Hamm GHI standard ads [Page 20]

1.0 P.vitticeps orange with BLACK SCALES!
(Hypo white line x Orange hypo)
Young adult male.No trades
Perfect for new morph projects!

Hondurensis Super Hypo Vanishing
Last minute, for Hamm, female- Super Hypo Vanishing NZ/2024

Strophurus cilliaris aberrans for Hamm
0.1 CB'23 Strophurus cilliaris aberrans
I will have a table in Hamm.

Diverse Schlangen für Hamm
Gebe ab:
2.0 Atheris squamigera NZ 22
2.1 Atheris squamigera NZ 24
2.0 Trimeresurus macrops NZ 23, wegen geplatzter Reservierung
Bei Interesse weitere Fotos auf Wunsch.
Nehme nur anbezahlte Tiere nach Hamm.

Tarentola chazaliae for Hamm
0.3 CB'24 Tarentola chazaliae
I will have a table in Hamm.

1.0 Drymarchon melanurus rubidus Guerrero
Wir geben unseren 1.0 Drymarchon melanurus rubidus guerrero ab. Er ist von 2021. Schüchternes Tier aber super hübsch.
Wir sind in Hamm und je nachdem auch in Houten.
Für weitere Fragen, schreibt gern eine Nachricht

Achatschnecken (achatina)
Biete hier für Hamm eine Gruppe von mindestens 15 Achatschnecken an.
Alle möglichen Größen vorhanden, nur Komplettabnahme.
20€ für alle.
Abholung wäre auch möglich
Mauremys & Graptemys für Hamm
0,0,6 Mauremys nigricans NZ 2020
0,1 Mauremys reevesii (17 cm CL)
0,0,2 Mauremys mutica (8,5 cm CL)
For free (only together):
1,3 Graptemys p. pseudogeographica
0,1 Graptemys p. p. x G. p. kohnii

Schlangenkunstwerk Wandskulptur Ikundalini 1998
Zum Verkauf steht eine Wandskulptur von dem Künstler "Georg Klein".
Das Kunstwerk könnte am Samstag, den 08.03.2025, in Hamm auf der Terraristika übergeben werden.
Klein, Georg, Tätig in Münster 80er Jahre: Wandskulptur Ikundalini, 1998
Helles Eichenholz massiv, ornamentiert im polychrom bemalten Halbrelief mit Sonne-Mond-Symbolik u. naturalistischem Schlangenkörper, verso betitelt, bez., handsigniert u. datiert, die Platte min. gewellt, 112,5x27cm, Z1-2.
Mobil 0173/5625071
Festnetz 0231/484689

Phasmiden Phasmids Wandelndes Blatt Giganteum
Habe Nachzuchten von meinen Giganteum abzugeben. Bin auf der Reptilien Börse in Hamm am 8.03.2025.
Stück 4 - 6 € je nach Größe.
I have offspring Giganteum to sell. I'm at the Reptile Exchange in Hamm on March 8th, 2025.
Handover possible there!
Each € 4-6

Phasmiden Phasmids Wandelndes Blatt
I have offspring of my Cryptophyllium limogesi (thac krong kmar) to sell. I'm at the Reptile Exchange in Hamm on March 8th, 2025.
Handover possible there!
Each € 8
Habe Nachzuchten von meinen cryptophyllium limogesi (thac krong kmar) abzugeben. Bin auf der Reptilien Börse in Hamm am 8.03.2025.
Stück 8 €

Herpetologische Bücher zu verkaufen
Hallo, möchte mich von einigen Büchern trennen, eine Übergabe in Hamm 08.03.2025 wäre auch möglich.
Asian Pitvipers
Gumprecht, Tillack, Orlov, Captain, Ryabov
gegen realistisches Angebot
Eine Monographie der Schlangengattung
Ralphe Fitzinger
Klaus-Dieter Schulz
Gegen realistisches Angebot
Riesenschlangen Zucht und Pflege
Ross und Marzec
35€ +Versand

Mäusezuchtkäfige für Hamm
T3 Mäusezuchtkäfige
Habe noch jede Menge Mäusezuchtkäfige zur Abgabe für Hamm

