HAMM standard ads [Page 55]
For Hamm
0.3Trimeresurus insularis turquoise and green
Cb 23
0.X trimeresurus insularis neongreen cb23
0.1 Daboia russelii adult
1.1 Crotalus terrificus adult
0.1 gumprechti adult
0.1 puniceus , Java , adult
0.1 caudalis , Keetmanshoop, adult
X.XAmbystoma mexicanum
Please only ask for the animals you are really interested in and not every single animals price.
Also I will not waste my time with pic collectors. All pictures are up to date, if there are pics missing they will follow asap.
Delivery to hamm possible!
For hamm december!!!!! Trimeresurus,atheris,vipera
1.1 het albolabris green adult
0.1 trimeresurus gramineus adult
0.1 trimeresurus phuketensis
1.0 atheris squamigera
1.3 insularis komodo x floris adult
0.1 Trimeresurus gumprechti
0.1 trimeresurus puniceus adult
0.0.6 Trimeresurus insularis komodo x floris.
0.1 atheris squamigera green red
0.1 atheris squamigera green tiger
1.1 vipera aspis zinnikeri Aquitaine
2.1 vipera aspis montepellier
Oreocryptophis p. laticinctus, pulchra, elaphe climacophora
All CB24
Orecryptophis porphyraceus laticinctus 1.0
Oreocryptophis porphyraceus pulchra 0.3
Elaphe climacophora 1.3 + photo of parents
Ziva exotica, hamm possible
2.0 Uroplatus Henkeli (Henkels Blattschwanzgecko)
Ich gebe 2 ausgewachsene Uroplatus Henkeli (Henkels Blattschwanzgecko) ab.
Einer hat bereits für Nachwuchs gesorgt, aber es werden nun zu viele Männchen.
Bin als Besucher in Hamm, dort wäre eine Übergabe möglich.
Ansonsten Abholung in 63867 Johannesberg oder Versand.
Preis : 450Vb
2 0.0 Anolis distichus ignigularis
I have 2 males Anolis distichus ignigularis for sale. Can be brought to Hamm in December.
E-mail me for more information. rdankers@hotmail.com
Albino 100% het Leopard poss Anery
Hamm december possible
1.0 Albino 100% het Leopard poss Anery I
Adult (2016) Kahl strain
Proven breeder
Boa constrictor constrictor Brazil
Hamm Dezember possible
2.0 Boa constrictor constrictor Brazil (Bessette)
Parents Russo
Own breeding 2022
quit keeping snakes, space before price, offers welcome
First 2 pictures parents
Egernia cunninghami "Southern"
Egernia cunninghami "Southern" CB2024 0.0.5
0.1 adult Albino Superconda proven breeder
Albino Superconda Weibchen, 550€
Hallo, gebe wegen Platzmangels meine adulte westliche Hakennasennatter ab, sie ist etwa 4 Jahre alt und hat bereits einen erfolgreichen Wurf mit 7 befruchteten Eiern hinter sich. Sie könnte auch möglicherweise zusätzliche hets haben, da ich sie als erwachsenes Tier adoptiert habe.
Gewicht 305g, bereit für den nächsten Wurf.
Abgabe auf der Terraristika Hamm 14.12.24 oder per Kurier in Deutschland gegen Aufpreis
Morelia spilota spilota
Hamm - Houten - Verona
CB19 1.0 Morelia spilota spilota
Morelia spilota mcdowelli
Hamm - Houten - Verona
CB20 1.0 Morelia spilota mcdowelli
For hamm, pantherophis, Spalerosophis
0.0.1 scaleless diffused Amber het lavender nc24
0.0.1 caramel het lavender possible diffused nc24
2.2 Spalerosophis diadema Iran
1.0 pantherophis obsoletus het scaleless leucistic nc17
0.0.1 pantherophis obsoletus het scaleless poss calico
For hamm december
Drymarchon melanurus rubidus cb2024
14.12 Hamm
1.1 Drymarchon melanurus rubidus (Guerrero) cb2024
Rootbeer cornsnakes from 2024
Rootbeer cornsnakes from 2024, from unintentional pairing, poss het albino on the emoryi side. Hamm december possible at a friends tabel.
110 euro for one
220 euro for pair
Suche Basiliscus plumifrons 0.1
Basiliscus plumifrons 0.1
For handover in Hamm march 25
Python regius for sale!!!
Hello, I am looking for visual Genetic Stripe Combos (0.1 also as 100% het).
Please without Pastel, Enchi, BEL-Complex, Piebald or Desert Ghost.
I am looking forward to answers.
I will be in Hamm on 14.12.
Python regius for sale!!!
FREE DELIVERY to Hamm, Houten or other shows!!!!!!!
- 0.1 Enchi Mojave
Proven Breeder:
- 1.0 Highway (Gravel Yellow Belly)
You have questions or want pics, PM me!
Latrodectus males wanted!
I'm looking for males of:
- Latrodectus mactans
- Latrodectus menavodi
I'm also interested in other Latrodectus species females or pairs.
