Hamm GHI standard ads [Page 74]

For HAMM Chersonesometrus tristis CB i3-i4
0.0.10 Chersonesometrus tristis (ex. Heterometrus mysorensis) CB i2-i3 for sale
40€ each
Only for HAMM

Scolopendra alternans "Red Giant" Hispaniola CB plings for HAMM
CB Scolopendra alternans "Red Giant" Hispaniola
0.0.X plings for sale for HAMM.
No shipping, only for Hamm!
HAMM Phidippus regius Bahamas
For Hamm!!!
Phidippus regius Bahamas (jumping spider)
3x cocoon each 90€
0.0.100 FH1/2 each 3,50€ / 10x 32€ / 100x 250€

Last call for preorder for Hamm
Available for Hamm only-
Therea nuptialis nymps: 6€ (10x50€)
Archimandrita tesselata 'Chucantí': mix 10x25€
Deropeltis cf. wahlbergi 'Santa Lucia SA' L5/L6: 10x20€
Phasmotaenia lanyuhensis L2/L3: 7€ (5x25€)
Capnogryllacris sp. Eggs: exchange
Pemba sp. (Ex. Championica sp.) L2: 6€ (5x30€)
Siliquofera grandis L5
Nesonotus reticulatus L5
Phyllomimus truncatus 1,1 L5: 20€
Homoeogryllus xanthographus mixed
Nesoecia cf. nigrispina
Cicindela aurolenta 'Phuket': adult 20€
Camponotus largiceps 'Halimun': Queen + eggs (25€)

Varanus for Hamm Dec. 14th
1.0 Varanus glauerti 2022
can bring to Hamm this Saterday.
Exchange for snake possible (ratsnake, boiga, trimeresurus, atheris, ...).
Last call for Hamm, Varanus macraei, prasinus and reisingeri
0.0.2 Varanus macraei cb2024, 1600€ each.
0.0.4 Varanus prasinus cb2024, 1300€ each.
0.0.3 Varanus reisingeri cb2024, 1800€ each.
CB in Spain.
Last call for Hamm december.
Photos on request.

1.1 Oreocryptophis porphyraceus pulchra 2023
Pair of Oreocryptophis porphyraceus pulchra 1.5 years old
eating perfectly, defrosted
possible transport to Hamm December

Looking for 0.0.2 Varanus Gilleni
Looking for 0.0.2 Varanus Gilleni 23/24 (better 24)
Price and picture
Hamm march or pick-up house
Snails for feeding of snail-eaters
Looking for small snails for Hamm Saturday. Thanks for offers. +420608359162

Simalia nauta - Tanimbar Python
1.0 Simalia nauta axanthic patterned from Harald Blöser bred by Steve Thurnerr
complete virological testing done in 2023, negative to all 5 viruses in the "quarantine profile" of Laboklin.
Possible transport to Hamm December

Pachydactylus, Chondrodactylus, Strophurus
2.2 P. rangei (CB24)
1.1.2 P. rugosus (CB24)
0.0.2 S. taenicauda white eyed (CB24)
0.2 Ch. angulifer Springbok (CB24)
Hamm, Houten, Prague, Brno, Verona possible.
Exoterra incubator Pro. Für hamm
Abzugeben incubator noch im Original Karton
Einmal benutzt...
Preis 130 Euro
Übergabe hamm

Scolopendra piceoflava (Sulawesi) Cb.2024
Verkaufe hir meine nz von Scolopendra piceoflava Sulawesi. Es handelt sich hirbei um die europäische erstnachzucht dieser noch selten im hobby zu bekommenden hundertfüßer. Die Nz haben am 09.12.24 die Mutter verlassen.
Stk Preis 50€ bei mehrabnahme Rabatt.
Gerne auch tausch gegen andere wirbellose oder Salamander. Übergabe in Hamm möglich sonst Abholung in 53332 oder Versand auf eigenem Risiko.

Nephrurus levis/pilbarensis, Hemitheconyx caudicinctus and Eublepharis
I really appreciate the interest in my bred animals, so I decided to prepare a discount for the Christmas on all geckos that are published on Morph Market, namely Eublepharis macularius, Hemitheconyx caudicinctus and Nephrurus levis! The event lasts from 10.12. (0:00 CET) to 24.12. (23:59 CET) and for the complete offer it is the same, 25%!
Until this date I will participate in the show in Hamm, Prague and Brno, so picking up at these locations is not a problem.
So don't miss this opportunity and make yourself happy under the Christmas tree!
Platemys platycephala abzugeben
Gebe ab:
1,0 Platemys platycephala
Kann in Hamm übergeben werden.
Varanus macraei female Price
Hallo, ich suche eine weibliche Waranmakraei. Am besten trifft man sich an der Börse in Hamm

Tiger beetle - captive breed - for Hamm only
Cicindela aurulenta 'Phuket'
Easy to keep and breed. Day active, larva and adult feed on crickets and Droso. Stunning Larva behavior as well!
Adult - 20€

For Hamm only: Camponotus largiceps
Camponotus largiceps 'Halimun', Java Indonesia:
Colony start Queen + Larva: 35€ (5x100€)
Elaphe for December Hamm
4,5 E. climacophora - CB 24
6,5 E. anomala - CB 24
1,1 E. bimaculata - adult
1,1 C. helena - CB 24
Main hall, row 24.
Table in the name of Marek Pečenka

V. salvator - komaini for Hamm
For sale 2.2 with DNA test.
Main hall, row 24.
Table in the name of Marek Pečenka
Hamm GHI Premium ads [Page 74]
herps buy, sell and exchange.
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