Hamm GHI standard ads [Page 73]

Stenodactylus sthenodactylus
Young Stenodactylus sthenodactylus F1 .
2/ 3 months old.
Captive bred.
22 / each
180 euros /10
Possibility to pick them in Hamm.
Biete für Hamm Dendrobates tinctorius
Biete für Hamm:
Patricia cream
Die meisten sind bestimmbar. Haupthalle. Reihe 12

Heterodon Nasicus for Hamm
For Hamm row 2
- 0.1 Anaconda 66% Het. Toxic
- 2.0 Arctic Anaconda
- 3.0 Arctic Anaconda Het. Toffeebelly
- 0.1 Arctic Superconda
- 1.0 Arctic Superconda Het. Toffeebelly
- 2.0 Candy
- 1.0 Superarctic Anaconda
- 1.0 Superconda Het. Lavender Het. Toffeebelly
- 2.2 Albino 50% Het. Toxic
- 1.2 Albino Anaconda
- 1.0 Albino Anaconda 50% Het. Toxic
- 1.1 Albino Anaconda Het. Snow
- 2.1 Albino Anaconda Het. Stormcloud
- 0.1 Albino Arctic Anaconda Het. Snow
- 1.1 Albino Superconda 50% Het. Toxic
- 4.0 Anaconda
- 1.1 Anaconda 100% Het. Albino
- 1.1 Anaconda 100% Het. Albino 50% Het. Toxic
- 0.1 Anaconda 66% Het. Albino 50% Het. Toxic
- 2.1 Anaconda 66% Het. Toxic
- 3.1 Anaconda Het. Snow
- 4.3 Anaconda Het. Stormcloud 66% Het. Albino
- 1.0 Anaconda Het. Toffeebelly
- 2.4 Arctic Anaconda
- 2.2 Arctic Anaconda Het. Snow
- 1.0 Arctic Anaconda Het. Toffeebelly
- 2.1 Arctic Superconda
- 1.2 Axanthic Anaconda 66% Het. Toxic
- 0.1 Axanthic Superconda 66% Het. Toxic
- 2.0 Candy
- 0.2 Candy 66% Het. Toxic
- 1.1 Extreme Red Albino Anaconda
- 1.0 Red Albino Superconda
- 4.0 Normal
- 7.1 Superarctic
- 4.2 Superarctic Anaconda
- 2.2 Superconda 66% Het. Toxic
- 5.2 Toffeeconda
- 2.0 Toffeeconda 66% Het. Toxic
Exotische Weichschildkröte abzugeben
Gebe ab:
1,0 Lissemys punctata andersoni adult.
Kann in Hamm übergeben werden.

1.2 Tarentola chazaliae cb 2024 2.2 d. Galeatus
Hamm show
1.2 tarentola chazaliae cb 2024
2.2 diplodactylus galeatus cb 2024
Sandboas for december Hamm
Eryx rufescens 0,3 - 2023
Eryx c. leveridgei - clasic Kenya 0,3 - 2024
all my breed
Mainahall row 20

Für Börse Hamm 14.12.2024 (RG oben rechts)
Prohierodula picta
Parablepharis kuhlii asiatica
Stenophylla lobivertex
Liturgusa fossetti
evtl. Metallyticus splendidus
Perisphaerus glomeriformis

Loxocemus bicolor, Corallus hortulanus and Pyrgon regius
For Hamm, own cb:
1.0 Loxocemus bicolor cb24
3.3 Corallus hortulanus cb 24
1.0 Python regius cb 23 leopard pastel desert ghost
0.1 Python regius cb 23 albino 100 het piebald.
No trades

Varanus Prasinus and V.Macraei
0.1 Prasinus 29-9-23 1900,-
0.03 Macraei 17-7-24 1400,-
Table Mr Brown row 6 (big hall)Hamm
I'm looking for 0.1 Anolis equestris
I'm looking for a female Anolis equestris
Pick up on the Hamm December
Best regards

