Hamm GHI standard ads [Page 167]

Elaphe carinata adult and subadult
3 beautiful Elaphe carinata changes owner. pick-up possible in September Hamm. I invite (1000)

0.1 Poecilotheria metallica 6cm Adult
I have female Poecilotheria metallica for sale.
She has a body length of 6cm.
She never had contact with males.
I have the appropriate document.
Price: 140€
To pickup in Hamm (September)
Ich habe weibliche Poecilotheria metallica zum Verkauf.
Sie hat eine Körperlänge von 6cm.
Sie hatte nie Kontakt zu Männern.
Ich habe das entsprechende Dokument.
Preis: 140€
Zur Abholung in Hamm (September)

0.0.2 Lamprophis (Boaedon) fuliginosus
I have babies Lamprophis (Boaedon) fuliginosus for sale.
Snakes eat frozen mice.
Snakes Were born 15.06.23r.
Size: around +30cm
Price: 50€
To pickup in Hamm (September)
Ich habe Lamprophis (Boaedon) fuliginosus zu verkaufen.
Schlangen fressen gefrorene Mäuse.
Schlangen wurden geboren 15.06.23r.
Größe: ca. +30cm
Preis: 50 €
Zur Abholung in Hamm (September)

1.1 Russel's vipers Daboia russelii
For sale 1.1 Daboia russelii russelii CBB 21
Delivery to Hamm on sebtember possible.

Pseudelaphe flavirufa pardalina 2022
2.0 Pseudelaphe flavirufa pardalina 2022
Availables for Verona Reptiles show at Sacara Quality Reptiles tables
or we can arrange for Hamm or Houten.
2.0 Not related
(2023's babies will be sono available)

Pituophis melanoleucus 2022
2.1 Pituophis melanoleucus 2022
(Parents 2nd-3rd pics, father is the dark one, mother the whitest)
We can arrange for Hamm or Houten
Or they are available for Verona at acara Quality Rettile tables.

Pituophis mugitus patternless 2022
1.0 Pituophis mugitus patternless 2022
(The biggest one on pics is the father)
Available for Verona (Sacara Quality Rettile tables) or we can arrange for Hamm or Houten.
For Hamm:
0,0,2 E. agricolae
0,0,1 P. klemmeri
1,0 B. constrictor

nephrurus pilbarensis albino patternless
1.1 albino patternless for hamm 3000€
Can go seperate, €1800 for female, €1300 for male.

R.leachianus Khogis , Nuu ami
R.leachianus Khogis 0,0,14
R.leachianus Nuu ami 0,0,6

Various Venomous Snakes Hamm
Available for Hamm
1.0 Porthidium ophryomegas CB20

Avicularia Hamm and shipping
A.juruensis M2 2.FH-0.0.180 – 1- 6 euro, 10 -45 euro
A.minatrix 1.FH- 0.0.15 – 1 - 20 euro, 10- 170 euro
A.merianae 2.FH- O.0.30 – 1- 30 euro, 5 – 125 euro
A.braunshausenni 2.FH- 0.0.20 1- 20 euro, 10- 170euro
A.auantiaca 2.FH- 0.0.50 -1 – 30 euro, 10- 250 euro
A.bicegoi 1.FH- 0.0.20 – 1-30 euro, 10- 250e
A.purpurea 1.FH- 0.0.50 -1- 10 euro, 10- 70 euro
A.rufa"Peru" 1.FH- 0.0.50 1 – 30 euro, 10- 250 euro
Asp.pucallpa- 2.FH – 0.0.40- 1 – 25 euro, 10- 200 euro
C.laeta 2.FH- 0.0.100 -1- 5 euro, 10- 30 euro
A. Boa Vista 2.FH-0.0.20 – 1- 15 euro
Y. sooretama 3.FH – 0.0.5- 1 – 50 euro
C. versicolor 2.FH- 0.0.100- 10- 50 euro
A.sp.columbuen 3.0- adult and fresh 60 euro
Avicularia aurantiaca 1.0- 100 euro
Avicularia rufa "brazil" 1.0- 100 euro
Hamm 9.09.2023
shipping 20 euro