I'm in Hamm in december.
male Pyxis arachnoides
Available Male Pyxis arachnoides
paper and microchips ok
delivery possible to Hamm
ranitomeya imitator tarapoto
I'm selling ranitomeya imitator tarapoto 0.1.2 possible delivery in Hamm
HAMM Premium ads [Page 55]
Bothrophthalmus, CALABARIA
HAMM 12/2022:
Bothrophthalmus lineatus OUT
Calabaria reinhardtii
Gongylophis muelleri
GHANA import 08/2022! reptiles@freemail.hu
Frösche for hamm uder houten
We have for the nex Hamm ore Houten show follow frogs
Ranitomeya fantastica Treu nominate
Ranitomeya fantastica monte Cristo
Ranitomeya fantastica caynarachii
Ranitomeya benedicta pampa hermosa
Ranitomeya reticulata
Ranitomeya imitator tarapoto
Ranitomeya imitator nominate
Ranitomeya imitator Jeberos
Ranitomeya Vanzolinii
Ranitomeya amazonica Iquitos Red
Ranitomeya chazuta
Ranitomeya Baja Huallaga
Ranitomeya Imitator Banded
For interesting contackt me:
Whats app: 0031611090353
Facebook: Ricolangenheim
Email: Ricolangenheim@hotmail.com
Available hamm or houten show
PREMIUM 1.0.5 hypsilurus magnus (cb2021 and subadult male)
0.0.17 adelophates castalneoticus cb 2021 in germany
2.2 uromastyx dispar flavifasciata (cb from c.zizka austria)
1.1 uromastyx ornata philby (cb from c.zizka)
1.1 varanus acanthurus red ackie from high red bloodlines (cb2021, Germany)
0.0.8 varanus Glauerti (cb2021, germany)
0.1 abronia Campbelli (cites and chip)registered in ifap
0.2 heloderma suspectum very black cb from Hans-Joachim schwandt
1.1 Ctnosaura alfredmitchi cb Sweden 2021
1.2 Ctnosaura defensor cb Sweden 2021
1.3 Cyclura cornuta (cb2009,2014,2014,2015, ready for breed) chip and cites
1.1 corucia zebrata, from stefano alcini, registered breeder(Italy) chipped.
1.2 Uracentron flaviceps (imported sept 2021)
From Mexico import; (all with copy of the legal import pappers)
5.5 rhinoclemmys rubida rubida (adult/subadult)
3.3 drymarchon melanurus rubidus (adult/subadult)
2.2 phrynosoma asio (adult/subadult)
Photos and more info via email
Lyon - Metz - Frankfurt - Cologne - Amsterdam - Lille - Paris
Lyon - Djion - Montpellier - Mulhouse - Karlsruhe - Frankfurt
0.1 Aeluroscalabotes felinus CB20
5.5 Gonatodes conncinatus
3.3 Gonatodes humeralis
1.1.2 Gehyra oceanica Breeding pair
1.1 Hemidactylus prashadi Breeding
2.4 Stenocercus eunetopsis
5.5 Stenocercus fimbriatus Adults
0.0.20 Stenocercus fimbriatus
5.5 Potamites ecpleopus
5.5 Potamites spec. nova
3.3 Anolis bombiceps
2.2 Anolis transversalis
2.2 Anolis ortoni
1.1 Anolis scypheus
0.1 Goniurosaurus yingdeensis CB20
2.2 Polychrus peruvianus
Futterinsekten - Versand von Mo bis Do das ganze Jahr über
Riesen Auswahl an Futterinsekten. Versand täglich von Montag bis Donnerstag. Hammer Preise für Großabnehmer.
Wüstenheuschrecken, Wanderheuschrecken, Heimchen, Steppengrillen, Mehlwürmer, Zophobas, Buffalowürmer, Wachsmaden, Rosenkäferlarven, Terfly, Drosophila uvm.
Tauwürmer und Dendrobena für Schildkröten, Axolotl, Molche usw.
Wir liefern ausschließlich Qualitätsinsekten der proinsects GmbH. Täglich frisch für uns verpackt.
Darüber hinaus findest du bei uns eine große Auswahl an Terraristikzubehör der verschiedensten Marken.
easy Zoo - Wildnis zu Hause erleben
Looking for crested gecko and gargoyle gecko
PREMIUM Looking for
Correlophus ciliatus (crested gecko) up to 30 babys
Rhacodactylus auriculatus (gargoyle gecko) up to 20 baby's
meeting in March or April DDI or Hamm
Heterodon nasicus 2021 babies
!!!Hallo!!! Just added babies of Heterodon nasicus from this year, all offered animals are in 100% health and eat thawed pinkies on regular basis. All genetic informations are on each photo on my web, link is here: https://www.ocreptiles.net/available/heterodonnasicus/.
Photos of parents and more info, please send me e-mail. Delivery to Houten and Hamm shows possible if its takin place (looks promising now). Other delivery(US, Canada, Asia....etc) possible after consultation. Have a nice summer and hopefully you all get what you are looking for. OCReptiles.net
FOR HAMM MARCH:Eublepharis angramainyu (Ilam province)
FOR HAMM MARCH: Eublepharis angramainyu (Ilam province) cb, pairs available Eublepharis hardwickii, cb, pairs available ALL ORDERS IN ADVANCE PLEASE ALSO DIRECT EXPORT FROM UKRAINE
herps buy, sell and exchange.
Find animals and accessories or sell them free of charge or with a paid classified.Contact breeders and dealers from Germany and abroad.