Mäusezuchtkäfige für Hamm
T4 Mäusezuchtkäfige
Habe noch 10 Stück zur Abgabe
Für Hamm

Schlangen Rack Für Hamm.
Für Hamm
Schlangen Rack aus osb Platten
16 Rack Boxen
Mit Heizkabel
Ist auseinander gebaut und brauch nur zusammen geschraubt werden
Für 150€

Feuersalamander, Feuerbauchunken und Feuerbauchmolche
Gebe ab: Salamandra s.teresstris DNZ 22, Cynops orientales DNZ 24 ca. 4 cm und Bombina orientales DNZ 22 adulti und Bufo brongersmai adulti.
Tierversand Abholen oder Übergabe in Hamm möglich!

Heterodon nasicus cb24 For Hamm
Heterodon nasicus cb24
1,0 Toxic conda
1,0 sable
3,0 sable Conda
2 2 ghost
1,1 ghost conda
1,2 lavender conda
2,0 lavender poss.het coral
0,2 extreme red toffee conda
For Hamm

Heterodon nasicus cb24 For Hamm
Heterodon nasicus cb24
1,5 arctic
1,1 arctic conda
2,2 arctic conda stripe
1,1 arctic superconda
0,1 super arctic conda
0,2 classic
1,1 red classic
1,2 conda
1,0 superconda
1,1 classic poss.het coral
1,2 conda poss.het coral
2,0 arctic poss.het coral
3,1 arctic conda poss.het coral
2,0 arctic conda stripe poss.het coral
2,2 classic poss.het sable
2,0 conda poss.het sable
1,0 Evans hypo poss.het ghost
0,1 axanthic poss.het ghost
0,1 red classic poss.het ghost
0,1 red conda poss.het ghost
2,0 conda het.lavender
1,0 superconda het.lavender
For Hamm
Good price for all
Abgabeliste für Hamm 08.03.25
For Hamm 08.03
Axanthic Anaconda 50% het Toffyglow
0.3 / 220 each, 600€ all three
Arctic Pet Only 0.1
Arctic het. Lavender 1.0 2024
60gr rtb / 250€
Row 15 for pickup

1.1 Uroplatus ebenaui HAMM
I have for sale 1.1 Uroplatus ebenaui CB12/2024. Healthy animals, in perfect condition. They have a Polish certificate of birth in captivity.
Pick-up at Hamm
I am open to exchange for other Uroplatus sp.
Hamm GHI Premium ads [Page 20]

Hamm houten oder Versand payment in Crypto possible
0.0.12 Aphonopelma chalcodes fh2/3€15
0.0.20 Augacephalus breyeri €55
0.0.5 Ceratogyrus marshalli fh3 €8
0.0.8 Citharognathus tongmianensis (vendula) 1-2cm €25
0.0.xx Cyriocosmus leetzi fh2 €10
0.0.xx Cyriocosmus perezmilesi fh2€10
0.0.xx Cyriocosmus elegans 2 fh €8
0.0.xx Hapalopus.columbia gross 2fh €11
0.0.xx Hapalopus.columbia gross 3 cm €21
0.0.19 Haplopelma schmidti kebang 4cm bl €25
0.2 homoeomma sp blue peru 2 3cm bl 35each
0.0.xx Monocentropus balfouri 2/3 fh €13
0.0.xx Pterinopelma sazimai fh 5/6 €13 0.0.xx Psalmopheus irminia 2 fh €4
0.0.9 Ornithoctoninae veronica 2cm €25
0.0.xx Xenesthis .spec bleu fh3 95€
1.0 pamphobeteus insignus(equador). €50
1.0 coloratovillous 4-5cm bl 20
1.0 crinirufum 3cm bl 25
1.0 Pseudhapalopus columbia sub adult 3
Payment in Crypto possible

