Hamm GHI standard ads [Page 17]

2,2 Gonatodes caudiscutatus
Hello, offering for a friend :
Hallo, biete für einen Freund :
2,2 Gonatodes caudiscutatus CB 23
Bin in Hamm.
Cochranella granulosa and tinctoruis ‘Bakhuis’
I’m looking for Cochranella granulosa and Dendrobate tinctorius ‘Bakhuis’
Juvenile or Adult NZ
I can pick them up in Hamm on Saturday 08.03 or for the September show.

Grammostola pulchripes, eigene Nachzucht
0.10 Grammostola pulchripes, ENZ, ca. 4 cm KL = 40 €/Stck
10.0 Grammostola pulchripes, ENZ ca. 3-3,5cm KL = 15 €/Stck
1.1 Grammostola pulchripes, ENZ, ca. 3-4 cm KL = 50 €/Stck
Übergabe in Hamm möglich
Tausch gegen Brachypelma Arten ggf. möglich

Pleurodeles waltl BREEDER GROUP
Last time offer for hamm
2.5 Pleurodeles Waltl
Breeding groupe, Captive breed

R. auriculatus, gargoyle gecko, Höckerkopfgecko
R. auriculatus for Hamm. In pairs or single. Good prices.
Best regards!

0.0.2 cb 2024 Egernia epsisolus
Offer for Hamm on Saturday 8th March:
0.0.2 cb 15.05.2024 Egernia epsisolus
(Eastern Pilbara Spiny-tailed skink)

Ball Python HAMM ( last minute offer)
Last minute offert for HAMM ( cheap price )
I completly stop ball python
1.0 pied proven breeder 80€
0.1 Pinstriped het pied proven breeder 100€
0.1 Banana Proven breeder 80€
1.0 classic het pied het clown ( CB 2023 ) 120€
all group 300€
All perfect animal.

Hamm row 9 main hall
0.0.1 Egernia depressa Cb 7/24 850/1
1.1.x Nephrurus amyae Cb 7-10/24 550/pair 250/1
1.1 Geckoella nebulosa Cb 11/24 250/pair
0.0.2 lamprolepis smaragdina Cb 1/25 200/1
0.5 Lepidodactylus lugubris Cb 40/all

0.0.9 Phelsuma grandis High Red cb24
Juvenile different sizes, some will be super

Morelia Viridis / Designer outcross
Last call for Hamm:
Morelia viridis 2024
Pairing / Designer outcross
Crazy x Dilga x RainX x Day Dream x
October x Wameniak X sorong
Last Animal we sell from this clutch, should be female.

2,2 Mus minutoides, afrikanische Knirpsmaus
2,2 Mus minutoides, afrikanische Knirpsmäuse für Hamm abzugeben. Eigene Nachzuchten aus Ende 2024/Anfang 2025

2,0 Acomys russatus (Gold-Stachelmäuse)
2,0 Acomys russatus, Gold-Stachelmäuse für Hamm abzugeben.
Eigene Nachzuchten von 12/2024

Diverse Bücher zur Abgabe, teils Raritäten für Hamm
Für Hamm oder Versand
Old World Ratsnakes - 80 Euro
Green Tree Pythons - 35 Euro
7th international Symposium on Pathology.... - 45 Euro
Keeping & Breeding Australian Pythons - 80 Euro
Snakes of the World - 20 Euro
Black Python Morelia boeleni - 65 Euro -verkauft-

Präparat Python regius Pewter für Hamm
Gebe noch eine Lederhaut mit kleinen Fehlern ab. Es handelt sich um Python regius, Morph "Pewter"
Entweder für Hamm oder per Versand
Preis 85 Euro

Präparat Morelia viridis -blau- für Hamm
Biete noch eine Lederhaut von Morelia viridis in schönem blau an. Stolze Größe mit gut 180cm! Natürlich mit Papieren des Präparators
Entweder für Hamm kommenden Samstag oder Versand
Preis 220 Euro

Heterodon Nasicus, Hakennasennattern
Heterodon nasicus 2024
1.0 Toffee Anaconda het Stormcloud
0.2 Toffee Anaconda het Stormcloud
4.0 Anaconda het Sable Toffeebelly Axanthic
2.0 Conda het Mai Tai

Crotalus oreganus helleri
For Hamm
1.2 Crotalus oreganus helleri CB 19+0.1 CB 21(Breeding pair)
1.1 Acanthophis laevis Breeding pair CB 19 (ready to breed this Saison)

