Contact wanted standard ads [Page 16]

Agama kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Pogona vitticeps for sale +2
Sell Agama

Pogona vitticeps for sale

I have hundreds pieces of Pogona vitticeps for sale. Size 15cm - 20cm. Price according to amount.

Czech Republic

Contact: +420 732 744 884 WhatsApp, Honza Šesták Facebook

Geckos kaufen und verkaufen Photo: 0.0.4 Höckerkopfgecko (Rhacodactylus auriculatus) +2
Sell Geckos

0.0.4 Höckerkopfgecko (Rhacodactylus auriculatus)

Ich gebe meine ersten Jungtiere dieses Jahres ab. Diese wunderschönen Tiere sind zwischen Februar und März geschlüpft (genaues Schlupfdatum pro Tier vorhanden) und die Morphe ist Reticulated.

Die Geschlechter können (noch) nicht mit 100% Sicherheit bestimmt werden. Preise varieren je nach Färbung und Musterung. Reservationen sind möglich.

Für weitere Informationen stehe ich gerne zur Verfügung.

(Upload weitere 4 Jungtiere folgt in Kürze.)


I am giving away my first hatchlings of this year. These beautiful animals hatched between February and March (exact hatching date per animal available) and the morph is Reticulated.

The sexes cannot (yet) be determined with 100% certainty. Prices vary depending on coloration and pattern. Reservations are possible.

For further information please contact me.

(Upload of 4 more kittens will follow soon).

Search Poison dart frogs

gezocht!! Ranitomeya Benedictus

Ik zoek een groepje Ranitomeya Benedictus, u mag mij contacteren.

i´m looking for a small group Ranitomeya Benedictus. please contact me when you have some for sale. thx!

Snakes kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Looking for Philodryas baroni
Search Snakes

Looking for Philodryas baroni

Sháním mládě Philodryas baroni.
Looking for baby Philodryas baroni.
Contact email:

Spiders and Scorpions kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Birupes simoroxigorum FH 1
Sell Spiders and Scorpions

Birupes simoroxigorum FH 1

I have fresh slings B.simoroxigorum
5 stk 210 €
10 stk 380 €
20 stk 600 €

Shipping to Europe or
pick up in person i Gdynia (Poland)
Contact :

Search other lizards

Suche/Tauche Gallotia arten

Ich suche Gallotia arten (kein stehlini und eisentrauti) und ich kann tauchen mit mein Gallotia stehlini oder Gallotia galloti eisentrauti.

Für Kontaktinformationen zu Personen, die sie noch aufbewahren, sind ich sehr dankbar

I am looking for Gallotia species (except stehlini and eisentrauti) and I can potentially trade against offspring from my Gallotia stehlini or Gallotia galloti eisentrauti

Any hints or contact info on people still keeping them is much appreciated

Lizards kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Stocklist Animal corner Pijnacker +2
Sell Lizards

Stocklist Animal corner Pijnacker

Prices are per animal. Reservations can be made with 25% deposit. Please contact for more info.

