Hamm GHI standard ads [Page 53]
Rhacodactylus Leachianus, Ciliatus, chahoua
Offering for Hamm:
1.1 Leachianus pine Island Bonded pair
0.0.2 pine island
0.0.1 Nuu Ana
0.1 mt koghis tröger
0.0.1 Chahoua Pine island
0.0.10 Ciliatus Cappuccino, Frappuccino, tricolor, Halloween harlequin, Lilly white

Heteropoda Davidbowie Nz 8/24
Heteropoda Davidbowie 3-4 Fh abzugeben
NZ aus 10/24
Versand auf Anfrage moeglich bei entsprechender Menge
Abholung 58… oder uebergabe Hamm 08.03
11 € / Stk
90€ / 10 Stk

Suche FlakeSoil für Hamm 08.03
Ich suche für Hamm FlakeSoil. Falls jemand was hat bitte melden!!

Looking for tylototriton, echinotriton species
Suche nach Hamm oder Houten Tylototriton und Echinotriton Arten
Looking for Hamm or houten tylototriton and echinotriton species
Looking for RH 0.1 , Pumilio Almirante 1.0
As written, I'm looking for a Male of Pumilio almirante and a female of RedHead for Hamm?
Waiting from you!

Pseudocerastes fieldi for Hamm show
Adult female (3 years) Pseudocerastes fieldi for the Houten or Hamm show

Vipera seoanei albino T+ for Hamm show
Adult male Vipera seoanei albino T+ 3 years old proven breeder for the Houten or Hamm show.

Vipera ammodytes meridionalis albinos T+ and 100% het T+
Magnificent Vipera ammodytes meridionalis albino T+ visual and 100% het albino T+ for the Houten or Hamm show.
There are males and females. All CB 2023. They are are very good eaters of thawed prey.
Top quality! Extremely colorful!

Heterodon nasicus nasicus morphs
For hamm
3,2 arctic dh. Toxic
1,1 dh. Toxic
1,0 toffee
2,0 toffee conda
1,0 superconda toffee
2,3 arctic superconda ph. Albino
2,1 superconda het. Axanthic ph. Albino
0,2 superconda ph. Albino .
1,2 arctic yeti
1,0 super yeti
5,3 albino super arctic conda ph. Axanthic
2,5 albino arctic conda ph. Axanthic
3,7 arctic superconda albino ph. Axanthic
2,2 super arctic albino
1,0 Arctic conda het. Albino
1,0 arctic conda dh. Snow
0,1 arctic albino dh. Snow
0,1 conda dh. Toxic ph. Axanthic
Proven breeder
1,0 Frosted superconda
1,0 axanthic conda
1,0 toffee conda
0,1 conda ph. Axanthic
Awesome discount for wholesale.
Diverse Vogelspinnen aus Hobbyzucht abzugeben
For Hamm:
Looking urgently for:
/ 0.2 E. rufescens adult RH
/ 1.2 E. uatuman adult RH
/ 1.2 E. murinus adult RH
/ 1.0 X. immanis adult RH
Vogelspinnen aus Hobbyzucht:
1.1 Chilobrachys natanicharum, 1.0 sub, zusammen 98,
1.0 C. sp. electric blue subadult 28,-
2.0 Ephebopus cyanognathus adult RH 10/24 u. 11/24 45,-
4.0 Ephebopus rufescens adult RH 11/24 45,-

Corallus hortulanus CB 23
1.1 Corallus hortulanus CB23, male 100€, pair 200€, pick up in Austria, handing over in March in Hamm possible.