Angolan python - Python anchietae
2.0 CB 2024/8
400eur each. For Hamm
1.0 CB 2021 - almost adult
500 EUR

3.0 Cynops orientalis
Gebe meine letzten drei Tiere in gute Hände, da ich nicht noch einmal aufstocken möchte. Es sind drei Männchen.
Die Tiere können jetzt in Hamm übergeben werden.
Für alle drei Tiere möchte ich fest 45 Euro zusammen haben.
Bei Fragen bitte schreiben.
Lepidodactylus lugubris Jungferngeckos
Ich habe einige Jungferngeckos zur Abgabe. Pro Stück 8€, Abgabe ab 10 Stück.
Abholung und Tierversand
Nicht in Hamm
Hamm GHI Premium ads [Page 17]

Python regius - Königspythons - Ball python - 2024
For Prague, Hamm
Cb 2024
2,1 Albino Pinstripe Black Pastel 100% het Clown
1,0 Albino Black Pastel 100% het Clown
1,0 Albino Pinstripe 100% het Clown
1,1 Mojave Banana (female maker) 100% het Clown
1,2 Banana (female maker) 100% het Clown
1,0 Banana (female maker) Lesser 100%het Clown
1,0 Banana (female maker) Motley 100%het Clown
1,0 Banana (female maker) Lesser Motley 100%het Clown
1,1 Banana (female maker) Piebald
4,2 Piebald
1,0 Pinstripe Clown
0,1 Coral Glow Lesser 66%het Clown
1,0 Cinnamon Pinstripe 66%het. Clown
0,2 Mojave 100% het Clown
0,2 Butter Pastel Hypo
1,0 Mojave Hypo
0,1 Mojave 100% het Hypo
1,0 Leuzistic Blue Eyes (Super Lesser) 100% het Clown
0,1 Leuzistic Blue Eyes ( Super Mojave) Hypo poss Pastel
1,0 Leuzistic Blue Eyes ( Super Mojave) 100% het. Hypo poss Pastel
2,1 Lesser Motley 100% het Clown
1,0 Clown
0,1 100% het Clown
1,0 Bamboo Leopard 100%het Piebald 50%het Clown
1,0 100%het Piebald 50%het Clown
1,1 Cinnamon Lesser Pastel 66%het Clown
0,1 Lesser Pastel 66%het Clown
0,1 Lesser 66%het Clown
0,1 Cinnamon 66%het Clown
1,0 Banana Mojave 100% dh Hypo, Genetic Stripe
2,0 Banana (male maker) Pastel Genetic Stripe
0,3 Genetic Stripe
1,2 100% het Desert Ghost
1,0 Champagne Lesser poss Yellow Belly
0,1 Lesser Yellow Belly
1,0 Lesser
0,1 Super Pastel 100%het Orange Ghost
1,2 Pastel 100%het Orange Ghost
2,2 100%het Orange Ghost

Lampropeltis mexicana mexicana (Granit linie) for Hamm
For Hamm ( only offer)
CB 2024
L. mexicana mexicana
Nucha Stripe
Yellow Granit

Pantherophis guttatus - Corn snakes
Baby Panthrophis guttatus for Hamm (only offer), Prague, Pilsen, České Budějovice
- Granite(Diffused+Anery) Teesera Ultramel 100% het. Motlay; Hypo
- Diffused Teesera Ultramel 100% het. Motlay; Anery; Hypo
- Diffused Teesera 100% het. Motlay; Anery; Hypo; Amel or Ultra
- Diffused Hypo Teesera 100% het. Motlay; Anery; Amel or Ultra
- Diffused Hypo 100% het. Motlay; Anery; Amel or Ultra
- and others
All baby to website https://www.mojihadi.cz/Pantherophis-guttatus.html

Armmolch, Aalmolch verkaufen
Two-toed Amphiuma Amphiuma means
Greater lesser siren Siren lacertina XXL

Moschusschildkröten verkaufen
0,0,2 Kinosternon flavescens 400/2
1,0 Kinosternon leucostomum hetero albino sold
0,0,11 Kinosternon leucostomum hetero albino ( no one albino for sell!) sold
1,0 Sternotherus minor sold
0,0,3 Sternotherus minor sold
ZIVA HAMM HOUTEN MILANO petfarm@petfarm.hu

Furcifer angeli pair for HAMM
Furcifer angeli LTC, perfect feeder, egg-layers PAIR available.
arrived from Madagascar 17/02/2024.
Foto documented LTC!

