Contact wanted standard ads [Page 5]

Atlas day gecko (Quedenfeldtia moerens) young pair
For sale:
Young pair Atlas day gecko, CB 2024 (Jan van Soest line)
Amazing, colourfull species from Morocco
Always visible in the terrarium and not skittish.
Species of dry areas.
Feeds on crickets
Cool behaviour and can become very ''tame''.
Diurnal species so need UV and basking spot.
Price on request.
Can be brought to Hamm on 14-12.
Only serious responses, please contact by DM or Whatsapp: 00316 31953716

Takydromus dorsalis, Sakashima grass lizard
mine captive breed Takydromus dorsalis for Hamm 12/2024
at this moment
2 males
2 females
6 unsexed
+48 796115955 (whatsup)

Sale turtle Kinosternon cruentatum
Sale turtles Kinosternon cruentatum, feel free to contact me,WhatsApp: +33 6 50 66 50 92
Contact only whatsapp
+48 517 815 961
Idolomantis, Heterochaeta, Idolomorpha, Mantilia, Sphodromantis, Hemiempusa
Idolomantis keep have a specific smell of the plants of collect :)

Rhacodactylus Auriculatus / L.Leachianus / Nephrurus * / C.Cilliatus
I have Rhacodactylus Auriculatus, Leachianus Leachianus, Correlophus Cilliatus, Nephrurus wheeleri, Levis Levis, Nephrurus Levis Philbarensis Albino, Nephrurus Deleani
You can contact me via facebook / Messenger at
More photos are available on my facebook page.
I will be attending Houten 1.12.2024 and Hamm 14.12.2024 shows where you can find me and puarchase my animals.
Reedfrogs for Hamm december
i'm looking for reedfrogs to buy at the Hamm show
import- offspring
pairs - groups - unsexed
- argus
- marmoratus
- guttulatus
- parallelus
- others...
you can contact me by mail or better facebook, whatsapp, messenger
David Rabau

Spiders&Scorpions 7.12.24 Hummene Offer
- A.geniculata L4 - 4€
- A.germani L5 - 5€
- C.laeta L4 - 8€
- C.elegans L4 - 8€
- L.parahybana L4 - 5€
- P.sazimai L4 - 6€
- O.aureotibialis L5 - 8 €
- T.albopilosus ''Honduras'' L4 - 6€
- Ch.cyaneopubescens L4 - 16€
- C.versicolor L3 - 7€
- T.vagans L3 - 5€
- H.gigas - 5€
- P.irminia L4 - 5€
- P.sp domican purple L3 - 25€
- C.versicolor L5 - 17€
- P. insignis ecuador 3DC - 50€
- T. stirmi 6DC - 50€
- D. pentaloris 4DC - 25€
- P.sp tigris 5DC - 140€
- P.victorii 5DC - 120€
- B.hamorii 3,5DC - 55€
- M.robustum 4DC - 90€
- P.victorii 4,1DC - 70€
- N.chromatus 5DC - 30€
- G.pulchripes 6DC - 90€
- P.pulcher 4DC - 35€
- N. incei "classic" 3,5DC - 10€
- B. alpiceps 4,5-5DC - 90€
- P.sp manabi 4,5DC - 120€
- L.megatholeides 3,5DC - 30€
- Ch. sp blue vietnam 4,5DC - 35€
- C.sp hati hati 3,5DC - 30€
- P.irminia 5DC - 30€
- D.sp Panama 1,5DC - 130€
- A.bicoloratum 5DC - 500€
True spiders:
- Holconia murrayensis l5 - 12€
- Latrodectus geometricus l2 - 5€
- L. tricarinatus i3 - 5€
- L. australasiae i4 - 12€
- T. serrulatus i3 - 5€
- H.silenus i3 - 30€
- Pseudolychas ochraceus i2 - 40€
Bulk offer:
T. albopilosus "Nicaragua" L3 - 2€
x180 - 200€
- A.geniculata 1DC 5€/each
x100 - 300 €
- C.versicolor L2 - 5€/each
x100 - 400€
Contact via whatsapp, e-mail, DM

Terrarium FREE - Animal NOT Included
Dimensions 125x60x50.
Location: Ingolstadt
Only personal pickup!!! Please make sure your car is big enough. Please bring someone you can carry it with.
Im leaving Germany on the 15th of December, so please contact me
Price: FREE, just for pickup

Finding Claudius angustatus Kinosternon carinatus
Looking for a male Claudius angustatus and a Kinosternon carinatus larger than 12cm
If you are willing to sell, please contact my WhatsApp +33650665092

