Hamm GHI standard ads [Page 158]

Boas kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Boa constrictor Onyx Honduras +2
Sell Boas

Boa constrictor Onyx Honduras

Pure Honduran Onyx couples 2023
2.0 Onyx het T+ Honduras
1.3 Onyx T+ Honduras
Special price for couples and super price for group.
Arenavirus negative tested parents.
All eating defrosted mice.
Possibile free delivery to Hamm december.
Contact me for more info.

Ranitomeya variabilis southern giant
Dendrobates auratus capurgana
Dendrobates tinctorius tumucumaque
Dendrobates azureus
Phyllobates vittatus
1,1 Oophaga pumilio blueville
Oophaga pumilio cauchero
Oophaga pumilio colon

Lieferung im Dezember in Hamm möglich

Sell Poison dart frogs

Biete Oophaga histrionica

2,0 Oophaga histrionica red head large form
2,1 Oophaga histrionica bulls eye
1,0 Oophaga histrionica atrato
0,1 Oophaga histrionica playa de oro

Lieferung im Dezember in Hamm möglich

Snakes kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Morelia viridis / nephrurus +2
Sell Snakes

Morelia viridis / nephrurus

For sale in France (maybe for hamm December):
1.1 Morelia viridis Manokwari adult male WC2017 female CB2017. First time together this year, no breeding but some locks. Small kink on female tail. 1500€/ pair
0.2 Nephrurus cinctus adult 400€ both

Boas kaufen und verkaufen Photo: 1.0 ghost motley jungle 66% het vpi t+ albino cb23 +2
Sell Boas

1.0 ghost motley jungle 66% het vpi t+ albino cb23

1.0 ghost motley jungle 66% het vpi t+ albino. Own captive bred 2023 from pairing hypo motley jungle dh vpi snow x ghost het vpi t+ albino. Animal eats frozen thawed mouse and has shed multiple times. I can bring him to houten and hamm. Price 1000,-

Boas kaufen und verkaufen Photo: 1.0 vpi snowglow jungle cb 2023 +2
Sell Boas

1.0 vpi snowglow jungle cb 2023

1.0 vpi snowglow jungle own captive bred 2023. From pairing hypo motley jungle dh vpi snow x ghost het vpi albino. Animals eats frozen thawed mouse and has shed multiple times. Animal can be delivered at houten or hamm. Price 1750,-

Ball Pythons kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Normal dh dessert ghost albino and butter dh dessert ghost albino cb23 +2
Sell Ball Pythons

Normal dh dessert ghost albino and butter dh dessert ghost albino cb23

Normal dh dessert ghost albino and butter dh dessert ghost albino own captive bred cb 2023. Males and females available. Animals eating frozen thawed mouse and have shed multiple times. Can bring them to houten and hamm. Price normal dh dessert ghost albino 150,- Price butter dh dessert ghost albino. 200,-

Boas kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Boa constrictor Longicauda cb 23 meltzer line +2
Sell Boas

Boa constrictor Longicauda cb 23 meltzer line

Boa constrictor Longicauda own cb 2023 meltzer x meltzer pairing. Female and males available. Animals eats frozen thawed mouse and have shed multiple times. Can bring them to houten and hamm. Price 250,- each.

Pythons kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Morelia - Striped Albinos
Sell Pythons

Morelia - Striped Albinos

1.1 Morelia spilota ssp. - striped albinos CB2019

I am in Houten and Hamm

CB22 0.2.1 Egernia hosmeri available (0.0.1 probably male). Was not planning to sell but availabe because of circumstances.

Pics on request. Good price for the group.

Can deliver to Houten on 8 oct (preferable) or Hamm on 9 dec.

Eugongylus rufescens
Eugongylus mentovarius
Amphiglossus astrolabi
Amphiglossus reticulatus
Lygosoma corpulentum
Lygosoma Haroldyoungi
Lygosoma koratense
Tiliqua gigas gigas "Aru"

EMAIL: andrusianig@gmail.com

Geckos kaufen und verkaufen Photo: 1.1 nephrurus levis levis +1
Sell Geckos

1.1 nephrurus levis levis

Female proven cb21
Male cb23
Available for hamm in december


I’m searching a retics python super phantom male available on Hamm.


Colubrids kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Hakennasennatter / Western Hognose / Plains Hognose
Sell Colubrids

Hakennasennatter / Western Hognose / Plains Hognose

ENZ aus 2023
Anaconda 66% Het Albino
Anaconda Het Albino
Superanaconda 66% Het Albino
Superanaconda Het Albino
Albino Anaconda
Albino Superconda
Arctic Anaconda 66% Het Albino
Arctic Albino Anaconda
Arctic Super Anaconda 66% Het Albino
Arctic Albino Superanaconda

Übergabe in der Region (32XXX) oder Hamm möglich. Sonst Tierversand.

Venomous snakes kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Crotalus for Snakeday or Hamm +2
Sell Venomous snakes

Crotalus for Snakeday or Hamm

For Houten:
all CB23
1.1 Crotalus lepidus lepidus
1.1 Crotalus lepidus morulus
1.1 Crotalus polystictus

other lizards kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Anolis / Chamaeleolis sp red throat for Hamm +2
Sell other lizards

Anolis / Chamaeleolis sp red throat for Hamm

I offer a semi-adult male and a baby red-throated anole/ chamaeleolis sp (false chameleon)
It is a species that has a very beautiful red beard. Animals eating with pincers without problem.

1.0 Chamaeleolis sp red throat semi adult.
1.0 Chamaeleolis sp red throat baby.

Skinks kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Trachylepis dichroma for hamm +2
Sell Skinks

Trachylepis dichroma for hamm

For Hamm little-known species of skink with medium size (I post illustrative photos of an adult brother), very docile and trusting. They climb on the hand to eat. They can live in groups of several females and one male and give birth to live young.

1.0 trachylepis dichroma (kenya zebra skink) four months old.

Snakes kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Hognose center   Dott. Petrarolo Pietro +2
Sell Snakes

Hognose center Dott. Petrarolo Pietro

Conda artico toffibelli 0.1 700
Toffibelli 2.0 150
Toffoconda 2.0 200
Superconda artico het toffibelli 0.2 700
Conda artico het toffibelli 0.1
Het toffibelli 1.1 100
Albino artico1.1 130
Albino 2.3 100
Albino artico anaconda 1.0 180
Artico 1.1 80
Artico 66% pos lavanda 150
Conda artico 0.1 130
Superconda 1.1 200
Nelsoni albini lemon 0.0.10 130
Nelson albini het 0.0.12 100
Phanterophis guttatus het scaleles
Pylomelana pylomelana 1.2 120
Pastel king 0.0.2 300

Conda pos het ghost 150
Albino anaconda 1.0 150

the prices are per single subject
females only combined with mashi, delivered personally to Verona or by courier to the fair in Hamm upon deposit

Pythons kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Het pied / pied / poss het pied +1
Sell Pythons

Het pied / pied / poss het pied

For sale:

Burmese python:

2.0 classic het pied het caramel 22
1.0 caramel het pied

Retics pyton:

1.0 pied poss 66% het. OGS
0.1 classic poss 66% het. Pied 66% het ogs

Hamm December availble
Best Regards

Snakes kaufen und verkaufen Photo: 0.1 Blutpython Breitensteini 2020 +2
Sell Snakes

0.1 Blutpython Breitensteini 2020

0.1 Python Breitensteini (Borneo) 2020 +5kg
+32499837179 (whatsapp)
or email kimvangilbergen@gmail.com
Hamm and Houten