Chamaeleo calyptratus 0.3 CB’22 €85.-
Correlophus ciliatus CB'22 1.0.2 €85.-
Correlophus ciliatus CB’21 2.0 €95,-
Correlophus ciliatus CB’22/23 0.0.6 €50.-
Ctenosaura pectinata 1.0 €650.-
Eublepharis macularius 3.0 CB'22 €75.-
Gekko badenii €75.-
Gekko gecko 0.0.3 CB’22 €100.-
Goniurosaurus hainanensis 0.2 CB'22 €95.-
Hemidactylus Imbricatus 0.0.X cb’23 €45.-
Hemidactylus Imbricatus 1.0 CB’21 €45.-
Laemanctus julioi 0.2 adult €300.-
Laemanctus julioi CB 6-‘23 €120.-
Lepidodactylus lugubris €12,50
Paroedura picta 4.0 adult €55.-
Paroedura picta 0.0.5 CB'23 €30.-
Phelsuma m. grandis CB’23 €45.-
Phelsuma m. grandis CB’22 1.0 €65.-
Ptychozoon kuhli 0.2 CB’20 €95.-
Pogona vitticeps 1.0 CB'22 €45.-
Rhacodactylus auriculatus adult 1.1 €200.-
Shinisaurus crocodilurus 1.1 adult (CITES A) € 750.-
Tiliqua scincoidis chimaera CB’21 €200.-
Tiliqua gigas gigas 1.0 adult €225.-
Timon lepidus melanistic 2.0 CB’22 €175.-
Tropiocalotes steudneri €12.50
Underwoodisaurus milli male CB’22 €75.-
Uromastix nigriventris 1.1 CB2021 €950.-
Paleosuchus palpebrosus 70 cm €950.-
Paleosuchus trigonatus 20cm €850.-
Osteopilus septentrionalis €25.-
Turtles and Tortoises
Centrochelys sulcata 'CB'20 0.0.5 €250.-
Sternotherus odoratus adult 2.0 €75.-
Sternotherus odoratus baby’s 2cm €35.-
Testudo hermanni boettgeri CB’22 (CITES A) €150,-
Testudo horsfieldi €120.-

Snakes kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Stocklist Animal corner Pijnacker
Sell Snakes

Stocklist Animal corner Pijnacker

Prices are per animal. Reservations can be made with 25% deposit. Please contact for more info.

Boa imperator corn island stöckl-line 7.0 CB5-'22 €150.-
Boa imperator corn island stöckl-line 0.0.9 CB6-'23 €100.-
Boa imperator VPI sunglow 1.0 CB’19 €250,-
Boa imperator Honduras 1.0 CB’17 €120.-
Boaedon fuliginosus albino 0.2 CB’22 €95.-
Candoia paulsoni Santa isabel 0.0.9 CB’22 €85,-
Eryx columbrinus loveridgei CB’21 2.1 €95.-
Gongylophis conicus 1.0 CB’16 €200.-
Gongylophis conicus 0.0.12 CB’23 €85.-0
M. reticulatus 75% SD purple albino 1.0 CB'21 €500.-
M. reticulatus 75% SD normal 1.0 CB'21 €200.-
Pantherophis guttatus 0.0.8 CB'22 €55.-
Pantherophis guttatus 0.0.3 CB'20 €65.-
Pantherophis guttatus 3.0 adult €75/€95
Pituophis catenifer affinis 2.0 €75.-
P. molurus bivittatus granite 1.0 CB’20 €375.-
P. regius lesser 0.1 CB’22 €75.-
P. regius lesser 0.1 CB’18 €95.-
P. regius 1.0 lemonblast 66% het. Clown CB’1.0 adult €100.-
P. regius Mojave CB’0.1 adult €95.-

I am looking for some emys orbicularis ingauna turtles. If you have some please contact me.

Search Geckos

Leaf-tailed geckos

I am looking for leaf-tailed geckos Orraya occultus and Saltuarius eximius or a contact to their breeder.

Turtles and Tortoises kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Florida Box Turtles for sale
Sell Turtles and Tortoises

Florida Box Turtles for sale

We have Florida box turtles available for sale.
If interested, feel free to contact for more information.

Snakes kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Elaphe quatuorlineata and Elaphe carinata +1
Sell Snakes

Elaphe quatuorlineata and Elaphe carinata

For Hamm June,

2.2 Elaphe quatuorlineata CB 2022 (Apulia locality).
2.1 Elaphe carinata CB 2022 (large animals).


Hey every body im in the search of one adult rtb male Rhacodactylus Auriculatus
And ah high quality baby Rhacodactylus Auriculatus
Im gone be at hamm on 10.6.23 if you got some nice geckos please contact me on
+41 79 756 44 21
Thanks a lot for the help

X.0 harpagomantis tricolor(Adult)for sale

if you have any questions please contact me.