Warteliste für Chamaeleo calyptratus calcarifer
Suche Pioniere :)
Searching for pioneers :)
Mein Pärchen Chamaeleo calyptratus calcarifer (Unterart von Chamaeleo calyptratus) hat sein erstes Gelege, das befruchtet ist.
Da diese Art noch nicht im Hobby vertreten ist und die Infos sehr rar gesät sind suche ich Halter und Menschen, die Halter dieser Art werden wollen ,die an der Erforschung in der Haltung mitwirken möchten , sich austauschen und Informationen sammeln.
Wer Interesse an den tollen Tieren hat und sich vorstellen kann, in Zukunft diese zu halten und ggf an den Publikationen mitwirken möchte darf sich gern bei mir melden.
Für Import/Export finden wir Wege.
Die Nachzuchten sind voraussichtlich Juli/August 2025 abgabebereit.
1.1 1000€
My pair Chamaeleo calyptratus calcarifer (subspecies of C.calyptratus) has its first clutch of eggs that is fertilized.
Since this species is not yet represented in the hobby and the information is very rare, I am looking for owners and people who would like to become owners of this species, who would like to participate in research into husbandry, exchange ideas and collect information.
If you are interested in that great animals and can imagine keeping them in the future and would like to contribute to the publications, please feel free to contact me.
We can find ways for Import/Export.
The animals will be ready July/August 2025 for new homes.
1.1 1000€

Uroplatus ebenaui availiable - Hamm.
I have some Uroplatus ebenaui offspring available.
Individual pictures on request.
Trade possible for Uroplatus pietschmanni or Phelsuma ornata, guimbeaui.
Feel free to contact me if you are interested or have any questions.

I'm looking forTheloderma palliatum and nebulosum
I'm looking for
Theloderma palliatum and nebulosum
Please contact me. I'm also interested in contacts with other keepers
0.1 Granulifera Palmar Norte
Selling 0.1 Granulifera Palmar Norte ( 175 euros) or exchange to male
i go to Marktheidenfeld
Contact me to whattsapp : +32 471 72 01 46

Bulks offer available……………………………………
Slings available in bulk:
Cyclosternum sp Aureum
Cyriopogopus sp Sumatran Tiger
Davus sp Colombia
Davus sp Panama
Dolichothele rufoniger
Phormingochilus sp Sabah Red
Phormingochilus sp Sabah Blue
Phormingochilus sp Akcaya
Theraphosa blondi
Xenesthis intermedia
Whats app +48576181290
Suche / Search Omanosaura Jayakari x.x.x
Suche / Search
Omanosaura Jayakari x.x.x
Kontakt via email
Contact via email

0.0.2 Heloderma horridum exasperatum offspring
These beautiful Mexican beaded lizards (Heloderma horridum exasperatum) young can go to a new home.
Come from 2 beautiful parents Gompie and Smaug. Smaug comes from Spanish unrelated parents and Gompie comes from a Dutch breeder.
Born on January 5, 2024, 2 animals still available.
If you have any questions or more, please send a message. We can have the animals DNA sexed, but then the price is also higher. If you are interested in this, please let us know. We then request full payment for the DNA sexing. Animals are therefore immediately chipped. Please contact us for price with DNA and chip.
Suche/Searching for Gonyosoma frenatum "blue"
Wir sind auf der Suche nach der blauen/türkisen Variante der asiatische Zügelnatter (Gonyosoma frenatum).
Bei Angebot bitte melden.
Abholung in Hamm möglich.
We are looking for the blue/turquoise variety of the Rein Snake (Gonyosoma frenatum).
Please contact us if you have an offer.
Pick up in Hamm possible.

Pamphobeteus ultramarinus 10/24 LAST 0.0.20 Hamm 14.12.24
Hamm 14.12.24
Pamphobeteus ultramarinus 0.0.20 10/2024
I'm looking for/ suche :
Male 1.0 semi/sub/adult
P.ultramarinus , .
Female 0.1 young adult
+48 884904171
Looking for baby snakes, Hamm December
Im looking for a baby snakes on Hamm in December:
Hydrodynastes gigas
Pituophis catenifer
Pituophis deppei jani
Contact me by mail or WhatsApp +48789287087

Two Reticulated Pythons Jampea 50%, GCH 25% dworf
For Sale: Two Reticulated Pythons (Malayopython reticulatus)
• Female: 50% Jumpea, het albino, poss het anery
• Male: 25% dwarf, Golden Child, Lavender Albino
I’m selling them along with all necessary equipment, including two terrariums (180x60x50), Heka heating panels, and thermostat. Price for everything: €500, or €300 for the snakes alone.
The snakes are available for pickup in Bad Berleburg, Germany. I’m also open to trades for a PlayStation console or Apple Watch.
Please contact me for more details!
Contact wanted Premium ads [Page 5]