Blue River DIETS is a new food range for fruit-eating reptiles.
The focus is on natural nutrition with a very high proportion of real fruit.
Blue River Diets are not fattening food!
Pre-orders for Houten and Hamm are welcome.
Are you a business customer?
Send us your request via email with your VAT number to information@thepetfactory.de

Last minute offer for Hamm (14.12.2024)
Hello, we can offer you for Hamm (December 14) following species:
0.0.1 Ornate spiny-tailed lizard/ Uromastyx ornata (cb BION 2024) - €300
2.2 Sunwatcher toad-headed agama/Phrynocephalus helioscopus (cb 2023) - €150 each
0.0.5 Galápagos Lava lizard/ Microlophus albemarlensis (cb BION 2024) - €250 each
1.1 Satanic leaf-tailed gecko/ Uroplatus phantasticus (cb BION 2024) - €500 each, €900 a pair
3.2 Giant spear-point leaf-tailed gecko/ Uroplatus fiera (cb BION 2024) - €750 each, €1300 a pair
3.0 South-Eastern Lowland Leaf-tailed Gecko/ Uroplatus sameiti (cb BION 2021-2022) - €450 each
4.5 Mossy leaf-tailed gecko/ Uroplatus sikorae (cb BION 2024) - €400 each
0.0.2 Lined leaf-tailed gecko/ Uroplatus lineatus (cb BION 2023) - €400 each
2.3 West Indian leopard gecko/ Eublepharis fuscus (cb BION 2022-2023) - €150 each, €500 for all
1.0 East Indian leopard gecko/ Eublepharis hardwickii (cb BION 2024) - €50 each (Grade B)
5.5 Iranian leopard gecko/ Eublepharis angramainyu (Ilam province) (cb BION 2023-2024) - €50 each (Grade B)
1.1 Parsons chameleon/Calumma Parsonii (cb BION 2023) - € 3000 for a pair, €4300 for trio, €5600 for all

Python b. progschai, Philodryas baroni, Elaphe carinata, P. g. okeetee
December Hamm main hall row 12 name I Love Snakes / Future Terra
Philodryas baroni:
1.2 CB24: 280€ for male , 360€ for female
1.0 CB22: 390€
Elaphe carinata:
1.0 CB2022 66% het T+ = 250€
1.0 CB2023 = 200€
4.1 CB2024 66% het Anery = 165€ for male , female only in pair for 430€
First proven in F2 Axanthic line:
4.0 CB2024 from doublehet T+/Axanthic = 350€/one , 600€/two, 800€/three, 930€/four
Each specimen has a chance to be:
- Axanthic 66% het T+
- Axanthic
- normal 66% het T+
- normal
On the pictures with Axanthic I present 2 years old specimen of the first proven (by me in 2022) F2 Axanthic simple recessive Elaphe carinata. It is also 66% poss T+ albino. The situation with axanthic E. carinata’s is similar as with axanthic E. mandarinus - they are looking normal as babies, and fade the yellow into white while growing.
Python bivittatus progschai (dwarf burmese):
1.1 CB2024 feeding on defrosted
- papers of parents
- state veterinary confirmation of CB
- ID photo genetic certificate
- nidovirus test of parents
Pantherophis guttatus okeetee:
2.0 CB24 from parents on the picture
Price: 70€/each
At the same stand I will present the offer of Future Terra (www.futureterra.eu) - the best plastic terrariums made out of solid polyproyplene (PP). Merged in heat welding technology, which makes them much more durable and resistant than glued, foamed PVC enclosures.

For handover in Hamm or shipping we can offer the follow animals:
- Morelia spilota mcdowelli cb23: 169,-
- Morelia viridis cb22 female
- Boa c. constrictor "Guyana" cb24: 399,-
- Pantherophis bairdi cb24: 99,-
- Spalerosophis diadema: 69,-
- Thamnophis sauritus nitae: 230,-
- Boaedon fuliginosus cb23: 220,-
- Xenodon (Lystrophis) pulcher cb24: 320,-
- Uromastyx princeps cb24
- Intellagama (Physignatus) lesueurii cb24: 399,-
- Underwoodisaurus milii medium-large: 150,-
- Gonatodes albogularis fuscus: 79,-
- Tarentola annularis: 15,-
- Trioceros jacksonii jacksonii: 249,-
- Salvator (Tupinambis) rufescens large
- Varanus panoptes medium: 499,-
- Anguis fragilis cb24: 149,-
- Pixidea mouhotii medium-large
- Pseudotriton ruber ruber: 449,-
- Pleurodeles waltl cb 7cm: 39,-
- Lepidobatrachus laevis: 39,-
- Dyscophus antongilli: 79,-
- Bufo marinus: 35,-
For more details, animals or any questions, please send us an email to:
Our regular stocklist you will find here:

