Hamm GHI standard ads [Page 201]

Last chance for Hamm 10.9
1.0 CB12 Morelia s. harrisoni Jaguar het granit
2.0 CB15 Agkistrodon c. contortrix
1.0 CB19 Crotalus vegrandis
1.0 CB16 Protobothrops j. jerdonii
1.0 CB21 Philodryas baroni
more roaches for Hamm or shipping
Roaches to sell or trade, can bring in Hamm 10/09, mail for full list
Paranauphoeta formosana 20€/5pc
Paranauphoeta lyrata "Malaysia" 20€/pair
Paraplecta minutissima "Kenya, Road Mara-Narok" 10€/100pc
Parcoblatta fulvescens 8€/30pc
Parcoblatta notha 60€/10pc
Pelmatosilpha sp. "France, Saint Martin" exchange
Periplaneta americana 10€/50pc
Periplaneta americana "France, Guadeloupe, Sainte-Anne" 10€/50pc
Periplaneta americana "Central African Republic, Bangui, M'Poko Camp" 10€/50pc
Periplaneta americana "black" 10€/50pc
Periplaneta americana "white eye" 10€/50pc
Periplaneta americana "white eye - black" 15€/20pc
Polyphaga aegyptiaca "Armenia" 15€/10pc
Polyphaga aegyptiaca "Egypt, Sinai" 15€/10pc
Polyphaga aegyptiaca "Georgia" 15€/10pc
Polyphaga aegyptiaca "Tunisia" 15€/10pc
Princisia vanwaerebeki "Madagascar, Androhamana" exchange
Pseudoderopeltis neavei "South Africa" exchange
Pseudoderopeltis sp. "Sout Africa / black" exchange
Pycnoscelus femapterus 5€/100pc
Pycnosceus femapterus "Borneo" 5€/100pc
Pycnoscelus femapterus "Thailand, Buriram, Bank Kruat, Sre Tee See" 5€/100pc
Pycnoscelus indicus "Java" 5€/100pc
Pycnoscelus indicus "Thailand" 5€/100pc
Pycnoscelus indicus "Thailand, Buriram, Bank Kruat, Sre Tee See" 5€/100pc

Crotaphytus Vestigium 0,2
Crotaphytus Vestigium, offering female 0.2 CB 08/2021, ready for breeding, perfect condition. Delivery in Hamm 10/09/2022 is possible.

1.1 schwarze Kettennatter, Kletternatter
Abzugeben / for sale. Siehe Bilder.
1.1 schwarze Kettennatter, Kletternatter NZ. 08/2021 (Bild 5/6)
1.1 schwarze Kettennatter, Kletternatter NZ. 08/2022 (Bild 3/4)
1,0 adultes Männchen. (Bild 7/8)
1,1 adultes Zuchtpaar. (Bild 1 /0.1)
Preis: VB
Ich bin in Hamm.
Biete Nachzucht N. siamensis
Biete X.X.1 Naja siamensis nz von 08.2021
Übergabe in Hamm (10.9) gegen Anzahlung möglich. Bei Fragen bitte Pn

Pituophis catenifer sayi
I offer nice colored Bullennattern, Bullsnake, Pituophis catenifer sayi CB 2022 - 80 Euro
I will be at Hamm 10.9.2022

Heterodon nasicus cb22 Hamm
Hi, I have hogs with possible delivery to Hamm.
2.0 Albino superconda ♂️ 450€
1.0 Albino anaconda ♂️ 240€
4.2 Normal 66% het. Albino ♂️ 60€ ♀️ 70€ ,
4.5 Anaconda 66% het. Albino ♂️ 120€ ♀️ 140€
9.3 Superconda 66% het. Albino ♂️ 220€ ♀️250€
1.0 Anaconda het. Toffee ♂️ 140€
3.0 Toffee belly ♂️ 150€
More photos: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.523047869608707&type=3