Boa morphs: IMG Hypo Sharp. (I can bring to Hamm: 9.9.2023)
I offer:
Boa constrictor color morphs.
CB: 2021.
100% het. Sharp.
b.1: 0,1- IMG Hypo
b.4: 0,1- IMG Hypo, CA Motley, (pastel)
b.5: 1,0- IMG Hypo, Pastel
b.6: 0,1- IMG Hypo, Pastel
All my breed CB: 20.6.2021
I am able to deliver snakes to these Expos: Hamm, Houten, Verona, Prague….
I can deliver to Terraristika Hamm: 9.9.2023
More info: Adam's Snakes
E-mail: borecky7@seznam.cz
Or my Snake page: www.facebook.com/adamssnakes/
My Morph market EU: https://www.morphmarket.com/stores/adams_snakes/

New Caledonian geckos for Hamm - September 2023, row 25
Rhacodactylus leachianus Pine island
0,0,4 cb 5,6 2023
Mniarogekko chahoua 0,0,3 cb 5,6 2023
Rhacodactylus auriculatus, normal color
Eurodactylodes agricolae 3,0,0
Correlophus ciliatus visual axanthic
Pair 1,1 8-10g
Correlophus ciliatus 66% axanthic
Correlophus ciliatus females 8-12 g
Xxx pcs
Correlophus ciliatus males 8-12 g
Xxx pcs
Correlophus ciliatus babies 2-5g

CB 2023 Timon kurdistanicus
2.2.X Timon Kurdsitanicus Red Throat local
Pictures of one pair and the parents.
Export available for September Hamm for a fee
No Trades except for pairs of Diplodactylus pulcher or tessalatus

1.1 Cyriocosmus elegans adult
Biete 1.1 C.Elegans an. Eventuell verpaart. 80,00 €
Übergabe auf der Terraristika in Hamm am 09.09 möglich

Naja Nivea (dark from) cb23
Have a 4.2 Naja Nivea after dark parents
130euro for solo male
250euro for pair
Whole sale 4.2 for 700euro
Adding pictures of parents and baby from cb 22
Hamm 9.9 is possible then 26.9 živá exotika in Prague

0.1 Madagaskarboa abzugeben ( A. dumerili )
Hey Leute,
Wir geben unsere Madagaskarboa ab.
Papiere sind vollständig, bitte bedenken, dass diese Art Anhang A angehört und somit angemeldet werden muss.
Sie wiegt ca. 8kg und hat ca. 2m-2.10m.
Geboren wurde sie am 29.07.2003
und gefüttert werden XXL Frostratten, diese werden problemlos genommen.
Sie ist schon eine ältere Dame, also nur als Liebhabertier abzugeben.
Es wird eine Schutzgebühr von 50€ erhoben.
Übergabe in Hamm ist möglich.

Lilly white high expression & Extrime tricolor males
1.0 Lilly white high expression
1.0 Extreme tricolor
Shipping to Hamm possible

VPI Boas welcome "Land of Boa"
For sale I have a lot of boas with VPI genes
possibility of delivery to the nearest stock exchange in Hamm
1.0 Normal poss jungle 66%het Albino VPI 50% het Anety T1
CB 23:
7.9 Normal 100% het VPI/Leo 250.00 €
7.3 Motley 100% het VPI/Leo 350.00 €
0.1 Hypo 66%het VPI/Anery 125.00 €
1.0 Sunglow VPI Poss Jungle 66%het Anery 400.00 €
2.2 Jungle 66%het VPI/Anery 170.00 €
0.2 Hypo Jungle 66%het VPI/Anery 175.00 €
1.2 Ghost 66%het VPI 350.00 €
in packages prices are lower!!
Hamm GHI Premium ads [Page 167]
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