.............. .............. Retail/ Wholesale
Safely shipping with UPS express (24-48h max) in all EU.
Avicularia hirschii/ variegata/ minatrix/ rufa (Brazil)/ urticans green/ marienae
Homoeomma chilensis/ Davus sp Panama / Cyriopagups sp Valhalla
Ornithoctoninae sp Phan Cay/ Vietnam silver/ Cho Chi Minh
Grammostola rosea/iheringi/actaeon/pulchra
Theraphosa blodni/ apophysis
Ybyrapora diversipes/ sooretama
Phormingochilus pennellhewlettorum/ Akcaya
and many more on
+31633489306 (what's app)

Flowerbeetles and others
Flowerbeetles and others
Available :
Flowerbeetles :
Cheirolasia Burkei
Chlorocala Africana Africana
Chlorocala Conjux
Chlorocala Africana Oertzeni
Dicronorrhina derbyana layardi
Dicronorhina derbyana conradsi
Dicronorhina derbyana oberthuri
Eudicella pythia
Eudicella hornimani
Eudicella Frontalis
Eudicella Morgani
Eudicella Trilineata Interruptefasciata
Gymnetis Pantherina
Mecynorrhina torquata ugandensis
Mecynorrhina Torquata Immaculicollis
Mausoleopsis amabilis
Pachnoda prasina
Pachnoda sinuata
Pachnoda iskuulka
Pachnoda Fissipuncta
Protaetia Culta Culta
Protaetia Nox
Protaetia Speciosa Jousselini
Eurycantha calcarata
Eurycantha Horrida
Eurycantha insularis
Mnesilochus portentosus
Taraxippus Samarae "Siquirres"
Trachyaretaon brueckneri
Armadillidium Klugii "Montenegro"
Armadillidium Sp "Casteldaccia"
Armadillidium Vulgare "T+ Albinos"
Cubaris Murina
Cubaris Sp. “White Side”
Cubaris Sp "Panda King"
Porcellio Laevis “Orange”
Porcellio Laevis “Milk Back”
Porcellio Laevis "Dairy Cow"
Porcellio Laevis “White”
Porcellionides Pruinosus "Orange"
Equipment and others availables
Website :
( In French but you can translate with google translate )
Mail :

Bulks list, shipping all EU
Hi, i have some tarantulas in bulks:
200x N.tripepii FH1
100X P.irminia FH1
100X C.darlingi FH1/FH2
100X C.marshali FH1/FH2
100X P.lugardi FH1/FH2
30x G.rosea (portieri) FH1
I have some other species females,males,adult males and slings (just ask for list on Priv)
+48 790266096
look for wholesale EUROPEAN turtle and tortoise
PREMIUM Please contact me with quantities and prices!
if you have NON European animals, let me know in different list
thank you

