Hamm GHI standard ads [Page 8]

Phelsuma Grandis Paar 3 Jahre
Ein Pärchen Phelsuma Grandis abzugeben .
Abholung in Berlin oder Übergabe in Hamm .

Boa constrictor Amarali (Bolivien)
Letzte Chance für Hamm
Boa constrictor Amarali (Bolivien)
Dnz 05/2021
Dnz 06/2023
Versand oder Übergabe Hamm 08.03.25 möglich!!!

Philodryas baroni males for Hamm
Feedin on defrosted rodents!
Over 2 years old male: 380€
5 months old male: 260€
At my table in tribune hall row "TU" = "Future Terra & I Love Snakes"

1.1 Boa constrictor constrictor Nordbrasilien (Belem)
1.1 BCC Nordbrasilien (Belem), NZ18
Übergabe in Hamm möglich.

0.2.10 M. balfouri / 1.0 C. versicolor / 1.0 B. emilia für Hamm
Zur Übergabe auf der Börse in Hamm am 08.03.
0.0.10 Monocentropus balfouri (Gruppenhaltung) KL 2,0 cm pro Tier 15,- EUR / 5x 60,- EUR
0.2 Monocentropus balfouri (adult, KL 4-5 cm) 40,- EUR pro Tier
1.0 Caribena versicolor RH 07/2024 1x verpaart für 20,- EUR
1.0. Brachypelma emilia RH 09.24 für 40,- EUR
Übergabe im Raum Bremen möglich. Kein Versand.

1.1, CB2023 Scaleless corns for march Hamm
Female: Classic 100%, het amel, 66% het anery
male: Anery, 100% het amel
Price for pair: RESERVED
I have a table at the show (tribune hall, TU, Future Terra & I Love Snakes).

Gongylophis, Chilabothrus, Corallus
2.0 CB 2020, Gongylophis muelleri feeding on live prey 150€ or best offer.
0.4 CB2024, Chilabothrus inornatus, feeding on live prey. 150€ each
0.1 CB 2021, Corallus annulatus, feeding on frozen thawed. 750€
Can be delivered at Hamm, here in March
Last call for Hamm, thursdsy afternoon!!
whatsapp: 004522481291

Natrix Schweizeri - Milos Ringelnatter
Schöne und Kräftige Schweizeri Nachzuchten abzugeben.
Geboren 09.2024
Übergabe in Hamm möglich

Angola Tiger und Königspythons 1 Boa
For Hamm March
Pick up 35764
1,1 Angola Python Python anchitae
1.0 NZ 23 422 g
0.1 Nz 22 500 g both 950 €
0.1 Angola Python
Nz 22 320 g with Handicap
150 € for more Info pn
All Angolas 1.2 for 1000 €
0.1Tigerpython Albino Dwarf 66% Labyrinth
Parents both 50% Dwarf ca 5 kg
1.0 Enchi Lesser nz17 1640g 30 €
1.0 Pastel Banana Het Piebald nz 17 1600g
0.1 Banana Pastel Piebald
Nz 17 1175 g
Both 350 €
Sell on behalf of
0.1 Boa ca 2 m
Motley Het Leopard 50% Het Albino x Leopard 90€

Last minute for Hamm 08.03.25
- ooth Ceratomantis saussurei 100€
- ooth Aystiasulla basinigra 60€
- eggs Homoegryllus xanthographus 25 eggs * 30€
- eggsac Steatoda triángulosa 25€ each 3€ small ling
- many Phasmid species eggs too - just consult list

For hamm for hamm for hamm
For hamm
3.4.0. cuora flavomarginata
0.0.4 mauremys revisi albine

For Hamm leachianus, chahoua, auriculatus
Last call for Hamm
R. Leachianus
Locality Pine Island - 1.1
Bonded Pair not Proven
Different Blood
1.0 born 29.10.20 - Breeder Tobias Lüdke
0.1 born 12.2020 - Breeder Rudi Heinrich
R. Auriculatus
1.1 breeding Pair
Different Blood
0.1 cream reticulated born 09.2021
1.0 red reticulated born 03.2018 Stephan Böhm
0.0.18 from two different Pair striped and reticulated 3 of them black&white all cb 2024, good price for all

0.1 Hypo Motley Albino & 1.0 Motley Snow (Boa imperator)
0.1 Hypo Motley Albino (Nicaragua/Central) Boa imperator CB 21 for Hamm, 250€
1.0 Motley Snow (Kahl) Boa imperator CB 17 for Hamm, 400€

