Hamm GHI standard ads [Page 160]

Leachianus nuu ana female and gargoyle a males
For Hamm,Houten and Milano Reptiles
are available
0.1 leachianus female nuu ana (available pictures of the parents)
3.0 gargoyles red and orange

Auriculatus female high quality
Trio auriculatus female full red high quality.
Available for hamm,houten and Milano reptiles

Malacochersus tornieri baby
Biete für Hamm
Malacochersus tornieri cb23
For info or photo contact me

Anolis smallwoodi, pristurus carteri, timon lep. rhacodactylus auric.
I am selling 0,01 anolis smallwoodi, 0,010 pristurus carteri, 1,0 adult timon lepidus, 4,4 rhacodactylus auriculatus. Hamm show in December possible.

1.2.3 Eutropis multifasciata abzugeben
Biete hier meine Zuchtgruppe und den Nachwuchs meiner Eutropis multifasciata an.
1.2 für 50
0.0.3 je 10
Alle zusammen für 60
Auf den Bildern sind die Jungtiere zu sehen.
Leider kein Versand
Übergabe in Hamm im Dezember möglich

for upcoming fair Hamm 9-12-2023 silkworms available
For upcoming fair Hamm 9-12-2023 silkworms available, pre order now
Silkworms small 80pcs. € 5,-
Silkworms medium 40pcs. € 5,-
80pcs. € 10,-
Chow ready to use 150gr. € 5,-

HAMM ANGEBOT !! Typochlaena seladonia
Wir bieten hier Nachzuchten der wundervollen Art Typochlaena seladonia an . Es sind futterfeste und stabile deutsche Nachzuchten in der 1./2. FH
Merhabnahme möglich dementsprechend wird der Preis günstiger.
1 Tier = 65€
Vorbestellugen für Hamm möglich gegen 50% Anzahlung . Bei geeigneten Temperaturen Versand möglich wahlweise Abholung in Koblenz oder Krefeld.

Nephrurus levis levis patternless
05.11.2023 Hannover Terrarien Börse
or hamm in December
Nephrurus vertebralis
Nephrurus levis levis patternless
Nephrurus levis levis het.patternless
all CB 2023

Cyriopagopus lividus Blaue ThaiVogelspinne
Cyriopagopus lividus ex. Haplopelma lividum
1.0 RH 23.10.23
0.1 3,5-4cm KL.
0.0.5 Megaphpelma robustum 3,5-4cm KL.
Hannover Börse 05.11.23 oder Dezember Hamm

Bamboo Pinstripe, 2018, male, 2x successfully paired
Only eats live, but is a good eater, very handleable and friendly.
Had a little injury on his head, but it's healing nicely, will only take 2 to 3 more sheds till it's all healed.
Price: 200€, negotiable.
If in Austria or Germany I can bring him to you or send him, Hamm in December might also be possible!
Nephrurus levis levis available
2.3 nephrurus levis levis
1.0 nephrurus vertebralis
0.0.3 nephrurus levis levis
For hamm ✈️
Possible trade with amyae pairs

Morelia spilota variegeta caramel het axanthic
Offering my Morelia spilota variegeta caramel het axanthic female.
120€ preferably pickup 49090 osnabrück
Or hamm handover december.

Python reticulatus 4 females and male
Deliver to hamm:
2019 0.1 platinium titanium 50% het albino (proven breeder)
2021 0.1 motley tiger pied high white 66% het Purple albino
2021 0.1 goldenchild supertiger pied low white 66% het Purple albino
2022 0.1 platinium goldenchild Orange ghost stripe dwarf
2023 1.0 platinium tripple het pied, titanium, Purple albino
Pm for info, possible trade for Varanus varius and Aldabrachelys gigantea

Königspython / Python regius NZ 23
wir verkaufen folgende NZ von diesem Jahr.
Aus Verpaarung: Yellow Belly het. Clown x Gravel het. Clown:
0.1 Yellow Belly Clown 2x (je Tier: 300€)
0.1 Highway 66% het. Clown 2x (je Tier: 200€)
Aus Verpaarung: Super Pastel Vanilla Scream Yellow Belly Clown x Gravel het. Clown:
0.1 Pastel Vanilla/Fire Gravel Clown (500€)
0.1 Pastel Vanilla/Fire Yellow Bely Clown (400€)
0.1 Pastel Vanilla/Fire Gravel/Yellow Belly het. Clown (350€)
0.1 Pastel Vanilla/Fire Highway Clown (3.800€)
1.0 Pastel Vanilla /Fire Gravel het. Clown (350€)
1.0 Ultramel het. Piebald (200€)
Übergabe in Hamm möglich. Anzahlung 20%

1.1 Cyclura Cornuta 2019
1.1 Cyclura cornuta 2019 1600€
for next Hamm / Houten
Can Trade for geoemyda splengeri.

Uromastyx geyri (Saharan Uromastyx)
I have two Uromastyx geyri for sale: an 18-month-old 100% female (first photo) and a 16-month-old with unspecified sex (photo number 2). Price for older is €300, price for younger is €280.
Possible collection in December in Hamm or delivery by a specialist company. Please contact me at the e-mail address kozad3@wp.pl .

Eublepharis macularius Afghan Tangerine and Bold
Available for Hamm December 9th
1.1 Afghan Tangerine cb 21 proven breeder 400€
1.1 Bold Stripe cb 22 proven breeder 450€
1.1 Bold (different blood) cb 2022 300
For all special price

Nephrurus pilbarensis varius morph
Available le for Hamm december 9th
3.0 patternless het albino
1.1 patternless 66% het albino
1.0 double het
0.1 het albino 66% het patternless
0.1 albino patternless
Female sold only with male
All Nephrurus hached in 2023 and they eat lives crickets every two days
They are different blood
Info knobtail.passion@gmail.com

Hakennasennatter Heterodon Nasicus
Ich verkaufe meine ENZ 2023.
2.0 Arctic Albino 300Euro beide haben bereits 15/16Gramm, fressen super!
1.0 Albino Anaconda 150Euro
1.0 Arctic Albino Anaconda 480Euro
2.0 Classic het Lavender 85Euro
Aus 22 hab ich noch einen Albino Superconda 1.0für 280Euro mit 20 Gramm
Übergabe in Hamm (Dezember) oder Abholung. Versand auf eigene Kosten.
Tiere fressen Frostfutter.
Bei weiteren Fragen, einfach schreiben :)
Nephrurus cinctus
Suche für Hamm
1, 2
Nephrurus cinctus.
Hamm GHI Premium ads [Page 160]
herps buy, sell and exchange.
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