Houten 04.06 Females list
Acanthoscurria geniculata 3BL 25,00
Acanthoscurria geniculata 4BL 40,00
Acanthoscurria geniculata 5/6BL 50,00
Aphonopelma seemanni 6BL 70,00
Aphonopelma seemanni Blue 2,5/3BL 50,00
Avicularia metalica 4BL 85,00
Brachypelma auratum 3BL 65,00
Brachypelma boehmei 3,5BL 60,00
Brachypelma emilia 4BL 80,00
Brachypelma hamorii 3,5BL 50,00
Brachypelma hamorii 2,5/3BL 40,00
Brachypelma hamorii 4,5/5BL 80,00
Brachypelma klaasi 3BL 65,00
Caribena laeta 2,5BL 35,00
Caribena versicolor 3,5BL 90,00
Caribena versicolor 5BL 110,00
Ceratogurus marshali 3BL 30,00
Chilobrachys fimbriatus 4BL 40,00
Chilobrachys huahini 5BL 40,00
Chilobrachys sp.dyscous blue 5BL 40,00
Chilobrachys sp.Kaeng krachan 3,5BL 40,00
Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens 5BL 60,00
Cyriopagopus sp.Hati-hati 5BL 40,00
Encyocratella olivacea 6BL 125,00
Ephebopus cyanognathus 4BL 125,00
Grammostola iheringi 5BL 180,00
Grammostola pulchripes 2,5/3BL 35,00
Hysterocrates gigas 4BL 30,00
Kochiana brunnipes 2BL 20,00
Lampropelma nigerrimum 5/6BL 60,00
Lasiodora parahybana 5BL 40,00
Lasiodora parahybana 7,5BL 60,00C
Lasiodorides polycuspulatus 4,5BL 80,00
Monocentropus balfouri 4BL 40,00
Neoholothele inicei Gold 3BL 20,00
Nhandu chromatus 3BL 20,00
Nhandu chromatus 4,5BL 35,00
Nhandu coloratovillosus 3,5BL 35,00
Nhandu tripepii 3BL 35,00
Nhandu tripepii 5BL 50,00
Orphnaecus sp. "Panay Blue" 4,5BL 40,00
Pamphobeteus antinous cadilliora azul 5BL 150,00
Pamphobeteus sp. Platyomma 5BL 125,00
Pamphobeteus sp.Mascara 3BL 60,00
Pamphobeteus sp.Mascara 5BL 125,00
Pelinobius muticus 4BL 40,00
Phormictopus atrichomatus 5,5BL 60,00
Phormingochilus arboricola 4BL 40,00
Poecilotheria regalis 3,5BL 30,00
Poecilotheria rufilata 5BL 50,00
Psalmopeus cambridgei 4,5BL 35,00
Psalmopeus irminia 2,5/3BL 25,00
Psalmopeus pulcher 2,5BL 25,00
Psalmopeus pulcher 4BL 40,00
Psalmopeus reduncus 4,5BL 35,00
Pterinochilus lugardi 4BL 50,00
Pterinochilus murinus Usambara 4BL 35,00
Pterinopelma sazimai 3BL 30,00C
Pterinopelma sazimai 5BL 50,00
Theraphosa apophysis 7BL 200,00
Theraphosa blondi 3BL 100,00
Tliltocatl albopilosum Nicaragua 3/3,5BL 25,00
Tliltocatl albopilosum Nicaragua adult 50,00
Tliltocatl albopilosum 4,5BL Honduras 25,00
Tliltocatl vagans 3BL 20,00
Tliltocatl vagans 5,5/6BL 40,00
Xenesthis intermedia 3,5BL 130,00
Contact me:
Facebook: papa-spiders
Whats up: +48 790266096

