HAMM standard ads [Page 130]

Looking for Gonyosoma Frenatum babies or juvenile. Can pick up at Hamm.

Boas kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Candoia paulsoni Santa Isabel 0.1 CB 2019 +2
Sell Boas

Candoia paulsoni Santa Isabel 0.1 CB 2019

Candoia paulsoni Santa Isabel 0.1 CB 2019
Perfect female and animal
Eat perfect
For hamm march

Geckos kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Available for Hamm Available for  Fair (Germany) on March 9. +2
Sell Geckos

Available for Hamm Available for Fair (Germany) on March 9.

This beautiful 100% pure female clown weighs 35 grams and is an excellent healthy female, she eats very well.
PPure Clowns imported from USA (both low ph raptor.
The Clown Project was born with the idea of ​​​​breeding few animals but of maximum genetic quality and maximum phenotypic beauty.

Shipping to all of Europe via international fairs.
Clown 100% (Low Ph Raptor)

Geckos kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Nephrurus available for hamm +2
Sell Geckos

Nephrurus available for hamm

2.0 nephrurus levis levis ph patternless cb23
1.0 nephrurus levis levis cb23
1.0 nephrurus vertebralis red line cb19

frogs kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Suche Theloderma Corticale / Vietnamesischer Moosfrosch
Search frogs

Suche Theloderma Corticale / Vietnamesischer Moosfrosch

Ich bin auf der Suche nach einer kleinen Gruppe Vietnamesische Moosfrösche / Theloderma Corticale. Sie sollten schon 3 Monate am Land sein und Futterfest. Übergabe in Hamm am 09.03 ist möglich.


-1,0 Afrikanischer Ochsenfrosch, Pyxicephalus adspersus

Größe egal nur bestimmtes Männchen!l !

I'm looking for Discoglossus scovazzi. Any offer is welcome. I'm at the Hamm show in March.

Lizards kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Anolis equestris potior CB 2023 blue line +2
Sell Lizards

Anolis equestris potior CB 2023 blue line

For Hamm 1,1 Anolis potior CB 11/12/2023, male is blue, female green hetero for blue.

frogs kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Agylechnis Annea, blue sided leaf frog
Search frogs

Agylechnis Annea, blue sided leaf frog

Looking for Agylechnis Annea. Any around at all? I want some for the Hamm show if possible.

Geckos kaufen und verkaufen Photo: 2.1 Nephrurus Amyae ..... +2
Sell Geckos

2.1 Nephrurus Amyae .....

For houten or hamm

2.1 Nephrurus Amyae

Cb 2023 september

Für Hamm/Hannover, oder Versand
0,2 Brachypelma harmorii (Adult/ Sub Adult)
0,1 T.vagans (Adult)
0,1 Pamphobeteus .sp flammifera ( juvenile)
0,1 Ph.cf.fortis (juvenile)
0,1 Grammostola.pulchra (Sub Adult)
0,1 B.emilia ( Sub Adult)
0.1 B.albiceps (Sub Adult)
0,2 Ph.verspertinus ( juvenile)
1,1 Ph.machala ( frisch Adult)
0,0,2 Ph.mascara ( Baby)
0,1 Theraphosa apohyisis ( Subadult/Adult)
0,0,2 T.blondi ( juvenile)
0,0,2 Xenesthis immanis (juvenile)
1,1 Nhandu chromatus (Adult)
0,1 B.auratum (Adult)
0,1 N.trippepi (Adult)
0,0,2 T.albipolosum (Nicaragua) ( juvenile)
0,1 Lasiodora parahybana ( juvenile)

Geckos kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Kronengeckos - C. ciliatus - Crested Gecko +2
Sell Geckos

Kronengeckos - C. ciliatus - Crested Gecko

Hamm oder Abholung

0.0.6 Charcoal*Charcoal (AE Line)
0.0.1 Red spot porthole superdal* Red porthole Dal
0.1 Grey-brown patternless
0.1 Phantom Lilly White
0.1 Red Tricolor
0.2 Mocca
0.1 Brown Patternless Dalmatian
1.0 Red Inkspot Dalmatian
1.0 Dark Patternless with spots
2.0 Charcoal, AE lineage
1.1 Charcoal pair, proven, AE line (this pair only together or male alone)

Geckos kaufen und verkaufen Photo: 6x unsexed Charcoal Kronengecko C.ciliatus +2
Sell Geckos

