Hamm GHI standard ads [Page 66]

Venomous snakes kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Agkistrodon Hamm, Houten
Sell Venomous snakes

Agkistrodon Hamm, Houten

I offer for meeting in Hamm, Houten:

0.1 Agkistrodon laticinctus 2020

80€ or trade with other venomous snakes

Have a nice day and best regards,

Sell Spiders and Scorpions

Liste für Hamm

Biete für Messe Hamm
1.1 Chilobrachys nataricharum ca. 2cm Kl zusammen 15€
4.3 Citharacanthus cyaneus ca. 3cm Kl
( 0.1 30€, 1.0 15€ )
0.1 Ornithoctonus aureotibialis adult 40€
0.12 Monocentropus balfouri adult ( zwei 6er Gruppen ) Pro Gruppe 180€

0.0.7 Haplopelma vonwirthi ca. 4. Fh Stück 10€zusammen 50€
0.0.5 Megaphobema robustum 2.Fh ENZ: 11/24 Stück 10€

1.0 Lyrognathus giannisposatoi sub 30€
1.0 Lyrognathus giannisposatoi Rh: 12/24 30€
2.0 Psednocnemis brachyramosa Rh: 10/24 beide noch fit Stück 20€
1.0 Poecilotheria striata ca. 4cm kl 10€

Search Turtles and Tortoises

Looking for Geoemyda japonica

Suche/ looking for Geoemyda japonica for the next hamm showw.

Lizards kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Varanus Panoptes Horni
Sell Lizards

Varanus Panoptes Horni

Hamm march!

0.0.3 Varanus Panoptes Horni cb 10.2024. 400€/each

Venomous snakes kaufen und verkaufen Photo: 1.1 Porthidium nasutum adult (breeding pair), cb 10/2020
Sell Venomous snakes

1.1 Porthidium nasutum adult (breeding pair), cb 10/2020

- finnische NZ; Ursprung: Limón, Costa Rica
- gesundes und makelloses Zuchtpärchen in bläulich-silbriger Grundfarbe (Fotos der Jungtiere vom letzten Sept. können per Mail geschickt werden)
- Das Pärchen kann am 08. März nach Hamm mitgenommen werden, muss aber ansonsten in Köniz (bei Bern) abgeholt werden

- finnish cb; origin: Limón, Costa Rica
- healthy and immaculate breeding pair in blueish-silver base colour (photos of the juveniles from last September can be sent per e-mail)
- the pair can be taken to Hamm on March 8, but otherwise must be picked up in Köniz (near Bern)

0.1 Crotalus pyrrhus white
Collect from Hamm.
Thank you

Geckos kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Phelsuma laticauda angularis for Prag and Hamm
Sell Geckos

Phelsuma laticauda angularis for Prag and Hamm

Ich biete Phelsuma laticauda angularis zur Übergabe in Prag oder Hamm.

Die Art ist nicht meldepflichtig.
Papiere werden natürlich dennoch ausgehändigt.

1x Schlupf: August '23
2x Schlupf: April '24
2x Schlupf: Mai '24
2x Schlupf: Juni '24
2x Schlupf: August '24

I offer Phelsuma laticauda angularis handover in Prague or Hamm.

This Phelsuma has not to be registered in Germany.
Papers will of course be handed over.

1x hatched August '23
2x hatched April '24
2x hatched May '24
2x hatched June '24
2x hatched August '24

frogs kaufen und verkaufen Photo: ranitomeya imitator tarapoto
Sell frogs

ranitomeya imitator tarapoto

I'm selling ranitomeya imitator tarapoto 0.1.2 possible delivery in Hamm

Colubrids kaufen und verkaufen Photo: 1.1 Lampropeltis triangulum campbelli, 2024, Apricot & Halloween +1
Sell Colubrids

1.1 Lampropeltis triangulum campbelli, 2024, Apricot & Halloween

Letting go of my young 2024 pair of campbelli.
Animals eat frozen thawed with big appetite and shed perfectly!
Both weigh around 55 Gram right now.

For Hamm March!
Pickup at our table possible.

1.0 Apricot
0.1 Halloween

Pair is sold together!

Ich habe noch einige Vogelspinnen abzugeben.
Gerne Abholung auch Übergabe in Hamm.
Aktuell kein Versand.
Infos und Preise per Nachricht

0.0.5 Ornithoctoninae spec. Ho Chi Minh (Spiderlinge)
1.1 Monocentropus balfouri (Adult)
0.1 Brachypelma boehmei (Adult)
1.0 Brachypelma emilia (Adult)

Turtles and Tortoises kaufen und verkaufen Photo: 2,4 Kinosternon baurii different bloodlines +2
Sell Turtles and Tortoises

2,4 Kinosternon baurii different bloodlines

I offer 2x 1,5 year old trio Kinosternon baurii bred by me from different females and males so they are different bloodlines.. perfect for breeding in the future.
Only as 1,2 or all together.
Price for 1,2 is 500€ (price is fixed). Possible pickup in Hamm in march.

Hi, I am looking for an adult pair.
For the HAMM fair

Phyllurus amnicola 0.0.1 Cb 01-25 €250 pick up in Hamm or the Netherlands

Poison dart frogs kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Wanted: Phyllobates bicolor swap rare terrarium plants +2
Trade Poison dart frogs

Wanted: Phyllobates bicolor swap rare terrarium plants

I’m looking for some Phyllobates bicolor jevinils (nachzucht). I want to swap for cuttings of rare terrariumplants. Please send me a message if you are interested so I can show you the plants. I will probably be in Houten (Feb.) and Terraristika Hamm (March).

Op zoek naar een Afrikaanse brulkikker (Pyxicephalus adspersus), mannelijk, volwassen of halfvolwassen, ik kan hem ophalen in hamm maart 2025 of eerder bij u thuis of winkel.
Woon zelf in Nederland maar ben bereid afstand te rijden

Search Monitor lizards

Suche 0.1 varanus storri

Ich suche für hamm 0.1 varanus storri. Bitte nur sichere Weibchen

Looking for hamm Show 0.1 varanus storri.
Only shure female


Snakes kaufen und verkaufen Photo: LIVE EXOTIC Prague 1.2. table B13, transport to Hamm 8.3., +2
Sell Snakes

LIVE EXOTIC Prague 1.2. table B13, transport to Hamm 8.3.,

1.1 Heterodon nasicus albino arctic
1.1 Heterodon nasicus super arctic
1.1 Heterodon nasicus albino superconda
1.1 Heterodon nasicus albino conda
1.1 Heterodon nasicus superconda 66% albino
1.0 Heterodon nasicus hypo 66% caramel
All NZ 6-7 / 24, eating live and thawed,

Boas kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Boa imperator - Paradise T+ Sunglow Motley & Aztec +2
Sell Boas

Boa imperator - Paradise T+ Sunglow Motley & Aztec

CB 2022:
1,0 Paradise Sunglow Aztec
1,1 Paradise Sunglow Motley
0,1 Sharp Sunglow Motley
1,0 Paradise Sunglow
CB 2018:
3,0 Paradise Sunglow
I can take to Ziva exotika Prague and Hamm, Houten.
Please contact me with any questions - asvabik@centrum.sk

Insects kaufen und verkaufen Photo: PHASMIDS for Houten And Hamm or send
Sell Insects

PHASMIDS for Houten And Hamm or send

I have for sell or exchange 90!!! Species phasmids. Current list with PM.

I have Now 90species phasmids for sell. Eggs, nymphs , adult. Current list with PM.