Contact wanted standard ads [Page 18]
Looking for the following (pickup at Houten 26/2/23)
Looking for:
0.1 Pantherophis guttatus Palmetto 2020 or earlier
0.1 100% het for Palmetto. 2020 or earlier
1.1 Dasypeltis scabra
1.1 Lamprophis aurora
Pick up in Houten on 26/2 Please contact me by this forum of whatsapp if you have these animals to sell. Thank you!

ADULT CROTALUS ATROX (Albino, Classic,Melanistic)
classic Crotalus atrox 1.0
melanistic Crotalus atrox 1.0
albino Crotalus atrox 1.0 (sold)
contact me on email only.
can bring to hamm.

Crested geckos and gargoyle geckos for Hamm!
Possible for Hamm show:
C. ciliatus (Crested gecko):
1.0 Harlequin
0.2 Extreme Harlequin
R. auriculatus (Gargoyle gecko):
1.0 Orange Blotched
0.2 Orange Blotched
0.1 Red Stripe (red side markings)
0.1 Normal
For further information please contact me!

Hamm, Leiopython albertisii CB2022
I have 2.0 Leiopython albertisii available from my own breedings. Both are feeding well on appropriate sized frozen/thawed rodents.
2.0 2022
Can hold until September Hamm with 25% deposit.
Can deliver to HAMM in SEPTEMBER.
Please contact me for more information.
I'm looking for Ornithoctoninae sp vietnam silver
I need male ornithoctoninae sp vietnam silver.if anyone has one for sale please contact me

Leucistic boa epicrates maurus
Hi! I am desperately looking for a leucistic columbian rainbow boa, epicrates maurus! You can also contact me if you have leucistic boa constrictor for sale. Juvenile or baby animal. I wonder does anyone have or sell these in Europe? It is really my dream snake, a leucistic boa. Please contact me if you can sell me one, pickup in Hamm expos is possible. Thank you!

Breviceps adspersus/breviceps macrops!!!
Hi I'm looking for a breviceps adspersus/breviceps macrops. If you have any information, please contact me.
Bin auch in Hamm und würde mich sehr über Angebote freuen!

Looking for Thamnophis sirtalis tetrataenia
For Hamm
Searching a male for my female (or pair if no single male avaiable).
Please Contact:

Super Gravel Nachzuchten vom August 22
Die Super Gravel Königspython-Nachzuchten, die wir im August 2022 gezüchtet haben, sind wahre Schönheiten. Sie wiegen jetzt etwa 400-500g und sind besonders schön gefärbt. Im Moment sind sind noch 3 Männliche Tiere erhältlich und eignen sich hervorragend als Haustiere für Python-Liebhaber.
Sie benötigen ein angemessenes Terrarium mit ausreichender Wärmequelle, um sich wohlzufühlen. Auch eine regelmäßige Fütterung mit Mäusen oder Ratten ist wichtig, um ihren Bedarf an Proteinen zu decken.
Wenn Sie Interesse an einem dieser wunderschönen Königspython-Nachzuchten haben, zögern Sie nicht, uns zu kontaktieren. Wir freuen uns darauf, Ihnen weitere Informationen zu diesen wundervollen Tieren zu geben und Ihnen bei der Wahl des perfekten Haustieres zu helfen
The Super Gravel python hatchlings that we bred in August 2022 are true beauties. They now weigh approximately 400-500g and are particularly beautifully colored. Both sexes are available and make excellent pets for python enthusiasts.
They require a suitable terrarium with sufficient heat source to feel comfortable. Regular feeding with mice or rats is also important to meet their protein needs.
If you are interested in one of these beautiful Super Gravel python hatchlings, do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to providing you with more information about these wonderful animals and helping you choose the perfect pet.

LOOKING for desert rain frog/breviceps adspersus/breviceps macrops!!
Hello I'm looking for breviceps adspersus/breviceps macrops, also known as desert rain frogs. If you have any information, please contact me ASAP at this email: !