Shipping all europe - true spiders, scorpiones and other
Shipping all europe, contact:
Jumping spiders:
P.regius white Bahama l4/5 - 25eur
P.regius everglades l4/5 – 25eur
E.rufiscapilus l2/3 - 15eur
E.walckeaneri l2/3 - 15eur
L.obscurior females - 18eur
L.elegans females - 30eur
Heteropoda javana l5/6 - 13eur
Holconia murrayensis l2 -13eur
H.murrayensis l3/4 - 14eur
Eusparassus walckeaneri l2/3 – 10eur
Euagrus mexicanus l3 - 6eur
Linothele fallax l2/3 - 6eur
Linthele sericata l4 – 9eur
Fufius lanicus l3/4 – 9eur
Cyrtocarenum sp. Albania l3 - trapdoor - 20eur
D.sanguinea l2/3 - 5eur, 10x 35eur
B.occidentalis l2 - 10eur
L.australisae (partenogeneza) l2- 9eur
H.silenus l2 - 18eur
H.silenus l3 - 19eur
Euscorpis cf tergestinus pair - 16eur
C.bicolor l3- 20eur
B.jacksoni l2 - 16,5eur
S.cingulata adult - 25eur
S.cingulata medium - 18eur
P.hispaniolae semi/sub – 25eur
C.acosta (partenogeneza!!!) - medium size - 40eur
C.sp blue vietnam l2/3 --- 5eur
G.pulchripes l2 --- 7eur
H.Columbia gross l4 --- 5eur
H.maculata l1 --- 2,5eur
N.chromatus l2 --- 2 eur
O.cebu small l3 —- 5eur
C.versicolor 3cm - 50eur
C.hati hati 3cm - 25eur
T.vagans 2 – 2,5cm --- 18ur
T.albopilosus 3cm —- 17eur
N.chromatus 2cm –- 15eur
N.coloratovillosus 2,5cm --- 25eur
M.balfouri 2-2,5cm --- 30eur
![Spiders and Scorpions kaufen und verkaufen Photo: TERRAPLAZA SHOW 23.04 [PREORDER -20%] *AVICULARIA HIRSHII* Spiders and Scorpions kaufen und verkaufen Photo: TERRAPLAZA SHOW 23.04 [PREORDER -20%] *AVICULARIA HIRSHII*](/tb/u/854/38/a986433/tB/W5UDInjNzVQX.png)
*`*`*`* [PREORDER -20%] *`*`*`*
We THE Spider’s Empire will go to the TERRAPLAZA show. We will start the travel on Friday 20.04 and go though this route:
Oława → Brno → Bratyslava → Budapest
and back on Sunday 23.04 the same road.
We have a possibility to meet with you on ours route and deliver the spider’s directly to yours place
WHAT’SAPP:+48 783 262 453
P. Murinus Usambara 3.5-4BL - 24
X. Intermedia 1.5-2BL - 100 «[** RARE! **]»
T. Blondii 1.5-2BL - 100
Chromatopelma 3BL - 60
Balfouri Subadult - 60
Balfouri Adult - 70
T. Nicaragua Adult - 60
A. Seemani Adult - 70
P. Reduncus Adult - 35
H. Pulchripes 3BL - 50
C. Darlingi Subadult - 35
B. Albiceps 3BL – 50
B. Albiceps Subadult - 130
A. Bicegoi Adult - 260 «[** RARE! **]»
A. Bicegoi Subadult - 230
A. Bicegoi Semi - 180
A. Rufa Adult - 250 «[** RARE! **]»
A. Rufa Subadult - 220
A. Rufa Semi - 170
A. Auriantaca Adult - 250 «[** RARE! **]»
A. Auriantaca Subadult -220
A. Auriantaca Semi - 180
B. Lamasii Adult - 300 «[** RARE! **]»
A.Germani 3BL 30
P. Antinous Big Black 4BL – 100 (1.0 3,5BL - 80)
P. Costa Adult - 150
P. Goliath Adult - 150
P. Miranda 3BL - 50
O. Ho Chi Minh Adult - 250
P. Murinus TCF Kenya Adult - 50
P. Murinus BCF Adult - 80
H. Schmidti KE BANG 3-3,5BL – 210 (1.0 3BL - 60 )
Ch. Orange Thailand 3,5-4BL - 70
C. Versicolor - 9
Y. Sooretama - 38 «[** RARE! **]»
A. Peru Purple - 10
A. Variegata – Amazonica Manaus - 39
A. Purpurea - 20
A. Geroldi - 28
M. Robustum - 22
G. Pulchra - 24
A. Geniculata - 5
P. Dominican Purple - 40
P. Pulcher - 8
T. Blondii - 60
H. Maculata - 6
P. Murinus RCF - 5
A. Bicegoi - 38 «[** RARE! **]»
P. Akcaya - 35
P. Rufilata - 15
A. Rufa (Brasil) - 35
A. Merianae - 30
P. Sazimai - 5
M. Balfouri - 12
A. Hirshii - 150 «[** RARE! **]»
A. Minatrix - 30
A. Auriantaca - 42 «[** RARE! **]»
A. Rufa (Peru) - 40 «[** RARE! **]»
Ch. Huahini - 5
Ch. Electric Blue - 20
Chromatopelma - 12
P. Irminia - 5
P. Cambridgei - 5
H. Pulchripes – 20
1.3 B. Shroederi 3BL «[** RARE! **]» 0.1 – 90, 1.0 - 70
2.8 P. Petersii Subadult/Adult 1.4 - 450
2.2 A. Bicegoi subadult 1.1 - 320 «[** RARE! **]»
3.9 A. Auriantaca adult/subadult 1.3 - 750 «[** RARE! **]»
3.3 A. Rufa semiadult 1.1 - 300
2.6 A. Rufa adult/subadult 1.3 - 750 «[** RARE! **]»
P. Platyomma 1-1,5BL - 30
L.Parachybana 3,5-4,5BL - 20
P. Magnanegra 1,5-2BL - 42 «[** RARE! **]»
Ch. Blue Viegtnam 2BL - 12
Ch. Electric Blue 2BL - 28
P. Cambridgei 1-1,5BL - 9
P. Murinus Usambara 1-1,5BL – 8