Cockroaches for Hamm 8.3.2025
I have many roaches that need new home for Hamm. I can do some bulk sales. I will take only reserved animals. Full list on e-mail. Pcs/price
Ancaudellia hemifera 10/40€
Asiablatta kyotensis 10/15€
Blaberus atropus 10/5€
Blaberus atropus ´´Florida´´ 10/5€
Blaberus boliviensis 10/10€
Blaberus cranifer 10/6€
Blaberus cranifer ¨black wings¨ 10/10€
Blaberus discoidalis 10/6€
Blaberus discoidalis (Jamaica) 10/10€
Blaberus discoidalis (Venezuela) 10/10€
Blaberus parabolicus 10/10€
Blaberus sp. Pantanal 10/6€
Blaberus sp. Venezuela 10/6€
Blaptica dubia 10/2€
Blaptica dubia ,,Gold´´ 10/5€
Blatella germanica (Ethiopia) 10/2€
Blatillidae sp.Xiamen 10/2€
Blatta orientalis 10/4€
Blatta orientalis (Bulharsko -Varna) 10/3€
Byrsotria cabrerai 10/8€
Byrsotria fumigata 10/8€
Byrsotria rothi 10/10€
Byrsotria sp. ¨dark¨ 10/10€
Dipteretrum hanstroemi 10/5€
Dorylae orini 10/40€
Dorylae sp.(Phillipines) 10/50€
Ectobiidae sp. (Papua new Guinea, Wannag 3) 10/30€
Elliptorhina chopardi 10/10€
Ergaula capucina 10/5€
Ergaula pilosa 10/5€
Eublaberus distanti 10/4€
Eublaberus ivory 10/4€
Eublaberus marajoara 10/30€
Eublaberus posticus 10/4€
Eublaberus posticus (Fr. Guiana) 10/10€
Eublaberus serranus 10/5€
Eublaberus sp. (Fr. Guiana) 10/5€
Eucorydia dasitoides 10/160€
Eucorydia yasumatsui 10/40€
Eupolyphaga sinensis 10/30€
Eupolyphaga sinensis(China ,Peking) 10/20€
Eurycotis floridiana 10/20€
Eurycotis opaca 1 10/20€
Eustegasta buprestoides 10/140€
And many more....
I can send full list on e-mail.

Many colourfull Millipedes for Hamm 8.3.2025
I offer many species of colorfull millipedes from my breed. I will take only reserved animals. I can make a bulk sale or add some extra animals for orders 100€ +
Anadeobolus molinicornis 5€
Atopochetus spinimargo 8€
Benoitolus siamensis 4€
Coxobolleus cf.albelus 6€
Rhinocricus sp. 3€
Centrobolus splendidus 8€
Odontostreptus sjoestedti 8€
Atopochetus spinimargo RED 10€
Spirostreptus sp. 1 7€
Spirostreptus gregorius 8€
Narceus gordanus 15€

Beetles for Hamm 8.3.2025
I am offering some beetle larvaes for Hamm. I take only reserved animals. Price per one larvae.
Augosoma centaurus 20€
Propomacrus bimaculatus 15€
Pachnoda marginata marginata 4€
Pachnoda aemula 2€
Pachnoda marginata peregrina 1€
Pachnoda sinuata flaviventris 2€
Eudicella loricata 3€
Aphonopelma species for Hamm
1.1 Aphonopelma sp "Dragoons" juvenile
1.1 Aphonopelma vorhiesi subadult
1.0 Aphonopelma steindachnerei juvenile
0.1 Pseudhapalopus sp blue adult

Königspython Paar Schnäppchen für Hamm
1.0 PastelYellowbellyAxanthicPied Tsk 900g
0.1 SuperPastelYellowbellyPied het. Axanthic Tsk 1200g
Bild 1 Weibchen, Bild 2 Männchen, Bild 3 und 4 = Zuchtziel das bei einer Verpaarung fallen kann
Übergabe in Hamm/ Preis bis Hamm 650€ für beide
Last chance for Hamm.
4,0 Goniurosaurus orientalis
2,0 Cyrtodactylus peguensis
1,1 Cyrtodactylus irianjayaensis
1,1 Anolis sabanus
0,0,2 Gastropholis prasina
0,11 Pachydactylus tigrinus
8,0 Underwoodisaurus milli
2,2 Underwoodisaurus milli
1,0 Paroedura vazimba
1,0,2 Hemidactylus angulatus

Last chance for Hamm !!!!!
Proven breeder!!!
1.0 Corallus hortulanus Tiger
0.1 Corallus hortulanus Calico
only as pair, eat frozen thawed rats
Hamm GHI Premium ads [Page 8]