Northern Blue Tongue Skinks (Tiliqua scincoides intermedia) for sale
Tiliqua scincoides intermedia for sale:
I have lots of babies available born this month (Jan 2023) and many more are coming soon.
£300 each and I can do deals on multiples.
RARE OPPORTUNITY - I also am selling most of my adult Northern collection as I am wanting to down size so I have lots of males and females available. All are Classic Northerns.
Please contact me if you're interested

Claudius angustatus, Staurotypus salvinii, S. triporcatus, D. mawii
Claudius angustatus, Staurotypus salvinii, Staurotypus triporcatus, Dermatemys mawii
We are importers from Spain. We deliver monthly around Europe. Please contact us if you want to receive our complete list.

Wholesale Gecko Collection, Leachianus, Chahoua,Terrariums + racks
1.1 R.Leachianus Moro (2013 - 2018) Proven Bonded
0.1 R.Leachianus Moro (2019) RTB
1.0 R.Leachianus CF x Troeger RTB (2020)
0.0.1 R. Leachianus Moro (2022)
0.1 R. Chahoua. Mainland (2020) RTB
1.0 R. CHahoua Mainland (2020) RTB
1.1 R. Chahoua Mainland (2018) (Proven Bonded)
1.1 E. Vieilliardi (2015) (Proven Bonded)
1.1 E. Vieilliardi (2020) (Proven Bonded)
1.1 E. Vieilliardi (2021)
0.0.1 E.Vieilliardi (2022)
1.0 C.Cilliatus (2020) Red Phantom LW
1.1 G. Maginata (2018) (proven Bonded)
1x R. Leachianus Moro
1x R. Chahoua
6x EXO TERRA 45x45x60 With Backgrounds and lights
2X EXO TERRA 45x45x90 With Backgrounds and lights
1X Black metal rack to place 8 exo terras on
1X Terrarium Racks with 12X glass terrariums with light an backgrounds Great for juveniles
1X Lanzo Herp baby rack with 25X plastic tubs great for arboreal Hatchlings
1X Incubator for eggs
and lots of other equipment can be included in the deal.
Trading with Heloderma, Ctenosaura, Sauromalus.
Contact me on
WhatsApp: +45 28977399 // Danish Dragons

Asseln, cubaris, Merulanella, Porcellio, armadillidium, tausenfüsser
Pictures just shows few of the more than 200 spicies i hold... 170 spicies of isopods and 30 milipedes... Interrested?
Feel free to contact me ????

Bloodline trade with cb Chalcides ocellatus ocellatus
Hi ! My female Chalcides ocellatus ocellatus gave birth to three babies in September and I want to do something with them. I think it's a species that is not well-enough established in the hobby, and even though I have six WC animals, I don't think it's enough to produce more than two bloodlines...
So I want to trade some of my babies with other individuals of a different lineage. If you breed or have adults cb that you would trade against mines, contact me via mails :)
I am located in the north of France, but I can deliver them in Bethune or Houten show.
Searching for Hemidactylus, Paroedura, and Homopholis
I'm looking for Hemidactylus squamulatus, Paroedura lohatsara, Homopholis fasciata and possibly Afroedura species as well. If you have any available, please contact me by email. Thanks.

Suche Kinosternon vogti (1,1 oder NZ's)
Hallo, ich suche Kinosternon vogti - vorzugsweise 1.1 oder NZ's.
Bitte alles anbieten - vielen Dank.
Kontakt unter
Hello, I'm looking for Kinosternon vogti - preferably 1.1 or NZ's.
Please offer everything - thank you.
Contact at

birth of 50 babies iguana albinos red crushfield
Birth of 50 babies iguana red albinos crushfield and albinos lemon in March 2023 in France NC. contact me for more information.
Looking for hemidactylus imbricatus
Im looking for a group off hemidactylus imbricatus.
Please contact me if you sell or know someone who sell them.
King regards,
Looking for scorpions to buy
Im looking for the next scorpions to add to my collection:
Orthochirus innesi
Tityus obscurus
Lychas scutilus
Please contact me if you sell or know someone.
King regards,
Contact wanted Premium ads [Page 18]
herps buy, sell and exchange.
Find animals and accessories or sell them free of charge or with a paid classified.Contact breeders and dealers from Germany and abroad.