Offer from Bion Terrarium Center for Hamm (14.12.2024)
Hello, we can offer you for Hamm (December 14) following species:
0.0.10 Red-banded spiny-tailed lizard/ Uromastyx dispar flavifasciata (cb BION 2024) - €350 each
2.0 Ornate spiny-tailed lizard/ Uromastyx ornata (cb BION 2021) - €350 each
0.0.5 Ornate spiny-tailed lizard/ Uromastyx ornata (cb BION 2024) - €300 each
0.0.10 Galápagos Lava lizard/ Microlophus albemarlensis (cb BION 2024) - €300 each
2.0 Baja Blue Rock Lizard/ Petrosaurus thalassinus (cb BION 2023) - €500 each
10.10 Satanic leaf-tailed gecko/ Uroplatus phantasticus (cb BION 2024) - €500 each, €900 a pair
0.0.5 Common leaf-tailed gecko/ Uroplatus fimbriatus (cb BION 2022-2023) - €700 each
0.0.10 Henkel's leaf tailed gecko/ Uroplatus henkeli (cb BION 2024) - €500 each
6.2 Giant spear-point leaf-tailed gecko/ Uroplatus fiera (cb BION 2024) - €750 each, €1300 a pair
4.0 South-Eastern Lowland Leaf-tailed Gecko/ Uroplatus sameiti (cb BION 2021-2022) - €450 each
6.3 Mossy leaf-tailed gecko/ Uroplatus sikorae (cb BION 2024) - €400 each
2.0 Lined leaf-tailed gecko/ Uroplatus lineatus (cb BION 2023) - €400 each
0.0.200 Crested gecko/ Correlophus ciliatus (cb BION 2023) - €10 each (Bright morphs, tailless)
2.0 Bauer’s chameleon gecko/ Eurydactylodes agricolae (cb BION 2023) - €150 each
50.50 West Indian leopard gecko/ Eublepharis fuscus (cb BION 2022-2023) - €150 each, Group 1.2 for 300 € (additional animals – 100 € each)
4.2 East Indian leopard gecko/ Eublepharis hardwickii (cb 2024) - €50 each (Grade B)
10.10 Iranian leopard gecko/ Eublepharis angramainyu (Ilam province) (cb BION 2023-2024) - €50 each (Grade B)
0.0.2 Stokes's skink/ Egernia stokesii (cb BION 2024) - € 500 each
1.1 Parsons chameleon/Calumma Parsonii (cb BION 2023) - € 3000 for a pair

Offer from Bion Terrarium Center for Hamm (14.12.2024)
Hello, we can offer you for Hamm (December 14) following species:
0.0.10 The shield-tailed agama/ Xenagama taylori (cb BION 2024) - €300 each
0.0.2 Angle-headed forest dragon/ Hypsilurus magnus (cb BION 2024) - €300 each
0.0.10 Red-banded spiny-tailed lizard/ Uromastyx dispar flavifasciata (cb BION 2024) - €350 each
2.0 Ornate spiny-tailed lizard/ Uromastyx ornata (cb BION 2021) - €350 each
0.0.5 Ornate spiny-tailed lizard/ Uromastyx ornata (cb BION 2024) - €300 each
0.0.10 Galápagos Lava lizard/ Microlophus albemarlensis (cb BION 2024) - €300 each
2.0 Baja Blue Rock Lizard/ Petrosaurus thalassinus (cb BION 2023) - €500 each
10.10 Satanic leaf-tailed gecko/ Uroplatus phantasticus (cb BION 2024) - €500 each, €900 a pair
0.0.5 Common leaf-tailed gecko/ Uroplatus fimbriatus (cb BION 2022-2023) - €700 each
0.0.10 Henkel's leaf tailed gecko/ Uroplatus henkeli (cb BION 2024) - €500 each
6.2 Giant spear-point leaf-tailed gecko/ Uroplatus fiera (cb BION 2024) - €750 each, €1300 a pair
4.0 South-Eastern Lowland Leaf-tailed Gecko/ Uroplatus sameiti (cb BION 2021-2022) - €450 each
6.3 Mossy leaf-tailed gecko/ Uroplatus sikorae (cb BION 2024) - €400 each
2.0 Lined leaf-tailed gecko/ Uroplatus lineatus (cb BION 2023) - €400 each
0.0.200 Crested gecko/ Correlophus ciliatus (cb BION 2023) - €10 each (Bright morphs, tailless)
2.0 Bauer’s chameleon gecko/ Eurydactylodes agricolae (cb BION 2023) - €150 each
50.50 West Indian leopard gecko/ Eublepharis fuscus (cb BION 2022-2023) - €150 each, Group 1.2 for 300 € (additional animals – 100 € each)
4.2 East Indian leopard gecko/ Eublepharis hardwickii (cb 2024) - €50 each (Grade B)
10.10 Iranian leopard gecko/ Eublepharis angramainyu (Ilam province) (cb BION 2023-2024) - €50 each (Grade B)
0.0.10 Stokes's skink/ Egernia stokesii (cb BION 2024) - € 500 each, 5+ heads - € 450 each,
1.1 Parsons chameleon/Calumma Parsonii (cb BION 2023) - € 3000 for a pair,

