Lowland Leaf-tailed Gecko/ Uroplatus sameiti (cb BION 2021-2022) - €450 each
6.3 Mossy leaf-tailed gecko/ Uroplatus sikorae (cb BION 2024) - €400 each
2.0 Lined leaf-tailed gecko/ Uroplatus lineatus (cb BION 2023) - €400 each"

Egernia stokesii for Hamm reptile show
Hello, we can offer you for Hamm (September 14) following species:
1.1 Stokes's skink/ Egernia stokesii (cb BION 2023) - € 1500 for a pair (unrelated pair!)
0.0.4 Stokes's skink/ Egernia stokesii (cb BION 2024) - € 500 each

Eublepharis Fuscus, Eublepharis Angramainyu, Eublepharis Hardwickii
Hello, we can offer you for Hamm (September 14) following species:
50.50 West Indian leopard gecko/ Eublepharis fuscus (cb BION 2022-2023) - €150 each, Group 1.2 for 300 € (additional animals – 100 € each)
20.20 East Indian leopard gecko/ Eublepharis hardwickii (cb 2024) - €125 each, Group 1.2 for 300 € (additional animals – 100 € each)
50.50 Iranian leopard gecko/ Eublepharis angramainyu (Ilam province) (cb BION 2023-2024) - €125 each, Group 1.2 for 300 € (additional animals – 100 € each)
Wholesale is possible!

Testudo marginata sarda for sale
Adult specimens of Sardinian testudo marginata are on sale, all turtles have regular CITES and microchips, delivery to the expo in Hamm in September and to other countries with an authorized courier is possible

Offer from Bion Terrarium Center for Hamm
Hello, we can offer you for Hamm (September 14) following species:
0.0.3 Red-banded spiny-tailed lizard/ Uromastyx dispar flavifasciata (cb BION 2024) - €350 each
0.0.5 Common leaf-tailed gecko/ Uroplatus fimbriatus (cb BION 2022-2023) - €700 each
0.0.10 Henkel's leaf tailed gecko/ Uroplatus henkeli (cb BION 2024) - €500 each
4.4 Satanic leaf-tailed gecko/ Uroplatus phantasticus (cb BION 2024) - €500 each, €900 a pair
6.2 Giant spear-point leaf-tailed gecko/ Uroplatus fiera (cb BION 2024) - €750 each, €1300 a pair
4.0 South-Eastern Lowland Leaf-tailed Gecko/ Uroplatus sameiti (cb BION 2021-2022) - €450 each
6.3 Mossy leaf-tailed gecko/ Uroplatus sikorae (cb BION 2024) - €400 each
0.0.2 Lined leaf-tailed gecko/ Uroplatus lineatus (cb BION 2023) - €400 each
0.0.200 Crested gecko/ Correlophus ciliatus (cb BION 2023) - €10 each (Bright morphs, tailless)
3.0.2 The robust forest bavayia/ Bavayia robusta (cb 2021-2023) - €100 each
2.0 Bauer’s chameleon gecko/ Eurydactylodes agricolae (cb BION 2023) - €150 each
50.50 West Indian leopard gecko/ Eublepharis fuscus (cb BION 2022-2023) - €150 each, Group 1.2 for 300 € (additional animals – 100 € each)
20.20 East Indian leopard gecko/ Eublepharis hardwickii (cb 2024) - €125 each, Group 1.2 for 300 € (additional animals – 100 € each)
50.50 Iranian leopard gecko/ Eublepharis angramainyu (Ilam province) (cb BION 2023-2024) - €125 each, Group 1.2 for 300 € (additional animals – 100 € each)
1.1 Stokes's skink/ Egernia stokesii (cb BION 2023) - € 1500 for a pair
0.0.4 Stokes's skink/ Egernia stokesii (cb BION 2024) - € 500 each
2.0 Eastern blue-tongued skink (HET-MELANIST) / Tiliqua scincoides scincoides (cb 2020) - € 1000 each
2.2 Parsons chameleon/ Calumma Parsonii cb 2023 - € 3000 for a pair

Central americans boas 2024
Hamm september
4.4 Onyx blood het Inferno (T+ Honduras)
1.0 Onyx hypo blood het Inferno
1.1 Blood het Inferno
1.1 Onyx htpo het Inferno (Blood/T+ Honduras)
2.1 Onyx het Inferno
1.1 Onyx sunglow T+ Honduras
1.1 Onyx hypo het T+ Honduras
0.2 Inca hypo het T+ Nicaragua 50% het T+ Honduras (Angel)
1.1 Hypo het T+ Nicaragua 50% het T+ Honduras
2.0 normal het T+ Nicaragua 50% het T+ Honduras
Free delivery to Hamm in september. Will consider wholesale offers.

Looking for Polychrus peruvianus for Hamm
Hello, we are looking for Polychrus peruvianus for Hamm (14.09.2024)

Aparasphenodon brunoi CB24
0.0.ххх Aparasphenodon brunoi CB24 150€ each
Possible delivery to Hamm/Houten
Possible exchange for Phyllomedusa sp,Agalychnis sp
herps buy, sell and exchange.
Find animals and accessories or sell them free of charge or with a paid classified.Contact breeders and dealers from Germany and abroad.