HAMM standard ads [Page 178]
Varanus macraei CB for sale
Varanus macraei CB 12/2022. 0.0.5
Delivery to Houten, Hamm ...
Wanted to Exotic animals
Hi, I would have the chance to come to hamm, I would look for some animals:
• a couple of telfairi echinops
• a female of sugarglidar mosaic
Pair of Geochelone sulcata
Hi I have one pair of Sulcatas for sale
Male is 14kg
Female 12kg
The animals are in Denmark right now..
I Can Bring them to Hamm next month..
2600€ for the pair
Looking for
Platysaurus broadleyi
Uromastyx yemenensis
Pachydactylus rangei
Chalarodon madagascariensis
I will go to Hamm in March 2023
Python Brongersmai (Banka x Genetic Stripe)
Biete hier meine eigenen Nachzuchten aus der Verpaarung von Banka x Genetic Stripe
Nur noch Männchen übrig.
Übergabe in Hamm möglich.
Looking for Male Drymarchon Melanurus Melanurus
I'm looking for a 1.0 Drymarchon Melanurus Melanurus baby or juvenile with delivery at Hamm. Also could be interested in 1.1 if good price.
Thank you in advance
Krokodilschwanzechse Shinisaurus crocodilurus
Krokodilschwanzechsen (Shinisaurus crocodilurus vietnamensis) 3,2 NZ vom 25.04.2022
Elterntiere mit hohem Rotanteil - Kein Versand, Abholung in 48161 Münster oder Übergabe in Hamm möglich 300€ je Tier incl. Cites-Bescheinigung
Paar Gonatodes caudiscutatus
Ich suche ein Paar Gonatodes cadiscutatus. Zu übernehmen in Houten oder Hamm, oder nahe der holländischen Grenze.
Uromastyx Philybi male wanted
Looking for male uromastyx philbyi male can collect from houten or hamm
Looking for Gekko gecko 0.1
Hello, I am looking for a female tokay gecko for hamm (urgently).
1.1 Naja atra ''Hong Kong''
1.1 Naja atra ''Hong Kong'' CB2017 for sale. They eat, shed and shit like they should .
Transport to Hamm etc is possible.
Nephrurus levis pilbarensis
For Hamm in march:
1.0 nephrurus levis pilbarensis albino 66%het patternless cb’20 proven
0.0.2 nephrurus levis pilbarensis albino poss het patternless
0.0.1 nephrurus levis pilbarensis 66%het albino poss patternless
1.0 nephrurus levis levis hypo red cb’20
Nephrurus levis levis nz 2022
4.4 nephrurus levis, nz 2022 for houten oder hamm, info per email
Boa morphs: IMG, IMG Hypo, Sharp Hypo
I offer:
Boa constrictor color morphs.
CB: 2021.
100% het. Sharp.
0,1- IMG Hypo
1,0- IMG
1,0- IMG
0,1- CA Motley jungle, IMG hypo, (pastel)
1,0- IMG Hypo, Pastel
0,1- IMG Hypo, Pastel
0,1- IMG Hypo CA Motley jungle
CB: 2022.
1,1- Sharp Hypo, pastel
All my breed CB: 20.6.2021 and 22.5.2022.
I am able to deliver snakes to these Expos: Hamm, Houten, Verona, Prague….????
More info:
E-mail: borecky7@seznam.cz
Or my Snake page: www.facebook.com/adamssnakes/
SUCHE alle Arten von MAMBAS
Habe 3 Mambas in Hamm angekauft - suche aber weiterhin nach verschiedenen Mambas - rasche Anzahlung - kurze Reservierung - danach Abholung überall !
1.0 Tiliqua nigrolutea MISSING
!!Attention!! The following bluetongueskink has been missing during the Hamm show, row 16. Please any lead will be appreciated and rewarded!????????????
Bitis arietans kokstad africa
1-1 kokstad koppel male from 2000 and female 2018.
The have mate.
Price 300 euro
Can bring them to hamm tomorow
Boa constrictor imperator (6 Jungtiere) ENZ 07/09/22
Biete Boa constrictor imperator (6 Jungtiere) ENZ 07/09/22
Mail bitte an Bernd.Funck@gmx.net oder per WhatsApp +49 1573 0654587
Übergabe wäre in Hamm möglich!
PP (not PVC) terrarium, 60x60x90cm made by Future Terra
Check it live at Terraristika Hamm - main hall row nr 4
PP (not PVC) terrarium made by Future Terra out of polypropylene construction merged by heat welding.
- hinged front, tempered glass
- hotspot
- waterproof, quality led stripe hidden in front frame
- waterbowl holder + 1.8L stainless steel waterbowl
- 5 sets of PP perches (25mm diameter)
Price: 470€ instead of 588€!
10.12. - Hamm - Adult male
Megaphobema velasoma
1,0 ADULT 9/22 - 55€
Tliltocatl albopilosum
4,0 ADULT 9-10/22 - 18€
Nhandu chromatus - 20€
3,0 ADULT 11/22
HAMM Premium ads [Page 178]
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