Hamm GHI standard ads [Page 155]

Bin auf der Suche nach 1.0 oder 1.1 Lygodactylus capensis

Übergabe in Hamm im Dezember oder im mitteldeutschen Raum.
Tausch gegen 0.1 Lyg. picturatus oder 1.0 Lyg. kimhowelli wäre möglich.
Looking for 1.0 or 1.1 Lygodactylus capensis

Handover at the next Hamm show in December or in central Germany.
Exchange for 0.1 Lyg. picturatus or 1.0 Lyg. kimhowelli would be possible.

Searching for
1.0 Gonyosoma prasinum
1.1 Gonyosoma prasinum

Any age, possible transportation to Poland or Hamm pickup

I'm looking for a male Epicrates Cenchria nominal or albino (from brasil).
I'm from Spain but I'll be in Hamm the 9th of December.
I pay in cash.

LOOKING FOR 0.1 Brachypelma Smithi (Ex.Anitha) in hamm , 9/10/2023

I have for sale Chalcides Ocellatus 4 pieces one year old NZ with full documentation 40 euros each, 160 euros whole plus transport cost.Personal collection possible at the stock exchange in Hamm on December 9, 2023.

Hallo zusammen,
Ich biete hier ein Varanus Glauerti Pärchen sowie 2.3 Varanus Acanthurus Red Ackies
Sowie ein Pärchen Nephrurus Amyae
Und NZ
Bei näheren Infos schreibt mir einfach gerne

Übergabe in Hamm im Dezember

Snakes kaufen und verkaufen Photo: C.caninus 1.1 von August 22 +2
Sell Snakes

C.caninus 1.1 von August 22

Handing in 1.1 C.Caninus from August 22nd, please let me know if you are interested. Hamm is possible


I have 4 snails Achatina SPP. almost adult 12 cm price 25 euro for one. Possible delivery on 9.12.2023 in Hamm.

I have for sale a female, almost adult, Black Cherry Head, NZ, with full documentation, 25 cm, price: 900 euros plus transport costs.Personal collection possible at the stock exchange in Hamm on December 9, 2023.

I have an adult 3 of Podarcis sicula for sale for 250 euros plus transport costs.Personal collection possible at the stock exchange in Hamm on December 9, 2023.

For Hamm show, I Have for sell
Uromastyx geyri female 0.1.0, 2 years old 400€
Uromastyx flavifasciata yellow line 0.0.1, 1,5 years old 300€.

I will offer 2.2 Nephrurus levis levis with nice colors for Hamm in December.
Special price for both pairs.

Please reach out by email. Thanks.

Boas kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Epicrates C. Cenchria, Maurus / Brazilian Rainbow boas / Regenbogenboa +2
Sell Boas

Epicrates C. Cenchria, Maurus / Brazilian Rainbow boas / Regenbogenboa

E.C. Cenchria, C. Maurus Albino, Het. Albino, Leucistic, Het. Leucistic, Paradigma. E. C. Caramel, Het. Caramel, ECC x ECM (cheap), …
1,2 ECC (100 – 170 cm)
Delivery in Hamm, Houten, other shows. Delivery to your door Ger, Bel, Hol, Fran, It, Es,.. . I can send oversease. Quantity discount.
individual photos + prices : www.mnreptil.cz , info@mnreptil.cz

Monitor lizards kaufen und verkaufen Photo:  Bell's phase lace monitor / Varanus varius +1
Sell Monitor lizards

Bell's phase lace monitor / Varanus varius

For next Hamm-show
Bell's phase lace monitor / Varanus varius cb2020 0.0.1
A beautiful animal. Manageable, not aggressive.
Contact by e-mail.

Hello, I am looking for:
Male Mistle Rat (Phloeomys pallidus)
Female Weasel (Mustela nivalis)

For Hamm December or possibility to pick up in another country on the way.

Hola, busco:
Macho de Rata nebulosa (Phloeomys pallidus)
Hembra de Comadreja (Mustela nivalis)

Para Hamm diciembre o posibilidad de recoger en otro país en el trayecto.

Monitor lizards kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Varanus kordensis.
Sell Monitor lizards

Varanus kordensis.

1.0 Varanus kordensis.
Own cb from december 2021
Can deliver to Hamm or Houten.

Lizards kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Oedura, egernia, nephrurus, phelsuma and others +2
Sell Lizards

Oedura, egernia, nephrurus, phelsuma and others

Currently offering the following for Hamm in december.

1.1 Nephrurus deleani
1.2 Nephrurus vertebralis
2.2 Nephrurus leavis pilbarensis alb het. Pat, pat. Het albino, albino poss het pat, f2 male
1.1 Nephrurus levis levis "Orange"
0.0.2 Oedura fimbria
0.0.2 Oedura monilis
0.0.2 Nebulifera robusta
0.0.2 Rhacodactylus leachianus "moro"
0.0.2 Rhacodactylus leachianus "F2 Nuu Ami"
0.0.2 Hemidactylus lemurinus
0.2 Eublepharis faciolatus f1
0.1 Coleonyx mitratus
1.0 Cophotis ceylanica
1.1 Phelsuma pronki cb23
0.0.3 Eurydactylodes symmetricus
0.0.3 Eurydactylodes viellardi "Pindai"
2.1 Strophurus taenicauda
3.1 Pseudoceramodactylus khobarensis
0.1 Takydromus sexlinatus cb 22
0.0.2 Heloderma horridum "Colima black" cb 23
0.0.1 Egernia depressa cb23
0.0.2 Popocnemis unifilis
2.2 Egernia stokesii cb 21
0.0.1 Bunopus tuberculatus cb 23
0.0.1 Trachydactylus hajarensis cb 23
2.2 Bavayia exsuccida cb 21
1.3 Bavayia cyclura cb 22

Snakes kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Uromastyx ornata 0.0.4 for Hamm +2
Sell Snakes

Uromastyx ornata 0.0.4 for Hamm

0.0.4 Uromastyx ornata 6 months old for Hamm 09.12.23.
Price 800 euro or exchange for Heloderma suspectum baby.
For contacts ilkoz@abv.bg

Looking for the following for Hamm in December:

Rhampholeon Brevicaudatus
Phelsuma Klemmeri
Lygodactylus Williamsi

Snakes kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Buying Corn Snakes For USA Export
Sell Snakes

Buying Corn Snakes For USA Export


We are buying corn snakes including hatchlings, juveniles, and adults. Delivery to the hotel on Friday before Hamm.

Orchid morphs, especially Eclipse
Sunkissed morphs
Kastanie morphs especially Hypo Kastanie Stripe
Any high-end rare morphs

Thank you!