Contact wanted standard ads [Page 25]
Uroplatus henkeli CB 2020/2021
For sale 3.3.15 Uroplatus henkeli cb 20/21
Gonyosoma Frenatum - Houten or elsewhere
I am looking for Gonyo Frenatum available in houten or elsewhere, I can move.
contact me, thank you

Green puddle frog (Occidozyga lima)
Hello, I’m searching for anyone willing to sell me 6 floating frogs (occidozyga lima). Please contact me if You sell or own these frogs. Thank You very much and have a nice day!
looking for assapan/ suche assapan
Hi, I'm looking for assapan/ Flughörnchen.
Contact me via email, thanks!

Blue death-feigning beetle (Asbolus verrucosus)
Hello, I’m searching for anyone selling the blue death-feigning beetle (asbolus verrucosus) who is also willing to send it to the Czech republic. Ideally, I’d buy about 12 beetles (IDEALLY 6 pairs) from You. Please contact me if You own or sell these amazing beetles. Thank You and have a nice day!

Elapids, Bitis, venomous, Cobras
All animals ar adults or close to adults
Bitis aritetens 1,0
Bitis gabonica
Bitis Rhinoceros 0.1
Boiga dendrophila 0.1
Dendroaspis viridis 0,0,1
Naja siamensis 1,0
Naja nigrocincta woodi 2,0
Naja samarensis 1,1
Aspidelaps lubricus lubricus 1,0
Naja nubiae 1,1
Naja nigricincta 0,1
Naja arabica 1,1
Naja pallida 1,1
Helping a friend to sell his animals. Cheap if you buy in bigger numbers. Or maybe someone wants all. Contact me and we discuss.

Tiliqua sp. - Irian Jaya skink
0.0.5 irian jaya skink CB born in Italy 07/2021
100% pure contact me for more info
Avicularia purpurea 0.0.100
Avicularia purpurea 1fh 14e//each
Contact email or fb
looking for Gonyosoma....
Looking for Gonyosoma Oxycephalum
Gonyosoma Jansenii
Gonyosoma Frenatum
sex does not matter, contact me, I can move

Poecilotheria spp. female offer
I have to offer :
0.1 Poecilotheria metallica 4,5 - 5 BL
0.1 Poecilotheria striata 5-5,5 BL
0.1 Poecilotheria regalis 5-5,5 BL
0.1 Poecilotheria miranda 4 BL
0.1 Poecilotheria tigrinawesseli 4 BL
0.1 Poecilotheria smithi 4-4,5 BL
Possible shipping to all EU countries
Morelia spilota Harrisoni 0.1
I'm looking for a female morelia spilota harrisoni/irian jaya whatever you call it...
I'm in France but can come in Germany depending of where you are, if you have one for sale plz contact ^^

correlophus ciliatus LW /21
7 nsex for sale.
Individual prices.
Great discount when buying them all. Transport throughout Europe. Please do not hesitate to contact us.

1.0 Lygodactylus Williamsi
I sell adult (2019, Germany) male Lygodactylus Williamsi. For more info, please contact me. I'll like to send another photo.
Gonyosoma Prasinum Male or female
I'm looking for Male or female gonyosoma Prasi; young or adult.
Contact me, I can move.
Ich suche männliches oder weibliches Gonyosom Prasi; jung oder erwachsen.
Kontaktieren Sie mich, ich kann mich bewegen.
Je recherche Mâle ou femelle gonyosoma Prasi; jeune ou adulte.
Contactez moi, je peux me déplacer.

Avicularia purpurea 0.0.xx
Avicularia purpurea fh1
0.0.xx - 10e/each
Contact email or
Shipping venomous snakes to the UK
I'm searching for some particular venomous species and I'm looking for venomous snake breeders that will ship them to me in the UK.
Please contact me if you can help.
Thank you

looking for Morelia Viridis HY and Blue line
Looking for morelia viridis,
Contact me by email
I am Looking for THH and TGI
I am Looking for THH and TGI
Please contact me
WhatsApp: +45 30303576
Tiliqua Nigrolutea (Alpine Blotched Blue Tongue)
Please contact me if you have any available with the price.
Thank you

Varanus Indicus/melinus/jobiensis/rudicollis/dumerili
Wanting to buy any of these species so if you have one for sale pls contact me asap :).
Best regards//Freddy
Contact wanted Premium ads [Page 25]
herps buy, sell and exchange.
Find animals and accessories or sell them free of charge or with a paid classified.Contact breeders and dealers from Germany and abroad.