Hamm GHI standard ads [Page 172]

Geckos kaufen und verkaufen Photo: 0.1 Fat-tailed gecko snow 100% het zulu
Sell Geckos

0.1 Fat-tailed gecko snow 100% het zulu

This beautiful African fat-tailed gecko is born on June 12th 2023 and is looking for a new home. It's a female snow (caramel + oreo), 100% het zulu, 66% het oreo. She dropped her tail when she was very young and now has a regrown tail as a result. She's a great pet, but cannot be bred as she's infertile. She can be brought to the reptile expo in Houten, the Netherlands or Hamm, Germany upcoming September.

Geckos kaufen und verkaufen Photo: 0.1 Fat-tailed gecko caramel 100% het zulu 66% het oreo
Sell Geckos

0.1 Fat-tailed gecko caramel 100% het zulu 66% het oreo

This beautiful African fat-tailed gecko is born on May 13th 2023. It's a female caramel, 100% het zulu, 66% het oreo. She was really small when she was born, but is growing and eating extremely well now! She's a great pet, but cannot be bred as she's infertile because of the caramel morph. She can be brought to the reptile expo in Houten, the Netherlands or Hamm, Germany upcoming September.

Feel free to message me if you are interested or have any questions

Geckos kaufen und verkaufen Photo: 0.1 Fat-tailed gecko snow 100% het zulu
Sell Geckos

0.1 Fat-tailed gecko snow 100% het zulu

This beautiful African fat-tailed gecko is born on May 28th 2023 and is available for reservation. It's a female snow (caramel + oreo), 100% het zulu. She's a great pet, but cannot be bred as she's infertile. She can be brought to the reptile expo in Houten, the Netherlands or Hamm, Germany upcoming September.

Geckos kaufen und verkaufen Photo: 0.1 Fat-tailed gecko striped caramel 100% het zulu 66% het oreo
Sell Geckos

0.1 Fat-tailed gecko striped caramel 100% het zulu 66% het oreo

This beautiful African fat-tailed gecko is born on June 12th 2023 and is looking for a new home. It's a female striped caramel, 100% het zulu and 66% het oreo. She has a short tail, but this doesn't impact her quality of life at all. She's a great pet, but cannot be bred as she's infertile because of the caramel morph. She can be brought to the reptile expo in Houten, the Netherlands or Hamm, Germany upcoming September.

Geckos kaufen und verkaufen Photo: 0.1 Fat-tailed gecko Wild 100% het caramel 100% het zulu 66% het oreo
Sell Geckos

0.1 Fat-tailed gecko Wild 100% het caramel 100% het zulu 66% het oreo

This beautiful African fat-tailed gecko is born on May 4th 2023 and is looking for a new home. It's a female wild type 100% het caramel, 100% het zulu and 66% het oreo. She's a great pet and will be great for breeding in the future. She can be brought to the reptile expo in Houten, the Netherlands or Hamm, Germany upcoming September.

Looking for unsexed or sexed(1.1 or 0.1) amyae for Hamm show 10/09.

Search Turtles and Tortoises

Testudo graeca terrestris

I am looking for testudo graeca terrestris to deliver in Hamm, two females and one male. You might also be interested in some babys. thank you.

Looking for a female Sanzinia madagascariensis volontany
suche nach einer weiblichen Sanzinia madagascariensis volontany
Houten juni / Hamm september :-)

Skinks kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Adult Northern Blue Tongue Skinks (Tiliqua scincoides intermedia)
Sell Skinks

Adult Northern Blue Tongue Skinks (Tiliqua scincoides intermedia)

Rare opportunity!

I have around 50 Northern Blue Tongue Skinks adults for sale. Proven breeder females and males and a few unsexed.

Please contact me if you are interested, I am asking for

£225 for Adult proven breeder females
£200 for Adult females
£175 for Adult males
£150 Unsexed Adults

I can have a courier deliver to Hamm or Houten at your expense. I believe this will be around £80 -£100


Ich möchte etwas reduzieren und würde daher folgende Morphen abgeben:

0.1 Enchi Fire (2017)
1.0 Superpastel Phantom (2016)
0.1 Butter Pastel Het. Ghost (2017)
1.0 Clown (2014)
0.1 Mojave Ghost (2018)

Alle fressen problemlos Frost.
Übergabe in Hamm kein Problem.

I’m looking for captive bred with papers

Epidalea calamita
Alytes muletensis

For collection at hamm in September

Tortoises kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Testudo h. boettgerie, Griech. Landschildkröten NZ 2023 +2
Sell Tortoises

Testudo h. boettgerie, Griech. Landschildkröten NZ 2023

Gebe Testudo h. boettgerie, Griech. Landschildkröten NZ 2023 ab. Die Tiere wurden bei 32,5-33 Grad inkubiert und müssten sich somit zu weibl. Tieren entwickeln.
Die Tiere werden für 35 € abgegeben. Bei einer Abnahme ab 10 Tieren, je Tier 30 €. Habe einen Stand auf der Terraristik Börse in Hamm, am 09.09.23. Daher ist eine Übergabe auf der Börse möglich.

Available for hamm/houten/verona✈️
0.0.XX emerine leopard geckos cb23
1.0 nephrurus cinctus proven cb19
0.0.X nephrurus levis levis cb23

Boas kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Boa constrictor Onyx 2023 +1
Sell Boas

Boa constrictor Onyx 2023

1.0 Onyx 100 %het T+ Honduras € 750
0.1 Onyx T+ Honduras € 1.200
Supernice couple for Red Baron and super Onyx project.
Pure Honduras lineage.
Arenavirus negative tested parents.
€ 1.500 if taken in couple. Pick up in Hamm

Hi, im looking for brookesia or rieppelon species. Im based in Cologne,NRW and will be also going to Hamm reptiles fair in September. Im thankful for any tip. Kind regards,Felix

Venomous snakes kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Naja naja "Sri Lanka" CBB2023 +2
Sell Venomous snakes

Naja naja "Sri Lanka" CBB2023

I have 0.0.11 Naja naja "Sr Lanka" how is ready for sale to Hamm.


Snakes kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Non-venomous snakes for sale +2
Sell Snakes

Non-venomous snakes for sale

1.0 Corallus hortulanus CB16 adult brown animal - 120€
0.1 Elaphe schrenckii CB14 adult - 150€
1.1 Spalerosophis diadema CB2021 - 22€
X.X Spalersophsi diadema CB2022 - each 60€

Pickup in southern Germany only, i'm not going to Hamm.
PM for more Info

Venomous snakes kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Naja kaouthia pastel cb23 +1
Sell Venomous snakes

Naja kaouthia pastel cb23

10.4 Naja kaouthia/ Monocled Cobras for sale.
Perfect feeders.

On Friday 28.07.23 i will drive to Netherland for buying a jetski and some shit so i could deliver on this day :)))

Wont make it to Hamm in September so only pickup at my place for now...

150 each

Stenocercus fimbriatus 0.1 or 1.2
Brookesia sp
Pristurus carteri thumbrait 0.1 or 1.2
Cyrtodactylus elok 1.0 or 2.0

Aplopeltura boa
Pareas sp
Asthenodipsas sp
Sibon sp
Dipsas sp
Telescopus sp