Ich biete. Retic Babys
Ich biete zum Verkauf an.
2023 Retic,
Gc.purple ,Tiger, Female 130 cm.. 250 EU..
Purple albínó ,Tiger Male 120 eu.
Die Tiere werden in der Hamm Börse erhältlich sein

Riesengecko / Rhacodactylus leachianus
Verkaufe hier einige meiner Riesengeckos
0,1 Mt.Dore Dnz 2021
1,0 Bayonaise Dnz 2019
0,3 Nuu Ami Dnz 2024
Übergabe im März in Hamm möglich
Abholung in Krefeld möglich

For Hamm leachianus, chahoua, auriculatus
R. Leachianus
Locality Pine Island - 1.1
Bonded Pair not Proven
Different Blood
1.0 born 29.10.20 - Breeder Tobias Lüdke
0.1 born 12.2020 - Breeder Rudi Heinrich
R. Auriculatus
1.1 breeding Pair
Different Blood
0.1 cream reticulated born 09.2021
1.0 red reticulated born 03.2018 Stephan Böhm
0.0.18 from two different Pair striped and reticulated all cb 2024
R. chahoua
0.0.8 all cb 2024

Meriones Unguiculatus for Hamm march
Available for Hamm:
Meriones Unguiculatus
females and males available

Biete für Hamm 08.03 slings
0.0.xx Ornithoctoninae sp. South Cotabato 1fh
1x 30€
5x 25€
10x 22€
0.0.xx Chilobrachys sp. Saraburi 1fh
1x 10€
5x 8€
10x 5€
Bulk offer please PM
Übergabe in Hamm, Abholung in 40211 oder Versand

12 of Python regius -23 -24
0.1 Leopard Enchi Clown (ringer) -24
0.1 Spotnose Clown -24
1.0 Yelly Belly Clown -24
1.0 Enchi Clown - 24
0.0.1 Enchi Clown -24
0.1 Leopard Enchi Fire 66 % het DG- 50% het Clown -24
1.0 Leopard Fire 66% het DG - 50% het Clown -24
0.0.1 Fire 66% het DG pos het Clown -24
0.1 Leopard het Desert Ghost -23
0.1 Mojave Enchi het Desert Ghost -23
1.0 Mojave Desert Ghost - 23
0.0.1 Leopard 66% het DG pos het Clown -24
WhatsApp +46725180124
Delivery in Sweden , Denmark , Ziva exotika , Hamm .
Only pre order animals will be bring if we are not exhibitor .

Corallus caninus CB 2024
These young ones can be brought to Hamm or for pickup in NL.
Pairs or single animals available.
Phelsuma breviceps für Hamm
Suche 1 oder 2 Phelsuma breviceps Männchen
Gegebenenfalls auch Tausch gegen Weibchen oder andere Phelsuma Arten.
Telefon und WhatsApp 004915125388556

Drymarchon Hamm Expo march
Drymarchon melanurus melanurus 66%axantic 4.1 cb 09.24
Drymarchon rubidus guerrero 2.0 cb 08.24
Hamm GHI Premium ads [Page 53]

CB22 Heterodon nasicus FOR HAMM
1.1 Arctic Conda 100% hetero Lavender 50% Albino poss. Axanthic. Both eatin well unscented thawed pinkies. More info on email: capinsky@seznam.cz

Animal transport - Hamm december
Safe and trusted animal transport on my route to the show and back.
More info: Adam@ilovesnakes.pl , FB: https://www.facebook.com/Adamilovesnakes whatsapp: +48 531 986 648

Peru , Nz für Übergabe Hamm
0.0.xxx Avicularia juruensis M2 Peru 1FH
1x 10€
5x 45€
10x 75€
50x / 100x ask for price
0.0.xx Caribena versicolor 2. FH
1x 10€
5x 40€
10x 60€
1.1 Megaphobema velvetosoma subadult adult
0.1 Pampobetheus Antinous big black adult 125€
0.1 Pampobetheus flamifera 4 cm KL. 80 € (Weber cb line)
1.1 Pampobetheus fortis 4 cm KL. 100 € (Weber cb line)
0.1 Pampobetheus mascara adult 125 € (Weber cb line)
0.1 Pampobetheus machalla adult 75€ (Weber cb line)
1.0 Theraphosa Stirmi 7cm KL 75€
0.0.xx Hottentotta hottentotta 1instar ….
Adult 35€
Übergabe Gießen oder Hamm möglich

Lampropeltis Alterna (GreyBanded King)
1.1 Greybanded king DH Anery/Leucistic
1.1 Greybanded king BlackGap locality
1.0 Greybanded king RiverRoad locality
More info email: capinsky@seznam.cz