Nephrurus, Diplodactylus, Paroedura and Underwoodisaurus
-Last two days before Hamm
*animals will leave at 1pm thursday 6.03
1.2 Nephrurus amyae (Single F possible)
4.3 Nephrurus vertebralis
3.2 Nephrurus levis hypo striped
3.3.3 Nephrurus cinctus white line
3.2 Underwoodisaurus milii
1.0 Diplodactylus galeatus
All animals, except babies/subadults are proven breeders, alredy cooled this winter and ready for 2025 season.
For info: pm / nephrurusaddiction@hotmail.it

Captivebred Amphibians for Hamm!
All animals are Captivebred!!
We have many more but ask us for the pricelist.
Mantella aurantica
Mantella viridis
Mantella pulchra
Atelopus balios
Rentapia flavomaculata
Gastrotheca riobambae
Cruziohyla sylviae
Email: info@terra-amphibia.com
Website: www.terra-amphibia.com

Heloderma suspectum cinctum, Brachylophus fasciatus, Varanus salvadorr
For sale - Hamm - Prague
2.0 Heloderma suspectum cinctum cb 17
1.0 Varanus salvadorri inlort 17
1.2 Gerhisaurus major adult
1.1 Ctenosaura pectinata Banana + Pied adult
0.1 Clamydosaurus kingi cb 19 - red aussie

Lampropeltis Ghost Hondurensis / Leonis / Ruthveni/ Ball Python/ corns
Für Hamm # 08.03.25 +++
Python Regius
> 1,0 Pastel HGW Granite Gravel NZ24
> 1,0 Pastel Enchi HGW Granite NZ24
> 0,1 GHI HGW NZ 24
> 0,1 Enchi HGW
> 1,0 Highway Adult 150
Pantherophis Guttatus (Kornnattern):
> 0,2 Het Palmetto NZ 24
> 1,1 Albino Het Palmetto NZ 24
> 1,0 Lampropeltis Triangulum Hondurensis Ghost NZ24
> 1,0 Lampropeltis Triangulum Hondurensis Ghost NZ23
> 1,0 Lampropeltis Triangulum Nelsoni Hypoerythristic T+Albino NZ 24
> 1,1 Lampropeltis Alterna NZ 24
> 1,0 Lampropeltis Leonis Yellow NZ 23
> 2,0 Lampropeltis Leonis Hulk NZ 24
> 0,1 Lampropeltis Leonis Orange NZ 24
> 1,1 Lampropeltis Leonis Milksnake Phase NZ 23/24
> 1,0 Boaedon capensis Hybino T+ Nz 23
Mandarin Rat Snake
> 1,1 Euprepiophis mandarinus NZ 24
Ein Tierversand ist ebenso möglich.
Tausch gegen Lampropeltis und Heterodon.
Bei Fragen oder Tauschangeboten einfach schreiben. www.lampropeltis.jimdo.com
Hamm, Prague, Arezzo, Budapest, Ostrava
4 Pelodiscus variegatus
3 Pseudemys gorzugi
6 Cuora flavomarginata
10 Amyda cartilaginea
Adult proven breeders:
1,3 Pelusius nanus
1,3 Pelusius carinatus
1,1 Cuora amboinensis Cuoro
2,5 Cuora amboinensis Kamaroma
1,4 Kinosternon cruentatum
Chacophrys pierottii 3-4cm Very Rare!
Lepidobatrachus laevis
Pyxicephalus adspersus
200+ Ceratophrys cranwelli many variants
Ceratophrys fantasy
Bumblebee toads
Looking for Ceratophrys stolzmanni, aurita

Rhacodactylus Leachianus available for HAMM march 8th
Hamm, 8th MARCH . Shipping WORLDWIDE
2023- 2024
Nuu Ami (Leapin leachies) , Nuu Ana Fast Line (Leapin leachies) , Brosse Snowflake line (Leapin leachies), Bayonnaise (Leapin leachies) , Pine Island ,Moro
Poindimie (Diablo x DAisy black line) Yate Bubba and Dark Morph (Fast line) Humboldt
Koghis Troeger melanistic and het , Koghis Freidel Melòan istic and het, (STIPED MEL , HIGHBLACK mel , Color MEL)
Super mix HIGHCOLOUR on request.
Adults and subadults in limited quantities.

