Hamm GHI standard ads [Page 115]

Nephrurus levis pilbarensis & Nephrurus Wheeleri Wheeleri
For Hamm September:
I am currently selling:
1.0 Nephrurus Levis Pilbarensis patternless het Albino cb24 500€
trade possible again nephrurus, diplodactylus & egernia species
German, European and International transport possible.

Correlophus ciliatus youngs and adults
0.10 adult/sub adult - 350e
0.0.10 cb2024 - 200e
1.0 Red Lily white - 150e
illustrative photos

Lygosoma corpulentum CB 07/24
I offer for Hamm or Houten 4 baby of Lygosoma corpulentum (Fat skink) born on 24/07/2024 01:30 am. from my four-year-old couple, the baby have never missed a meal and eat both crickets, cockroaches and buffalo worms, very active and energetic, negative stool test
possible exchange with other species of Lygosoma, Mochlus, Trachylepis and Amphiglossus, with possible difference on my part
request 90 € each or 320 € for the group
I am also interested in exchanging baby of the same species to vary the genetics of the siblings for future mating

1.1 Roswell Laddertail (RLT)
1.1 Roswell Laddertail CB'22
Collection from Hamm is possible...

- Egernia hosmeri - Egernia hosmeri -
Egernia hosmeri 0.0.2 CB2023 (No guarantee but looks like 1.1)
Infos: (+49)0174/2168048
Hamm, Shipping worldwide or Pickup Germany near Heidelberg

Suche Dendrobates Super Camo (Comouflage Special)
Ich suche eine Gruppe Dendrobates Super Camo (Comouflace Special).
Weiß jemand wer die hält?
Ich bin für jeden Hinweis dankbar.
Sie wurden 2022 / 2023 in Hamm auf dem Rundgang in der Auktionshalle von einem Verkäufer mit niederländischem Akzent angeboten.

0.0.4 Mauremys Japonica
0.0.4 mauremys japonica very nice and healthy for Hamm or self pick up
Amazing adult boa pair for Hamm
0.1 hypo eclipse 100% het Kahl albino 66% het anery 1 2020 (approx 6,5kg). 1.0 hypo jungle leopard 100% het Kahl 66% het anery 1 proven breeder (not tried with anery) 2021. More info, pictures via email. Hamm 14.09 possibile.
Ameeraga Munduruku females
Looking for Hamm on 14.09.2024:
Amereega Munduruku - females.

Hamm 8.3., Prague 1.2, 1.3.2025
1,1 Mniarogekko chahoua mainland CB23
3,5 Mniarogekko chahoua m. CB24
0,30 Lepidodactylus lugubris CB24
Rhacodactylus auriculatus CB21-24
1,1 Rh. leachianus friedel CB22
1,2 Rh. leachianus CB23-24
0,2 Nuu Ami HP CB23-24

**Eustegasta Buprestoides!!**
Looking to determine interest for 10x small to sub-adult nymphs of this beautiful species.
Price is (70€ for 10x) (130€ 20x)
Collection at Hamm September OR EU shipping after Hamm show. Contact for any more details

Hamm 8.3., Prague 1.2 , 1.3. 2025
0,3 Tarentola charzaliae
1,2 Nephrurus wh. cinctus CB24
1,1 Nephrurus amyae CB24
1,1 Nephrurus levis CB21
1,0 Xenagama taylori CB24
1,0 Nephrurus amyae CB22
3,3 Hemidactylus Imbricatus CB24
0,6 Lepidodactylus lugubris kaui Hawaii CB24
0,10 Lepidodactylus lugubris CB24
1,3 Podarcis sicula paulae CB 24
1,5 Gastropholis prasina CB24

Gonocephalus Hamm 8.3., Pragua 1.2, 1.3.
0,1 Gonocephalus doriae abbotti CB1/23 , ich werde verkaufen oder umtauschen 1,0 Gojocephalus doriae

Calumma parsonii yellow lips
1.2 CBB, different bloodlines, hatched 2022
Available in Hamm

Trimeresurus Andersonii, C. Gramineus, Albolabris,..
Hamm September:
4.1 Trimeresurus Andersonii CB23
3.1 Trimeresurus Andersonii CB24
1.1 Trimeresurus Albolabris x CB23
0.2 Craspedocephalus Gramineus CB22
Pseudogeckko smaragdinus, Strophurus and Uroplatus
Available for hamm :
3.0 Pseudogeckko smaragdinus
0.1.3 Strophurus spinigerus spinigerus
1.0 Strophurus cilliaris
0.0.4 lepidodactylus lugubris
1.0 Uroplatus henkheli Nosy be

Gottesanbeterinnen für Hamm oder Versand
Prohierodula picta: adulte Paare, junge Nymphen
Stenophylla lobivertex: junge Nymphen
Macrodanuria elongata junge und mittlere Paare
Parablepharis kuhlii asiatica: junge Nymphen
Isomantis domingensis: junge bis mittlere Paare.

Suche Futterkaninchen aus Deutschland
Suche Futterkaninchen aus Deutschland
Hat jemand einen Kontakt zu einem Kaninchzenzüchter?
Übergabe im Großraum Köln, Hamm oder Versand.

Rhacodactylus Ciliatus extrem HQ , LW ,
Hamm 14 . september Main Hall Row 5 - Lokiteraristik
15 x Male ciliatus
50 x female ciliatus
20 x unsexed ciliatus

Leachianus Mt. Koghis Friedel
Hamm 14 . september Main Hall Row 5 - Lokiteraristik
8.7 Leachianus Mt. Koghis Friedel 10 - 20 gram
Hamm GHI Premium ads [Page 115]
herps buy, sell and exchange.
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