Scorpions, tarantulas and other spiders for Hamm!
20% discount for firm preorders for Hamm-show!
Just a very limited stock will be available at our booth in Hamm - please preorder if you are interested in certain species.
Visit us at row 21, mainhall!
20% Rabatt auf feste Vorbestellungen für die Terraristika Hamm!
Wir werden nur ein sehr limitiertes Angebot an unserem Stand haben. Wenn ihr bestimmte Arten sucht, bestellt bitte vor.
Besucht uns in Reihe 21, Haupthalle!
Full Stocklist with prices:
Androctonus aeneas (Tozeur/Tunisia)
Androctonus amoreuxi AM1
Androctonus australis 'Hector' (Tozeur/Tunisia)
Androctonus australis 'Hector Dark' (Tozeur/Tunisia)
Androctonus australis 'Garzoni' (Tatouine/Tunisia)
Androctonus australis 'Garzoni' (Djerba/Tunisia)
Androctonus australis 'Hector' (Morocco)
Androctonus bourdoni
Androctonus cholistanus
Androctonus crassicauda (Israel)
Androctonus crassicauda (Al Jafr/Jordan)
Androctonus cf. crassicauda (Ash Sharqiyah/Oman)
Androctonus crassicauda (Oman)
Androctonus gonneti
Androctonus liouvillei (Figuig/Morocco)
Androctonus mauritanicus
Androctonus sp. nov. M3 Clade
Buthacus cf. leptochelys
Buthus gabani
Centruroides gracilis
Chaerilus cimrmani
Hottentotta flavidulus
Hottentotta gentili 'Ziz'
Hottentotta rugiscutis
Hottentotta sp. India
Hottentotta zagrosensis
Hottentotta tamulus
Leiurus heberti 'Yellow'
Leiurus heberti 'Typical'
Leiurus jordanensis
Leiurus macroctenus
Leiurus somalicus
Leiurus quinquestriatus
Leiurus quinquestriatus 'Red Sea'
Nebo omanensis
Nebo whitei
Pandinus imperator
Parabuthus granulatus
Parabuthus raudus 'Bright'
Parabuthus schlechteri
Parabuthus transvaalicus
Parabuthus villosus 'Oranje'
Smeringurus mesaensis
Teuthraustes sp. Ecuador
Tityus crassimanus
Tityus smithii
Tityus stigmurus
Acanthoscurria geniculata
Amazonius cf. burgessi
Augacephalus breyeri
Avicularia avicularia MT1
Avicularia juruensis MT2
Avicularia minatrix
Avicularia purpurea
Avicularia sp. Kwitara River
Brachionopus sp.
Brachypelma boehmei
Catumiri parvum
Ceratogyrus darlingi
Ceratogyrus sanderi
Chilobrachys huahini
Chilobrachys sp. Electric Blue
Chilobrachys sp. Penang
Chilobrachys sp. Saraburi
Chilobrachys sp. Vietnam Blue
Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens
Cymbiapophysa velox
Grammostola pulchripes
Grammostola rosea (RCF)
Harpactira cafreriana
Harpactira chrysogaster
Harpactira dictator
Harpactira namaquensis
Harpactira pulchripes
Harpactira sp. Silaka
Harpactirella overdijki
Heterothele gabonensis
Holothele longipes
Kochiana brunnipes
Megaphobema robustum
Neischnocolus sp. Panama
Neoholothele incei 'Gold'
Nhandu chromatus
Ornithoctoninae sp. Vietnam Silver
Pamphobeteus sp. Light
Pamphobeteus sp. Manganegra
Pamphobeteus sp. Mascara
Phlogiellus moniqueverdezae
Phlogiellus sp. Rusty Leg
Phormictopus auratus
Phormictopus cancerides
Phormictopus sp. Dominican Purple
Psalmopoeus irminia
Psalmopoeus pulcher
Psalmopoeus reduncus
Pterinochilus lugardi
Pterinochilus murinus 'BCF - Tete/Mozambique'
Pterinochilus murinus 'Mikumi'
Pterinochilus murinus 'Kigoma'
Pterinochilus murinus 'UMV'
Pterinopelma sazimai
Sahydroaraneus raja
Selenocosmia javanensis
Sericopelma sp. Darien
Tapinauchenius rasti
Theraphosa blondi
Theraphosa apophysis
Tliltocatl albopilosus
Tliltocatl kahlenbergi
Tliltocatl vagans
Other spiders:
Harmonicon oiapoqueae
Heteropoda lunula
Loxosceles simillima
Nemesia seldeni
Psalmopoeus victori, Centruroides guanensis, Hottentotta franzwerneri, Ceratogyrus darlingi, Phiddipus regius 'Trinidad', Monocentropus balfouri, Pterinochilus murinus TCF and more!