All CBB 2023
1.2 Boiga cynodon Orange
0.1 Boiga cynodon Bright
1.1 Boiga cynodon Leucistic
0.3 Boiga dendrophila divergens Luzon
1.0 Boiga dendrophilla multicincta
1.1 Boiga dendrophila annectens
2.0 Philodryas baroni Blue x Green
ALL CBB 2024
1.1 Boiga divergens Axanthic
1.2 Boiga divergens Polillo
1.1 Boiga divergens Luzon
0.1 Boiga melanota
1.1 Boiga annectens
3.3 Rhynchophis (Gonyosoma) boulengeri
1.1 Elaphe davidi
1.0 Pituophis mugitus albino whiteside
1.0 Oxyrhopus f. fitzingeri CB20
0.1 Boiga trigonata CB20
1.1 Drymarchon melanurus Yucatan amazing red animals

Mniarogekko chahoua Pure Pine Island cb23/24 white colored
Offer for Hamm show.
Mniarogekko chahoua Pure Pine Island cb23/24
Check the photos and feel free to ask by email.
Only serious inquiries please!

Mniarogekko chahoua Pure Pine Island cb23/24 white colored
Offer for Hamm show.
Mniarogekko chahoua Pure Pine Island cb23/24
Check the photos and feel free to ask by email.
Only serious inquiries please!

Östliche Indigonatter Drymarchon couperi NZ 2022 und 2024
Hallo Indigo-Fans,
ich kann noch 1,0 Drymarchon couperi NZ 2022 und 2,0 NZ 2024 abgeben. Sie sind gute Fresser und im perfekten Zustand. Alle 3 Tiere stammen aus verschiedenen Elterntieren.
Hello Indigo-/Cribo-Fans,
I can give 1,0 from 2022 and 2,0 from 2024. They are good eaters and in perfekt condition. All 3 animals come from different parents. I'am at 8. march in Hamm.

Reine Diamantpython, Morelia spilota spilota
2,2 reine Morelia spilota spilota NZ 2024 von high yellow Eltern aus verschiedenen Blutlinien abzugeben. Sie sind gute Fresser und gesund. Auf den Bildern sind die Eltern und die Nachzuchten zu sehen. Die Nachzuchten werden auch einzelnt abgegeben. Ich bin am 8.3.2023 in Hamm.
2,2 pure Morelia spilota spilota 2024 from high yellow parents and different bloodlines for sale. They are good eaters and healthy. They pictures show the parents and the little ones. They offspring are also sold individually. I'm in Hamm on the 8. march.

Terraristika Hamm 08.03. feeders, / Futterschaben
HAMM ONLY, Reihe 32 / row 32, main hall
NO SHIPPING / derzeit KEIN Versand
Blaberus craniifer - 20 Stück mixed, 8.00 €
Blaberus atropus " Trinidad " - 20 Stück mixed, 7.00 €
Blattellidae spec. Xiamen - 100 Stück all size 10.00 €
Dipteretrum hanstroemi - 100 Stück all size 7.00 €
Diploptera punctata - 25 - 30 Stück all size, 10.00 €
Elliptorhina chopardi -50 Stück mixed, 10 €
Elliptorhina javanica - 15 Stück mixed, 10.00 €
Eublaberus posticus - 15 Stück mixed, 8.00 €
Eublaberus serranus - 15 Stück mixed, 8.00 €
Eurycotis floridiana - 20 Stück all size, 7.00/100x 20€
Eurycotis opaca spec 1 - 10 Stück all size, 10€/100x 50€
Fauchschaben - Futtermix - 20 Stück mixed, 7.00 €
Gromphadorrhina portentosa - 10 Stück mixed , 8.00 €
Gyna caffrorum - 20 Stück mixed, 10.00 € / 100x 39€
Hemiblabera brunneri - 15 Stück mixed, 10.00 €
Henschoutedenia flexivitta - 30 Stück mixed, 8.00 €
Loboptera decipiens - 30 Stück all size 10.00 €
Lobopterella dimidiatipes - ca.100 Stück all size, 8.00 €
Nauphoeta cinerea - ca. 100 Stück all size, 7.00 €
Nocticola spec. Malaysia - ca. 20-30 Stück all size, 10€
Panchlora nivea - ca. 40 Stück all size 7.50 €
Paraplecta minutissima -80-100 Stück all size, 10 €/500x 40€
Paratemnopteryx colloniana - ca. 100 St all size, 8€
Periplaneta americana Black - 40 Stück all size, 10.00 €
Periplaneta australasiae - ca. 40 Stück all size, 7.00 €
Periplaneta brunnea - ca. 40 Stück all size, 8.00 €
Phoetalia pallida - ca. 100 Stück all size, 7.00 €/ 1000x 30€
Princisia vanwaerebeki - 10 Stück mixed, 15.00 €
Pycnoscelus femapterus - ca. 100 Stück all size, 10.00 €
Pycnoscelus spec. " Malaysia" - ca. 100 Stück all size, 7.00 €
Symploce incuriosa - ca. 100 Stück all size, 7.00 €
Symbloce pallens - ca. 100 Stück all size, 6.00 €
Due to the current temperatures, shipping is not possible until further notice
Aufgrund der derzeitigen Temperaturen ist der Versand bis auf weiteres noch nicht möglich

