Hamm GHI standard ads [Page 181]

Orange rat snake subadults
1.2 bred 2021 of the old european line of Orange ratsnake, Pantherophis alleghaniensis(former P obsoleta rossalleni) for Hamm. Picture is of the parents
200 euro
Suche für Hamm (Terraristika) folgendes
1.2 adulte oder 5 bis 6 subadulte Agalychnis callidryas
1.2 adulte oder 2.3 subadulte Phyllomedusa hypochondrialis
2.0 adulte Dendrobates azureus
1.0 adulte Phyllobates vittatus
1.0 adulte Dendrobates auratus (nominat)
2.3 subadulte Ranitomeya reticulata
2.3 adulte oder 5 bis 6 subadulte Hyalinobatrachium fleischmanni

Looking for female subadult/adult leachianus
Hello. Looking for female subadult/adult leachianus in Hamm. Thanks

1.1 Pair of Nephrurus Amyae
Selling to Hamm a pair of Nephrurus Amyae.
Female poss Het.Hypo CB18
Mâle CB19
reachs Oophaga blue jean
Good morning,
I'm looking for oophagas pumilio blue jean
at least 2
possibility to see each other in hamm
For sale for Hamm Eublepharis fuscus
For sale
EUBLEPHARIS FUSCUS 1.3 breeding group.
( 3 years old animals , all perfect)
Can bring to Hamm
Anolis trinitatis (St. Vincent)
Anolis trinitatis (für Hamm oder Abholung PLZ 90530st Wendelstein)

Hamm>>> Spider Piebald Fire Pastel Het Piebald / 1,0 Butter Pastel GHI
For Hamm 1,0 Spider Piebald Proven | 1,0 Fire Pastel Het Piebald NZ20 / 1,0 Butter Pastel GHI NZ 15 Proven +++ Mehr Infos unter >>> regius@mail.de Hamm 11.03.23 oder TIERVERSAND

Xenesthis sp. LIGHT, CB 02/23, only for Hamm
Xenesthis sp. LIGHT, CB 02/23, 120€
Some few available for handover in Hamm, 11.03.2023
Searching for Lamprolepis Smaragdina
Willing to handover in Munich/depending on circumstances willing to travel for handover as well.
Not going to be in Hamm.
Geckos for next hamm show 11/03
1.0 strophurus taenicauda proven
0.0.X correlophus ciliatus red harlequin
1.7 breeding group leopard geckos for gem snow radar, proven, from blood and gt lines, cheap.

Morelia spilota pair for next hamm
Foe next hamm
1.0 morelia spilota jaguar
0.1 morelia spilota macdowelli toffe super caramel x baylin tiger

Hamm 11.03 Phyllobates bicolor
0.0.100 Phyllobates bicolor
Alter zwischen 6-8 Monate
Whatsapp: +48 516 918 808
0.1 Bradypodion caffer und 0.1 thamnobates howick
Suche, für die Übergabe in Hamm , adult 0.1 Bradypodion caffer und adult 0.1 Brady. thamnobates howick
Such für Hamm verschiedene Amphibien
Such für Hamm
-Occidozyga lima
-Pleurodeles waltl
-Pipa parva
-Cynops orientalis
Searching Crotaphytus Hamm
Iam searching for tge following collared lizards fo Hamm 11/3
0.2 Crotaphytus dickersonae
0.2 Crotaphytus melanomaculatus
1.3 Crotaphytus collaris auriceps
0.2 Crotaphytus Blazing blue

Morelia azurea pulcher 0.0.2
For Hamm in June 0.0.2 Morelia azurea pulcher. Pure Sorong animals (TriasReptiles x Sören Brandt. Last pictures are the parents. 800€ each.

Uromastyx yemenensis - Yemen uromastyx for Hamm 11.3.2023
Uromastyx yemenensis young adult male for Hamm 11.3.2023
Biete für Hamm am 11.3.23
Biete für übergabe in Hamm
0.0.5 Cyriopagopus sp. Valhalla 1-2fh gegen Gebot
1.0 A.rufa Brasil RH 12/22 100€
1.0 E.murinus RH 2/23 75€
1.0 P.victori RH 2/23 75€
1.0 H.cafreriana RH 11/22 85€
1.0 H.devamatha rH 2/23 90€

Takydromus dorsalis 2023
For hamm
0.0.4 Takydromus dorsalis price for group 250 e
All eat perfect !
Hamm GHI Premium ads [Page 181]
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