Lystrophis matogrossensis tri color hognous
Hello. chicaya house Lystrophis matogrossense tri color hognous. 8 pieces available. pick up on 09/10 in Hamm. 180 € pcs. For larger quantities prices can be negotiated.
euprepiophis mandarina for hamm
available for hamm
2.0 euprepiophis mandarina
Lucasium /goniurosaurus for hamm
For hamm
Lucasium damaeum 0.0.4
Goniurosaurus bawangaliensis 1.1 (Breeder)

Zuchtgruppe Weißbauchigel
Zuchtgruppe und Einzeltiere von Weißbauchigeln abzugeben !
Auf schwarze Masken selektiert !
Übergabe in Hamm möglich !
1.0 Arctic Toffee für Hamm
1.0 Arctic Toffee
Nz .21
Gewicht ca 27g
Abholung oder Übergabe Hamm möglich

Trioceros jacksonii willengensis
Available for Hamm 10.09.2022
1.0 Trioceros jacksonii willengensis CBB 21

fur Hamm: Dendropsophus reticulatus abzugeben
4 adulte Dendropsophus reticulatus abzugeben, vermutlich 2.2
Einem der Männchen fehlt leider ein Fuß - er ist trotzdem fit und robust. Ich gebe dieses Männchen gratis dazu. Preis 200,- Euro
Ich bin in Hamm.

echsen, schlangen, amfibien Hamm 10.9.2022
Babies to sell
Bearded dragons Pogona vitticeps 3 monate 0.0.8 1 monate 0.0.6
Brown basilisk Basiliscus vittatus CB 3 monate 0.0.3 10 tag 0.0.6
Madagascar day gecko Phelsuma grandis 4 monate 0.0.1
Leopard gecko Eublepharius macularis 2-4 monate 0.0.6
Cornsnake Pantherophis guttatus albino, ordinary, stripe; 1 year 0.0.3, 2 monate 0.0.5
Raibow boa Epicrates cenchria cenchria 10 tage
Peruvian stick insects
Spanish newt Pleurodeles waltl

Skorpione cb’22 für Hamm, Buthidae
Für Hamm:
Leiurus quinquestriatus - instar 2-4
(Aswan / Egypt)
The famous deathstalker
5 pcs = €45
10 pcs = €80 (large bulk possible)
Leiurus quinquestriatus ‘Red sea’ - instar 3
(Al shalatin, south Egypt)
Rare locality, more contrast than the common deathstalkers in hobby.
5 pcs = €80
10 pcs = €155
Androctonus australis ‘hector’ - instar 2/3
(Hazoua, Tunesia)
Large locality with really thick metasoma!
5 pcs = €70
10 pcs = €130
Parabuthus transvaalicus - instar 3
(Machachuta, Zimbabwe)
Much rarer than the common animals from Mozambique in hobby!
5 pcs = €70
10 pcs = €130
Mail: max2001.p@gmail.com

Verkauf Adulte Phelsuma standingi
Die abzugebenden Tiere sind aus den Jahren 2019 und 2020 und sitzen als Paar zusammen. Es kam diese Jahr schon zu Eiablage. Die Tiere werden bei mir erst als zweijährige zusammengesetzt , damit es nicht zu früh zu Eiablagen kommt und die Tiere besser ausreifen.
Die Tiere können im September in Hamm übergeben werden.

Lampropeltis campbelli 0.0.8 Hamm 10.09
Lampropertis campbelli 0.0.8.
Can be picked up in Hamm on 10/09.
90 € each.
with larger quantities, the price can be negotiated.
1.0 Uromastyx Ornata adult
I am looking for an adult male Uromastyx Ornata.
I am located at Budapest or I could pick it up at Hamm. I am open to shipping within EU.

1.0 Correlophus ciliatus.
Breeder: Starup Crested (Denmark)
Male: 1.0 male.
Age: Hatched in 2018
Mother morph: tricolor, full pinstripe
Father morph: Extreme harlequin
Weight: 45g
Works in every way.
Can be delivered at Hamm September 10th - 25% deposit is required.
Hamm GHI Premium ads [Page 201]
herps buy, sell and exchange.
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