HAMM standard ads [Page 49]
Terrarium Glas (80*40*40) inkl. Heatpanel 40W und LED streifen
Ich gebe eines meiner Terrarien ab, da dieses wegen Umstrukturierung nicht mehr in Verwendung ist.
Das Terra hat die Maße 80*40*40
Die Rückwand wurde liebevoll mit viel aufwand von mir selbst gestaltet.
Technik wie LED und Heatpanel (40 Watt Tropicshop) sind verbaut. Das Terra ist super für Wüstenlebende Tiere geeignet. Ich selbst hatte kleine Wüstenlebende schlangen in dem Becken.
Ich würde mich freuen, wenn sich ein wertschätzender Abnehmer findet.
Ein Versand ist nicht möglich. Mitgebracht kann das Terrarium zur Terraristika Hamm im Dezember.
Preis: 280,- VB
Bufotes boulengeri / African green toad / Nordafrikanische Wechselkröt
Captive bred 2024 / Nachtzucht 2024
Ich besuche Hamm (14.12.2024)
Preis/ Price:
1 Kröte/ toad: € 15
10 Kröten/ toads: € 100
Tauschen gegen andere nachtzucht Bufonidae is möglich./ Exchange for other captive bred Bufonidae is possible.
Die ersten drei Fotos sind die Erwachsenen./ The first three photos are the adults.
Transport Lyon ???????? hamm ???????? december
Je monte à hamm en décembre je peux descendre vos animaux, j'habite au-dessus de Lyon plus d’info par message
Bunte Schnecken gesucht ????
Ich suche Schnecken,am besten wären bunte.
Endgröße ca 12cm.
Übergabe in Hamm wäre am besten.
Gruß Frank
Neprurus Deleani, Levis Levis
Looking for
Nephrurus Deleani, adult males and hatchlings
Nephrurus Levis Levis patternless
Will be at Hamm in March
1,1 red tegus for Hamm or houten
0,1 from Renske. High white strain. 5years
1,0 FB. Nice red. 3 years old
Spiders for Terraristika Hamm
My spiderlist for Terraristika Hamm
Sexed males, pairs:
2.0 Acanthoscurria juruenicola adult RH: 2024.05. 1x mated: 40€, 3,5-4cm BL (semi): 40€
1.0 Aphonopelma chalcodes 3,5-4cm BL: 40€
1.0 Birupes simoroxigorum adult, RH: 2024.09.15, unverpaart: 65€
1.0 Grammostola pulchra 3,5cm BL: 50€
3.0 Grammostola pulchripes 2-2,5cm BL: 15€/pcs, 30€/3
1.1 Harpactira pulchripes 3-3,5cm BL: 50€/pair
1.0 Kochiana brunnipes adult, RH: 2024.09, unverpaart: 20€
1.0 Lasiodora klugii adult, RH: 2024.09.19, 1x mated: 35€
1.0 Pelinobius muticus adult, RH: 2024.11.06, unverpaart: 35€
1.1 Phormictopus sp. "El Salvador" 3-3,5cm BL: 80€/pair
1.1 Phormictopus sp. "Santiago del Cuba" 3-3,5cm BL: 80€/pair
3.0 Psalmopoeus cambridgei 3cm BL: 15€/pcs, 30€/3
2.2 Pterinochilus murinus DCF Kigoma 3cm BL: 30€/pair, 50€/2.2
2.0 Sericopelma sp. Santa Catalina 5-5,5cm BL: 40€/pcs
1.1 Theraphosa apophysis 4-4,5cm KL: 175€/pair
1.0 Theraphosa blondi 6cm KL (sub?): 75€
3.3 Vitalius chromatus 3-3,5cm BL: 35€/pair
For more info please write email: lali.balogh@gmail.com
Have a nice day: Lajos Balogh-Langer
Metallica Female Adult and others
Für Hamm oder Versand
Metallica Female und Adult, 89 EUR
2x Titocatl albopilosus sub adult female 39 EUR each
Quasi unbenutzte Terrarium (30x30x40cm) gibt's gerne dazu für 19 EUR
1.0 Ptenopus garrulus maculatus
CB 2023, perfect male, for Hamm Dezember, pickup at my table or Shipping Germany / Austria.