Looking for Polychrus peruvianus for Hamm
Hello, we are looking for Polychrus peruvianus (Peruvian bush anole) for Hamm (14.12.2024)

Looking for Timon princeps and Timon tangetanus
Hello, we are looking for Timon Princeps and Timon tangetanus
for Hamm (14.12.2024). Preferably young sexed or unsexed individuals. Please, contact me in case you have them available.

Corallus caninus captive bred
For sale : 1.0 Corallus caninus / CB 12/ 2018.
Specimen n° 1 / Price : 750 euros
For sale : 1.0 Corallus caninus / CB 12/ 2020.
Specimen n° 3 / Price : 700 euros
All animals with microchip.
Perfect healthy snakes.
Available now but delivery in Hamm is possible. I asked a deposit.
Send me an email for more information (philippe.fleche@hotmail.fr).

Orange Dream - Clown - Special Ghost
Beatiful combos CB24 available for Hamm:
0.1 Super Blade Super OD Pastel Clown
0.1 Blade Enchi Clown
0.1 Super OD Super Pastel het. Clown
1.0 OD Pastel Clown
1.0 Enchi OD Special Ghost

Turtles for Prague, Brno, Houten, Milano, Hamm
Shipping possible to every main expo in Europe
Looking for Morenia petersii and Terrapene ornata
0,0,1 Mauremys mutica
0,0,3 Siebebrockiella crassicollis
0,0,5 Kinosternon acutum
0,0,3 Pseudemys gorzugi
0,0,9 Amyda cartilaginea
0,0,15 Apalone ferox
Older animals, most of them proven breeder:
1,3 Mauremys mutica mutica
2,3 Staurotypus triporcatus 12-22cm
1,1 Pelomedusa XXL
1,3 Pelusius carinatus
3,7 Pelusius nanus
1,1 Cuora amboinensis Cuoro
2,4 Cuora amboinensis Kamaroma
1,4 Kinosternon cruentatum wild, imported from Nicaragua in 2016
150+ Ceratophrys cranwelli mix color
24 Ceratophrys fantasy Green 4-6cm
5 Pyxicephalus adspersus 5-7cm
1 Ceratophrys cornuta brown/orange 7-9cm
15 Trachycephalus resinifictrix 2-3cm
6 Chacophrys pierottii 3-4cm Very Rare!

Proven Breeders Ball Pythons
Verona - Houten - Hamm
Proven Breeders
- 1.0 2021 Albino Black Pastel Mahogany
- 0.1 2019 Candino

Egernia stokesii for Hamm reptile show
Hello, we can offer you for Hamm (December 14) following species:
0.0.10 Stokes's skink/ Egernia stokesii (cb BION 2024) - € 500 each, 5+ heads - € 450 each,

