HAMM standard ads [Page 127]
Verkaufe Schaben / Cockroaches for sale
Für Versand & eventuell komme ich am 9.3. nach Hamm:
Elliptorhina javanica - 12mix 8€
Eublaberus marajoara - 10 Larven 15€
Gyna caffrorum - 12mix 10€
Gyna centurio - 12mix 20€
Gyna lurida - 12mix 15€
Hormetica sp. "Columbia" -10mix 50€
Nauphoeta cinerea - 50mix 6€
Oxyhaloa deusta - 30mix 5€
Paratemnopteryx couloniana - 50mix 6€
Phoetalia pallida - 100mix 6€
Pycnoscelus nigra - 20mix 5€
Simandoa conserfariam - 10mix 40€
Symploce pallens - 100mix 6€
Therea bernhardti - 20 Larven 15€
Trichorhina tomentosa (Weiße Asseln) - 100 für 3€
0.0.xxx Centrochelys sulcata
I offer my own breeding of Centrochelys sulcata. Healthy vital babys from spring 2013, no import. Raised under a UVb lamp, fed with green food. 10 pieces - 500 euro. I will be in Hamm.
cynops orientalis - searcing.
Cynops Orientalis. searching. prefer adults. Going to Hamm Expo in March 2024.
0.1 or 0.0.1 ctenosaura flavidorsalis
Hi, I search female or unsexed ctenosaura flavidorsalis
I come to Hamm in March
Looking for Bitis species for next hamm
Looking for Bitis caudalis
Bitis peringueyi
Incubator - MEMMERT (delivery to Hamm possible)
Have used it in the past for different species and it worked great, holds temperature nicely.
Delivery to Hamm possible
For more info PM!
1.0 Correlophus ciliatus - Proven
1.0 Correlophus ciliatus CB 18 - Yellow pinstripe empty back - Proven breeder
Delivery to Hamm possible, for more info PM :)!
Gekkos Phyllurus, Aeluroscalabotes, Uroplatus
For sale in Hamm.
2,2 Phyllurus amnicola adult.
1,1 Aeluroscalabotes felinus adult
2,2 Uroplatus henceli subadult.
Goniurosaurus sp.
For next Hamm show
Please offer Goniurosaurus sp.(except huiilensis, hainensis,bawanglingensis,araneus, lichtenfelderi,luii) its better if you have pair or Big group.
Rattlesnakes 'n' Pitvipers
1.1 Crotalus pyrrhus, TA-Mts, Yuma Cty cb23
1.2 Crotalus ravus, Perote, Veracruz cb23
1.2 Crotalus scutulatus salvini, Perote, Veracruz cb23
1.1 Crotalus stephensi, Las Vegas, Clark Cty cb23
1.1 Crotalus tortugensis, Isla Tortuga, Mex cb23
1.2 Gloydius b. brevicaudus, S-Korea cb23
Hamm, SnakeDay-Houten, Plzeň-Symposium 02/24
Suche Hardune , Laudakia stellio
Bin auf der Suche nach 1,1 ( auch 1,2 oder 1,3) Laudakia stellio
brachydactyla oder Laudakia stellio picea
Bin am 09.03. in Hamm zur Börse
0.0.500 Correlophus ciliatus
0.0.500 Correlophus ciliatus
(only for wholesale, price for quantity)
Harlequin, Red harlequin, Super red, Yellow, Lilly white...
Hamm December
BlueEyes crested gecko pairs
New in the hobby!!
We are offering some of our BlueEyes crested gecko pairs that we produce.
Serious inquries only. Hamm December.
0.1 Morelia viridis sorong 0.1 candoia bibroni
0.1 candoia bibroni 2016
0.1 Sorong 2018 proven breeder
possible pick up in terraristika hamm 09/03
Neurergus crocatus - Urmia-Molch
Biete Nachzuchten von Neurergus crocatus.
Tierversand auf Kosten des Käufers (inkl. Organisation) oder Übergabe am 09.03.24 in Hamm möglich.
Gerne im Tausch gegen Hypselotriton (Cynops) orientalis oder Cynops pyrrhogaster.
0.1 Morelia viridis sorong
0.1 Sorong 2018 proven breeder possible pick up in terraristika hamm 09/03
Lepidodactylus lugubris "Hawaii" for Hamm
For sale I have Lepidodactylus lugubris "Hawaii"
The geckos have been around for 2/3 months.
Possible pickup in Hamm in March.
Königsnattern - Lampropeltis
Das Lampropeltis Standardwerk von Rainer Thissen und Helmut Hansen.
Alles was man über die immer beliebter werdenden Königsnattern wissen muss.
Arten, Verbreitung, Terrarienhaltung, Ernährung, Geschlechtsbestimmung, Paarung und Zucht.
Preis 40,00 €
Übergabe in Hamm möglich
Looking for Brongersmai Hamm
For Hamm in march
Looking for Python Brongersmai
Batik/Batrix and/or T+ is of interest.
Send email to tintin.westerberg@gmail.com
Protobothrops, Giftschlangen, Venomous Snake
1.2 Protobothrops jerdonii jerdonii CB23
Hamm Terraristika in March 2024
HAMM Premium ads [Page 127]
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