Eurydactylodes agricolae, E. vieillardi, E. occidentalis
Offer for next Hamm (December 14):
E. agricolae
0.2 NZ 07/2024
0.1 NZ 07/2024*
0.0.1 NZ 08/2024
0.0.2 NZ 08/2024*
- two different bloodlines
E. vieillardi
1.0 NZ 2021
1.0 NZ 05/2024
E. occidentalis
1.1 NZ 2020 - proven breeding pair
2.0 NZ 05/2024
0.0.1 NZ 08/2024
Corallus hortulanus for Hamm
0.0.1 Corallus hotulanus Garden 2023 250€
3.0 phanterophis guttatus amel 100%het scaleless het anery 50€
1.1. Corallus hortulanus Red calico 2022 1.0 600€ / 0.1 750€
1.0. Corallus hortulanus Halloween 2019 300€
Correlophus ciliatus / crested geckos / Kronengeckod
Free transport to Hamm in december
For more infos send me a pm.
-50% on the chraper gecko if you buy two
Males Birupessimoroxigorum; Damarchus workmani Hamm
1.0 Phormingochilus pennelhewlettorum RH 03/24 - 50€
1.0 Birupes simoroxigorum RH 9/24 - 70€
1.0 Damarchus workmani RH 10/24 GG
1.0 Ischnothele caudata RH 11/24 - 10€
Shipping in EU 15€ or Weinstadt
Wunderschöne Black Night Mädels zur Abgabe
Biete hier 5 wunderschöne Black Night Mädels an die zur Abgabe bereit sind . Die Tiere wachsen in einer Gruppe auf und werden regelmäßig mit Calcium und Vitamin D3 versorgt . Preise sind variabel Jenachdem wie intensiv die schwarz Färbung ist . Abholung und oder Übergabe in Hamm ist per Anzahlung möglich .
Pantherophis emoryi CB24 Hamm
Offering 3,1 Pantherophis emoryi for Hamm in December.
Own CB, eating perfectly defrosted mice.
The female has a small kink on the lower back.
Looking for a A.melanocephalus 0.1
- female
- 2022 or younger
- preferably morph or extraordinary looking
- pick up in Hamm
Drymarchon couperi & m. melanurus
Reducing number of my animals I sell:
1.0 drymarchon couperi 2021. € 2500
1.0 drymarchon m. melanurus 2017. Huge animal, beautiful clean line from U.S. € 1200.
Transport to Hamm is possible.
Available for Hamm show December
All Three adult animals ready to breed
1.0 Whiteout Oreo Zulu het Caramel
Proven CB22 550,-
0.1 Zulu het Caramel, ph. Oreo
Not Proven (Around 60gram) 300,-
0.1 Amel Tangerine 66%het Zulu
Not proven (Around 45-50g) 300,-
Open for offers
Possible trades
Anolis and Corytophanes for Hamm Dez
Handover Hamm Dez
All Animals CB autumn 2024
Anolis Allisoni 0.0.4
Anolis Pogus 0.0.6
Anolis Leachii 0.0.4
Corytophanes hernandesii 0.0.7
Wholesale welcome
Suche 0.1 pumilio Nancy/Solarte Hamm 14.12
Hallo zusammen, suche für Hamm noch ein Nancy/Solarte Mädel 0.1.
Meldet euch gerne.
HAMM Premium ads [Page 49]
Lampropeltis Leonis « Palmetto « Alterna « Blairi « Ruthveni Albino «
For 10.12.22 Hamm
> 1,1 Lampropeltis Alterna River Road NZ 22
> 1,3 Lampropeltis Alterna Blairi NZ 22
> 8,4 Lampropeltis Leonis (Mexicana Thayeri) Leopard und Hulk LINE NZ22
> 1,3 Lampropeltis Ruthveni ALBINO
Zipper Line
0,1 schwarze Afrikanische Hausschlange, Lamprophis fuliginosus NZ 22
> Kornnatter Pantherophis guttatus
1,0 Palmetto NZ 22
1,0 Albino Palmetto NZ 22
1,0 Albino Het Palmetto NZ 22
1,0 Het Palmetto NZ 22
0,1 Palmetto NZ 22
0,1 Het Palmetto NZ 22
> 1,0 Lampropeltis Mexicana Greeri Superhypo NZ 22
> Mandarinnatter 1,0 Euprepiophis mandarinus NZ 21
Ein Tierversand ist möglich. Zustellung kann Dienstag bis Freitag erfolgen.
Tausch gegen Zonata Arten, Applegate Pyromelana, Temporalis Hypo, Alterna Avery Ghost.
Bei Fragen einfach schreiben. www.lampropeltis.jimdo.com
Trioceros cristatus captivebred animals
Hamm/ Houten captivebred Trioceros cristatus. Two bloodlines
www.Exotic-Spiders.com Houten/Hamm/Shipping
Houten/ Hamm/ Shipping
Offer available on the website and fully list can be send on the email.
Safely shipping with UPS express (48h max) in all EU.