M. viridis | green tree python
Bieten Baumpython | Morelia viridis ||| offer Chondro | GTP
We‘re offering some own captive bred hold backs of the last years.
Wir trennen uns von ein paar Hold Back Tieren aus den letzten Jahren.
AR1801-08 - 1.0
AR1802-01 - 0.1 sold | verkauft
AR2202-04 - 0.0.1 sold | verkauft
A hand over at the Terraristika Hamm in June is possible. More information at our website.
Übergabe bei der Terraristika Hamm ist möglich. Mehr Informationen auf unserer Webseite. or contact us cu[at]
![Spiders and Scorpions kaufen und verkaufen Photo: HOUTEN 09.04 / RARE SPIDERS! / [A. HIRSHI] DELIVERY Spiders and Scorpions kaufen und verkaufen Photo: HOUTEN 09.04 / RARE SPIDERS! / [A. HIRSHI] DELIVERY](/tb/u/854/38/a985301/tB/cO0qnVr9bKEv.jpg)
Photo: Avicularia sp Ecuador GOLD
*`*`*`* [PREORDER -20%] *`*`*`*
We THE Spider’s Empire will go to the TERRARIA HOUTEN show. We will start ours travel on Friday 07.04 and go though this route:
Oława → Zielona-Góra → Berlin → Hannover → Houten
and back on Sunday 09.04
Houten → Dortmund → Lipsk → Dresden → Oława
We have a possibility to meet with you on ours route and deliver the spider’s directly to yours place
WHAT’SAPP:+48 783 262 453
40x P. Murinus Usambara 3.5-4BL - 24
50x X. Intermedia 1.5-2BL - 100 «[** RARE! **]»
80x T. Blondii 1.5-2BL - 100
10x Chromatopelma Subadult - 70
20x Balfouri Subadult - 60
30x Balfouri Adult - 70
10x T. Nicaragua Adult - 60
10x A. Seemani Adult - 70
5x P. Reduncus - 35
5x H. Pulchripes - 50
5x C. Darlingi - 35
5x B. Albiceps - 50
20x A. Bicegoi Adult - 260 «[** RARE! **]»
20x A. Bicegoi Subadult - 230
20x A. Bicegoi Semi - 180
20x A. Rufa Adult - 250 «[** RARE! **]»
20x A. Rufa Subadult - 220
20x A. Rufa Semi - 170
20x A. Auriantaca Adult - 250 «[** RARE! **]»
20x A. Auriantaca Subadult -220
20x A. Auriantaca Semi - 180
10x B. Lamasii Adult - 300 «[** RARE! **]»
D.Pentaloris Adult 36
O.Violaceopes Adult 100
H.Gigas Adult 42
A.Germani 3BL 30
P. Antinous Big Black 4BL – 100 (1.0 3,5BL - 80)
X. sp Bright 4Bl – 160
P. Costa Adult - 150
P. Goliath Adult - 150
P. Miranda 3BL - 50
O. Ho Chi Minh Adult - 250
P. Murinus TCF Kenya Adult - 50
P. Murinus BCF Adult - 80
H. Schmidti KE BANG 3-3,5BL – 210 (1.0 3BL - 60 )
Ch. Orange Thailand 3,5-4BL - 70
900x C. Versicolor - 9
80x Y. Sooretama - 38 «[** RARE! **]»
300x A. Peru Purple - 10
100x O. Violaceopes - 12
30x A. Variegata – Amazonica Manaus - 39
50x L. Borneo Black - 10
200x A. Purpurea - 20
15x A. Geroldi - 28
80x M. Robustum - 22
20x G. Pulchra - 24
40x A. Geniculata - 5
90x P. Dominican Purple - 40
50x P. Pulcher - 8
40x T. Blondii - 60
80x H. Maculata - 6
50x P. Murinus RCF - 5
200x A. Bicegoi - 38 «[** RARE! **]»
100x P. Akcaya - 35
30x P. Rufilata - 15
80x A. Rufa (Brasil) - 35
100x A. Merianae - 30
10x P. Highland - 20 «[** RARE! **]»
220x P. Sazimai - 5
50x M. Balfouri - 12
50x A. Hirshii - 150 «[** RARE! **]»
100x A. Minatrix - 30
60x A. Auriantaca - 42 «[** RARE! **]»
70x A. Rufa (Peru) - 40 «[** RARE! **]»
200x Ch. Huahini - 5
75x Ch. Electric Blue - 20
1200x Chromatopelma - 12
120x P. Irminia - 5
70x P. Cambridgei - 5
50x H. Pulchripes – 20
80x P. Sabah Blue - 60
300.300 Chromatopelma 2,5-3BL 1.1 - 70
1.11 B. Shroederi 3BL «[** RARE! **]» 0.1 – 90, 1.0 - 70
