Hamm GHI standard ads [Page 173]

Snakes kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Non-venomous snakes for sale +2
Sell Snakes

Non-venomous snakes for sale

1.0 Corallus hortulanus CB16 adult brown animal - 120€
0.1 Elaphe schrenckii CB14 adult - 150€
1.1 Spalerosophis diadema CB2021 - 22€
X.X Spalersophsi diadema CB2022 - each 60€

Pickup in southern Germany only, i'm not going to Hamm.
PM for more Info

Venomous snakes kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Naja kaouthia pastel cb23 +1
Sell Venomous snakes

Naja kaouthia pastel cb23

10.4 Naja kaouthia/ Monocled Cobras for sale.
Perfect feeders.

On Friday 28.07.23 i will drive to Netherland for buying a jetski and some shit so i could deliver on this day :)))

Wont make it to Hamm in September so only pickup at my place for now...

150 each

Stenocercus fimbriatus 0.1 or 1.2
Brookesia sp
Pristurus carteri thumbrait 0.1 or 1.2
Cyrtodactylus elok 1.0 or 2.0

Aplopeltura boa
Pareas sp
Asthenodipsas sp
Sibon sp
Dipsas sp
Telescopus sp

Boas kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Central americans boas 2023 +2
Sell Boas

Central americans boas 2023

Central americans boas 2023

1.5 Onyx T+ Honduras
2.1 Onyx 100% het T+ Honduras
Pure Honduras lineage, really dwarf boas

1.0 Blood (Berry) 66% het T+ Nic
1.0 Blood motley 66% het T+ Nic
3.1 T+ Nicaragua 66% T+ Nic
2.4 Motley 66% het El diablo
4.1 Normal 66% het El diablo

All parents Arenavirus negative tested.
Free delivery to Hamm.

Search Turtles and Tortoises

Cuora mouhotti mouhotti ,mccordi gesucht

Suche Cuora mouhotti mouhotti adult semi adult females and pairs

Cuora mccordi semi adult and adult females
Cuora galbinifons , picturata , hatchlings and semi and adult pairs

Handover hamm and houten is possible.

Geckos kaufen und verkaufen Photo: 2.2 Lygodactylus williamsi +2
Sell Geckos

2.2 Lygodactylus williamsi

2.2 Lygodactylus williamsi (Cites)

Possible to reserve them for the fairs Hamm or Houten.

Geckos kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Leopard geckos available ✈️ +2
Sell Geckos

Leopard geckos available ✈️

Available 0.2.x leopard geckos emerine projects
Info in pm
Ready for next hamm/houten shows

Available for - Hamm - Živá exotika Prag - TERA České Budějovice.
O.t. rydleyi Cameron Highland NZ 2023
O.t. callycianous NZ 2023


I'm looking for some species of geckos: phelsumas, lygodactylus, sphaerodactylus...

I will listen every offer, I'll be at Hamm on September.

If someone can send, it could also be viable

Geckos kaufen und verkaufen Photo: rhacodactilus leachianus +2
Sell Geckos

rhacodactilus leachianus

Bonjour , rhacodactilus leachianus adulte dispo hamm spetembre
nuu ami femelle 1000 euro 2016
pine island femelle 1000 euro 2013 attention femelle avec légère déformation de la mâchoire .
nuu ana male 1100 euro 2019
parfait santé

Turtles and Tortoises kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Testudo hermanni boettgeri
Sell Turtles and Tortoises

Testudo hermanni boettgeri

I have 4 T.h.b. from 2020 and 2021.
Microchip and yellow cites paper.
Hibernated outdoor every year. Can deliver in Hamm June.
Good price for all.

Ball Pythons kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Python Regius Nachzuchten +2
Sell Ball Pythons

Python Regius Nachzuchten

Ich biete verschiedene Python regius Nachzuchten (20,21,22,) zwecks Bestandsreduzierung an.
Python regius Pastel
Python regius Fire
Pyton regius Phantom
Python regius Superphantom
Preise VHB.
Jede weiter Konversation nur über bsiebert@gmx.de.
Kein Versand! Übergabe in Hamm oder Houten möglich.

Boas kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Epicrates cenchria und alvarezi +1
Sell Boas

Epicrates cenchria und alvarezi

Biete eigene Nachzuchten aus 6/22.
Die Tiere fressen selbständig und ohne Probleme.

Übergabe in Hamm möglich.

Bei Fragen einfach melden.

Hello, I am looking for a young varanus panoptes horni nc at the end of 2022 or 2023 who would be available a hamm, thank you

Pythons kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Burmese/Tigerpython PROVEN Classic 100% het champagne blond/caramel +1
Sell Pythons

Burmese/Tigerpython PROVEN Classic 100% het champagne blond/caramel

Burmese python, proven 2 times adult male Classic het 100% champagne blond/caramel
250 euro.
Pick up at hamm/houten 200 euro.

Pythons kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Burmese python het 66% champagne 50% Caramel/blond Labirynth albino +2
Sell Pythons

Burmese python het 66% champagne 50% Caramel/blond Labirynth albino

I have avaible babies from pairing
Classic 100% het champagne Labirynth albino x
Classic 100% het champagne blond/Caramel.

Male Classic het 66% champagne 50% blond/Caramel labirynth albino 250 euro
Female Classic het 66% champagne 50% blond/Caramel labirynth albino 250 euro.
Female Champagne het 50% Caramel/blond Labirynth albino- 1000 euro.
Pair Classics 400 euro

*PickUp at hamm/houten- pair Classics 400 euro!!*

1.0 Underwoodisaurus milii Cb 22, 0.0.3 Petrosaurus thalassinus Cb 23

Pythons kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Burmese python / Bivittatus / Tigerpython CB2023 +2
Sell Pythons

Burmese python / Bivittatus / Tigerpython CB2023

Burmese Pythons CB2023:
1.1 Albino 100% het Labyrinth Caramel Green Granite
1.0 Hypo Albino 100% het Labyrinth Caramel Green Granite
0.2 Hypo Green het Granite ph Albino
2.2 Hypo Green Granite ph Albino
1.0 Albino Hypo Green Granite
1.0 Albino Green Granite
1.1 Green Albino Ivory het Granite (possible Green Granite Ivory Albino)
2.0 Green Ivory het Granite ph Albino (possible Green Granite Ivory)
Free delivery to Hamm.

Pythons kaufen und verkaufen Photo: 1.2 Adult proven Tiger het OGSC & HET OGS +2
Sell Pythons

1.2 Adult proven Tiger het OGSC & HET OGS


For sale:

1.0 het OGS PIED 2017 3m 25kg
0.1 het ogs PIED 2017 (one time eggs) 4-4,5m 50kg
0.1 tiger het pied ogs 2017 (one time eggs) 4-4,5m 50kg

Last photo is baby from het pogs X het pogs.
Hamm possible.