Avicularia variegata/ rufa (Brazil)/ geroldi/ urticans green/ marienae
Brachypelma auratum, smithi (ex annitha)
Ornithoctoninae Vietnam silver/ Cho Chi Minh
Grammostola rosea/iheringi/actaeon/pulchra/porteri
Theraphosa blodni/ apophysis
Ybyrapora diversipes/ sooretama
Phormingochilus pennellhewlettorum, Sabah blue
and many more on www.Exotic-Spiders.com
+31633489306 (what's app)
Ready for hamm or houten show nov-dec
Ready for ✈️ cb2022-21 Houten or hamm
-eublepharis macularius different morphs cb22
-black night leopard gecko cb22
-tiliqua g evanescense from patternless parents cb22
-Nephrurus Levi’s levis cb22
-Nephrurus vertebralis cb22
- Nephrurus wheeleri w. Cb22
-hemiteconix taylori male adult proven cb
-Nephrurus stellatus Males young and adult male cb
-underwoorsario husbandi cb22
- chondrolactylus angulifer cb22 pairs
-sauromalus ater red back granite
- microlophus albermaiensis
- Timon princeps
-pogona vitticeps high red hypo het trans and hypo trans
-Rachodactylus leachianus high pink nu Ana
-uromastyx Acanthinura flame super high quality cb 2021
-uromastyx flavifasciata cb20 austria
-uromastyx ornata philby cb 20 import cites
-varanus prasinus merauke cb21
-varanus reisingeri cb22
-uromastyx thomasi cb22 registered in Spain
-Correlophus ciliatus Mix
-Mniarogekko chahoua *mainland cb22 and males
-Rhacodactylus auriculatus RED - cb22
-Tiliqua nigrolutea *lowland - pair cb22
-Uracentron flaviceps !!! -wc imported ltc
-Rhinoclemmys rubida rubida pairs ltc imported
-Drymarchon melanurus rubidus ltc imported
-acanthochelys spixii adult and babies
-hydromedusa maximiliani adult proven breeders
-acanthochelys Vanderhaegei adult proven breeders
-a.radiolata adult group and some youngs
-A. macrocephala adult proven breeders
-Messoclemys tuberculatus adult proven breeders
-M raniceps adult proven breeders
-Crotaphytus collaris subadult pairs
-chelus fimbriatus adult wc imported
-hydrosaurus pustulatus cb2022
-hemiteconix caudicintus adult proven breeders (many females good production many morphs) only as a group
-tiliqua s. Intermedia unsexed cb22
- egernia epsisolus female cb22
-egernia stockesi pair cb22
-egernia stockesi het albino cb22
-egernia depressa male cb22
-Pogona vitticeps "red hypo. trans" cb22
-Pogona minor "nominal/het translucent" cb22
-Laudakia brachydactyla cb22 and adults
-Uromastyx geyri cb22 registered in Spain
-Goniurosaurus hainanensis cb22-21 registered in Spain
-Elaphe obsoleta "leucistic"cb22-21
-Lampropeltis leonis x ruthveni / pastel king cb22-21
-Pantherophis guttatus microscales/scaleless/albino/nominal cb22-21
-Stigmochelys pardalis cb22 registered in Spain
-hybrid saranisorum x ciliatus cb22
-hybrid chahoua x ciliatus adult pair
-petrosaurus thalasinus pair subadult female adult male cb
sale rare Drymarchon erebennus
CB 2021-2022
4-0 Drymarchon erebennus (2021,2022) ligne Black Pearl Reptiles US
2-0 Elaphe moellendorffi (2021) very good eaters
2-0 Gonyosoma boulengeri (2021) very good eaters
Hamm in december
wattsapp :
adult male geniteur erebennus
baby erebennus
Elaphe moellendorffi (2021)
Gonyosoma boulengeri(2021)
Invertebrates Stocklist - June
*Stocklist June*
Galeodes arabicus
(WC - Mixed)
Galeodes deserti
(WC - Mixed)
Galeodes granti
(WC - Mixed)
Cerbalus aravaensis
(WC - Mixed)
Scolopendra mix (Egypt)
(WC - Mixed)
Eremiaphila sp.