Pantherophis obsoletus white sided rusty 1.0 CB2023
I have a male Pantherophis obsoletus white sided rusty for sale.
Snake eats frozen mice.
He hatched in December 2023.
Price: 125€
Pick up Hamm December 14.12.2024
Biete für Hamm 14.12.24 Vogelspinnen
Biete für Hamm 14.12.24:
0.0.40 Caribena versicolor, 1,5-2cm KL, Stk. 18.- / 10 Stk. 150.-
***** Special Offer *****
0.0.20 Caribena versicolor, 1,5-2cm KL, zus. 240.-
0.2 Yberapora diversipes,, ca. 3cm KL, Stk. 40,-
0.3 Theraphosa apophysis, adult, Stk. 220.-
0.5 Xenesthis immanis, sub-adult, Stk. 150.- / zus. 650.-
0.8 Xenesthis intermedia, ca. 6cm KL, Stk. 160.- / 5 Stk. 720.-
1.0 Avicularia purpurea, subadult, Stk. 40.-

Verschiedene Kronengeckos für Hamm
Verkaufe verschiedene Kronengecko Nachzuchten. Die Jungtiere sind noch unbestimmt. Sie wachsen einzeln auf und werden mit Vitaminen und Kalzium supplementiert.
Abholung in 37586 Dassel oder übergabe auf der Terraristika in Hamm möglich.
Gerne PN bei Fragen

Corytophanes Hernandesii CB
Last Call for Hamm !
For Hamm Dez
0.0.5 Corytophanes Hernandesii CB
8/24 and 10/24
Parents are different blood.
Offer: Beetle Jelly for Hamm
I can offer beetle jelly for Hamm - only for reservations made in advance by email.
Mehrere Vogelspinnen und Spinnen
Biete für Hamm
0.0.50 Linothele sericata 2/3 Fh. Stk. 4€ ab 10 stk. 3€ je Stk.
0.0.15 Linothele sericata 4 Fh. Stk. 6 €
0.0.20 Cyriopagopus sp. hatihati 3/4 Fh. Stk. 4€
0.0.10 Psalmopoeus cambridgei 6 Fh. Stk. 6€
0.0.5 Acanthoscurria geniculata 4 cm. 15€
0.0.5 Nhandu chromatus 3 cm. Stk. 10€
0.1 Bumba horrida sub. 30€
juv. 25€
0.1 Psalmopoeus victori sub. 80€
0.1 Haplocosmia himalayana sub. 35€
0.5 Pterinochilus murinus rcf. frisch adult 35€
0.1 Heteroscodra maculata subadult 35€
0.1 Lasiocyano sazimai 3,5-4,00 Kl. juvenil 30€
0.2 Cyriopagopus sp. hatihati juvenil 25€
sub. 30€
0.1 Acanthoscurria geniculata 4 cm. 20€
0.1 Nhandu chromatus 3 cm. 20€
1.0 Pterinochilus lugardi RH. 10/24 15€
5 x Limicolaria agathina zsm. 20€
Auch Tausch gegen diverse Spiderlinge möglich.

1.1 Abronia Martindelcampoi
I can offer 1.1 Abronia Martindelcampoi cb 2024.
1.2 would also be possible.
Pictures 1-2: Female
Picture 3: Male (way darker in natural light)
Pictures 4-5: Parents
The animals can be brought to Hamm this Saturday.

Oxyuranus microlepidotus CB24
For Hamm or pick up:
Oxyuranus microlepidotus CB24 - single and pairs available.
ADULT fresh MALES of following species for HAMM :
Caribiena versicolor 2,0 - RH 10/24 - á 35€
Ornithoctoninae spec. „Vietnam Silver”- 2,0-RH 9-10/24 á 75€
Chilobrachys fimbriatus 5,0 - RH 10-11/24 á 20€
Pterinochilus murinus rcf 5,0 - RH 10-11/24 - á 20€
Pelinobius muticus 2,0 - RH 10/24 - á 45€
Psalmopoeus victori 1,0 -RH 11/24 - á 45€
Poecilotheria tigrinawesseli 2,0-RH 10/24 - á 30€
Poecilotheria smithi - 2,0-RH 11/24 - á 30€
Poecilotheria rufilata - 1,0 - RH 10/24 small size - á25€
Poecilotheria formosa - 4,0 - RH 9-10/24 - á30€
subadult - á 30€
Monocentropus balfouri - 6,0 - RH 10-12/24- á20€
Pterinopelma sazimai - 1,0- RH 9/24 - 20€
e-mail: m.habal@centrum.cz

Python Regius Banana Bumblebee
0.1 Banana Bumblebee 2017
Übergabe in Hamm am 14.12 möglich.
Hamm GHI Premium ads [Page 73]
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