Terraristika Hamm 08.03. roaches and other insects
HAMM ONLY, Reihe 32 / row 32, main hall
NO SHIPPING / derzeit KEIN Versand
Asiablatta kyotensis - ca. 40 Stück all size, 10.00 €
Balta notulata - ca. 30 Stück all size, 10.00 €
Blaberus colosseus " Giant ( Peru ) - 10 Stmix, 20€
Blaberus spec. " Pantanal " - 10 Stück mixed, 10.00 €
Blaptica dubia " GOLD " - 0 Stück mixed, 10.00 €
Byrsotria cabrerai - 10 Stück mixed, 18.00 €
Compsodes schwarzi - 20 Stück mixed, 10.00 €
Deropeltis spec. "Masai Mara " - 15 Stück mixed, 10.00 €
Drymaplaneta semivitatta - 15 Stück mixed, 10.00 €
Elliptorhina laevigata - 10 St,mix 25.00 €/ 100x 100€
Epilamprinae sp. "Kota Kinabalu", - 10 Stück mixed, 20€
Ergaula capucina - 10 Stück mixed, 8.00 €
Eublaberus marajoara - 10 Stück mixed, 10.00 €
Eucorydia yasumatsui - 10 Stück mixed, 30.00 €
Eurycotis opaca spec. 2 - 10 Stück mix, 15€/ 100x 80€
Euthlastoblatta abortiva - 15 Stück all size, 10.00 €
Euthlastoblatta diaphana - 20 Stück all size, 15.00 €
Euthyrrhapha pacifica - 10 Stück mixed, 25.00 €
Gromphadorrhina oblongonata - 10 Stück mixed, 10€
Gyna centurio - 10 Stück mixed, 10.00 €
Hemiblabera granulata - 10 Stück mixed, 15.00 €
Hemithyrsocera pallita - 10 Stück mixed, 12.00 €
Hemithyrsocera vittata - 10 Stück mixed, 35.00 €
Lucihormetica verrucosa 10 St mix,15 €
Opisthioplatia orientalis - 10 Stück mixed, 10.00 €
Panchlora spec. " Giant " - ca.25 St all size 10€
Paranauphoeta formosana - 10 Stück mixed, 35.00 €
Parcoblatta fulvescens - 15 - 20 Stück all size, 10.00 €
Periplaneta americana Black "White Eye" - 40 St, 10€
Princisia vanwaerebeki "Black&White" - 10 St mix 18€
Perisphaerus pygmaea - 15 Stück mixed, 20.00 €
Pseudoglomeris magnifica - 10 Stück mixed, 35.00 €
Pseudoglomeris tarsalis - 10 Stück mixed, 10.00 €
Pycnoscelus nigra - ca. 100 Stück all size, 10.00 €
Tagaloblatta spec. Okinawa - 15-20 Stück all size, 15.00 €
Platymeris biguttata - 5 Stück mixed, 10,00 € / 10 St. 15 €
Platymeris guttatipennis - 5 Stück mixed, 20 € / 10 St. 35€
Rhysida longipes - ca. 7 - 9 cm, 15.00 €
1.1 Archispirostreptus gigas - subadult /adult , 30.00 €
Homoeogryllus xanthographus - 10 Stück mixed, 10.00 €
Teleogryllus mitratus - 10 Stück mixed, 12.00 €
Porcellio hoffmannseggi - 10 Stück mixed, 25.00 €
Porcelliondies pruinosus - ca.100 Stück all size, 10.00 €
Due to the current temperatures, shipping is not possible until further notice
Aufgrund der derzeitigen Temperaturen ist der Versand bis auf weiteres noch nicht möglich

Gekko pradapdao (Khao Chan Cave Gecko)
Offer for Hamm March
3.3 Gekko pradapdao
1.1 Lophosaurus boydii cb24
3.3 Gonocephalus borneensis
2.2 Gonocephalus doriae doriae
3.3 Lipinia vitigera

Ethmostigmus blue legs Kenya ……
For Houten & Hamm Show
Ethmostigmus blue legs Kenya 90€
Ethmostigmus blue ring Tansania 65€
herps buy, sell and exchange.
Find animals and accessories or sell them free of charge or with a paid classified.Contact breeders and dealers from Germany and abroad.