(WC - Mixed)
Scarabeus sacer
(WC - Mixed)
Chaetopelma olivaceum
(WC - Mixed)
Anthia sexmaculata
(WC - Mixed)
Lycosa sp. Egypt
(WC - Mixed)
Argiope sp. Egypt
(WC - Mixed)
Epiperipatus barbadensis
Heteropteryx dilatata "Yellow"
Phyllocrania paradoxa
Omomantis zebrata
Phyllocrania paradoxa ootheken
Caribena versicolor
(FH 3/4)
•*Shipping Worldwide*
•*Pick up - Hamm / Hanover*
•*Prices negotiable*
•*Pictures on Request*
Python bivittatus-pied, albino pied, hypochampage
Python bivittatus
5,5 Pied
6,6 Albino pied
1,0 hypo champagne
0,1 green champagne
0,1 albino pied NZ 2021
2,2 Morelia viridis aru CB 2022
0,0,50 Podocnemis unifilis
I will be in Houten and Hamm
1.0 Lampropeltis Leonis Patternless and 1.0 Greybanded River Road
Offer 1.0 Lampropeltis Leonis Patternless proven breeder CB19 bought from Rainer Dohren and 1.0 Greybanded Kingsnake River Road locality imported from Vivid Reptiles(US) CB13 hasnt got good clutch from females paired to him. Both in perfect condition and 100% health. Delivery to December Hamm. More info on my email capinsky@seznam.cz.
Stocklist Terra-Amphibia (Frogday)
Stocklist for Hamm.
Email: info@terra-amphibia.com
Adelphobates galactonotus orange
Adelphobates galactonotus Blue
Adelphobates galactonotus Moonshine
Ameerega trivittata red
Dendrobates leucomelas
Dendrobates leucomelas Bolivar
Dendrobates auratus Pena Blanca
Dendrobates auratus Elcope
Dendrobates auratus Birkhahn
Dendrobates auratus riticulated
Dendrobates auratus 'Super blue'
Dendrobates auratus El oro
Dendrobates tinctorius Azureus
Dendrobates tinctorius Citronella
dendrobates tinctorius Citronella small
Dendrobates tinctorius Cayenne
Dendrobates tinctorius Cobalt
Dendrobates tinctorius Natasha
Dendrobates tinctorius nominaat
Dendrobates tinctorius tumucumaque
Ranitomeya vanzolinii
Ranitomeya lamasi highland
Ranitomeya lamasi panguana
Ranitomeya imitator Banded
Ranitomeya ventrimaculata
Ranitomeya variabilis southern
Ranitomeya Benedicta
Epipedobates anthonyi
Phyllobates vittatus
Phyllobates terribilis yellow
Phyllobates terribilis yellow adult
1.1 Oophaga pumilio Bisira
Oophaga pumilio popa
6.6 Oophaga pumilio Blue jeans
4.4 Oophaga pumilio Colon
Oophaga pumilio Nancy
Oophaga pumilio Bastimentos
Mantella nigricans
Pyxicephalus adspersus (African bullfrog)
Theloderma corticale
Agalychnis moreletii
Cruziohyla craspedopus large
Litoria splendida large
litoria caerulea
Hyalinobatrachium valerioi
Heterixalus alboguttatus
1.0 Ceratophrys cranwelli burgundy adult
0.1 Ceratophrys cranwelli strawberry
1.0 Ceratophrys cornuta
Stick/leaf insects
Phyllium letiranti tabata
Theraphosa apophysis
Theraphosa stirmi small
Tliltocatl albopilosum niragua
Brachypelma Hamorii
Tliltocatl vagans
Tliltocatl Kahlenbergi
Brachypelma boehmei
Brachypelma emilia
Brachypelma albiceps
Caribena versicolor
Poecilotheria regalis
Archispirosteptus Gigas sub adult
12x Armadillo officinalis red
Beetle larvea € each
Dynastes hercules hercules Meteor
Dynastes hercules hercules Hiroka
Goliathus goliatus L2 L3
Megasoma elaphas elaphas L2
Megasoma mars L2
Rhacodactylus sarisinorum
Correlophus ciliatus
Lepidodactylus lugubrus
Chamaeleo calyptratus
Varanus panoptes
Varanus exanthematicus sub adult
Varanus Acanthurus adult male
Furcifer pardalis Nosy be male
Heloderma suspectum Male
2x Iguana iguana albino
Phelsuma nigristriata
Phelsuma robertmertensi
Phelsuma pusilla pusilla
Phelsuma Lineata
Phelsuma klemmeri
Geochelone pardalis
Agrionemys horsfieldii
Chelonoidis denticulata
Chelydra serpentina
Morelia Viridis Biak CB
Boiga Cyanea CB 2019
Corallus hortulanus
Pituophis catenifer sayi
1.0 Epicrates cenchria cenchria
1.0 Python Regius Bamboo clown spotnose
Python Regius 100% het candy
1.0 Python Regius fire pied
1.0 Python Regius enchi pied
Ask for the pricelist!