I’m looking for next Houten show in June the following species of Eurydactylodes:

1.2 E. occidentalis
1.2 E. vieillardi
1.2 E. simmetricus
0.1 E. agricolae

Only 100% sexed animals. Contact to

Sell Turtles and Tortoises

Florida Box Turtles for sale

We have Florida box turtles available for sale.
If interested, feel free to contact for more information.

Spiders and Scorpions kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Verkaufe große Mengen Spinnen +2
Sell Spiders and Scorpions

Verkaufe große Mengen Spinnen

30.0.Acanthoscurria geniculata 3 cm KL
50.0 Brachypelma albopilosum nicaragua 2.5 cm KL
0.2 Cyriopagopus sp Hati- hati 2.5 cm KL
0.30 Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens 2.5 KL
0.2 Hysterocrates gigas 4 cm KL
10.10 Heteroscodra maculata 2-2.5 KL
0.10 Poecilotheria regalis 3 cm KL
10.10 Poecilotheria rufilata 2.5 cm KL
0.2 Pamphobeteus machala 3 cm KL
5.10 Phormingohilus rufus 2.5 cm Kl
15.15Psalmopeus irminia 2.5-3 cm KL
0.10 Psalmopeus cambridge 2.5-3 cm KL
0.10 Psalmopeus pulcher 2.5-3 cm KL
5.10Psalmopeus reduncus 2.5 cm KL
5.10 Idiothele mira 2 cm KL
10.20 Neoholothele incei gold 2 cm Kl
0.1 Holothele longipes 2-2.5 cm KL
0.5 Theraphosa apophysis 3.5-4 cm KL
2.2 Ornithoctonus aureotibialis 2.5 cm KL
contact FB, or

Spiders and Scorpions kaufen und verkaufen Photo: I want to buy Pterinochilus Vorax
Search Spiders and Scorpions

I want to buy Pterinochilus Vorax

I want to buy pterinochilus vorax slings or adult female. Please contact me on email if you have for sale. More is better.
Thank you :)

- bird spiders kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Poecilotheria metallica and Cyriopagopus sp. hati hati for sale
Sell - bird spiders

Poecilotheria metallica and Cyriopagopus sp. hati hati for sale

I am selling Poecilotheria metallica adult female and Cyriopagopus sp. hati hati 3.5dc female
Shipment is possible although, collection in person is more preferable in Cracow if will agree for this option I will give everything that is inside 20x20 braplast and a bonus sling.
The overal price can be negotiated. For more information and prices contact me

Ball Pythons kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Königspython Python Regius Ballpython for Hamm +2
Sell Ball Pythons

Königspython Python Regius Ballpython for Hamm

Königspython Python Regius Ballpython for Hamm 10.06.23
1.0 The Diamond (Special Russo) 06/15
1.0 Leopard Spider Piebald 08/13
1.0 Super Pastel Phantom Yellowbelly 06/16
1.0 Banana Super Pastel 09/15
0.1 Firefly (Fire Pastel) 06/14 (on hold)
0.1 Pastave (Pastel Mojave) 06/12
0.1 Ivory (Super Yellowbelly) 07/13
0.1 Pewter Phantom 07/18
0.1 4P (Phantom Pastel Pinstripe Mojave) 06/16
0.1 Crystal Champagne 07/16 (on hold)
0.1 Super Phantom Pastel 06/16
0.1 Super Pastel Phantom 07/16

Mated (Please contact us for more informations!)
0.1 Crystal Phantom poss.Yellowbelly 04/16
0.1 Pewter Pied poss. Leopard Pinstripe Spotnose 07/18

ENZ 21
1.0 Banana Firefly (Banana Fire Pastel) 07/21
0.1 Banana Firefly (Banana Fire Pastel) 07/21

ENZ 22
1.0 Super Mojave poss. GHI Pastel 08/22 (Nr. 3)
0.1 Crystal Phantom poss. Pastel 08/22 (Nr. 4)
0.1 Super Mojave poss. GHI Pastel 08/22 (Nr. 5)
1.0 Purple Passion GHI poss. Pastel Pinstripe 08/22 (Nr. 8.)