2.8 P. Petersii Subadult/Adult 1.4 - 500
40.40 A. Bicegoi subadult 1.1 - 320 «[** RARE! **]»
20.60 A. Auriantaca adult/subadult 1.3 - 750 «[** RARE! **]»
10.10 A. Rufa semiadult 1.1 - 300
10.30 A. Rufa adult/subadult 1.3 - 750 «[** RARE! **]»
100x P. Platyomma 1-1,5BL - 30
150x L.Parachybana 3,5-4,5BL - 20
30x O. Violaceopes 3-3,5BL - 35
30x P. Regalis 2BL - 12
15x P. Magnanegra 1,5-2BL - 42 «[** RARE! **]»
60x Ch. Blue Viegtnam 2BL - 12
10x P. Metallica 1,5BL - 28
20x Ch. Electric Blue 2BL - 28
30x T. Epicureanum 3-4BL - 38
20x M. Balfouri 2-2,5BL - 12
90x P. Cambridgei 1-1,5BL - 9
64x P. Murinus Usambara 1-1,5BL – 8
![Spiders and Scorpions kaufen und verkaufen Photo: TERRARIA HOUTEN 09.04 [WHOLESALE - BUSSINESS LIST] DOOR-TO-DOOR Spiders and Scorpions kaufen und verkaufen Photo: TERRARIA HOUTEN 09.04 [WHOLESALE - BUSSINESS LIST] DOOR-TO-DOOR](/tb/u/854/38/a985231/tB/yIlBVubMZJT1.jpg)
Photo: Avicularia sp Ecuador GOLD
We THE Spider’s Empire will go to the TERRARIA HOUTEN show. We will start ours travel on Friday 07.04 and go though this route:
Oława → Zielona-Góra → Berlin → Hannover → Houten
and back on Sunday 09.04
Houten → Dortmund → Lipsk → Dresden → Oława
We have a possibility to meet with you on ours route and deliver the spider’s directly to yours place
WHAT’SAPP:+48 783 262 453
40x P. Murinus Usambara 3.5-4BL
50x X. Intermedia 1.5-2BL «[*`* RARE! *`*]»
80x T. Blondii 1.5-2BL
10x Chromatopelma Subadult
20x Balfouri Subadult
30x Balfouri Adult
10x T. Nicaragua Adult
10x A. Seemani Adult
5x P. Reduncus
5x H. Pulchripes
5x C. Darlingi
5x B. Albiceps
20x A. Bicegoi Adult «[*`* RARE! *`*]»
20x A. Bicegoi Subadult
20x A. Bicegoi Semi
20x A. Rufa Adult «[*`* RARE! *`*]»
20x A. Rufa Subadult
20x A. Rufa Semi
20x A. Auriantaca Adult «[*`* RARE! *`*]»
20x A. Auriantaca Subadult
20x A. Auriantaca Semi
10x B. Lamasii Adult «[*`* RARE! *`*]»
900x C. Versicolor 4
80x Y. Sooretama «[*`* RARE! *`*]»
300x A. Peru Purple 4
100x O. Violaceopes
30x A. Variegata – Amazonica Manaus
50x L. Borneo Black
200x A. Purpurea
15x A. Geroldi
80x M. Robustum
20x G. Pulchra
40x A. Geniculata
90x P. Dominican Purple
50x P. Pulcher
40x T. Blondii
80x H. Maculata
50x P. Murinus RCF
200x A. Bicegoi «[*`* RARE! *`*]»
100x P. Akcaya
30x P. Rufilata
80x A. Rufa (Brasil)
100x A. Merianae
10x P. Highland «[*`* RARE! *`*]»
220x P. Sazimai
50x M. Balfouri
50x A. Hirshii «[*`* RARE! *`*]»
100x A. Minatrix
60x A. Auriantaca «[*`* RARE! *`*]»
70x A. Rufa (Peru) «[*`* RARE! *`*]»
200x Ch. Huahini
75x Ch. Electric Blue
1200x Chromatopelma
120x P. Irminia
70x P. Cambridgei
50x H. Pulchripes
300.300 Chromatopelma 2,5-3BL
1.11 B. Shroederi 3BL «[*`* RARE! *`*]»
2.8 P. Petersii Subadult/Adult 1.4 -
40.40 A. Bicegoi subadult 1.1 - «[*`* RARE! *`*]»
20.60 A. Auriantaca adult/subadult 1.3 - «[*`* RARE! *`*]»
10.10 A. Rufa semiadult 1.1 -
10.30 A. Rufa adult/subadult 1.3 - «[*`* RARE! *`*]»
100x P. Platyomma 1-1,5BL
150x L.Parachybana 3,5-4,5BL
30x O. Violaceopes 3-3,5BL
30x P. Regalis 2BL
15x P. Magnanegra 1,5-2BL «[*`* RARE! *`*]»
60x Ch. Blue Viegtnam 2BL
10x P. Metallica 1,5BL
20x Ch. Electric Blue 2BL
30x T. Epicureanum 3-4BL
20x M. Balfouri 2-2,5BL
90x P. Cambridgei 1-1,5BL
64x P. Murinus Usambara 1-1,5BL