2 - 0 DRYMARCHON EREBENNUS CB 2022 black form
1 - 0 elaphe moellendorfi CB 2021 good eater
Pick up at Hamm possible

2 - 0 ELAPH MOELLENDORFFI (good eater) CB 2021
2 - 0 GONYOSOMA BOULANGERIE (good eater) CB 2021
Pick up possible at Hamm

Lampropeltis Leonis « Palmetto « Alterna « Blairi « Ruthveni Albino «
For 10.12.22 Hamm
> 1,1 Lampropeltis Alterna River Road NZ 22
> 1,3 Lampropeltis Alterna Blairi NZ 22
> 8,4 Lampropeltis Leonis (Mexicana Thayeri) Leopard und Hulk LINE NZ22
> 1,3 Lampropeltis Ruthveni ALBINO
Zipper Line
0,1 schwarze Afrikanische Hausschlange, Lamprophis fuliginosus NZ 22
> Kornnatter Pantherophis guttatus
1,0 Palmetto NZ 22
1,0 Albino Palmetto NZ 22
1,0 Albino Het Palmetto NZ 22
1,0 Het Palmetto NZ 22
0,1 Palmetto NZ 22
0,1 Het Palmetto NZ 22
> 1,0 Lampropeltis Mexicana Greeri Superhypo NZ 22
> Mandarinnatter 1,0 Euprepiophis mandarinus NZ 21
Ein Tierversand ist möglich. Zustellung kann Dienstag bis Freitag erfolgen.
Tausch gegen Zonata Arten, Applegate Pyromelana, Temporalis Hypo, Alterna Avery Ghost.
Bei Fragen einfach schreiben. www.lampropeltis.jimdo.com

Trioceros cristatus captivebred animals
Hamm/ Houten captivebred Trioceros cristatus. Two bloodlines

www.Exotic-Spiders.com Houten/Hamm/Shipping
Houten/ Hamm/ Shipping
Offer available on the website and fully list can be send on the email.
Safely shipping with UPS express (48h max) in all EU.
Avicularia variegata/ rufa (Brazil)/ geroldi/ urticans green/ marienae
Brachypelma auratum, smithi (ex annitha)
Ornithoctoninae Vietnam silver/ Cho Chi Minh
Grammostola rosea/iheringi/actaeon/pulchra/porteri
Theraphosa blodni/ apophysis
Ybyrapora diversipes/ sooretama
Phormingochilus pennellhewlettorum, Sabah blue
and many more on www.Exotic-Spiders.com
+31633489306 (what's app)

