Hamm GHI standard ads [Page 140]

Biete 0.0.2 E. stokesii aus CB 2023
Übergabe in Hamm möglich

Looking for cynops orientalis for hamm
Also flavistic/leucistic T.Carnifex
T.Marmoratus /Pygmaeus
Also might be interested in other newts or salamanders

Snakes kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Boa Constrictor Sabogae youngs for Hamm +1
Sell Snakes

Boa Constrictor Sabogae youngs for Hamm

1.1 BC Sabogae : CB 21
1.1 BC Sabogae : CB 22
All animals are perfectly healthy, eating defrosted rats of proper size.
They are all identified with microchip

Snakes kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Boa Imperator Colombian adult pair for december Hamm +1
Sell Snakes

Boa Imperator Colombian adult pair for december Hamm

1.1 Boa Constrictor Imperator colombian : Ready to breed, male F2 CB13, female pastel line from Stockl CB16
Eating on defrosted rats, identified with microchips

Snakes kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Boa Constrictor Constrictor "Belem" adult pair for Hamm +1
Sell Snakes

Boa Constrictor Constrictor "Belem" adult pair for Hamm

1.1 Boa Constrictor Constrictor "Belem", CB16, Bessette line.
Perfectly healthy, eating on frozen rats, identified with microchips

Snakes kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Boa Constrictor Caulker Cay, breeding adults and youngs for Hamm
Sell Snakes

Boa Constrictor Caulker Cay, breeding adults and youngs for Hamm

1.1 Boa Constrictor Caulker Cay, breeding adults, beautiful animals
1.1 CB 21, Best pair from this year's clutch
0.0.10 CB 2023
All perfectly healthy and eating on proper size frozen rats

Lizards kaufen und verkaufen Photo: 1.2 Ctenosaura palearis for Hamm +1
Sell Lizards

1.2 Ctenosaura palearis for Hamm

1.2 Ctenosaura palearis CB 2020
Females are from different clutches. They will breed soon.

Snakes kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Boa Imperator Longicauda adult females for Hamm +1
Sell Snakes

Boa Imperator Longicauda adult females for Hamm

0.2 Boa Imperator longicauda, CB 2014/2016
Perfect animals in everyway...
One is a black and white beauty, the other an het patternless "silver" girl

I am looking for
s.s. terrestris solling red or tri color.
With papers
Hamm meetup possible

Looking for well eating specimens of

Echis ocellatus
Echis coloratus
Bitis peringueyi

Hallo zusammen,
suche für Hamm Engystomops pustulosus
Gruß Steffen

Lizards kaufen und verkaufen Photo: 2.0 Brookesia stumpfii for Hamm +1
Sell Lizards

2.0 Brookesia stumpfii for Hamm

For Hamm 2.0 B.stumpfii
1.0 captive bred 1.0 wildcaught
between the 1-1,5 year old.

220 euro for both

2,2 Mniarogekko chahoua CB 22
0,0,5 Mniarogekko chahoua CB 23
2,2,3 Nephrurus milii CB 23
1,0 Nephrurus levis levis CB 23
3,3 Nephrurus wheeleri cinctus CB 23
3,2 Strophurus williamsi CB 23
2 ,1 Diplodactylus galeatus CB 23
0,1 Diplodactylus vittatus CB 23
0,0,3 Phyllurus platurus  CB 23
To Hamm

Snakes kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Epicrates cenchria - caramel +2
Sell Snakes

Epicrates cenchria - caramel

NZ 23, caramel (500 euro), caramel poss. het. pied. (800 euro), lavender (pink caramel) 600 eur. Hamm, Houten, Prag, Verona.

1.0 Ybyrapora diversipes RH 10/23 - 25€
1.0 Poecilotheria rufilata RH 8/23 - 20€
(+ einige unbestimmte Geschwister je 25€)

0.1 Psalmopoeus victorii NZ8/19 - 135€
0.1 Poecilotheria metallica NZ 2019 - 125€

I offer young duprasi gerbils
Available are:
1 male 4-months old
1 male 10-weeks
1 female 6-weeks
Price 25€
Can bring to Hamm 9.3.24

Monitor lizards kaufen und verkaufen Photo: For Hamm or Houten search varanus spp.
Search Monitor lizards

For Hamm or Houten search varanus spp.

For Hamm or Houten :

I search all varanus species(exept achanthurus, glauerti) offer all what you have.

I'm looking for Eugongylus mentovarius female to complete my pair.

Possible pick up on Hamm Terraristika 09/03/24

Ich suche ein Eugongylus mentovarius Weibchen um mein Paar zu vervollständigen.

Möglicherweise abholen auf Hamm Terraristika 09/.3/24

Geckos kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Rh.leachianus for hamm 9/3 +2
Sell Geckos

Rh.leachianus for hamm 9/3

Available for hamm 9/3

-Rhacodactylus leachianus Nuu Ana Pink (4-5 months) 0.0.4. 600/each or good price for all

Geckos kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Rhacodactylus auriculatus red for hamm, houten and Verona +2
Sell Geckos

Rhacodactylus auriculatus red for hamm, houten and Verona

Rhacodactylus auriculatus red available for Hamm, Houten and Verona's Show
G1, adult female, 500€
G2, adult male, 400€
G3, adult male 200€
GF1 female full neon red base, 500€
GF2 female full red base, 300€
GF3 female full neon red base, 300€
Write me for more informations