6x unsexed Charcoal Kronengecko C.ciliatus

6x Unsexed Charcoal, Altitude Exotics Lineage
zusammen 500€

Abholung oder für Hamm im März


i currently have surplus tadpoles of the following species:

theloderma vietnamense
theloderma corticale
theloderma asperum

im looking for other theloderma sp to add to the collection, prefferable tadpoles. all offers are welcome as long as frog related (not dartfrogs)

kind regards,


Looking for Hamm in March
Stigmochelys (Geochelone) pardalis

Lizards kaufen und verkaufen Photo: 1.2 Anolis Carolinensis Rotkehlanolis +2
Sell Lizards

1.2 Anolis Carolinensis Rotkehlanolis

1.2 Anolis Carolinensis Rotkehlanolis available for Hamm or pick up Euskirchen (near Cologne)
Please contact me via email

Spiders and Scorpions kaufen und verkaufen Photo: latrodectus hesperus Männchen
Sell Spiders and Scorpions

latrodectus hesperus Männchen

Verkaufe/ Tausche mein latrodectus hesperus Männchen. Bin am 9.3.2024 in Hamm oder Selbstabholung

Sell Crustraceae non aquatic

Isopods for Hamm 9.3.2024

I am offering preorder of isopods for Hamm. I don´t have a table so I take only reserved animals. Full list on email.
Species Pcs/price
Armadillidium gestroi 12/20
Armadillidium granulatum Magic potion 12/40
Armadillidium klugii 12/20
Armadillidium maculatum 12/10
Armadillidium pallasii ,,Orange,,12/35
Armadillidium vulgare ,,albino t+,,12/10
Armadillidium vulgare ,,Magic Potion,,12/15
Armadillidium vulgare(Russia) 12/3
Armadillidium werneri,,orange,,12/10
Armadillo officinalis ,,Orange,, 12/20
Armadillo officinalis (Sicily) 12/10
Crisarmadillidium muricatum 10/60
Cubaris murina (Borneo) 10/5
Cubaris sp. Miako 10/80
Cubaris sp. Pak Chong 10/50
Cubaris sp. Panda king 10/20
Cubaris sp. Tung Song 10/30
Cubaris sp. White Shark 10/100
Cubaris sp.,,red skirt,, 12/60
Cubaris sp.,,white side,, (Cambodia)12/45
Cubaris sp.Rubble Duck 10/80
Leptotrichus panzeri 10/8
Nesodillo sp. 'Shiro Utsuri'10/40
Porcellio cf.flavocinctus (Gibraltar) 12/20
Porcellio dilatatus(Lisboa)12/10
Porcellio hoffmannseggi 12/30
Porcellio laevis ,, milkback,,12/5
Porcellio laevis ,, orange ,, 12/6
Porcellio laevis ,, white ,, 12/5
Porcellio laevis ,,wild,, (Oropesa) 12/5
Porcellio laevis,,marbelized,,12/5
Porcellio scaber ,, lava,, 12/15
Porcellio sp. Sevilla Caramel12/50
Porcellio sp.(Sevilla) 12/15
Porcellio werneri 12/70
Trachelipus cavaticus 12/10

Insects kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Cockroaches for Hamm 9.3.2024 +2
Sell Insects

Cockroaches for Hamm 9.3.2024

I offer preordering many animals for upcoming event at Hamm.
I do not have a table so I take only ordered animals. For orders 100€+ I make a sale or bonus animals.

Aeluropoda insignis 10/10€
Ancaudellia hemifera 10/40€
Archimandrita tesselata 10/20€
Asiablatta kyotensis 10/15€
Blaberus atropus 10/5€
Blaberus boliviensis 10/10€
Blaberus colloseus 10/15€
Blaberus colloseus ,,Peru,, 10/35€
Blaberus cranifer 10/6€
Blaberus cranifer ¨black wings¨ 10/10€
Blaberus discoidalis 10/6€
Blaberus discoidalis (Jamaica) 10/10€
Blaberus discoidalis (Venezuela) 10/10€
Blaberus giganteus 10/50€
Blaberus parabolicus 10/10€
Blaptica dubia ,,Gold´´ 10/5€
Blatta orientalis (Bulharsko -Varna) 10/4€
Byrsotria cabrerai 10/8€
Byrsotria fumigata 10/8€
Byrsotria rothi 10/10€
Byrsotria sp. ¨dark¨ 10/10€
Celatoblatta sp.(Papua N.Guinea) 10/60€
And many many more, full list I can send on email.

Gebe 0.0.14 ( Tendenz 9.5) U. milii Wildtyp sowie 0.0.6 ( Tendenz 2.4) U. milii Lightphase ab, alle Nz '23.

Hamm März oder grenznah zur Schweiz.