Agamas and Iguanas for Hamm (14.12.2024)
Hello, we can offer you for Hamm (December 14) following species:
0.0.10 The shield-tailed agama/ Xenagama taylori (cb BION 2024) - €300 each
0.0.2 Angle-headed forest dragon/Hypsilurus magnus (cb BION 2024) - €300 each
0.0.10 Red-banded spiny-tailed lizard/ Uromastyx dispar flavifasciata (cb BION 2024) - €350 each
2.0 Ornate spiny-tailed lizard/Uromastyx ornata (cb BION 2021) - €350 each
0.0.5 Ornate spiny-tailed lizard/Uromastyx ornata (cb BION 2024) - €300 each
0.0.10 Galápagos Lava lizard/ Microlophus albemarlensis (cb BION 2024) - €300 each
2.0 Baja Blue Rock Lizard/ Petrosaurus thalassinus (cb BION 2023) - €500 each

Magmaking NEW hybrid Lampropletis - for Hamm
MAGMAKING - Prague (E01), Pilsen, Budapest, Houten, Verona, Hamm
CB 2022 & 2024 - 4 generations Hybrid L.mexicana mexicana & L.triangulum campbelli
Orange Patternlest, Orange Motlay, Orange Patternlest spine, Orange Aberant
Yellow Motlay, Yellow Aberant

Python regius - Königspythons - Ball python - 2024
For Prague, Houten, Budapest, Hamm , Verona
Cb 2024
2,1 Albino Pinstripe Black Pastel 100% het Clown
1,0 Albino Black Pastel 100% het Clown
1,0 Albino Pinstripe 100% het Clown
1,1 Mojave Banana (female maker) 100% het Clown
1,2 Banana (female maker) 100% het Clown
1,0 Banana (female maker) Lesser 100%het Clown
0,2 Mojave 100% het Clown
0,2 Butter Pastel Hypo
1,0 Mojave Hypo
0,1 Mojave 100% het Hypo
1,0 Leuzistic Blue Eyes (Super Lesser) 100% het Clown
0,1 Leuzistic Blue Eyes ( Super Mojave) Hypo poss Pastel
1,0 Leuzistic Blue Eyes ( Super Mojave) 100% het. Hypo poss Pastel
2,1 Lesser 100% het Clown
1,0 Clown
0,1 100% het Clown
0,1 Piebald 50%het Clown
1,1 Bamboo Leopard 100%het Piebald 50%het Clown
1,0 100%het Piebald 50%het Clown
1,1 Cinnamon Lesser Pastel 66%het Clown
0,1 Lesser Pastel 66%het Clown
0,1 Lesser 66%het Clown
0,1 Cinnamon 66%het Clown
2,0 Banana Mojave 100% dh Hypo, Genetic Stripe
2,0 Banana (male maker) Pastel Genetic Stripe
0,3 Genetic Stripe
1,2 100% het Desert Ghost
0,1 Lesser Yellow Belly
1,0 Champagne Lesser poss Yellow Belly
0,1 Lesser Yellow Belly
1,0 Lesser
0,1 Super Pastel 100%het Orange Ghost
1,2 Pastel 100%het Orange Ghost
0,1 100% dh Hypo, Genetic Stripe
2,2 100%het Orange Ghost

Boa constrictor Fire IMG Motley
Super Nice female CB2024. She has the potential to become solid black .Price 750€ . Free delivery to houten and hamm

Shipping possible to Verona, Prague, Ostrava, Houten and Hamm Expos
Looking for Ceratophrys stolzmanni Females!!!
For Sale
6 Chacophrys pierottii - Very Rare
0,0,xxxx Ceratophrys cranwelli: Many variants including Metallic Blue, White... different sizes from babies to adults
0,0,xxx Ceratophrys Fantasy: green, red
0,0,xxx Pyxicephalus adspersus 2-3cm, 6-8cm
50+ Lepidobatrachus laevis
3,0 Ceratophrys cornuta
0,0,xx T.resinifictrix
Looking for:
-Ceratophrys: aurita, calcarata
-Ceratophrys stolzmanni females
-Mantella aurantiaca, baronii
-Scaphiophryne sp.
-Lepidobatrachus sp. except laevis
+Many species of aquatic turtles for sale, check my other adds
Shipping to Verona, Hamm, Ziva Exotica, Houten and other bigger expos
herps buy, sell and exchange.
Find animals and accessories or sell them free of charge or with a paid classified.Contact breeders and dealers from Germany and abroad.