Bulks for Shipping, Houten or Weinstadt
Following bulks available!
Trade possible!
50-300 Caribena versicolor - FH1
50-300 Pseudhapalopus sp Colombia (Yellow-Blue) - FH1-2
50-500 Pseudhapalopus sp Blue - FH1
50-100 Pterinochilus murinus 'Kigoma' (pure line) - FH1
50 Psalmopoeus reduncus - FH1
50 Phormingochilus sp Rufus - FH1
Contact via E-Mail for prices.

Brand new terrariums made by Future Terra available for Hamm
(Beschreibung in Deutsch unten verfügbar)
Available at main hall row 4!
- 100% recycable, nonreactive and safe for every type of living organism (our material is attested for drinking water and food storage)
- made out of solid polypropylene (PP not PVC) sheets
- heat welded construction (no glue nor silicones used)
- fully waterproof
- tempered glass front
- stainless steel, detachable hinges
- super solid, durable and long lasting product
- a perfect base for naturalistic enclosures with constant high level of humidity
Since we only produce our products for orders with minimum 4-5 weeks waiting time, this is an special opportunity to buy and test them by yourself in reality.
Available two different setups of each size:
- 60x60x60cm
- 80x40x35cm
- 40x40x40cm
Prices on the pictures. We produce customsized and customised enclosures up to 250x120x120 in one piece, and with no size limits with "combined" constructions.
For any other sizes/options/solutions/projects, contact us: or by fanpage Future Terra. Price calculator:
Brandneue Terrarien von Future Terra erhältlich mit kostenloser Abholung in Reihe 4 in der Haupthalle um 11.03 Terraristika Hamm!
- 100 % recycelbar, nicht reaktiv und sicher für jede Art von lebendem Organismus (unser Material ist für die Trinkwasser- und Lebensmittellagerung zertifiziert)
- aus massiven Polypropylenplatten (PP, nicht PVC).
- hitzeverschweißte Konstruktion (kein Kleber oder Silikone verwendet)
- vollständig wasserdicht
- Vorderseite aus gehärtetem Glas
- Edelstahl, abnehmbare Scharniere
- Super solides, haltbares und langlebiges Produkt
- eine perfekte Basis für naturnahe Gehege mit konstant hoher Luftfeuchtigkeit
Da wir unsere Produkte nur für Bestellungen mit mindestens 4-5 Wochen Wartezeit produzieren, ist dies eine besondere Gelegenheit, sie selbst in der Realität zu kaufen und zu testen.
Erhältlich zwei verschiedene Setups jeder Größe:
- 60 x 60 x 60 cm
- 80 x 40 x 35 cm
- 40 x 40 x 40 cm
Preise auf den Bildern. Wir produzieren maßgefertigte und kundenspezifische Gehäuse bis 250x120x120 in einem Stück und ohne Größenbeschränkung mit "kombinierten" Konstruktionen.

Houten/ Hamm....
To every preorder nice freebies for high amount. :)
Terraria Houten (26.02) Table- A3. Terraristika Hamm (11.03) Table ROW- W (main hall)
Offer available on the website and fully list can be send on the email.
Safely shipping with UPS express (48h max) in all EU.
Avicularia variegata minatrix/ rufa (Brazil)/ geroldi/ urticans green/ marienae
Brachypelma auratum, smithi (ex annitha)
Ornithoctoninae Vietnam silver/ Cho Chi Minh
Grammostola rosea/iheringi/actaeon/pulchra/porteri
Theraphosa blodni/ apophysis
Ybyrapora diversipes/ sooretama
Phormingochilus pennellhewlettorum, Sabah blue
and many more on
+31633489306 (what's app)
Looking for albino tortoises
PREMIUMLooking for hatchling-adult albino or het albino tortoises no sulcata. I am open to pretty much anything else also interested in other morphs of Tortoise like hypo/het hypo. If you are not willing to export I can arrange for a third-party to do so. Contact me WhatsApp +1 858-924-2105 or email at
Looking for albino tortoises
PREMIUMLooking for hatchling-adult albino or het albino tortoises no sulcata. I am open to pretty much anything else also interested in other morphs of Tortoise like hypo/het hypo. If you are not willing to export I can arrange for a third-party to do so. Contact me WhatsApp +1 858-924-2105 or email at
herps buy, sell and exchange.
Find animals and accessories or sell them free of charge or with a paid classified.Contact breeders and dealers from Germany and abroad.