Landschildkröten/tortoises Houten/Hamm/Courier
Aldabrachelys gigantea 8-10, 16-18 & 40-45cm
Astrochelys radiata 2,4 & 2024
Chelonoidis carbonarius Cherryhead 1,3 15cm
Centrochelys sulcata Het-ivory 1,1 45/27cm
Geochelone elegans India 1,6 & 2024
Geochelone elegans Sri Lanka 3,4
Homopus areolatus 1,0
Kinixys belliana belliana 2,3 & cb 2024
Kinixys erosa 1,1 & cb 2024
Kinixys nogueyi 2,4
Malacochersus tornierii 2,2
Manouria e. emys 12-15cm
Psammobates tentorius veroxii 1,0
Stigmochelys pardalis babcockii 1,1 27/20cm
Testudo kleinmanni 1,2 & 2023/24
adult animals are perfect breeders!
delivery with courier or delivery to Hamm and Houten possible

Wasserschildkröten/turtles Houten/Hamm/Courier
Carettochelys insculpta 2024
Chelodina mccordii 0,3,3
Chrysemys picta bellii 2024
Chrysemys picta marginata 2024
Chrysemys picta picta 2024
Emys o.orbicularis 2024
Malaclemys t. terrapin 10cm
malaclemys t. centrata 7-13cm
Mauremys japonica 2024
Mauremys mutica 2024
Melanochelys trijuga thermalis 20124
Pangshura tecta tecta 2023
Pelusios nanus 2,4
Phrynops nasuta 2024
Siebnrockiella crassicollies 2023/24
Sternotherus carinarus 2024
Sternotherus odoratus 2024
Trachemys venusta 2024
delivery with courier or delivery to Hamm and Houten possible

Echsen/reptiles Houten/Hamm/Courier
Crocodilurus amazonicus 1,0
Egernia frerei 1,2
Gekko Gecko 1,1
Gehyra vorax 1,3
Gherrosaurus flavigularis 1,2
Gherrosaurus major 1,1,1
Hydrosaurus celebensis
Hydrosaurus microlophus
Hypsilurus godeffroyi 1,0
Iguana Iguana Albino T-
Iguana Iguana Red Albino
Iguana iguana Red Hypo
Rhacodactylus leachinaus Nur Ana 1,0,3
Rhacodactylus leachinaus Grand Terre 0,1
Tiliqua chimaerea yellow/silver 2,2
Tiliqua evanevscens 1,1
Tiliqua keyensis 1,1
Trioceros hoehnelli 1,1
Trioceros jacksoni willigensis 1,1
Trioceros jacksoni xantolophus 1,1
Uromastyx acanthinura 1,1
Uromastyx princeps 1,1,1
Uroplatus henkelii 0,1
Varanus maccraei 0,0,2
Varanus salvator black
delivery with courier or delivery to Houten or Hamm possible

Schlangen/snakes Houten/Hamm/Courier
Candoia aspera 1,1,2
Candoia paulsoni 1,1
Corallus caninus 1,2
Morelia viridis Biak 2024
Oligodon 1,2,1
Pantherophis obsuletus Licorice Albino & Licorice Het Albino 2024
Ptyas carinatus blue/black small
Python breitensteini 2024
Python regius Superpastel Pied 2023 1,1
Python regius Superpastel het Pied 2023 1,0
Sanzinia madagascariensis 1,2
Xenopeltiys unicolor 1,1
delivery with courier or delivery to Hamm and Houten possible

Gekos for next Hamm 14.12.2024
Rhacodactylus auriculatus babies mix color 100pcs
Rhacodactylus leachianus babies 50pcs
Nephrurus amyae 2023 pairs
Nephrurus amyae 2024 pairs
Heteronotia bionei adult 30pcs
herps buy, sell and exchange.
Find animals and accessories or sell them free of charge or with a paid classified.Contact breeders and dealers from Germany and abroad.