‼We sell captivebred and raised animals from local and our own breedings‼
If you looking for other species or if you have other questions please let us know.
Email: info@terra-amphibia.com
***Alle Giftschlangen abzugeben!!!***
Wir verkaufen die letzen Tiere von Nils Belker,
da die Spinnenfarm aufgelöst worden ist!
Abholung in Gelsenkirchen oder Übergabe in Hamm!
Anzugeben gegen bestes Gebot, kein Verkauf in NRW möglich!
Wir bringen diese Tiere mit nach Hamm oder Abholung in Gelsenkirchen möglich:
1,0 Naja anulifera adult ca 180
1,0 Bitis arietans adult
0,1 Crotalus viridis viridis 'Het Albino' adult
1,1 Crotalus viridis viridis adult
2,1 Crotalus viridis nuntius adult
2,0 Crotalus enyo enyo adult
1,1 Naja nigricincta ca 130 cm
Viele Grüße,
Melanie Belker
Königsnatter Lampropeltis Leonis | Ruthveni Albino |Palmettos |Zonata
Pick up at Snakeday in October +
Hamm in December
> 2,1 Lampropeltis Zonata Pulchra NZ 22
> 8,4 Lampropeltis Leonis (Mexicana Thayeri) Leopard und Hulk LINE NZ22
> 1,3 Lampropeltis Ruthveni ALBINO
Zipper Line
1,2 schwarze Afrikanische Hausschlange, Lamprophis fuliginosus NZ 22
> Kornnatter Pantherophis guttatus
1,0 Palmetto NZ 22
2,0 Albino Palmetto NZ 22
1,0 Albino Het Palmetto NZ 22
1,0 HetPalmetto NZ 22
0,1 Palmetto NZ 22
0,2 Het Palmetto NZ 22
> 1,0 Lampropeltis Mexicana Greeri Superhypo NZ 22
> Mandarinnatter 1,0 Euprepiophis mandarinus NZ 21
Ein Tierversand ist möglich. Zustellung kann Dienstag bis Freitag erfolgen.
Tausch gegen Zonata Arten, Applegate Pyromelana, Temporalis Hypo, Alterna Avery Ghost.
Bei Fragen einfach schreiben. www.lampropeltis.jimdo.com
Python bivittatus- pied, albino pied, hypo champagne, champagne
PREMIUM Python bivittatus
5,5 Pied
6,6 Albino pied
1,1 champagne
1,1 hypo champagne
0,1 green champagne
3,4 Morelia viridis aru CB 2022
0,0,4 Dracaena guianensis
0,0,50 Podocnemis unifilis
I will be in Verona, Hoten , Hamm
Python bivittatus- pied, albino pied, hypo champagne, champagne
Python bivittatus
5,5 Pied
6,6 Albino pied
1,1 champagne
1,1 hypo champagne
0,1 green champagne
3,4 Morelia viridis aru CB 2022
0,0,4 Dracaena guianensis
0,0,50 Podocnemis unifilis
I will be in Verona, Hoten , Hamm
Sharp Snowglow and hets ready for a new home
1.0 Classic 100% het Sharp Snow
2.2 poss super Sharp Snowglow
1.3 Sharp Sunglow 100% het Sharp Snowglow
1.0 Sharp Albino 100% het Sharp Snow
1.2 poss super Ghost 100% het Sharp Snowglow
2.1 Poss super Hypo 100% het Sharp Snowglow
Wholesale are welcome
Hamm possible
Shipping possible
Contact about email or WhatsApp please
1.4 Group - Dalmation - Kronengecke, Crested Gecko, Correlophus ciliat
Wegen weil ich kann... abzugeben meine Dalmation Gruppe Dalmation Cresties
images in reverse order
1.0 - 49g - yellow base, red + black spots - breeder: Altitude Exotics - 400€
0.1 - 63g - brown/dark yellow base, white+black+oil spots - 200€
0.1 - 59g - yellow base, white+ black spots - 300€
0.1 - 42g - brown base, head/tail reddish, highlighted pinstripes, black + red + oil spots - 200€
0.1 - 57g - harlequin, less black spots, for genetic see stomach - 300€
all proven.
group = 1.000€
the geckos live together without any problems during the breeding season. the male has a malposition of the base of the tail. it is not genetic and is not inherited. no floppy!
when buying the group there is a male out of them from 2021 (30g+) included.
feel free to ask.
handover at expos 2022/11 Berlin, 2022/11 Hannover, 2022/12 Hamm or shipping possible
herps buy, sell and exchange.
Find animals and accessories or sell them free of charge or with a paid classified.Contact breeders and dealers from Germany and abroad.