Ready for hamm or houten show nov-dec
Ready for ✈️ cb2022-21 Houten or hamm
-eublepharis macularius different morphs cb22
-black night leopard gecko cb22
-tiliqua g evanescense from patternless parents cb22
-Nephrurus Levi’s levis cb22
-Nephrurus vertebralis cb22
- Nephrurus wheeleri w. Cb22
-hemiteconix taylori male adult proven cb
-Nephrurus stellatus Males young and adult male cb
-underwoorsario husbandi cb22
- chondrolactylus angulifer cb22 pairs
-sauromalus ater red back granite
- microlophus albermaiensis
- Timon princeps
-pogona vitticeps high red hypo het trans and hypo trans
-Rachodactylus leachianus high pink nu Ana
-uromastyx Acanthinura flame super high quality cb 2021
-uromastyx flavifasciata cb20 austria
-uromastyx ornata philby cb 20 import cites
-varanus prasinus merauke cb21
-varanus reisingeri cb22
-uromastyx thomasi cb22 registered in Spain
-Correlophus ciliatus Mix
-Mniarogekko chahoua *mainland cb22 and males
-Rhacodactylus auriculatus RED - cb22
-Tiliqua nigrolutea *lowland - pair cb22
-Uracentron flaviceps !!! -wc imported ltc
-Rhinoclemmys rubida rubida pairs ltc imported
-Drymarchon melanurus rubidus ltc imported
-acanthochelys spixii adult and babies
-hydromedusa maximiliani adult proven breeders
-acanthochelys Vanderhaegei adult proven breeders
-a.radiolata adult group and some youngs
-A. macrocephala adult proven breeders
-Messoclemys tuberculatus adult proven breeders
-M raniceps adult proven breeders
-Crotaphytus collaris subadult pairs
-chelus fimbriatus adult wc imported
-hydrosaurus pustulatus cb2022
-hemiteconix caudicintus adult proven breeders (many females good production many morphs) only as a group
-tiliqua s. Intermedia unsexed cb22
- egernia epsisolus female cb22
-egernia stockesi pair cb22
-egernia stockesi het albino cb22
-egernia depressa male cb22
-Pogona vitticeps "red hypo. trans" cb22
-Pogona minor "nominal/het translucent" cb22
-Laudakia brachydactyla cb22 and adults
-Uromastyx geyri cb22 registered in Spain
-Goniurosaurus hainanensis cb22-21 registered in Spain
-Elaphe obsoleta "leucistic"cb22-21
-Lampropeltis leonis x ruthveni / pastel king cb22-21
-Pantherophis guttatus microscales/scaleless/albino/nominal cb22-21
-Stigmochelys pardalis cb22 registered in Spain
-hybrid saranisorum x ciliatus cb22
-hybrid chahoua x ciliatus adult pair
-petrosaurus thalasinus pair subadult female adult male cb

sale rare Drymarchon erebennus
CB 2021-2022
4-0 Drymarchon erebennus (2021,2022) ligne Black Pearl Reptiles US
2-0 Elaphe moellendorffi (2021) very good eaters
2-0 Gonyosoma boulengeri (2021) very good eaters
Hamm in december
wattsapp :
adult male geniteur erebennus
baby erebennus
Elaphe moellendorffi (2021)
Gonyosoma boulengeri(2021)

Invertebrates Stocklist - June
*Stocklist June*
Galeodes arabicus
(WC - Mixed)
Galeodes deserti
(WC - Mixed)
Galeodes granti
(WC - Mixed)
Cerbalus aravaensis
(WC - Mixed)
Scolopendra mix (Egypt)
(WC - Mixed)
Eremiaphila sp.
(WC - Mixed)
Scarabeus sacer
(WC - Mixed)
Chaetopelma olivaceum
(WC - Mixed)
Anthia sexmaculata
(WC - Mixed)
Lycosa sp. Egypt
(WC - Mixed)
Argiope sp. Egypt
(WC - Mixed)
Epiperipatus barbadensis
Heteropteryx dilatata "Yellow"
Phyllocrania paradoxa
Omomantis zebrata
Phyllocrania paradoxa ootheken
Caribena versicolor
(FH 3/4)
•*Shipping Worldwide*
•*Pick up - Hamm / Hanover*
•*Prices negotiable*
•*Pictures on Request*

Python bivittatus-pied, albino pied, hypochampage
Python bivittatus
5,5 Pied
6,6 Albino pied
1,0 hypo champagne
0,1 green champagne
0,1 albino pied NZ 2021
2,2 Morelia viridis aru CB 2022
0,0,50 Podocnemis unifilis
I will be in Houten and Hamm

1.0 Lampropeltis Leonis Patternless and 1.0 Greybanded River Road
Offer 1.0 Lampropeltis Leonis Patternless proven breeder CB19 bought from Rainer Dohren and 1.0 Greybanded Kingsnake River Road locality imported from Vivid Reptiles(US) CB13 hasnt got good clutch from females paired to him. Both in perfect condition and 100% health. Delivery to December Hamm. More info on my email capinsky@seznam.cz.
herps buy, sell and exchange.
Find animals and accessories or sell them free of charge or with a paid classified.Contact breeders and dealers from Germany and abroad.